The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1101: cut Yuan Hong


Yuan Hong, who possessed eighty-nine profound arts, really showed his invincible posture.

He hides his soul, even if his body is cut off billions of times, he can be resurrected again.

In the realm of the golden fairy, the soul is immortal, immortal and immortal.

If Cheng Mu can't kill Yuan Hong's soul today, then the entire Earth Star will be destroyed by Yuan Hong's hands!

If Yuan Hong's soul cannot be cut, all attacks are in vain!

"You all have to die!"

Yuan Hong's face already showed a ferocious expression.

His five brothers died on Earth, and the entire Earth would be buried with them!

The powerful power seriously injured Li Bai, Sun Wu and Confucius with one blow.

Profound Immortal, half-step Golden Immortal?

In front of the real Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse, no matter how powerful Xuan Xian was, he couldn't make a move.

When the three of Sun Wu were seriously injured and left the field, Cheng Mu was the only one left on the battlefield.

Hei Ling and Pang Da want to help. But without the blessing of enough faith, their strength was firmly suppressed by Yuan Hong.


under one punch.

Yuan Hong's fists hit Hei Ling fiercely.


In an instant, the invincible force blasted Hei Ling's body into two pieces.

Amidst the flying flesh and blood, monstrous turbidity began to wreak havoc.

It was the first time that Hei Ling suffered such serious injuries.

When Yuan Hong's immortal power and turbid demonic energy began to collide, the whole battlefield made a seething sound.

"It's actually the Demon King!"

Yuan Hong was also shocked by the monstrous turbidity in Hei Ling's body at this time.

He originally thought that the black order was just an ordinary monster, so he could only show it in the form of a black cat.

As a result, under his punch, Hei Ling revealed his real body.

Under the ravages of the monstrous turbid air, Hei Ling's body underwent a huge change.

When the body of the devil king was revealed on the battlefield, even the gods above the nine heavens were surprised.

"This earth-star human race is actually colluding with the demon race?"

"It should be killed! It should be killed!"

"With Yuan Hong's strength, it doesn't matter if the Demon King comes in person!"

"Everyone pay attention, once Yuan Hong kills Cheng Mu, he must immediately restrain Yuan Hong."

"Earth Star Human Race, don't die!"

Seeing that Yuan Hong had shown his invincible posture, the gods felt a lot more at ease.

And the result of Hei Ling's recasting of the demon body was to make them more determined to kill Cheng Mu!

Associating with the demons, even if Haotian spoke today, he couldn't save Cheng Mu!


"Mere devil, go to hell!"

Yuan Hong was shocked for a second.

And a second later, he continued to attack Hei Ling with both fists in his hands.

What about the devil? In Yuan Hong's eyes, they are also ants! Regardless of whether he is a demon king or not, just kill him!


With one punch, a powerful golden fist struck Hei Ling's body.

Although this punch did not split Hei Ling's body in two again, it still sent Hei Ling flying ten thousand meters away.

The huge force shattered Hei Ling's bones!


But just as Yuan Hong retracted his fist, bone-eroding turbidity attached to his fist.

The pitch-black turbidity began to devour his flesh and blood like a terrifying poison!

"Go away!"

Looking at the flesh that had been devoured, Yuan Hong roared angrily, trying to shake off the turbid air in his hands.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the turbid air remained motionless like a gangrene attached to the bone.

In just a few breaths, the flesh and blood of his hands had been corroded away!

"Damn it!"

In desperation, Yuan Hong became ruthless.

Only a click was heard.

He cut off his palm, completely cutting off the connection between the turbidity and his body.

And the broken palm was being reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The soul is immortal, and the body is immortal.

This is the horror of Golden Wonderland.


But at this moment, a long spear came out from Yuan Hong's chest.

The piercing chill emanating from the gun froze his body in the blink of an eye.


Cheng Mu let out a cold snort, and Yuan Hong's whole body turned into ice shards.

While the icy slags were flying, the entire planet began to snow heavily.

"do you died?"

Seeing that Yuan Hong disappeared from the world again, countless people watched eagerly.

If Yuan Hong could not be punished any longer, the confidence and belief they had finally condensed in their hearts would suffer a fatal blow!

"the fourth time!"

At this moment, Cheng Mu withdrew the Han Chi Spear, his expression was cold, and there was no wave in his heart.

He knew that Yuan Hong would definitely come back again.

This is only the fourth time Yuan Hong has been executed.

If Yuan Hong hadn't been punished thousands of times, he wouldn't have any fluctuations in his mind!

"Hehe, I remember it really clearly!"

The moment Cheng Mu's words fell, Yuan Hong's proud voice came again.

He mocked: "My **** said, it's useless."

"Instead of wasting time with painstaking efforts, why not obediently suffer death?"

He just wanted to make Cheng Mu despair, and let Cheng Mu die in endless pain.

Not only did he want to make Cheng Mu despair, but he also wanted to make the entire earth star tribe despair!

"Your grandma is ugly, I will kill you by sitting!"

Seeing the smug Yuan Hong, Pang Da beside him was not happy.

It roared and rushed over.

"This king tells you that Hei Ling can only be beaten by this king alone!"

It wants to avenge the Black Order.

That huge body bumped into Yuan Hong's body like a mountain.


But the next second.

Pang Da's body collided with Yuan Hong's fist, and the huge force smashed itself into debris.

The divine iron flew wildly, and the residue was scattered everywhere.

"Bah, ants!"

Seeing Pang Da turned into pieces, Yuan Hong couldn't help but spit.

"How strong does this **** think you are?"

Pang Da looks huge, like a mountain.

But he didn't expect that he was blown to pieces by Yuan Hong's punch.

Putting on airs, for a moment he believed that Cheng Mu and the others were all putting on airs.

Now that Li Bai and others are seriously injured, Hei Ling and Pang Da are not his all-in-one enemies.

Next, it's his turn to fight back!


Under the roar, Yuan Hong's body turned into a golden streamer.

With the golden light flashing, a huge fist hit Cheng Mu's body.

As a powerhouse in the Golden Wonderland. If Cheng Mu can attack Yuan Hong, then Yuan Hong can also attack Cheng Mu!

Reciprocity between etiquette.


Cheng Mu's whole body was thrown far away!

At this time, a huge dent appeared on his unicorn armor, which was the fist mark left by Yuan Hong!

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu was injured, Ao Shang and Ao Guang couldn't help but rushed forward.

They wanted to let the race forge self-confidence, but they didn't expect that Yuan Hong would be so powerful.

There is no other way.

If they don't take action again, the confidence that the human race has just gathered will collapse again!

"No problem, no problem."

However, Cheng Mu refused Ao Shang and Ao Guang's attack.

He told the two dragon kings: "In this battle, our human race must behead the intruder!"

The confidence and belief that the human race has finally gathered cannot be broken.

So even if Cheng Mu died today, he would kill Yuan Hong here!

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing Cheng Mu rejecting him, Ao Guang became a little anxious.

Although he couldn't kill Yuan Hong, he was able to restrain Yuan Hong and seal him up.

In this case, the crisis of the earth and stars will be lifted!

"The two dragon kings please watch quietly!"

Cheng Mu still didn't agree.

He has already thought of a way!

"Han Chi, get up!"

I saw him raising the cold chi in his hand again, and the fierce spear intent began to wreak havoc.

All the power in his body rushed towards the Han Chi Spear.

In just a few breaths, the chill emanating from the Han Chi Spear became even colder.

"Oh? Still stubborn?"

Seeing Cheng Mu concentrating, Yuan Hong couldn't help but sneered: "You are a gun, not a flying knife."

"Even if you become one with the gun in your hand, it's still useless!"

He just likes to see Cheng Mu struggling in despair.

The more desperate Cheng Mu is, the happier he is!

There is only one weapon in the heavens and worlds that can kill Yuan Hong, and that is the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife.

However, as an innate Lingbao-level treasure, how could the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife appear on the earth and stars?

"No, you are wrong."

But this time, Cheng Mu was very confident in the face of Yuan Hong who was extremely proud.

All the four shrines in his consciousness were opened, and a steady stream of power of faith also poured into the Han Chi gun.

"The one who can kill you will never be the Immortal Flying Knife!"

He figured it out.

Rumor has it that only the Immortal Slayer and Flying Sword can kill Yuan Hong?

No, it's not because of Zhanxian Flying Knife, but because of the baby's rank.

The acquired treasure can't kill Yuan Hong's soul, but the innate treasure can!

At this time, although Cheng Mu didn't have an innate treasure in his hands, he could create a treasure with similar effects to the innate treasure.


At the same time, the power of the destiny of the fairy kingdom also rushed over!

Cheng Mu used the power of his own emperor, the power of the belief of the human race, and the power of the destiny of the fairyland to practice and cast the cold chi.

After the dazzling brilliance dissipated, the original blue-gold Han Chi changed its color.

The body of the gun is colored golden, overwhelming the power of the whole world.

When the Han Chi Spear advanced, even the gods and gods in the sky were horrified and jealous.

"It's the treasure of merit, the treasure of merit!"

"A mere human race ants, what qualifications do they have to possess meritorious treasures?"

"The deity wants to go to the lower realm! The deity wants the meritorious treasure!"

"Hehe, did you say that it is yours? The treasure of merit and virtue is comparable to the existence of innate spiritual treasures. Who will get it? Each depends on his ability!"

The gods and gods were originally fighting against each other and standing on the same front.

But when Cheng Mu condensed the treasure of acquired merit, everyone's minds changed!

At this time, who cares about Cheng Mu's death? The only thing left in their eyes is this cold Chi gun with a lot of money!

Among the heavens and myriad realms, the innate treasure is born from the heaven and the earth, and it is so powerful that it is hard to come by.

What's more, after millions of years of development, the innate treasure has long been famous.

Acquired treasure is already the limit that most immortals can possess.

But the Chi gun is different.

The gods also don't understand how Cheng Mu cultivated the treasure of acquired merit.

It may be by mistake, or it may be destiny.

So this time, even if they risked their lives, they had to grab the Han Chi Spear.

"Hmph! Then each depends on his ability!"

At this moment, the entire battle line of the immortals fell apart.

Everyone left in a hurry, and went back to plot how to get the Hanchi Spear from Cheng Mu's hand!

And on the battlefield.

Yuan Hong's face finally revealed a look of He looked at Cheng Mu in disbelief, and at Han Chi Spear.

The tone trembled.

"How is it possible? Absolutely impossible!"

"What qualifications do you have to condense the treasure of merit, it's all fake!"

He dare not bet.

What Cheng Mu said just now deeply hurt his heart.

The one who can kill him may not be the Immortal Flying Saber, but the Innate Spirit Treasure!

"True or false, just try it!"

Cheng Mu's complexion had turned pale, and his breath was sluggish.

He has only a sliver of strength left.

But even the last sliver of strength is enough to send Yuan Hong on his way!

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Boundless death haunts my mind. Frightened by death, Yuan Hong rushed towards Cheng Mu angrily.

He knew that as long as Cheng Mu was killed, not only would he not die, but this cold Chi spear would also belong to him!

call out!

This is a very quick blow.

The golden streamer was about to hit Cheng Mu's body.

But it was just this moment.

Han Chi gun moved.

Caijin Hanchi's speed is even faster than Yuan Hong's!


A colorful rainbow light penetrated Yuan Hong's body.

When Yuan Hong's fist was only a few centimeters away from Cheng Mu, everything fell silent.

The cold chi spear tore his soul and melted his flesh and blood.

Cheng Mu guessed right.

It's not that the flying knife can kill Yuan Hong, but that the innate treasure can kill Yuan Hong's soul.

When Yuan Hong's soul was torn apart by the Han Chi Spear, which was comparable to the innate spirit treasure, this lofty golden fairy finally died on the earth and stars!


When they dissipated, Yuan Hongben wanted to say something regretful.

But Cheng Mu didn't give him a chance, and Han Chi Gun didn't give him a chance.

Yuan Hong, die with peace!

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