Chapter 111: The Shadow of Heaven

Quiet to self-cultivation, rather to achieve far.

At this moment, Cheng Mu felt peaceful, sitting cross-legged, carefully reading the elements of peace in his hand.

“What is the husband and Dao? The head of all things, the unnamed one.”

“Vital energy is in a trance and naturally, it is condensed into one, called Tianye. Divided into Yin into the earth, called Erye. Because the world is above the earth, Yin & Yang are in harmony and give birth to people, and they are called Sanye.”

“Contract with Dao, record the body righteously.”


He read each word carefully.

Slowly, Cheng Mu fell into a mysterious Realm.

Although the elements of the balance are obscure, but when he enters the state, it reads extremely smoothly.

At this moment, he gives a sense of Taoism.

Natural and tranquil.

After a long while.

Cheng Mu Youran woke up from a quiet state.

He looked at the own skill column, and there was an extra skill on it.


“Huh, good harvest!”

Cheng Mu is not jealous of Zhuge Liang’s enchanting talent, and can comprehend all the skills.

An evocation skill is enough to make up for his regrets.

Evoker (special skill)

Description: At the cost of sacrificing current HP/level/resurrection times, summon another world demons to come.

The higher the cost of the sacrifice, the stronger the strength of the another world demons summoned.

There is no exact description of the strength of the evoking skills.

The strength of the summoned another world demons mainly depends on the effect of Cheng Mu’s own sacrifice.

At the beginning, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao sacrificed their lives at the expense of a terrifying existence, which also shows that this skill is not weak.

“How about trying it?”

Cheng Mu thought, first sacrifice a wave with his own blood.

If he is asked to sacrifice at the cost of rank, this is within the scope of consideration.

Resurrection times?

Pull it down.

Each person can only be resurrected ten times at most, and he will not choose to use the number of resurrections as the price of sacrifice until the moment of life and death.

In general, Cheng Mu intends to use the skill of summoning demons as his final hole card.

There are top big guys like Zhuge Liang and Guan Hai.

If they can’t stand it anymore by then, that’s the time to use the evocation skills.

“Hope, this skill will never be used!”

He didn’t want to experiment either.

At this time, the final hole card.

It’s like everyone buys auto insurance, they all buy it, but they all hope that it won’t take effect.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open.

The big black cat ran in, and when he saw Cheng Mu, he suddenly stunned.

Then he ran away pretending to be nonchalant.

Cheng Mu’s thoughts were interrupted, Erzhang couldn’t figure it out and said, “What the hell?”

He knew from the beginning that this big black cat was extraordinary, but suddenly he rushed in to take a look at himself and ran away.

What is this operation.

At this time, Li Shishi rushed in.

“My son, I’m sorry, Xiao Hei is frightened!”

With that said, she still wanted to catch the big black cat by the window.

Cheng Mu stood up and pulled everyone into his arms.

“For the cat, leave it alone for now.”

It was another turn of the clouds and rain.

When the battle is over, the talents of Tianquan are long overdue.

“Cheng Mu! Come out and die!”

Tianquan stood at the forefront of the team, full of spirits.

“Last time I was hit by your treacherous trick, this time I will make you kneel down and call Dad!”

With 10,000 elite players in hand, he felt that there was nothing to stop him.

Cheng Mu rode forward without rushing to chase the moon.

Seeing Tian Quan’s arrogant expression, he looked around again.

See if Qi Renmei comes.

Since the last time Tianquan was killed, Qi Renmei has disappeared.

Although the two were a little unpleasant, but dared to kill Tianquan, Cheng Mu also admired this person very much.

He lightly taunted and went back: “The bereaved dog!”

The one who was killed by himself finally used his life-saving skills to escape back. This is not what a bereaved dog is.

“Cheng Mu, don’t be arrogant!”

As soon as Cheng Mu said that the last time Own suffered a fiasco, Tianquan jumped into a rage.

“This time you kneel down and call Dad is useless, I want you to call Grandpa!”

Cheng Mu dug his ears: “What are you shouting?”



Cheng Mu happily responded.

“You! Grass!”

Tian Quan was short of breath, and he didn’t know how to refute it.

And Cheng Mu continued to tease: “Good grandson, don’t worry, grandpa will send you on the road right away!”

The mouth-cannon has been finished, and the next step is real swords and guns.

Since he wanted to kill the courage of Tianquan this time, he would definitely say to do it.

“Kong Ming! Eight Trigrams heavens! Trapped them all!”

“Guan Hai! Leave it to you, don’t let one go!”

What about 10,000 Wandering Xia.

Since he has come to infringe his own territory, then kill without mercy!

“As the lord wishes!”

I saw Zhuge Liang’s feather fan lightly, and the entire battlefield instantly transformed.

Tianquan was horrified to find that he had actually appeared in the place that gave him an incomparable shadow.

In the Green Wolf Valley.

At this time, the valley was crowded with 10,000 people.

“Grass! What’s the matter, why did I get here?”

“Didn’t we just pass by this place? Why did we come back again.”

“What kind of skill is this, time-space transformation?”

“It’s too scary, hurry up! I have a bad feeling.”

“Walk a ghost, it’s all blocked in the back!”

Ten thousand people are in shock.

From Tianqi Town to Green Wolf Valley, it was two hours away.

But now, they are really in the Blue Wolf Valley.

Superb skill.

Of course these are just what Tianquan saw.

In the eyes of Cheng Mu.

Zhuge Liang lifted the feather fan gently, and these people began to spin around in place.

Everyone looked at the surrounding air in horror, as if there was something terrifying in the air.

But it is true.

The air in Cheng Mu’s eyes turned into an iron wall cage that the players of the Seven Kills Guild could not destroy.

Cheng Mu said lightly: “Go ahead!”

Since Tianquan was already the turtle in the urn, it was Guan Hai’s turn to appear.

“Hall Master, look at someone in front of you!”

A player has already discovered Guan Hai’s figure.

In their eyes, a murderous demon holding a bloody knife suddenly appeared in the fog in front of own.

With a fierce and killing breath, they couldn’t breathe under pressure.

“You…you are a man or a ghost!”

Coming here, Tianquan’s momentum was also weakened by three points.

Zhuge Liang’s unpredictable method, even if there are 10,000 people behind him, he does not have the slightest sense of security.

Guan Hai didn’t speak, and approached him step by step with the knife.

With every step, Tianquan’s heart beats.

Finally, he couldn’t help it.

He roared: “Fake! These are all fake! It’s all caused by Cheng Mu!”

After suffering a setback in the Green Wolf Valley, Tian Quan determined that this was an illusion.

Indeed, this is really an illusion.

However, no matter how he screamed, no matter how other players attacked.

The illusion of Green Wolf Valley doesn’t move at all.

Finally, Guan Hai stopped.

Ten thousand Wandering Xia player has held his breath, wanting to see what he is going to do.

“Don’t be afraid, there are so many of us, he is the only one!”

“Yes, yes! No matter how much he dares to approach us, he will be hacked to death.”

“Where is the mage? You can control him first!”

Everyone was talking about it, but no one dared to take the lead.

All this is really too evil.

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