The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1113: The Horror Celestial Elite

"Huntian Ling!"

With Nezha's roar, the Huntian Ling in his hand suddenly swelled to ten thousand times its size.

Its power even more disturbed the entire underworld, shaking the mountains and making it chaotic.

Countless ghosts were shaken to death, and even many ghost soldiers from Beifu were turned into dust!

Wanzhang Huntianling lashed towards Ao Shang.

That piercing sound was like thunder.

"Hmph! Don't be crazy!"

Seeing Nezha acting fierce, Ao Guang hurried up to help.

He is the Azure Dragon of the Eastern Sea, with monstrous mana. And as the master of the dragon clan, his strength is not so simple!

"The wind is coming! The rain is coming!"

In an instant, as his hands danced, the entire underworld was plunged into a sea of ​​storms.

The raindrops are like sharp knives, and the strong wind is like a knife.

The dense raindrops hit the Huntian Ling, and immediately suppressed the Wanzhang Huntian Ling.

At the same time, the strong wind began to cut Nezha's body.

A series of sharp blades quickly sliced ​​Nezha's **** flesh.

"This king is just forbearing, do you really think this king can't kill you Nezha?"

Ao Guang roared angrily: "One hundred thousand years ago, this king was able to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

If it wasn't for the great cause of the dragon clan, he would have raised his hand and crushed Nezha to death when he was playing in the East China Sea.

Where is there the subsequent skin cramping and flooding of Chentangguan?

Everything is just him, Ao Guang, forbearance! It's just letting the gods and gods relax their vigilance against their dragon clan!

"Today, all grievances will be resolved here!"

It is also time to avenge his son.

Today he, Ao Guang, is going to kill Nezha here!

"You... you actually hid so deeply?"

Seeing that Ao Guang suppressed him, Nezha was startled.

He thought that even if Ao Guang had the magical power of the Mythical Great Luo Realm, he would not be able to display his true strength.

After all, he is a strong man in the late stage of Da Luo Realm, and he will kill three corpses soon.

But he didn't want Ao Guang to realize something was wrong when he made a move!

All along, this Ao Guang has been hiding his clumsiness!

"Hmph! If I don't hide a little deeper, how can I have the opportunity today?"

Ao Guang increased the attack power in his hands.

If he didn't hide, and didn't give in, he would have been killed by the gods a hundred thousand years ago!

Having lived for millions of years, he is many times smarter than Nezha!


Feeling the pain from all over his body, Nezha was angry and angry.

He admitted that he was deceived by Ao Guang.

But so what?

"Nine-turn Xuangong! Three heads and six arms!"

With a roar, Nezha turned into a giant.

At this time he has three heads and six arms.

That powerful force shocked Ao Guang back when he first appeared.

"I am under the command of the Jade Emperor, the Great God of the Three Altars Sea Meeting!"

"Ru District Dragon Clan, why don't you just capture them without a fight?"

He Nezha is orthodox in the heavenly court, the great **** of the Three Altars Haihui personally conferred by the Jade Emperor.

In front of official positions, what is the dragon king, the **** of rain division?

The Great God of the Three Altars: Three Altars, Heaven, Earth and Water. The sea will gather together.

To put it simply, Nezha is the great **** who controls the three realms of heaven, earth and water.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was originally his subordinate!

But today, this subordinate actually dared to offend? This is treason!

"Bah! It's just the great **** of the Santan Haihui with no name."

Seeing that Nezha revealed his name, Ao Guang smiled: "Who will really sell Nezha's face to you in the three realms of heaven, earth and water?"


The bigwigs of the Three Realms sometimes don't even listen to the Jade Emperor's decree.

Mere Nezha, what is it?

"You don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing that Ao Guang laughed at him, Nezha became angry.


He let out a roar, and in an instant a golden light hit Ao Guang's body.

next second.


A few chains instantly locked Ao Guang's body.

After the chain sank into his body, Ao Guang's strength was greatly reduced!


Feeling that his strength was locked, Ao Guangmeng was shocked.

He couldn't figure it out, he roared angrily: "How could you have such a means."

Striking out a chain blocked 30% of his strength, which he had never heard of before, and he had never seen it before!

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

Seeing Ao Guang who was in a panic, Nezha explained in a loud voice: "This is a magic weapon newly developed by His Majesty the Jade Emperor."

"Tianwei Official Position Chain!"

"Any righteous **** in the heavens, whose official position is lower than this venerable, will be bound by this chain!"

"Only 30% of your strength is locked, ha ha! It seems that you, Ao Guang, have hidden a lot of things!"

Tianwei Official Chains.

This is one of Haotian's big moves.

Immortals and gods are all over the sky, wanting to rebel against him. Anyone with an official position in the heavenly court will be restricted by chains!

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Nezha's official position is the Great God of the Santan Haihui, second only to Li Jing, the Great Protector of the Jade Emperor.

So Ao Guang, the God of the Four Seas who controls the four seas, is naturally under Nezha's control.

It's just that the 30% reduction in strength did not satisfy Nezha.

He thought that Ao Guang should be caught without a fight!

"Stop going crazy!"

After being sealed with 30% of his strength, Ao Guang is no longer Nezha's opponent.

Under Nezha's overbearing attack, he was completely at a disadvantage.

But he didn't give up.

He didn't believe that this chain of Tianwei's official position could lock him up for a lifetime!

"Little thief, don't be rampant!"

Seeing that his elder brother was frustrated, Ao Shang rushed over.

He is the Red Dragon of the South China Sea, born to control flames.

His shot was billowing flames. Most of the underworld sky was dyed red by the flames.

At this time, the entire ghost gate was closed, and the temperature soared.

Many underworld ghosts were all roasted to death under the flames!

It's messed up, the whole underworld is messed up.

Even the Law of the Six Paths has become chaotic because of who interfered with it.

"Just in time!"

Nezha doesn't care how many dragons come.

Since Ao Guang and Ao Shang are here today, he will kill them!

With three heads and six arms plus eight or nine profound arts, his strength has soared to the peak of the Great Luo Realm.

As long as a corpse is cut off, he will be a sub-sage-level powerhouse.

Therefore, the huge mana in his body gave him a sense of ease that he could crush Ao Shang and Ao Guang to death with just a lift of his hand!


But at this moment, Ao Shang revealed his real body.

The giant dragon of one hundred thousand feet swept Nezha away with just one tail.

Where is the most powerful place of the Dragon Clan? It is their huge bodies.

As innate spirits, their physical strength is comparable to the great witches of heaven and earth.

Nezha's Qiankun circle was hit on it, not even a single dragon scale was knocked off!

Go all out, everyone is going all out!

It didn't take long for both parties to reach the underworld.

However, before the evil spirits of the underworld met, the two sides had already started fighting.

This is not Earth Star.

Haotian's decree is not to attack the human race in the earth and stars.

Today, Cheng Mu and the Dragon Clan come to the underworld, so they will no longer be protected by the Jade Emperor's decree!

Of course, Cheng Mu didn't need protection either.

When the two dragon kings were fighting with Nezha, he had already brought his ghost soldiers and rushed towards the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The heavenly soldiers and generals under Li Jing killed him once. This time, he will not be soft!

"Your Majesty, wait for us!"

At this time, Ao Qing and Ao Ji also led the dragon elite to rush over.

They are partners, teammates who fight side by side.

There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals in the area, and they can join hands to win the battle quickly!


Seeing that Cheng Mu led an army to attack, Li Jing was furious.

He scolded: "A mere ghost soldier, wanting to play wild in front of my heavenly soldiers and generals?"

At the very beginning, in the land of the ancestors, he did lose the Four Heavenly Kings and a million immortal soldiers.

But those are the lowest-level immortal soldiers in the heavenly court.

What he brings now is the elite that he personally trained!

"Kill them all!"

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, this is the family property that Li Jing has devoted himself to building for more than ten thousand years.

It is also the absolute main force who came to conquer the underworld according to the decree of the Jade Emperor!

With just one order, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals collided with five hundred thousand Beifu ghost soldiers.

For a time, the golden light shone.

These heavenly elites are worthy of the name of elites!

Their minimum strength has actually reached the realm of gods and celestial beings.

Most of them are experts in the Realm of the Divine Palace.

In just one meeting, more than 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers in Shenmendi Fairyland were executed and killed more than 100,000.

None of them touched the enemy, and they were smashed into powder by the magic weapons of the immortal soldiers!

"A group of ants!"

Jin Zha is still a general under his father's command.

With the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, he sits in the army. Every time he made a move, thousands of Beifu ghost soldiers were killed!

Li Bai wanted to rush up, but was stabbed by him and seriously injured!

Mu Zha is also the strength of Golden Wonderland.

I saw him squeeze the Jue, and countless thunderbolts began to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Cheng Mu rushed up, but was soon thrown back by the violent thunder.

The gap, the strength gap that cannot be bridged.

In front of the absolute elite of the Heavenly Court, the Beifu ghost soldiers are not their all-in-one enemy!

"Fight! Fight!"

Resurrected again and again, killed again and again.

The Beifu ghost soldiers who had died five or six times were desperate.

They are deeply aware of the gap in strength between the two sides. In the face of absolute strength, the superiority in numbers will not play any role at all.

So, this time, Liu Laozhi's order was not needed.

Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!

With Xie Xuan's eyes full of blood, the 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers were only left with 100,000 soldiers!

They need advanced strength, stronger strength to kill the enemy!

The five Beifu ghost soldiers merged into one person, and their strength also stepped into the half-step altar.

"Army Soul!"

Then, under Liu Laozhi's hoarse roar.

An army soul comparable to the Taiyi True Immortal appeared on the battlefield.

Under the protection of the army soul, the ghost soldiers of Beifu finally possessed the power to fight against the elites of heaven!


Xie Xuan was sitting in the army, and he began to command the battle.

After discovering the power of the magic weapon of the heavenly elite, he changed the way of fighting.

Although **** melee combat is the fighting tradition of Beifu Ghost Soldiers.

But when their strength is restrained by the power of the gods, the hundred thousand ghost soldiers can only kill the enemy by long-range means!


In the blink of an eye, countless ghost blades roared out like sharp arrows.

They roared and rushed towards the hundred thousand heavenly elites at lightning speed.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Just a face-to-face meeting, thousands of heavenly court elites were shot into sieves.

And the overflowing yin and cold power also began to reduce the strength of the heavenly court's elite.

This is the correct way to open up the fighting style of ghost soldiers.

One hundred thousand Beifu ghost soldiers use their cold ghost power as their blade, and they can kill the enemy even at a distance of 10,000 meters!

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

But soon, Heavenly Court's elite counterattack arrived.

"Hmph! We used magical weapons to defend against the enemy a hundred thousand years ago, you guys, let's use the ax!"

The most truly elite immortal soldiers, these one hundred thousand immortal soldiers have long since abandoned the most primitive way of physical combat.

They are immortal gods high above the sky, who can change the situation with just raising their hands.

With the magic weapon in hand, they don't need to fight the enemy in person!

Rumble! Rumble!

In an instant, under the counterattack of Heavenly Court's elite, countless flames began to fall.

This is like a sea of ​​flames for knight-errant masters. But the flames summoned by the immortal soldiers can even scorch the earth.

When the raging fire burned on the heads of the Beifu ghost soldiers, tens of thousands of Beifu ghost soldiers were burned instantly.

And soon, Xie Xuan began to vomit blood.

He felt it.

These deadly flames cast by the elites of the heavens can actually burn the souls of the ghost soldiers under their command.

If he hadn't expended his strength to protect them, the souls of those tens of thousands of ghost soldiers would have been wiped out long ago!

Restraint, the characteristics of the Beifu ghost soldiers were restrained by the elites of the heavens!

Xie Xuan, who only had the strength of Taiyi's true fairyland, couldn't keep the 100,000 ghost soldiers under his command.

The gap, the growing gap in strength!

"Wait for General Xie to be safe!"

But at this moment, Ao Qing and Ao Ji came to help.

Although the dragon elites behind them are few in number, they have at least the strength of Taiyi True Wonderland.

Just a face to face.


Under the attack of the dragon's heir, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the altar realm suddenly turned into ants!

Every time the Dragon Heirs made a move, thousands of elites from the Heavenly Court were killed!

Even the most intense flame that burned the soul was extinguished in the water vapor summoned by the dragon clan for a while.

However, at this moment, Li Jing became angry.

"Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, don't be rampant!"


He raised his hand, and the huge exquisite pagoda began to rotate.

The powerful suction from the tower is about to absorb the elite of the dragon clan.

At the critical moment, Cheng Mu made a move.

Although his strength is not the strongest, the Hanchi Spear in his hand is a treasure.


Under his violent throw, the Hanchi Spear struck the Linglong Pagoda with a rainbow of light.

In an instant, the efficacy of the treasure of merit began to be revealed.

The Linglong Pagoda, which had been turned into a gigantic pagoda, shrunk rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon it turned into a palm tower, and flew back to Li Jing's hand to seek comfort.

It is suing like a child who has been bullied, complaining aggrievedly that it was bullied by Cheng Mu's Han Chi Spear.

"Hmph, I haven't looked for you yet, but I don't want you to jump out by yourself!"

After appeasing the Linglong Pagoda in his hand, Li Jing locked his killing intent on Cheng Mu.

He hadn't found Cheng Mu to avenge the killing of the Four Heavenly Kings, but he didn't expect Cheng Mu to jump out by himself.

Coupled with the incomparably tempting Acquired Merit and Virtue Zhibao Han Chi Spear.

For an instant, he moved.

I saw him holding a long sword and rushing towards Cheng Mu with a whoosh.

"It doesn't matter if you are the emperor or not, I will kill you first and then talk about it!"

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