Chapter 112 Joining Zhao Zilong

“Kneel down!”

Guan Hai held the Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife in his hand, and his killing intent was close to the power of heaven.

“No! You are fake! All are fake!”

Tianquan was emotional and was already on the verge of collapse.

Guan Hai puts too much pressure on him.

Immediately he yelled: “Attack! Kill him for me!”

In an instant, hundreds of skills smashed towards Guan Hai.

In fact, most players have been holding back for too long and are in urgent need of venting.

Facing the skill arrows flying towards him all over the sky, Guan Hai slowly raised the Soulbreaker.

The blade was raised above his head, and all the skills in front of him seemed to be frozen.

Not moving in the air.

“Fuck! The skills are frozen by him!”

“What kind of skill is this, fixed objects in the air?”

“Don’t fight, don’t irritate him!”

Guan Hai’s hand shook everyone instantly.

However, Tianquan still yelled, “Kill him! Kill him!”

Whether it’s real or illusion.

What he wants is to hack all the targets in front of him.

In this way, Tianquan has a sense of security.

“Fuck it! Fight it!”

Now that Tianquan has spoken, the players of the Seven Kills Guild have to obey the orders.

In fact, everyone still has a hint of illusion.

“We are crowded! He can be piled up to death!”

However, Guan Hai would not give them a chance anymore.

“Magic sword! Zhanyue!”

The Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife exuded dozens of feet of sword energy, and it suddenly smashed into Tianquan and the others.

In the terrain of the Green Wolf Valley created by Zhuge Liang, the internal passages are straight.

Regardless of Hai’s knife, they have nowhere to escape.

“God! Run!”

“What kind of skill is this, why is it such a big knife?”

“It’s over, daddy’s first time to explain here!”

“I don’t want to die yet, my damn hasn’t seen Cheng Mu yet!”

Ten thousand players wailed.

Crash, crowded, and flee.

However, they have no way at all.

Tianquan has collapsed, he looked at the huge knife shadow in the sky in disbelief: “Impossible, impossible!”

“How can you be so strong! You can’t be so strong!”


The magic knife cut down.

Although separated from the Eight Trigrams of Zhuge Liang, Cheng Mu could still feel the unparalleled power of this sword.

“General Guan is indeed unparalleled!”

Zhuge Liang praised.

Regarding the aura and the effect of pretending, it must be that the bloody knife shadow of dozens of feet is even more powerful.

The Blood Prison Soulbreaking Knife carried a monstrous killing intent, slashing everyone in the Seven Kills Guild to the sword.

The huge attack power directly shattered Zhuge Liang’s Eight Trigrams.

In the final vision of Tianquan.

He saw the broken Green Wolf Valley, and Cheng Mu, who looked indifferent on the side.

“I’m not reconciled!”

He got the answer when he was dying, all of this in Green Wolf Valley was fake.

But how can this be?

Ten thousand people died instantly, and at the same time they were prompted by the system:

“Ding! It’s a pity that you were beheaded by Cheng Mu’s subordinate Guanhai. Your resurrection count is 2!”

The exact same system prompt frightened countless Seven Kills Guild players.

“My grass, I actually deducted my two resurrection times!”

“Damn, this Cheng Mu is poisonous. Don’t call me to beat him in the future!”

“Dying once in Cheng Mu is equivalent to dying twice in other places. It’s really f*ck vicious!”

“Trash Tianquan, the number of times that daddy has been resurrected twice is gone!”

For an instant, everyone was filled with indignation.

Someone cursed Cheng Mu for being cruel, and killed 10,000 of them at the same time.

Some people are also cursing Tianquan, the number of resurrections is gone, and all this is caused by him.

At this time, Tian Quan was also listening to the system prompts in a daze.

“Twice? My two resurrection times are gone?”

He began to panic.

How long has it been since the game started, I only had seven resurrection times without the start of the national war?

Thinking of this, Tian Quan didn’t dare to think about the content of the game behind.

Whether it is the start of the national war two and a half years later, or the invasion of the extraterritorial demons ten years later.

After such a long time, he could hardly guarantee that he would not die anymore.

Immediately, he went to Tianshu and cried out: “Brother, I only have seven resurrection times left!”


The wind and clouds dissipated.

Cheng Mu looked at the huge gully on the ground with great satisfaction.

“Good job!”

He patted Hai Guan on the shoulder.

In fact, Guanhai did not exert all his strength in this strike, nor did he need to exert all his strength.

This time Cheng Mu actually had another purpose.

It is to test the strength of the Eight Trigrams of Zhuge Liang.

Obviously, the power of the Eight Trigrams heavens exceeded his expectations.

Tianquan knew that he had fallen into an illusion, and everything around him was fake.

But he just couldn’t get out, so he could only wait and die.

Now that Tianquan is alive and dead, everything is temporarily over.

“This time, you won’t bother me anymore!”

Cheng Mu thought.

Now, once committing a crime is equivalent to Death twice, who knows how to come and die indefinitely.

The ten resurrection times seem to be a lot.

But when you really die, it will be gone.

Especially now that the game has just started not long ago, it is extremely difficult to have a game experience after not cherishing the number of own resurrections.

Finish working.

Zhao Yun was actually in the queue just now.

After a few days of recuperation, he finally recovered.

Although staying in Tianqi Town for so long, Zhao Yun is still a non-staff person.

It’s time to invite him to join.

After seeing Guan Hai’s strength, Zhao Yun himself actually thought about it.

I think that when I first met Guan Hai, the two were still in the middle of each other.

Guan Hai will lose a few moves if he is successful.

After waiting for a while to meet again, Guan Hai’s strength was already equal to him.

The subsequent development went beyond Zhao Yun’s expectations.

From the battle of the three horses to the rescue of Pento, he knew that the strength gap between him and Guan Hai was getting farther and farther.

And all this is the credit of Cheng Mu.

So after Cheng Mu sent out an invitation to Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun agreed without hesitation.

“As long as Brother Cheng doesn’t dislike it, I, Zhao Yun, will go to the dog and horse’s labor!”

The system prompt dropped, proving that Cheng Mu was officially recruited to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: General

Loyalty: 90 (until death)

Level: 40

Qualification: SSR (Ghost-level qualification. Note: This is the highest qualification at this stage and cannot be Ascension.)

Commander: 68

Force: 75

Strategy: 10

Politics: 5

Skills: Gentian (Zhao Yun can ignore the difference in strength between the two sides in combat, and the more he fights.)

Sharp Spear (Zhao Yun uses a long spear as a weapon to make his Ascension 50%.)

White Horse (Zhao Yun can recruit special cavalry *White Horse Yicong.)

Seven in and seven out (Zhao Yun will attack the target seven times in a row, and the seventh attack will hit 100% critically and ignore the target’s defense.)

The 19-year-old Zhao Yun’s strength cannot be underestimated.

When he joined Tianqi Town, his qualifications automatically grew to SSR.

Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Guan Hai.

Cheng Mu can indeed start a Three Kingdoms part now.

What’s more, Zhang Shun is a character in the Water Margin. Since ancient times, the Water Margin of the Three Kingdoms has been a family, and they are all four masterpieces.

Here, Cheng Mu thought of Cao Cao again.

Cao Cao’s men, but there are also a group of talents that make him jealous and drooling.

“When, if you can turn Guo Jia over…”

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