The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1130: Kill Zombies, Tier 1

【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"That's right. If the master wants to summon his subordinates, he needs to improve his strength."

At this time, Qin'er reminded her friendly again.

Cheng Mu's current strength is not strong enough to summon the subordinates on the planet Earth.

"I know, it's just training!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

With his background in Golden Wonderland, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes before he returned to the top.

Even if the spiritual power in this world is thin, at least there is such a thing as spiritual power.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth is the power of heaven and earth, and the more advanced ones can be called the power of fairy spirits.

It's not that Cheng Mu wants to ask immortals here.

As long as the strength sets foot in Zhenguo or even Shenmen, it is enough to crush all the zombies in this world to death!

"No, master, you misunderstood."

Seeing that Cheng Mu was going to practice again, Qin'er hurriedly explained.

"You can only kill zombies!"

The way to increase power in this world is to kill zombies.

"So master, you must use this method to improve your strength!"

"This was originally a world where monsters were fought and upgraded. If a cultivator suddenly appeared, it would definitely be discovered by the world's consciousness."

Qin'er has always emphasized reasonable fusion.

Since you want to annex the world by stealing, you must do as the Romans do.

Suddenly, something that didn't exist at this time appeared, it was like a light in the dark, extremely dazzling.

"Is that so? I know!"

Cheng Mu has nothing to criticize. Fighting monsters and leveling up is just like playing another game.

In the past, it was to lead troops to fight, but now it is to kill zombies!

"By the way, will every world in the future need this?"

He double-checked before trying to escalate.

If it is to fight monsters and upgrade every time, it will inevitably appear boring.

"Not necessarily, it depends on the type of world to be annexed."

Qin'er reassured him: "If it's a fantasy world, the master can practice."

"If you are cultivating immortals, then it is your old job, master."

"If Qin'er captures other types of different worlds, master, you can use other special methods."

"For example, pretending to be a system to issue tasks, pretending to be an evil **** to develop believers, etc."

There are many ways to annex a world. Everything, just choose the most reasonable way.

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to it!"

As long as it's not forever fighting monsters and upgrading, Cheng Mu is very interested.

"Quick battle and quick decision, I want to annex this world as soon as possible, so as to open the next world!"

Qin'er said that the longest time to annex a world should not exceed one year of the earth and star world.

But Cheng Mu knew that the sooner the better: "Set a small goal, half a year!"

Immediately, he found a wooden stick on the ground and walked in the direction pointed by Qin'er.

Kill zombies? He is professional!


After walking for five minutes, several stumbling figures appeared in front of Cheng Mu's eyes.

He had seen the movie Resident Evil before, so he naturally recognized the identities of these figures.


Soon as he approached, the attributes of the nearest zombie appeared in his eyes.


Level: Tier Zero

Features: Sensitive sense of smell, undead with broken limbs, virus infection

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

Weakness: head

Description: The lowest level of zombies in the world of Resident Evil. It moves slowly but has a keen sense of smell. Once touched by it, it will soon become one of them.


Looking at the attributes of the first-order zombies, Cheng Mu endured the strong smell of corpses and rushed over.


The wooden stick pierced through the zombie's eyes, and then pierced through the back of its head.

The wooden stick was soft, but Cheng Mu was very strong.

Even though this body has no magic power, his extremely high gun skills are still there.

Although it was just an ordinary little wooden stick, it was still a murderous weapon in his hands.


When the wooden stick was pulled out from the zombie's head, Qin'er's reminder came from Cheng Mu's ear: "Congratulations, master, for successfully killing a zero-level zombie. Master, you get 1 experience point!"

In an instant, an almost negligible energy poured into Cheng Mu's body.

He waved his arms, feeling nothing.

"How much experience do I need to upgrade?"

Unable to feel the obvious improvement in strength, he silently asked Qin'er in his heart.

"Ninety-nine o'clock!"

Qin'er replied: "The master only needs to kill another ninety-nine zero-level zombies to advance to the first level."

After returning to her old profession, her business became more and more proficient.

"Is everyone else in this world upgraded like this?"

Cheng Mu understood, and sent away another zombie with his hands raised.


Qin'er nodded and said: "But if they want to fight monsters and upgrade, they must first activate the gene sequence."

"Only by turning on the gene sequence and becoming an evolutionary can one absorb the experience points after killing zombies."

In this world, not everyone can fight monsters and upgrade.

Only by becoming an evolutionary can one be qualified to become stronger.


Cheng Mu made up his mind: "I will definitely understand this gene sequence!"

Each world has each world special place.

Although the world of Resident Evil seemed extremely weak to Cheng Mu, it had such a thing as a gene sequence.

He was thinking, if this gene sequence is really related to aptitude, wouldn't the people of his Earth Star be able to raise their aptitude by another level?

C level changes to S, and S becomes SSR. At that time, not to mention a hundred thousand Xuanxian soldiers, a million soldiers will be no problem.


But just as Cheng Mu had finished dealing with the zombies around him, there was a sudden roar from afar.

He took a closer look and saw several figures running towards him.

"Looking at the clothes, they should be zombies, but they can actually run?"

After thinking about it carefully, he guessed that he should have encountered a higher-level zombie.

Soon, those figures ran over. Their speed is faster than the speed of ordinary people running with all their strength.

【The Walking Dead】

Level: first-order

Features: Sensitive sense of smell and hearing, quick action, deadly virus

Weakness: head

Description: The low-level zombies in the world of Resident Evil, with fast movement speed and sensitive sense of smell and hearing, are the nightmare of ordinary people.

"A first-order walking corpse?"

Cheng Mu was a little curious.

He stood still and waited for these walking corpses to rush over.

What he is curious about is, how much experience value can the first-order walking corpse bring him?

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】


The first walking corpse that ran over was extremely fast, and hit its head straight on Cheng Mu's wooden stick.

The huge inertia almost knocked Cheng Mu to the ground.

But it was its willingness to die that made Cheng Mu know how much it was worth.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully killing a first-order walking corpse, master, you have gained 5 experience points!"

The body of the walking corpse fell to the ground, and a filament of energy poured into Cheng Mu's body.

"It's ok."

Then Cheng Mu dodged to avoid the attacks of the remaining walking corpses, thinking about it.

If you kill the first-order walking corpses, you only need twenty of them to rise to the first-order.

My own upgrade speed is a bit fast!

Puff puff puff puff puff.

Soon, these walking corpses all died in Cheng Mu's hands.

Although the walking corpse is the nightmare of ordinary people, it is still an ant in front of him.

Even if he is standing here today, a hundred walking corpses will never touch his clothes!

"Fifty energy points, right?"

After eliminating all the zombies around, Cheng Mu asked Qin'er.

He remembered that he had killed six walking corpses and twenty zombies.

According to the experience value, it is exactly fifty points.

"Back, master, yes!"

There was joy in Qin'er's tone: "Master, come on, you will be able to rise to the first level soon."

It is also of great benefit to Cheng Mu to kill zombies.

Cheng Mu's mission is to keep getting stronger, and her mission is to annex this world.

The more zombies Cheng Mu kills, the stronger she will be in this world!

"Scan it, which direction has more zombies?"

Confirming that he was only short of half of the experience points to be able to upgrade, Cheng Mu decided to upgrade to the first level first.

It's time to meet people in this world.

In the apocalypse, zombies are actually not the scariest thing.

Sometimes one's own kind is also an extremely terrifying existence!

"Master, you don't have to go anywhere, someone has brought a large group of zombies over."

Qin'er just wanted to scan, but she didn't expect that a zombie would come to her door on her own initiative.

"A large group?"

Hearing Qin'er's words, he saw the almost useless wooden stick in his hand.

So, he asked, "How much energy do I have now? Change the weapon for me!"

Although wooden sticks can kill zombies, it takes many times more effort.

Since it was a large group of zombies, he decided to change the weapon he was using first.

"Master, you don't have any energy points yet!"

Qin'er explained helplessly: "The energy value of the mall is transformed from the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head."

"Master, you haven't collected crystal nuclei yet, Qin'er has no energy value here now!"

Kill zombies to upgrade, the experience value is the experience value, and the energy value of the mall is the energy value.

Only when Qin'er absorbs the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head can she use energy to create items.

"You didn't say it earlier!"

Seeing the zombies that were about to run over, it was impossible for Cheng Mu to open the skulls of the corpses on the ground.

In desperation, he could only find a stick from the ground again.

in a blink.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The roar of the zombie group was already close at hand.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"Brother, run!"

At this moment, the few people running in the front shouted at Cheng Mu.

Seeing Cheng Mu who was motionless, they thought Cheng Mu had been frightened out of his wits!


Cheng Mu counted and roughly estimated the number of zombies in this group.

Only thirty or so.

There are zero-level zombies and one-level walking corpses in the middle.

If he could kill all the zombies, he would be able to enter the second level.

"Such a good opportunity, why run?"

Then, with a grin on his lips, he took the initiative to meet the group of zombies.

"Crazy, crazy, another crazy one!"

There was a trace of pity in Wang Qiang's eyes. They brought this group of zombies here, so he kindly reminded Cheng Mu to run first.

But Cheng Mu didn't want to run, but rushed over on his own initiative.

In Wang Qiang's eyes, Cheng Mu has gone crazy!

In this hopeless doomsday, many people will choose to voluntarily die after being driven mad.

"Run, run, there is a lunatic helping us attract zombies, we can survive!"

A gleam of rejoicing flashed in the hearts of the rest of the people, fortunately they met a lunatic, otherwise they would have died!

If Cheng Mu was fighting the zombies with a weapon at this time, UU Reading They would still guess that Cheng Mu might be a super expert.

But a small wooden stick, isn't this a stupid act of sending someone to death?

After Wang Qiang and others ran away completely, Cheng Mu was completely surrounded by corpses.

Is Cheng Mu dead? of course not.

At this time, he has regained the feeling of fighting on the battlefield and fighting thousands of horses and horses.

Although more than 30 zombies surrounded him impenetrably, his super-strong agility allowed him to navigate among the corpses with ease, like walking in a garden.

Those pairs of dry palms couldn't touch the corners of his clothes at all.

Soon, there were more and more corpses of zombies on the ground.

And the energy in Cheng Mu's body is also increasing.


When there was no standing zombie around, Cheng Mu's strength finally improved.

The strength in his limbs made him feel that he could smash the heads of zombies with one punch.

"Congratulations, master, you are now a Tier 1 powerhouse!"

Qin'er's joyful voice came.

If Level 0 is an ordinary person, then Level 1 is completely distanced from ordinary people.

"level one?"

Cheng Mu felt it carefully.

For this body, this force is very strong.

But for him, Cheng Mu, it was still too weak.

If you want to divide it according to the level of strength in his memory, the first level is not even considered as an inflow, it is the level of a special unit with a force value of 30 points!

"Come on step by step."

But he wasn't discouraged either.

Growth is a process.

As long as he can upgrade by killing zombies, he will soon return to his peak!

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