The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1117: Qin Guangcheng

"The reason is, of course, it's a win-win situation."

Bai Ze shook the feather fan in his hand and said with a light smile: "Isn't it a happy thing to have your earth-star race help my monster race to share the pressure?"

Everything is for profit.

Now that their demon clan can no longer hide, they will definitely be attacked by the gods when they go back this time.

So if you can pull a gun, that counts as one.

"What can our human race gain?"

Seeing that Bai Ze did not hide his thoughts, Cheng Mu also got straight to the point.

Since it is cooperation, he must also seek benefits for the human race.

"Of course it's you, the soldiers under your command, and the lives of the dragons beside you."

Bai Ze threatened: "If His Majesty the Emperor refuses to agree, then you may have to die here today."

Cheng Mu only has two mythological Great Luo Realm powerhouses, while their Monster Race has four.

If necessary, he, Bai Ze, can call more Yaoshuai!

This is a threat, a naked threat.

"Okay, I agree!"

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

Due to his impatience leading the army, he could only grit his teeth and agree when he encountered such a predicament.

Ao Shang, Ao Guang and the others could actually leave, and he, Cheng Mu, might also be able to retreat unscathed in the melee.

But in this way, their purpose of coming to the underworld will fall short.

So even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he, Cheng Mu, has to go on.

Unblock the locked six reincarnations, so that the race can continue again!

This is the promise of the expedition Qianchengmu to hundreds of millions of people!


Hearing that Cheng Mu agreed, Bai Ze was very happy.

He flew forward, and still gave Cheng Mu a reassuring word: "Don't worry, our Yaozu will also keep our promise!"

"As long as our two races cooperate happily."

"After the establishment of my demon clan's heavenly court, there will be a place for your human race in the heavens and myriad realms."

"If the Human Sovereign is interested, you can also come to my Yaozu Heavenly Court to serve!"

The times are developing, and all ethnic groups are progressing.

After experiencing a failure, Bai Ze summed up the reasons for his Yaozu failure.

After absorbing the experience of today's Heavenly Court, he decided to create a different Monster Race Heavenly Court.

Only by recruiting strong people from all races can the new monster clan heaven continue forever!

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Cheng Mu nodded in agreement.

At this time, no matter what Bai Ze said, he nodded first.

Whether that sentence is true or not, he doesn't know.

Survive now and unblock the locked world is the ultimate goal.

If possible, he would also like to **** the book of life and death.

Only by putting such a deadly thing in his own hands can he feel at ease!

Before, Emperor Fengdu ordered Yan Luowang to modify the lifespan of the human race. After that, I don’t know if there will be other strong people to modify the lifespan of the human race again?

This is a hidden danger, Cheng Mu wants to kill all the disadvantages to the human race!




Later, after Cheng Mu agreed to cooperate, the attitudes of Bai Ze, Ying Zhao and others changed.

They became very enthusiastic, and Yingzhao kept going to Cheng Mu's side.

"What a delicious smell!"

He wished he could eat Cheng Mu in one bite.

But the oath of the alliance still made him suppress the desire in his heart!

The demon clan eats people, just like people eat chicken, duck and fish.

It's just and right, it's natural.

But now Yingzhao is able to suppress the desire in his heart, which also proves that Bai Ze's words are true.

The monster clan has been making progress, and it is no longer the brainless barbarian monster at the beginning.

"The city ahead is called Qin Guang City, and it is the city of King Qin Guang, one of the Ten Halls of Yama."

"Only by capturing this city can we truly gain a firm foothold in the underworld."

After forming the alliance, Bai Ze brought Cheng Mu under a huge city.

This city is called Qin Guang City, and it is the first heavy city in the underworld.

Just the 100-meter-high city wall makes people feel daunting.

"What's the trouble?"

Cheng Mu cut straight to the point.

Since Bai Ze brought him here, he must have encountered difficulties.

"The city gate is too thick, we need siege equipment!"

Bai Ze spoke simply.

It's not that they can't get in, but that the walls are too high and the gates are too thick.

He has 100,000 monster elites under his command, unable to attack!

"Not flying up?"

Cheng Mu was a little surprised.

The 100-meter-high city wall is a natural barrier to ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning to their gods.

He glanced around, the lowest strength of these monster race elites was also at the altar level.

The 100-meter city wall can only fly up.


However, Bai Ze shook his head and said, "Didn't you realize that the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is suppressing you more and more?"

"And this city has the feature that all flying is prohibited."

If they could fly, their Yaozu would have already flown in.

However, the 300-mile radius around Qin Guangcheng is not only forbidden to fly, but even the suppression of the power of the six realms of reincarnation is getting stronger and stronger.

Xie Xuan's Beifu ghost soldiers are fine.

But these living monster clans, even Cheng Mu and the dragon clan, were greatly affected.

The power of the six realms of reincarnation wants to drive them out of the underworld, and at this moment, 10% of their strength is resisting the repulsion of the reincarnation power!

And the stronger the strength, the greater the impact.

This was also the reason why Bai Ze didn't want to fight Ao Shang and Ao Guang at the beginning.

He is already half-step Yasheng strength.

If he takes a few more shots, he will definitely be thrown out by the power of the six paths of reincarnation.

The power of the six realms of reincarnation is the power of heaven, and it is impossible for a saint to resist!

Therefore, in this battle of the underworld, most of the Xeons only played the role of sit-in.

When it comes to killing the enemy, it still depends on the soldiers under your command!

"I see."

Cheng Mu nodded.

No wonder he felt that the discomfort all over his body was getting worse. It turned out that he was repelled by the power of reincarnation in the underworld.

But these are not problems.

As long as the power of faith walks around in his body, he immediately becomes refreshed and comfortable.

The power of faith is omnipotent.

The more Cheng Mu used it, the more he realized the wonder of the power of faith.

"Xie Xuan!"

Immediately, he called Xie Xuan over.

"In this battle, your Beifu ghost soldiers are the main force to attack the city!"

He didn't skimp on the strength of his subordinates.

To play the vanguard for the Yaozu?

No no no.

Xie Xuan had already told him.

This underworld ghost is a great supplement to the Beifu ghost soldiers.

If others kill the ghosts in the underworld, they will only be wiped out.

But the ghosts that died in the hands of the Beifu ghost soldiers can become part of the Beifu ghost soldiers.

Now the one hundred thousand Beifu ghost soldiers are already half-step god-level strength.

If they are allowed to kill enough ghosts, then the strength of the Beifu ghost soldiers can immediately step into the real fairyland!

Shentai Heavenly Wonderland, this is already the same strength as the elite of the Heavenly Court!

Coupled with the characteristics of immortality.

As long as Xie Xuan's strength is strong, then the Beifu Ghost Soldier will become the most powerful soldier in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

none of them!

"Haha, please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

The strong power of the underworld made Xie Xuan like a fish in water.

The strength of the dragon elite is limited? The strength of the Yaozu elite is limited?

However, under the blessing of the power of the underworld, the strength of his Beifu ghost soldiers is still steadily increasing!

Even he, Xie Xuan, has already half-stepped into the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland.

Ever since, under the leadership of Xie Xuan, one hundred thousand Beifu ghost soldiers rushed towards Qin Guangcheng.

Like a black torrent, it rumbled and made the whole Qin Guang city tremble.

The monstrous ghostly aura immediately made the ghosts guarding the city feel delusional: "Are we ghosts or are they ghosts?"

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