【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"If this doesn't work, you'll be exhausted to death."

Cheng Mu also noticed the abnormality at this time.

Although the dragon elite and the monster elite are extremely powerful, they can crush these evil spirits to death with just a lift of their hands.

However, no matter how strong they are, the mana and vigor in their bodies have limits.

If it continues like this, even the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm will die here.

These evil spirits crawled out of hell, full of the power of hell.

As long as it gets a little bit contaminated, the flesh and blood of its body will be corroded.

Slowly, the dragon elite and the monster elite got into trouble.

They not only want to kill the enemy, but also resist the erosion of the power of hell.

Many elites have already begun to show signs of fatigue, which is a very dangerous signal!

"Get out of the way!"

Faced with this predicament, Cheng Mu planned to seal the gate of Chujiang City first.

Chujiang City, like Qin Guangcheng back then, has the effect of no-flying.

If he couldn't stop the continuous stream of evil spirits, then he could only rush into the city and think of a way.

Click click click.

Soon, under Cheng Mu's attack, the huge gate of Chujiang City was frozen instantly.

That thick layer of ice cannot be broken even by the experts from the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

And the evil spirits that touched the ice were all frozen into ice slag.

"Is it blocked?"

Cheng Mu felt it carefully. For now at least, his icy walls are impenetrable.

If there is no accident, the city gate has been completely blocked by him.

But in the next second.

Bang bang bang bang!

Outside the huge Chujiang City, evil spirits fell from the city wall like dumplings.

Now the city is full of evil spirits, and the evil spirits who have nowhere to go choose to jump off the city wall.

All of a sudden, the sound of wailing, roaring, and crying can be heard endlessly!

Due to the laws of the underworld, evil spirits are not in a state of incorporeality.

Like Qin Guangwang Yama, they all have bodies made of the underworld.

And such a high city wall was enough to tear them apart.

At this moment, under the walls of Chujiang City, there are limbs and heads everywhere.

They are crowded with each other, wanting to put their bodies back together as soon as possible.

The scene is very terrifying!

"Treat the symptoms, not the root cause!"

Seeing such a scene, Cheng Mu knew what he should do.

If you can't go in and seal the ice hell. Then this is not only a disaster for oneself, but also a disaster for the underworld.

"King Chujiang!"

With that said, Cheng Mu rushed towards King Chu Jiang.

The point is that he won't seal **** either! This kind of thing should be done by professionals!

"You... what do you want to do?"

Seeing Cheng Mufei approaching, King Chu Jiang, who was fighting Ao Qing, was terrified.

He could see Cheng Mu's cruelty.

Now he and Ao Qing are not on equal footing, you come and go.

But now that Cheng Mu's arrival, isn't this the old life of King Chujiang?

"Re-seal the ice hell, or die!"

Cheng Mu had already pulled out the Chi Chi Spear.

He is already planning to come hard. The king of Chu Jiang had to agree if he agreed, and he had to agree if he didn't agree.

Anyway, with his current strength, except for the King of Wheels and the King of Equality, whoever he sneaks up on will die!

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

He doesn't deny the power of Hades to judge evil spirits, but the fighting power of Hades is really average.

"Seal! I will seal it immediately!"

After seeing that the other seven Hades did not gain the upper hand, King Chu Jiang gave up.

He didn't want to end up with Qin Guang Wang Yan Luo Wang.

King Qin Guang is fine, at least there is still a remnant soul left behind. But poor Yan Luo Wang, he just lost his soul!

So in desperation, King Chu Jiang surrendered and gave up resistance.


Soon, under the control of King Chu Jiang, all the evil spirits that crawled out of the icy **** were suppressed again.

The huge Chujiang City became silent again.

King Chu Jiang dared not speak, and neither did the ghost clan in the city.

The majestic Chujiang City is waiting for the arrangement of fate at this time.

Especially King Chu Jiang.

He saw Cheng Mu's brutality, so he could only pray that Cheng Mu would spare his life because of his usefulness.

You can't fight, you can't run, you can't run.

King Chujiang had no choice but to accept his fate.


Seeing that all the evil spirits were repressed, Cheng Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

At least for now, the lives of the dragon and monster elites have been saved.

If they expend too much energy here, they may not be able to get back to the closed gate!

Since the Dragon Clan and the Yao Clan have affection and righteousness, how could he, Cheng Mu, let them suffer here.

"Your Majesty, then look at Xiaoxian..."

After suppressing the evil spirit, King Chujiang asked cautiously.

He planned to retreat and hide in Chujiang City.

After staying by Cheng Mu's side for a long time, he was worried that Cheng Mu would shoot him unexpectedly!

"Well, you can go on your way."

However, King Chu Jiang still underestimated Cheng Mu's cold blood.

After he lost his function, Cheng Mu decided to send him to see King Yama!

"you you you you......"

Seeing Cheng Mu who was going to kill the donkey, the King of Chujiang begged in horror: "Your Majesty, Xiaoxian has re-sealed the Ice Hell according to your request!"

If Cheng Mu is such a treacherous person, even if he tries to die, he won't make Cheng Mu feel better!

"Yes, it's been sealed again."

Cheng Mu nodded, but did not deny the credit of King Chujiang.

However, he said coldly: "You were the one who opened the ice **** and released the evil spirits!"

Once you open a letter, the merits and demerits will be equalized.

Now he, Cheng Mu, and King Chujiang are still enemies!


Cheng Mu's words instantly pulled King Chujiang into the abyss.

In desperation, King Chujiang turned around and fled into the distance!

He doesn't want to step into the footsteps of King Yama, even if he becomes King Qin Guang~www.readwn.com~ Hehe, you can't escape. "

However, Cheng Mu was already prepared, and Ao Qing was also in front to intercept him.

The situation that King Chujiang suffered at this time was even more desperate than that of King Qin Guang and Yan Luodian at the beginning.

Under the front and back interception, he has nowhere to escape!

"I'm sorry, please get on the road!"

Cheng Mu has already raised the Chi spear in his hand.

He was looking forward to whether the soul of King Chujiang, who was strong in the Golden Immortal Emerald Realm, could raise his strength to the Golden Immortal Middle Realm.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

If possible. After beheading the remaining Yan Luo queens, wouldn't his Cheng Mu's strength be able to leap into the mythical Da Luo?

"Hey, please ask the Emperor to raise your hand high."

But at this moment, when the cold chi spear was about to pierce King Chujiang's head, an old voice suddenly came.

For a moment, the entire space was still.

Whether it's Cheng Mu who made a move, or King Chu Jiang who fled, or everyone who is fighting.

Everyone was motionless, all frozen by the voice!

"Meng Po, it's Lady Meng who is here!"

Although King Chu Jiang couldn't move his body, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

He knew he survived, he survived the cruel Cheng Mu.

In the next second, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Everything began to return to its place, and Cheng Mu and others also returned to their original positions.

Even King Qin Guang and King Yan Luo, who were beheaded by Cheng Mu, came back.

The big battle just now seemed to have never happened!

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