The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1129: World 1: Resident Evil

On the second day, there were three poles in the sun.

When Cheng Mu walked out from the harem, Qin'er had been waiting for a long time.

And when they learned that Cheng Mu was about to go to other worlds alone, the ministers came to see him off one after another.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will guard the earth star for you!"

As the first old man who followed Cheng Mu, Zhuge Liang never left him for so many years, devoted himself to Cheng Mu and the earth and stars, and gave everything of himself!

Even if Cheng Mu went to another world today, he would still guard the earth star.

"Your Majesty, when you get there, you will be the first to summon the general to go!"

Li Cunxiao is very impatient.

After learning that Cheng Mu was going to another world, he also couldn't wait.

No matter where Cheng Mu goes, he is willing to follow!

"There is also the last general! Your Majesty, you must remember the last general!"

Guan Hai also stood up at this time. He is Cheng Mu's personal bodyguard, Li Cunxiao actually wants to take his place?

"The last general, Ran Min, please share your majesty's worries!"

"My subject, Li Xuanba, is willing to share your majesty's worries!"

"Your Majesty, I am Lao Wan! Have you forgotten me?"

"The last general, Zhao Yun, please fight!"


After Li Cunxiao and Guan Hai took the initiative to invite Yingying, the rest of the generals also stood up one after another.

It is no fun to stay in the boring cultivation of the earth and stars, it is better to go to another world to fight.

Even if they died in another world, they would have no regrets!

"Okay, I will call you when the time comes!"

Cheng Mu comforted the soldiers under his command.

I am alone in this trip to another world, and when the time comes, he will definitely recruit helpers.

But who can be recruited? Who is the best fit? That depends on the specific situation.

"Cheng Mu, shall we go?"

At this time, Hei Ling and Pang Da asked while yawning.

They are existences bound to Cheng Mu's soul.

Now that Cheng Mu's soul has passed, maybe they can pass too.

"No, the only person going this time is the master."

However, before Cheng Mu could speak, Qin'er answered first.

"It won't be too late to call you over there until the master has gained a firm foothold over there!"

This is smuggling, so she must ensure absolute safety and smooth travel.

"Hey, it's fine if you can't go."

"Cheng Mu is not here, this king eats and sleeps every day!"

Hei Ling and Pang Da were very happy to get their own satisfactory answer.

To another world? They don't go.

Going on an adventure to an unknown world? They might as well stay comfortably on Earth!

"Two slobs!"

Cheng Mu didn't hit them this time, but told them: "If something happens to the earth and stars, you must take action as soon as possible."

Although Hei Ling and Pang Da are sometimes unreliable, they are still very useful at critical moments.

"I know, I know, I'm so annoying."

Hei Ling walked away impatiently and arrogantly.

Even Pang Da disappeared with a whoosh.


Soon, Cheng Mu was ready.

His body was placed in the palace, and 90% of his soul was sealed in his body.

In the next second, he felt himself rising rapidly, and a powerful force pulled him upwards.

In mid-air, he saw the whole picture of Apocalypse City, and saw the prosperity created by himself.

Afterwards, he saw the strong men of the Ministry of Industry building a science and technology academy with their power.

I saw sects rising up on the earth and stars.

Not long after, he flew through the deep space and flew to the barrier of the world.

At the last moment, Qin'er told him: "Master, Qin'er will also separate a trace of consciousness to merge with you, and turn it into the system you are most familiar with!"

"Please don't worry, Qin'er is always by your side!"

call out!

The moment Qin'er finished speaking, Cheng Mu felt that he was thrown out of the stars.

In the next second, darkness struck.


Biohazard world.

Qin Feng ran forward desperately, and a dozen people behind him were chasing and killing him with sharp knives.

"The ghosts of the Neptune Gang are really lingering!"

He, Qin Feng, was just an ordinary person in the last days. He accidentally ran into the bandits, the Sea King Gang, while searching for supplies.

It just so happened that he and the Neptune gang discovered a third-order crystal nucleus that was left on the ground by someone.

For a moment, the eyes of both sides were red.

Relying on the advantage of close range, Qin Feng snatched this third-order crystal nucleus first.

As a result, the Neptune gang had been chasing him for an hour and hadn't given up.

"No, I can't run anymore."

Feeling that his speed was getting slower and slower, Qin Feng knew he couldn't continue running like this.

No matter how he ran, he would eventually die in the hands of the Aquaman Gang robbers.

So, he gritted his teeth and stuffed the third-order crystal nucleus he picked up into his mouth.

"This is the only hope. I heard that swallowing crystal nuclei above the second level has a chance to activate the gene sequence. God bless you!"

This is his only chance.

As long as he can turn on the gene sequence, he might be able to get rid of this group of Neptune gang members.

However, at this moment, when they saw Qin Feng devouring the crystal nucleus, the people who were chasing after him also pulled out their pistols.


With the sound of the gun, a huge flower of blood exploded on Qin Feng's chest. He felt his body began to become lighter, and the exhaustion all over his body was swept away.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work."

Feeling that the power of life was rapidly draining, he closed his eyes in despair.

Heaven did not bless him!


In the next second, his body fell to the ground, raising waves of dust.

"Unlucky! I wasted a bullet!"

Soon, someone came to Qin Feng's body.

Seeing the disappearing third-order crystal nucleus, the leader said viciously: "Pull it up! Cut open the stomach to see if the crystal nucleus has been absorbed?"



Cheng Mu fell into darkness for a second just now, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had appeared in a strange world.

The wind blew him very cold, and his crotch was chilly.

"Lying on the grass! Why don't you have any clothes?"

Looking down and seeing himself naked, Cheng Mu was stunned.

Is it because the way you travel is wrong? Randomly possessing a person is still a **** body.

He wanted to forge a garment for himself with mana.

But soon he realized the reality, his body was empty! nothing!

"Ahem...that, master."

At this time, Qin'er's voice sounded in Cheng Mu's mind.

Qin'er explained: "The situation is a bit special. This body is most suitable for resurrection from death because of the remaining energy."

"So Qin'er made her own decision and asked you, the master, to possess this body."

Soul wear is also a skill. Not only to find a body, but also a reasonable resurrection.

Otherwise, the world consciousness of this world will definitely notice the abnormality.

"Okay, I see, find a way to find me a dress."

Cheng Mu didn't want to know this, he just wanted to cover the **** now.

Balls dancing with the wind in the wilderness is not very elegant.

"Okay, master, please silently turn on the system."

"From now on, for unnecessary troubles, Qin'er will turn into a system to assist the master wholeheartedly."

Qin'er went back to her old profession, the system.

"so troublesome."

Cheng Mu had no choice but to recite the system silently in his heart.

In the next second, a translucent virtual light curtain appeared in his eyes.

On the top of the light curtain, there are a few large characters written: Doomsday Mall System.

And at the bottom of the doomsday mall system, there is a line of small words: This system is only visible to the owner, Cheng Mu.

"Fancy bells and whistles."

Cheng Mu muttered, and began to operate without a teacher.

The doomsday mall system is actually a mall with various items in it.

The clothes that Cheng Mu needs most are ranked first.

Shamat Suit: No attribute bonus.

Exchange price: 1 point of energy

Description: Wear it, and you will be the prettiest boy on the street.

"Hiss, Qin'er, did you do it on purpose?"

Seeing this killer suit, Cheng Mu gasped.

Why did this kind of ancient clothes appear in the mall?

"Master, this is the most popular outfit in the world right now. This is also what this body wore at the beginning!"

Qin'er explained.

She didn't mean to tease Cheng Mu on purpose, but did everything for reason.

"Okay, I will wear the clothes."

Cheng Mu gritted his teeth: "But why do you still charge me a little energy?"

"And what is the energy value?"

He has just traveled here, how does he know what energy value is?

Besides, isn't the system serving him, and why is he charged?

"Master, let's make sense, everything is for reason!"

Qin'er patiently explained: "Master, of course you have energy, it's in the lower left corner of the interface."

"This is the remaining energy in this body just now. Qin'er helped the master collect it."

"Except for some energy spent repairing the body, the rest is here."

As she spoke, the words [Energy balance: 1] in the lower left corner of the mall interface were still beating to remind Cheng Mu.

"Okay, I see!"

Cheng Mu didn't hesitate any longer, and spent what little energy he had to exchange for a Shamat suit.

The clothes were dirty and had a fishy smell.

But for the sake of his grand plan and hegemony, he still held back.

"By the way, what's the name of this world?"

After putting on his clothes, Cheng Mu finally felt relieved.

He began to ask for information about the world, so that he could be mentally prepared.

"One of many Resident Evil worlds."

Qin'er cleared her doubts and said: "The biochemical crisis has erupted in this world for more than ten years, and 99% of the population has become zombies."

"Master, you just need to lead the remaining humans to eliminate the zombies and become king."

The task of annexing the world is simple, kill zombies.

"Resident Evil? Or Resident Evil ten years from now?"

Hearing Qin'er's explanation of what Cheng Mu thought of, he asked, "Have all these zombies evolved?"

According to his understanding, viruses have a lifespan. Even zombies, as long as the virus dead cells die, they will die too.

A virus crisis cannot last ten years.


Qin'er nodded and said, "The zombies in this world have begun to evolve, but humans have also activated their genetic sequences."

"As long as you follow the instructions, master, everything will be fine."

Standing behind Cheng Mu was an entire Earth Star.

Even if a zombie evolves, it is impossible to evolve into a fairy-like existence. As long as the earth and star army descends, no matter how many zombies there are, they will be hacked to death!

"Gene sequence, UU reading is interesting."

Cheng Mu finally heard what he was interested in.

He asked: "Unlocking the gene sequence is equivalent to what we call opening the shackles of qualifications?"

If so, then he really didn't make a trip in vain!

"more or less."

Qin'er didn't deny it, but she still said: "The specifics need to be explored by yourself, Master."

"Most of the information that Qin'er knows is just the memory of the former owner of your body, the master."

"As long as the master explores all the way, Qin'er will know everything!"

She's just here too, so she doesn't know everything.

"have to!"

Cheng Mu's forehead darkened: "I just said why I didn't integrate the memory of my predecessor, so it was eaten by you!"

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