The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1103: Ghost Gate, King Yama

Underworld, underworld.

In front of the ghost gate like a majestic pass, there is an endless dark plain.

This plain was originally a place for ghosts to temporarily stop and transition.

As long as they pass through this ghost gate, the ghosts can officially enter the underworld.

But today, dense ghosts occupy the dark plain.

These ghosts from the earth star are clamoring to start a war with the underworld!

"His grandma, I still have decades to live, and that bull-headed horse face dares to hook my soul!"

"Although this old man is one hundred and four years old this year, this old man has just set foot in the fairyland of the townspeople!"

"I'm a powerful person in the divine realm, how dare the underworld dare to seduce my soul?"

"When I go back in my dream, I will definitely ask His Majesty to send troops to conquer the underworld!"

Everyone's temper is too violent.

They were still celebrating the victory of the war during the day, celebrating Cheng Mu's victory over the descending fairy god.

Unexpectedly, after getting drunk, they would already appear outside the gate of **** when they woke up.

For a moment, the ghosts of all races were filled with righteous indignation, and roared to ask Yama to give an explanation.


Faced with the angry human ghosts, Yan Luowang remained unmoved.

He even specifically instructed: "Keep the door closed, and send these wandering spirits back after five days!"

This is the order of Emperor Fengdu.

After five days, the bodies of the human race who lost their souls will rot and stink.

And without a body, these ghosts will turn into lonely ghosts after returning to the planet.

At that time, hundreds of billions of wandering souls of the human race will wreak havoc, and the entire planet will be chaotic if not chaotic!

"You guys are so brave!"

At this time, someone heard the conversation between Yama and the soldiers guarding the pass.

This time, not only the octogenarians, but also powerful human elders were hooked over.

Among them, the strongest one is the guardian Qi Lao.

Tian Di Xuan, Qi Lin Zhang.

As the guardians of the Apocalypse Kingdom from the beginning, although their strength has long been pulled down.

But the strength of the realm of the altar still made them the backbone of the wandering souls of the human race.

So Qi Lao stood up, he had to ask for an explanation for the human race behind him!

"Oh? Human ants?"

Seeing Elder Qi who stepped forward, Yan Luo Wang looked contemptuous.

He sneered and said, "Don't worry, the king will send you back in person in five days!"

So what if Mr. Qi has the strength of the altar stage? Without a soul, the vitality of his body will also dissipate.

After five days, it is estimated that the bodies of these human wandering souls are all rotten and maggots!

"Five days?"

Hearing Wu Tian's answer, Qi Lao was furious: "After five days, why should I go back?"

It is their limit to leave the soul for half a day.

Five days? At that time, they will really turn into a group of lonely ghosts!

Even if Cheng Mu arranged for Mount Olympus and the underworld under the Nordic kingdom of God, it wouldn't be able to accommodate so many lonely souls and wild ghosts!

"Ha ha."

Faced with Qi Lao's questioning, Yan Luo Wang could only sneer.

It was this laughter that completely angered the human ghosts.

"His grandma's, they want to harm us!"

"Put us back in five days, where will we still have a physical body?"

"Fight it! Since we're here, we'll flatten the hell!"

"Brothers, rush over!"

For a while, after not getting a satisfactory answer, the human ghosts simply rushed towards the gate of hell.

Rather than going back to be a lonely ghost five days later, it is better to go to **** and reincarnate now!

They are human races, and they might be able to return to Cheng Mu's command after reincarnation!

He is even more ambitious, and already wants to lay down the territory of the underworld for Cheng Mu!

"Hehe...this is a group of ridiculous ants!"

Seeing the human race who wanted to charge over desperately, King Yan Luo sneered.

Today he sits here, if the ghosts of the human race can break through the gate of hell, he will directly hang himself here!

After hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, he is no longer the weak person he was in the beginning.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he was scared to death by a monkey in Golden Wonderland.

And today, he, King Yama, is already a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Lord of the Underworld, Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions, Yama of the Ten Halls, Four Judges, and Ten Commanders of Yin.

As King Yama who controls the Yan Luo Palace, his strength is at least ranked third in the underworld.

With him sitting at the ghost gate, even if Cheng Mu came in person today, he would not be able to take a step!

"Go away!"

King Yan Luo raised his hand lightly, his sleeves swept across the room, and countless wandering human souls flew out.

Three kilometers away from the Ghost Gate, this is an absolute forbidden zone.

No one can take half a step!

"Brothers, we have many people!"

"Rush up, rush over!"

"Don't look at me being three hundred years old, but I need to eat five bowls of rice every day!"

"This King Yama dare not hurt us, go!"

Although it was swept away once.

But it seemed that they felt King Yama's holding back, so everyone rushed to the gate of **** again.

For a time, more and more human races swarmed in.

All the wandering souls of the human race on the dark plain rushed towards the gate of hell.

There are even some ghosts of other races, they were coerced by the human race to attack the city together before they knew what happened!

It was a mess, and the whole ghost gate was in chaos.

"Really, stubborn!"

Seeing the lifeless human race, King Yama became angry.

He said angrily: "Do you want your soul to fly away?"

It's not that these human ghosts can't be killed, but that he doesn't want to kill them.

After all, for gods like them, every human race is a treasure. The power of incense and the power of faith that can be condensed are a great nourishment for them!

Ghosts can also burn incense and worship gods.

"Damn! I've already turned into a ghost, so I'm afraid my soul will fly away?"

Facing the threat of King Yan Luo, some powerful people rebuked him angrily.

That's right, they've all turned into ghosts, so what's there to be afraid of?

If you can't go back today, you will either be reincarnated, or your soul will be scattered!


King Yan Luo laughed angrily.

He said angrily: "Since you want to be scattered, this king will fulfill you!"


When he raised his hand, the entire ghost gate changed color.

The monstrous ghostly aura blows on the human ghosts like a gnawing wind.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the human race rushing to the front was melted by ghost energy.

No screams, no wailing.

Wherever the monstrous ghostly aura went, everything turned into a silent forbidden zone!

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of wandering souls were killed.

This is the power of King Yan Luo, his small punishment to the people outside the pass!

"Damn it, it's so vicious!"

"Killing our human compatriots is too much deception!"

"Rush over, rush over! We humans are fearless!"

"Everyone keep up with me, even if you die today, you will die with dignity!"

On the contrary, Yama's punishment did not make the wandering souls of the race fear.

On the contrary, the death of compatriots completely inspired the fighting spirit of the human race.

They have just defeated the immortal gods in the nine heavens, how can they kneel in front of the underworld today?

Strong beliefs support them to be fearless!

In just ten seconds, the human wandering souls have rushed to the gate of hell!

"Damn! Damn!"

Seeing that his attack did not scare the people, King Yan Luo was furious.

It was the first time he met so many people who were not afraid of death.

In a rage, he raised his palm again.



This time, under full of anger.

The boundless ghostly aura swept across the dark plain like a violent storm!

All the wandering souls of the human race who were blown by the ghost energy melted in one breath.

After the boundless ghost energy dissipated, there was not a single blade of grass that could be seen outside the ghost gate.

One-tenth of the human ghosts who were forcibly hooked this time disappeared in an instant!

This is the anger of the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm.

A strong man in the Golden Wonderland can destroy a small world with a single raise of his hand, let alone the wandering souls of hundreds of millions of people!

From the moment they decided to hook the souls of these human races, these human races have become abandoned children in their eyes.

So even if King Yama annihilated all these wandering souls of the human race today, Emperor Fengdu would not blame him!

"Really, it's too deceiving!"

Seeing the disappearance of hundreds of millions of compatriots, Mr. Qi was heartbroken.

He wanted to avenge the people of the human race, but the huge power gap made him despair.

Can't beat, can't make it through.

Today, King Yama sits at the gate of ghosts, and they seem to be doomed to die!


But at this moment.

Just when Yan Luo Wang was about to smile triumphantly, a thunderbolt came from Nine Heavens.

The huge thunder gang suddenly blasted towards King Yama!

The punishment of the law of heaven has arrived.

King Yan Luo wantonly killed the wandering souls of the clan, which has violated the rules of heaven!

This Lei Gang, who was like a punishment from heaven, overwhelmed Yama King the moment he appeared.

What about the strong in the Golden Wonderland?

Under the true divine punishment, even the strong in the Golden Wonderland could not escape the ending of their souls being scattered.

"Great... Great Emperor, save me!"

Faced with this supreme punishment from heaven, King Yama panicked.

He didn't want to die here, he was just doing something for Emperor Fengdu!

"What are you panicking about!"

Just when he was frightened, the voice of Emperor Fengdu came.

In an instant, a giant hand grabbed Lei Gang.

It was Emperor Fengdu who made the move.

He is the master of the entire underworld, even if the punishment from heaven comes, he must get his permission!

Rumble! Rumble!

Under the claws of Emperor Fengdu, the most powerful Heavenly Punishment Thunder Gang was instantly crushed.

The entire Underworld once again turned into darkness!

"Many... Thank you, Great Emperor!"

After the punishment from heaven dissipated, King Yan Luo stood up with lingering fear.

At the same time he strengthened his belief in following Emperor Fengdu.

Such a strong Emperor Fengdu, what are you waiting for if you don't hug your thighs tightly at this moment?

"Remember, just don't let them get close to the gate of hell. Don't kill the rest."

However, Emperor Fengdu saved King Yama.

But for King Yama's behavior, he does not allow it.

Originally, he wanted to use these wandering souls of hundreds of millions of people to bring disaster to Earth Star. If King Yan Luo killed all these wandering souls, then everything they did would be in vain.

Not only is it futile, but also suffers the punishment of heaven in vain.

Yama, how could you do such a stupid thing?


King Yama understood.

Since he couldn't kill him, he would think of other ways!

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