Cheng Mu didn't quite understand, and couldn't figure it out.

I was still thinking about the shortcomings of my skills some time ago, but I didn't want Jin Zha to send him such a generous gift all at once.

Just talking about the Bajiu Xuangong, it is rumored by the world that it is the most powerful martial arts in the world.

Three heads and six arms, that is the performance of the eighty-nine profound kung fu practice.

There are also Dayan Tianxian Jue, Tiangang Thirty-Six Transformations, and Disha Seventy-two Transformations, all of which are extremely high-grade cultivation methods and supernatural powers.

But he didn't want to, Cheng Mu got it all at once.

"Something strange?"

Thinking of this, Cheng Mu pondered again: "If that Jin Zha had cultivated eight or nine profound arts, he should be like Yuan Hong, and he would not be killed easily."

"Why is there only a trace of remnant soul left?"

You must know that the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu is an infinitely mysterious technique!

He spent all his efforts at the beginning, and finally he killed Yuan Hong with the help of the Han Chi Spear.

But after fighting with Jin Zha for so long, Jin Zha didn't show that he had practiced eight or nine mysterious kung fu.

"His Majesty the Emperor? What's wrong?"

At this time, seeing Cheng Mu with a confused face, Ao Guang and Ao Shang stepped forward.

Their war is also over.

After Jin Zha's remnant soul fled in despair, Nezha and Li Jing also fled back with the remnants of the Heavenly Court.

Can't beat it.

Even if Nezha resorted to the supernatural secret method, he couldn't get benefits from the joint efforts of Ao Shang and Ao Guang.

Not to mention Li Jing.

Hei Ling said that he was invincible under Da Luo, so it must be invincible under Da Luo.

If it weren't for the protection of the Linglong Pagoda, Li Jing would probably have only a trace of remnant soul left!

"Somewhat confused."

Facing Ao Guang's inquiry, Cheng Mu expressed his confusion.

But soon, Ao Guang laughed.

"Hahaha, His Majesty the Emperor is actually troubled by this matter?"

He explained: "One hundred thousand years ago, the various top skills in the Great Desolate World were no longer secrets."

"Whether it's Bajiu Xuangong, Jiuzhuan Yuangong, or Western Buddhist exercises, there are too many copies of them!"

This is the reason why Jin Zha, who is just mere, also possesses a variety of powerful skills.

On a certain day one hundred thousand years ago, a certain powerful person spread all the top skills in the prehistoric world.

All of a sudden, the whole world set off an upsurge of practice.

This is also the reason why the strength of the gods soared in just one hundred thousand years!

"So, these exercises are all bad?"

Cheng Mu was surprised, how could he still play like this? Is this someone deliberately trying to make all races roll up?

"Then, can I practice?"

Immediately, he asked again.

Since it is a rotten street skill, can he, a human race, practice it?

After all, in the face of the truly powerful skills, although the human race's skills attack Wushuang, the rest of the effect is not obvious.

"Hehe, why does His Majesty the Emperor need to be in a cocoon?"

Hearing that Cheng Mu wanted to learn these rotten exercises, Ao Guang hurriedly persuaded him, "All exercises lead to the same goal."

"Everything is to absorb the power of heaven and earth, and drive the power of heaven and earth!"

"Just like the ten thousand-zhang golden body of the eighty-nine profound art, can't His Majesty the Emperor be able to display it now?"

"It's also like the three heads and six arms. It must be easy for His Majesty the Emperor, right?"

It is precisely because these skills are so bad that there are not many immortals practicing them now.

Anyway, everyone knows the essence of practice.

Absorb the power of heaven and earth, transform the power of heaven and earth into the power of fairy spirits and store it in your body.

Use it when you need it.

The only difference between a powerful fairy **** and a weak fairy **** is the power of the fairy spirit in the body, that is, the amount of mana.

That's all.

"What the Dragon King said is very true! Thank you, Dragon King, for clarifying your doubts!"

Cheng Mu understood.

That's right, why do I keep obsessing over my skills?

With my current strength, I can already make flowers bloom with one thought and fade with one thought.

The only difference between myself and the gods is the strength of the word 'read'.

In front of Xuan'ao's incomparable power of faith, he, Cheng Mu, can almost do whatever he wants.

But on the battlefield, when both sides can do whatever they want, and the flowers bloom, it depends on whose magic power is deeper and whose fighting power is longer!

It was like a tug of war.

Both sides have strength. But in the end, the winner will only be the stronger side!

"Your Majesty, just come out."

Seeing Cheng Muwu realized, Ao Guang was relieved.

He was worried that Cheng Mu would fall into it.

In today's prehistoric world, what are exercises?

The most important thing is magic weapon and innate supernatural power.

These two unique things are the key to widening the gap in strength.

Ever since, Ao Guang seriously warned: "His Majesty's Han Chi Spear is the only treasure in the world."

"Among the immortals and gods in the sky, there must be countless people coveting it."

"Your Majesty, please be extremely vigilant! Keep it safe!"

If it wasn't for being an ally with Cheng Mu, if it wasn't for the Dragon Clan, they would need to take the express train of the Human Clan.

Otherwise, Ao Guang couldn't help but want to **** it when he faced the Acquired Virtue Supreme Baohan Chi Spear!

Everyone can practice the exercises.

But the most powerful magic weapon is unique! The acquired merit and virtue called the Hanchi Spear is the only one!

"Thank you Dragon King for your suggestion, I will pay attention to it."

Cheng Mu nodded.

When he was fighting Jin Zha just now, he saw the greed in Jin Zha's eyes.

Naturally, he also knows the value of his Chill Spear.

This is his big baby.

Unless he dies, it is impossible for him to lose the Han Chi Spear!


Soon, the battlefield was cleaned up.

Through Xie Xuan's report, Cheng Mu knew the result of this battle.

Beifu's 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers have now merged into 100,000, and their strength has reached the half-step **** stage level.

And coach Xie Xuan also gained something in this battle.

With his strength, he has finally set foot in the Half-Step Profound Immortal Realm.

The Dragon Clan suffered minor casualties in this battle.

After all, fighting against one hundred thousand heavenly elites with a number of three to five thousand, how many ants kill elephants!

Dozens of dragon heirs from Taiyi True Wonderland died, which made Ao Qing very distressed.

It is different from the big family and big business of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea.

Their Kunming Dragon Clan has only these more than a thousand dragon heirs who can get their hands on it.

One death is one less!

"Everyone has worked hard! Thank you two dragon sons!"

But at this moment, Cheng Mu came over and patted them on the shoulder and said, "Without the help of you dragon brothers, this battle might have a different outcome."

In terms of hard power, 100,000 Beifu ghost soldiers can't beat 100,000 heavenly elites.

Fortunately, thousands of dragon descendants crushed and killed the enemy, and only then did they win the victory on the ground battlefield.

As for the dozens of dragon heirs who died in battle?

Under war, how can there be immortals?

"Where is His Majesty the Emperor?"

For Cheng Mu, although they are tens of thousands of years older than Cheng Mu, Ao Qing and Ao Ji still show respect.

After all, Cheng Mu is a human emperor, and his dragon clan's rise also needs the help of the human race.

So they patted their chests and said: "It is my honor to serve His Majesty the Emperor!"

This battle is just that they met a strong enemy.

Originally, their enemies were just a group of ghost soldiers in the underworld.

Heavenly court elite? That's the final boss.

By accident, they fought with the final boss, and ended up winning.

This is a big victory!

"Thank you, let us continue to fight side by side!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

Breaking through the ghost gate is only the first step in their battle of the underworld.

The distant Fengdu Mountain has a long way to go!


Soon, the army passed through the gate of **** and entered the real underworld.

Along the way, Cheng Mu saw abandoned villages and ruined walls that had been destroyed by the war.

Even the corpses of monster races are not uncommon.

Finally, under a city, Cheng Mu stopped.

"Goat City?"

Seeing the Goat City with half of its walls collapsed, Cheng Mu asked in surprise, "Could it be that there are still ghosts living in this underworld?"

He originally thought that once a dead soul enters the underworld, it will either be reincarnated or fall into the eighteenth level of hell.

But it was the first time he had heard of the dead souls living in the underworld.

"That's natural."

Ao Guang nodded and said, "Ghosts are also a kind of creature. They cannot be reincarnated, so they will always live in the underworld."

Of the six paths of reincarnation, each path is actually arranged by God's will.

"Really, interesting!"

Cheng Mu suddenly thought, would the joss sticks and paper money burned by the human race in honor of the dead be the food of these ghosts?

But these things are too mysterious, and he can't understand them for a while.

"Your Majesty! The monster race is found ahead!"

Soon, the sentry of the Beifu Ghost Soldiers came back with news.

They met the Yaozu again.


After thinking about it, Cheng Mu decided not to provoke these monster races.

Why? I can't afford it!

Now he only has two Daluo Realm powerhouses, Ao Shang and Ao Guang.

If all the top ten monster commanders of the monster clan come here, they probably don't know how they died by then.

"Since the Yaozu want this underworld, then give it to them first."

"We'll make a plan when they both lose out!"

The best way to lose is to temporarily avoid the edge.

Let the Yaozu go to fight with the main force of the Underworld Division, Cheng Mu and others arrive at Fengdu Mountain first.

"Want to run? It's too late!"

But just as Cheng Mu's order was issued, Yingzhao's annoying voice resounded throughout the battlefield.

"I didn't expect you to beat that Nezha, you have some strength!"

Amid a howling gust of wind, Yingzhao and Ji Meng reappeared on the battlefield.

At the same time, there were two more people beside them.

The demon **** Bai Ze, the demon handsome Fei Lian!

It seems that to avenge Cheng Mu and others, Yingzhao and Ji Meng invited Bai Ze and Fei Lian!

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"


Different from the murderous Yingzhao and Ji Meng, Bai Ze's attitude is very peaceful.

He said straight to the point: "How about the alliance between our two races?"

He didn't come to kill Cheng Mu today, but to seek an alliance!


Cheng Mu was not surprised by Bai Ze's

Although the monster race likes to eat human flesh, at least they haven't eaten the flesh and blood of the earth star human race.

Coupled with the fact that both sides have a common enemy, what about a temporary alliance?

What Cheng Mu wanted was to open the sealed human channel.

As long as Bai Ze doesn't make excessive demands, he can consider it.

After seeing the power of all parties, Cheng Mu knew that he was a little too impatient.

With the current strength of Earth Star, it is simply impossible to compete with any force.

Are dragons strong?

If the real bosses of the Heavenly Court came, Ao Shang and Ao Guang would be crushed to death!

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