The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1102: underworld means

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Ten seconds later, when Yuan Hong no longer appeared on the battlefield, the earth and star people burst into enthusiastic shouts.

Some people burst into tears, while others roared with excitement.

Their majesty has done it, and their common wish has come true!

Yuan Hong died, and the crisis of the earth and stars was lifted.

And because of this battle, the self-confidence of the various races on Earth and Stars was forged.

Everyone is no longer afraid of the gods, no longer worried about being oppressed by the gods.

The Huaxia people can finally stand up and live bravely!

At this time, a sea of ​​faith rushed towards Cheng Mu.

Filled his empty shrine and nourished his body.

Coupled with the life energy reward for killing Yuan Hong, his strength leapt into the realm of the Profound Immortal!

Slash the Golden Immortal Realm and step into the Profound Immortal Realm.

The speed at which Cheng Mu's current strength has increased has far outstripped the soldiers under his command.

Except for Li Bai, Confucius and Sun Wu who could keep up with him, even Guan Hai and Xie Xuan fell into the second echelon.

But that's a good thing.

The stronger Cheng Mu is, the stronger the human race will be! Cheng Mu is an important guarantee for the long-term survival of the human race!

"Congratulations, His Majesty the Emperor, congratulations, His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ao Shang and Ao Guang were both surprised and delighted at this time.

They were shocked for a second that Cheng Mu was able to condense the treasure of acquired merit, which they had never heard of.

But a second later, Yuan Hong lost his mind.

This powerful blow even broke the laws of the Fairy Temple.

The Immortal Temple could have absorbed Yuan Hong's soul, and then revived Yuan Hong under Cheng Mu's command.

However, after the soul flies away and the soul is scattered, there is no aura of Yuan Hong in the world.

The dead Yuan Hong didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated, let alone be resurrected through the Fairy Temple!

"Thank you to the two dragon kings for holding the formation!"

After his strength had risen to the Emerald Immortal Realm, Cheng Mu only felt refreshed.

He expressed his gratitude to Ao Shang and Ao Guang who supported him.

If he can't kill Yuan Hong today, those two dragon kings are the last guarantee of Earth Star.

Although they didn't make a move, the heart of Sanctuary Earth Star is worthy of admiration!

"Your Majesty, can you show the old dragon the Han Chi Spear?"

At this time, Ao Guang couldn't wait.

The acquired merits and virtues are as famous as the Xiantian Lingbao, and the temptation of the Hanchi Spear is too great for him.

As the dragon clan that once ruled all worlds, Ao Guang doesn't have a single innate spiritual treasure in his hands now.

Even if it is the ultimate treasure of acquired merit, the Dragon Clan does not have it.

So the cold chi spear is almost fatal to Ao Guang's allure!

"Hehe, please watch carefully."

Cheng Mu was not stingy, but generously handed over the Han Chi spear.

Just a weapon.

He was able to condense the merits of the precious cold spear today, and he could condense other weapons and equipment in the future.

The power of national destiny is a very peculiar existence, and the power of faith is also an extremely unique existence.

When the two powers are combined with the power of the Emperor, there will be only one in the whole world!

Human Emperor, Jade Emperor, Demon Emperor, Ancestral Witch......

As the leader of each ethnic group, everyone is the same in terms of status.

Although Haotian's strength far surpassed Cheng Mu's by billions of times, but in terms of status, their status is equal.

Therefore, the power of the Emperor is also an extremely strong and special existence!

Only when these three powerful and special forces are fused together, can the treasure of acquired merit be forged!

"What a sweet baby! What a sweet baby!"

The first time he touched the treasure of merit and virtue at close range, Ao Guang couldn't help shaking.

He seemed to be stroking something he loved, but he didn't dare to use force when he wanted to.

So he could only gently stroke Han Chi's gun body over and over again, breathing extremely fast.

"Show me, show me!"

Ao Shang also came over at this time.

Like Ao Guang, he has never been so close to the treasure of merit in his life.

Being able to touch the treasure of merit and virtue today, they have not lived in vain in this life!

"Ha ha."

Cheng Mu didn't bother, but just watched quietly from the side.

At this time, Ao Shang and Ao Guang showed expressions like little old men of the human race.

Real flesh and blood, with emotion.

Although the two had some disputes when observing the Han Chi Spear, this is a beautiful and peaceful life!




Yang Jian, who was retreating, couldn't help but feel palpitated, his breath was messed up.

"what happened?"

Frowning, he counted.


When he opened his eyes again, his heart was already filled with boundless anger.

"How dare you kill me, Brother Meishan?"

He figured it out, the Six Sages of Meishan under his command died, on the earth and stars.

The huge power of cause and effect all points to Cheng Mu and the earth star race!


In a fit of rage, the mountain Yang Jian retreated instantly exploded into flying ash, and the entire Immortal Realm was filled with his roar.

It's messed up, it's all messed up.

Some people wanted to gloat, while others planned to stand by and watch.

But when the gods knew that there was a spear with the highest merit and virtue in the human race, everyone couldn't sit still.

"Hey, I happen to be short of a corpse-killing treasure!"

"The treasure of merit and virtue, this deity has the confidence to avoid the three disasters!"

"Fellow daoists, I want this treasure itself!"

"Bah! Want to take it all for yourself? Each depends on his ability!"

In the boundless upsurge, countless gods set their sights on the earth and stars.

They stared at each other, and they were trying their best to come down to the earth and take away Cheng Mu's cold chi.

"The deity has sent the beloved disciple of the Golden Fairyland to the lower realm, and this treasure belongs to the deity."

"Hehe, the most incompetent disciple of this deity happens to be in the half-step Daluo realm, and can descend to the earth and stars."

"I want my deity to tell you, invite a few quasi-sages to act together and break the barrier of this planet!"

"His Majesty the Jade Emperor has ordered that the immortals and gods must not come to Earth again!"


Amidst the turmoil, a decree from Haotian suddenly silenced the gods.

Jade Emperor Haotian, the gods are not allowed to go down to the realm!

"Interesting! Interesting!"

"This Haotian, finally can't sit still?"

"Everyone, the show is about to begin!"

"Hehe, the messier the better, the messier the better!"

Regarding Haotian's extremely abnormal decree, many people have already noticed that it is unusual.

All of a sudden, the heavens and worlds became chaotic.


"This Haotian!"

Underworld, the central underworld.

Emperor Fengdu was filled with anger.

Haotian's move directly ruined half of his plan!

As the nominal lord of the Three Realms, the decrees of Haotian are still to be followed by all the immortals and gods.

In other words, as soon as Haotian's decree came out, many immortals and gods would give up the earth star race.

Many incense gods may temporarily seek out other groups. Even some fairy gods who want to harvest the power of incense and faith from the human race will give up on this.

If they give up the human race, it means that they can no longer be tied to the chariot by him, Emperor Fengdu!

"Hurry up, how many ghosts are there in this planet?"

Since he can't control Haotian's decree, Emperor Fengdu can only find a breakthrough on the side of the earth and star people.

As long as the dead Luan Dixing, he didn't believe that Cheng Mu wouldn't come to beg him!

"Report to the Great Emperor, millions of lonely souls and wild ghosts have been sent back to Earth!"

King Yama remembered it very clearly.

In just a few days, millions of people on Earth and Planet died.

And the ghosts of these deceased human races were all driven back to the planet Earth by him.

"Is the star in that place messed up?"

Emperor Fengdu only wanted to know the result.

"Report to the Great Emperor, there is chaos!"

King Yan Luo was also very helpless. Today, Earth Star has a vast land area with few people.

Even if there are tens of thousands of ghosts, they can't mess up the earth and stars.

In addition, the number of human races on Earth and Planet has reached hundreds of millions, and it is difficult to accurately calculate the number of people.

Millions of ghosts can't make any waves in front of hundreds of millions of people!

"Then just a little more."

Emperor Fengdu was very dissatisfied.

He said angrily: "Send out all the black and white impermanence, bull-headed and horse-faced under the command of Shidian Yama."

"The earth star race can only live for a hundred years!"

"Anyone over a hundred years old will be arrested according to the list in the book of life and death!"

Since too few people died from the earth star race, he would let more people die.

Anyway, life and death are in the hands of Yama.

Hades ordered people to die at the third watch, who would dare to keep them until the fifth watch?

"Emperor Shengming!"

King Yama unconditionally chose to obey the orders of Emperor Fengdu.

He just works.

If something goes wrong, Emperor Fengdu will bear it.

If nothing happened, then he, King Yama, could go one step further beside Emperor Fengdu!


earth star.

After killing all the intruders, the entire planet Earth turned on the carnival mode.

The common people hung lanterns in every household, slaughtered pigs and cattle, and celebrated the victory of the human race together!

After a night of partying, many people passed out drunk.

But on the second day.

The boundless bad news spread throughout the entire planet.

Dead, all dead.

All the centenarians on Earth died in their sleep!


Hearing the news, Cheng Mu stood up in shock.

He just had a good night's sleep last night, but he didn't want to hear such bad news in the morning!

"For Your Majesty, yes."

Zhuge Liang was also pale at this time, and replied in a hoarse voice: "The souls of all the elders in my human race who are over a hundred years old have been hooked away!"

In just one night, the human race lost one-tenth of its people!

"This Nether Division is really courageous!"

Cheng Mu's heart was full of anger: "The lifespan of my Huaxia human race has already exceeded two hundred years!"

"The underworld servants of the underworld dare to seduce people randomly!"

"Conspiracy, this is the conspiracy of the underworld against our human race!"

How could Cheng Mu not know why this happened.

This **** of the underworld is punishing and killing other people!

Originally, according to the current strength of the earth star race, the lifespan of ordinary people of the earth race has already exceeded two hundred years.

Those with strong strength can survive for thousands of years.

But the underworld dares to change the lifespan of the earth star people at will, just by using a book of life and death.

This is against the law and against the sky!

"Your Majesty, what should I do?"

Zhuge Liang had no idea at this time.

This is an unreasonable dimensionality reduction strike, no matter how smart he is, he can't think of a countermeasure!

"I'm going to hell."

Cheng Mu had no choice but to go to the underworld to see for himself.

He wanted to test out how big the appetite of Ming Si was!

"Your Majesty, you can't go! You can't go!"

However, the ministers firmly opposed Cheng Mu's idea.

"If you fall into the trap of the underworld, you will be in trouble!"

Cheng Mu is invincible on Earth and Star.

But in the face of the huge underworld, Cheng Mu of Xuanxian Realm is too weak.

Going here is definitely life and death!

"Hehe, I won't go there in person!"

Cheng Mu knew that the ministers were worried about him, so he reassured everyone: "Even if there is a difference in the underworld, I will only lose a clone at most."

After stepping into the Xuanxian Realm, he can already forge clones.

Separate a trace of spirit, put it into the body of the puppet, and a clone is ready!

Although the avatar casted by this method is not strong, it is the same whether it is strong or not when going to the underworld.

"Your Majesty, I will go with you!"

At this time, Li Bai stood up and volunteered.

Although Cheng Mu decided to use his avatar to go to, there are still necessary specifications.

How can the emperor travel alone?

"No! None of you are allowed to go!"

However, Cheng Mu flatly refused.

"Here we go to the underworld, Longtan and Tiger's Den. No matter who it is, no one can lose."

This is Cheng Mu's bottom line.

His avatar can be lost, but Li Bai, Sun Wu and others cannot be lost in the underworld.

"His Majesty!"

Li Bai and others still want to continue to persuade.

But Cheng Mu waved his hand and said, "That's the decision."

"I'm leaving today!"

Hell? He has never been there!

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