"My king is here!"

Seeing the murderous Li Jing, Hei Ling went to meet him first.

The phrase it said that day, "You are invincible under the golden fairy, and I am invincible under the big Luo" was not a joke.

It knew that Cheng Mu was not Li Jing's opponent, so it took the initiative to kill the enemy for Cheng Mu.

After regaining the demon body, it still hasn't had a hearty battle!

"Hmph! A mere monster!"

Seeing Hei Ling who had transformed into the body of a demon king, Li Jing snorted coldly.

In an instant, he threw out his exquisite pagoda.

In the next second, golden light overflowed.

The most powerful divine light emanating from the Linglong Pagoda illuminated the entire battlefield.

Under the shining of the golden divine light, the most affected is the Eternal Demon King Hei Ling.

He is a demon, and gods and demons have been incompatible since ancient times.

Li Jing's exquisite pagoda actually has the effect of restraining him.

Its restraining power is even stronger than that of restraining the monster race.

"I am Cao, he restrained me!"

At this moment, Hei Ling only felt sluggish movement, difficulty breathing, and discomfort all over.

He originally went to fight Li Jing in close combat, but he didn't want Li Jing to use methods to suppress his strength.

The Linglong Pagoda, the treasure of the heavens, is indeed powerful.

If he hadn't been restrained by the treasure of merit, Cheng Mu's Han Chi spear might not be able to shake it!

"Go again!"

Seeing that Li Jing took out the Linglong Pagoda again, Cheng Mu wanted to throw the Hanchi Spear out again.

But the next second.


A long gun stood in front of him.

It's Jin Zha.

As Li Jing's eldest son, Jin Zha has also been eyeing Cheng Mu for a long time.

And like Cheng Mu, he used long spears.

So he is also salivating for the Han Chi Spear!

"Be obedient and grab it!"

After blocking Cheng Mu, he unceremoniously began to attack.

Different from Nezha and Yang Jian, his Jin Zha's qualifications are here.

After so many years, it is only the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, so he doesn't care whether the Killer Emperor has karma or not.

Let's grab the Han Chi Spear first.


Facing the aggressive Jin Zha, Cheng Mu did not back down.

He just threw Pang Da out and asked him to help Hei Ling kill Li Jing.

As for Jin Zha, he alone is enough!

After fighting Yang Jian that day, Cheng Mu was not without gains.

At least in terms of combat experience and strength, he has improved!


Soon, the Han Chi Spear collided with the Panlong Golden Spear.

Although Jin Zha's Panlong golden gun is not a treasure of merit, it was also created for him by Manjusri Bodhisattva of the original Lingshan.

It can also be regarded as an acquired treasure.

Just the first collision, Cheng Mu was shocked back by the huge force.

That bone-piercing golden magic power was trying to get into his body all the time.

"Go away!"

Cheng Mu shattered the mana around his body, and then went up again with his gun.

It was just the first blow, and he was aware of it.

Although Jin Zha is strong, his fighting skills are far inferior to Yang Jian.

That is. Although he is inferior to Jin Zha in terms of mana, he can win through more superb fighting skills!

"Hundred birds facing the phoenix spear!"

With a roar, Cheng Mu's moves became fierce.

The one-hundred and one-style Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear was taught to him by Zhao Yun at the beginning.

That is to say, in this battle, he wants to tell Jin Zha the exquisite marksmanship in the world!

Whoosh! Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Under the attack of the 101-style Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear, Jin Zha only felt his hands trembling and numb.

Cheng Mu also poked a hole in his lower back.

That elusive marksmanship made him even more startled.

too strong.

Although he has more powerful strength and mana than Cheng Mu, he is completely at a disadvantage in terms of fighting skills.

But he didn't give up.

He snorted coldly: "You can attack this **** thousands of times, but this **** only needs to hit you once!"

This is the gap in strength.

Cheng Mu's tens of millions of guns was acceptable to him.

But Cheng Mu couldn't take a shot from him!

"Hmph! Try it and you'll know!"

This is the first time Cheng Mu has used the strength of the Emerald Immortal Realm to fight against a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm.

The sea-like mana in Jin Zha's body made him feel like he was carrying countless mountains.

At this moment, all the gates of the five shrines were opened.

The power of faith, as vast as the sea, began to bless him!

Five Gods Palace, this is what he gained after fighting Yang Jian that day.

Xuanxian Houjing, five shrines. As long as he successfully builds six shrines, he can truly enter the realm of the golden fairy!

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But today, this battle is his opportunity.

Jin Zha is a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm, with monstrous strength and majestic mana.

As long as he can kill Jin Zha, then he, Cheng Mu, will be able to touch the powerful Golden Immortal Realm!

"Oh? Some strength."

Seeing Cheng Mu's attack getting more and more fierce, Jin Zha cheered up.

It was the first time he encountered enemies in the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland who were so difficult to kill.

For a moment, he also recognized the identity of Cheng Mu Renhuang.

Only the emperor of the human race can have this strength!

"However, that's all there is to it!"

After finding Cheng Mu's attack pattern, Jin Zha began to fight back.

He is also a fairy **** who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and being able to step into the golden fairyland is enough to show his talent.

Although Cheng Mu's attacking moves are exquisite, he is also improving in his studies.



Two consecutive stabbing sounds sounded.

Although Cheng Mu's cold spear pierced Jin Zha's shoulder, Jin Zha's Panlong golden gun pierced Cheng Mu's heart.

In an instant, the two were bleeding at the same time.

However, in front of the injuries of the two, Cheng Mu's injury was obviously more serious.

Jin Zha's Panlong golden gun pierced his chest and crushed his heart.

It was the bone-piercing golden mana emanating from the spear, which began to wreak havoc in Cheng Mu's body.


The serious injury made Cheng Mu spit blood out of his mouth.

His aura also became sluggish at this moment.


But at this moment, Jin Zha's shoulder suddenly burst.

A real dragon roared out from the tip of Han Chi's spear, smashing the flesh and blood on Jin Zha's shoulder.

Although Cheng Mu's strength is not as good as Jin Zha's.

But with the Han Chi gun in his hand, he can still fight Jin Zha!

"You! Damn it!"

Seeing his **** left shoulder and feeling the pain that went deep into the bone marrow, Jin Zha became angry.

He thought that after this shot, Cheng Mu died under his gun.

But I didn't want Cheng Mu's counterattack to be so fierce!

"Go to hell!"

Under his rage ~www.readwn.com~ the Panlong golden gun in his hand became more powerful.

Each of his blows shattered the space and the earth.

The power emanating from the gun body shattered the rocks that shook the gate of hell.

At this time, there were no living wandering souls on the entire dark plain.

All the wandering souls that entered the underworld were all shaken to death outside the gate of hell!

For a while, Cheng Mu felt the pressure increase sharply.

Even if his five shrines are fully opened, the power of faith surrounds his whole body.

But the thick golden fairy mana still began to affect his movements.

If he was crushed by ten mountains just now, he is crushed by hundreds or thousands of mountains now.

That formidable force made him unable to breathe!

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