【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"Is this cowardly?"

Seeing King Qin Guang who was kneeling and begging for mercy, Cheng Mu felt displeased and said, "Take your weapon."

If he is a real man, he will die dignifiedly!

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! It's not easy for Xiaoxian to practice! It's not easy to practice!"

King Qin Guang didn't want to die at all.

He has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, and he has achieved today's achievements through untold hardships.

How could he be willing to part with all this now?

"It's okay, it will be soon."

Cheng Mu was still comforting him: "Close your eyes, it will go in right away, it won't hurt at all!"

It is not easy for King Qin Guang to practice, but is it easy for him, Cheng Mu, to practice?

The sky filled with immortals and gods were pressing on his head like a mountain, and he had to increase his strength quickly.

"No! Spare me! Spare me!"

King Qin Guang was already crying.

Hell Yama, who used to be aloof, now cries like a three-year-old in front of Cheng Mu!

Who wants to die? Especially with King Qin Guang's strength, he doesn't want to be lost!

Even if there is only a wisp of remnant soul left by then, his current status will be gone forever!

"Forgive me!"

Cheng Mu's heart is hard and his gun is cold.

Under the cold Chi spear, King Qin Guang's head exploded again.

In the next second, Cheng Mu crushed his soul again!


The power of the soul in Jinxianzhongjing made Cheng Mu's strength a step forward.

At this time, he is not far from the realm promotion.

"call out!"

But at this moment, a spirit rushed out from King Qin Guang's body again.

No, it's the remnant soul.

A remnant soul as tiny as a dying lamp!

"and also?"

Seeing that he hadn't completely absorbed King Qin Guang's soul, Cheng Mu was a little surprised.

He raised his hand and grabbed the remnant soul.

However, in the next second, his palm felt as if it had touched 100,000-degree magma.

The pain in his hands made him tremble.

"what happened?"

He couldn't touch this remnant soul of King Qin Guang!


Just when he was confused, the voice of King Qin Guang snorted coldly came from the remnant soul.

But this time, King Qin Guang didn't let go of his harsh words.

He knew that he had failed, so he could only leave in despair.

"It's really interesting!"

Cheng Mu wanted to pursue him.

But in the next second, the power of the underworld began to restrict his actions.

He wanted to kill this remnant soul of King Qin Guang again, but the Underworld had already refused.

As Qin Guangwang said at the beginning.

In the underworld, he is an immortal being.

Although he has lost the ability to avenge Cheng Mu now, he is immortal!

"You! How dare you!"

At this time, Yama, who was stunned, also woke up.

Seeing Cheng Mu beheading King Qin Guang without hesitation, King Yan Luo also showed horror.

He threatened: "The one standing behind me is Empress Houtu. If you kill me, aren't you afraid that Empress Houtu will blame you?"

Houtu is the real master of the underworld, and that is also the master of their King Yama.

If Cheng Mu wanted to kill him, he would be making an enemy of the saint!


It's a pity that Cheng Mu is not someone who can be threatened.

If the Houtu sage wanted to kill him, he would accept his fate.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

For the rest, no matter who came, he couldn't stop him from killing King Yama!


The speed of the cold chi gun was very fast, and it tore Yama's head in the blink of an eye.

And King Yama's soul was also crushed by Cheng Mu.

Killing the enemy, he is always clean and tidy!

"try again."

But this time, Cheng Mu wanted to try it out.

He knew that there must be a remnant soul in King Yan Luo's body at this time, just like King Qin Guang.

So he wanted to try to see if he could kill this remnant soul completely.

No matter how thin the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

call out!

Soon, the remnant soul in Yama's body also rushed out.

However, Cheng Mu's speed is also very fast.


With a loud shout from him, the Han Chi Spear slashed at the remnant soul of King Yama!


In the next second, a huge impact sounded.

The energy emitted by the collision between the Han Chi Spear and the remnant soul of King Yama sent Cheng Muzhen flying like a mountain.

At this moment, Cheng Mu only felt that his internal organs were shattered.

Fragments of black organs sprayed out of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Rumble! Rumble!

A huge thundercloud from the underworld floated over.

It is the power of the underworld that is angry.

Those heavenly thunders like horned dragons are its anger!

Boom! Click click click! Zizi~zizizi~

Immediately, dozens of heavenly thunder from the underworld bombarded Cheng Mu's body.

At this moment, the power of these heavenly thunders from Huangquan is more than ten times stronger than the one summoned by King Qin Guang at the beginning.

For a moment, Cheng Mu's skin was ripped apart from the split, and he felt refreshed all over.

Even the unicorn armor on his body has changed from silver to black.

"Hehehe, hahaha!"

But even so, Cheng Mu was still smiling.

He succeeded.

This sky full of Huangquan Tianlei is the best interpretation of his success.

The Han Chi Spear smashed the remnant soul of King Yama, and since then, there will be no King Yama in the world.

He was wiped out, and his soul was scattered.

King Yan Luo, who specialized in controlling death in the Underworld, died in the hands of Cheng Mu!

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu beheaded the two Yama kings by raising his hand, the remaining eight Yama kings were furious.

Especially the King of Reincarnation and King of Equality, they can't wait to tear Cheng Mu's corpse into thousands of pieces!

However, when Ao Shang and Ao Guang began to reveal their millions of years of cultivation, they were also unable to protect themselves.

As the lord of the dragon clan.

Relying on the millions of years of dragon clan heritage, Ao Guang can almost become invincible in the Da Luo realm.

The reincarnation king who fought with him had already broken five of his eight arms.

Slowly, the victory has been tilted to Cheng Mu's side!

At the same time, the ground battlefield.

Xie Xuan led the Beifu ghost soldiers to the gate of Chujiang City.

After their strength has been promoted to the level of gods, these **** ghost soldiers are no longer their opponents.

One hundred thousand monster elites also joined the battlefield.

This is Bai Ze's order, and it is also their last battle.

This battle helped Cheng Mu capture Chujiang City, and Cheng Mu had to go the rest of the way by himself.

It was also at this time ~www.readwn.com~ Cheng Mu saw the true strength of the Yaozu.

Crushing, crushing without any suspense!

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

What is the fighting style of the monster elite? That is to reveal the real body and kill ten thousand enemies with one blow.

Apes 100 meters high, tigers 1,000 meters high, idols 10,000 meters high...

These monster elites revealed their real bodies and became real giants on the battlefield.


Even if the monster elites are powerful, they can kill tens of thousands of **** ghost soldiers with one blow.

But at this time, they still failed to break into Chujiang City.

Even Xie Xuan's Beifu ghost soldiers were blocked at the gate of the city, unable to advance half a step.

It's evil spirits, endless evil spirits.

In order to resist the ghost soldiers of the Beifu and the elite of the demon clan, King Chujiang opened the Ice Hell without hesitation.

For a while, the wandering ghosts who had been suppressed in the ice **** for millions of years were released.

Due to the long-term suppression, most of the evil spirits have lost their minds.

Now they only have killing and bloodlust in their hearts.

Don't look at the low strength of these evil spirits, and some of them will dissipate even if they are blown by the wind.

However, they are huge in number and keep coming.

When hundreds of millions of evil spirits from **** surge out, no matter how strong the Beifu Ghost Soldiers are, they won't be able to stop them!

At this time, even the elite dragon and monster clans in Xuanxian Golden Wonderland were suffering unspeakably for a while.

Can't kill them all, can't kill them all at all.

The magic power in their bodies was about to dry up, but the number of evil spirits outside Chujiang City was only a lot!

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