The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1131: Wangshan Zhen

【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

, the online game The Heavens Come

"Master, you can collect zombie crystal nuclei now."

After Cheng Mu dealt with all the zombies, Qin'er reminded her.

She is not omnipotent.

You must have energy to help Cheng Mu create items.

"Well, I can only open the head with bare hands."

Without a sharp edge at hand, Cheng Mu could only take the simplest and most brutal method.

He took off some clothes from the dead zombie, and wrapped his fist tightly.

Immediately afterwards, with a punch.


A zombie's head exploded like a watermelon.

Among the rotting flesh and blood, he found a gray crystal nucleus.

Zero-order crystal nucleus: the lowest energy material in the world at present, and the energy contained in it is negligible.

"This thing is the crystal nucleus?"

Cheng Mu picked up the marble-sized crystal nucleus and placed it in the sunlight to observe carefully.

In the gray crystal, there is a trace of energy floating.

"This energy is actually the power of heaven and earth!"

It was also at this moment that Cheng Mu noticed something unusual.

What is contained in this zero-order crystal nucleus is actually the power of heaven and earth.

Although this power of heaven and earth is extremely weak, it is almost negligible.

But it is a genuine power of heaven and earth!


He understood why Qin'er kept emphasizing that she had to absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus.

The power of heaven and earth is also called the weakened version of the power of the world.

As long as Qin'er accumulates enough power of heaven and earth, she can calculate and evolve the power of the world in this world!

This has the effect of twice the result with half the effort for her to annex this world!

"Hey, master is really smart!"

Qin'er knew that Cheng Mu had guessed it, so she warned: "Master will need to kill a lot of zombies in the future!"

The more zombies Cheng Mu killed, the stronger she became, and the faster she annexed the world.


Cheng Mu nodded and asked, "How many energy points is this zero-order crystal nucleus worth?"

Although there is almost no power of heaven and earth in the zero-order crystal nucleus, no matter how thin a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat.

"1 o'clock."

Qin'er explained: "The zero-order crystal nucleus can provide a little energy value!"

Since it is a mosquito leg, the value is naturally the lowest 1 point.

"How to convert it into energy points?"

Cheng Muyou asked a question. The system of Qin'er's incarnation is an illusory existence, so he can't show up and eat this crystal nucleus in one bite, right?

"Master, just hold the crystal nucleus tightly."

Qin'er had already thought of a way, she said: "Master, the crystal core Qin'er that you hold tightly in your palm will absorb the energy in it."

"Qin'er won't absorb the crystal nucleus you don't have in your palm."

The zombie crystal nucleus is also a common currency in this world.

So without Cheng Mu's approval, she would not absorb Cheng Mu's crystal nucleus on her own initiative.


Cheng Mu nodded, holding the zero-order crystal nucleus tightly in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, he found that the crystal nucleus in the palm of his hand was shattered.

After the energy inside was sucked away, this zero-order crystal nucleus shattered into powder.

At this time, on the mall interface, he also saw his energy point change from 0 to 1.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"Get the craniotomy knife first!"

With the energy value, Cheng Mu will no longer open his head with bare hands.

This body is still an ordinary person, if it is infected by a virus, it will burp.


Qin'er agreed, and soon a dagger was placed first.

Tungsten Gold Dagger: The sharpest dagger in the world, bar none.

Exchange price: 1 energy point.

"It feels pretty good."

After getting the dagger, Cheng Mu waved it in the air twice, very smoothly.

With the help of the tungsten dagger, he quickly opened up all the zombies in the area.

After the final count, he harvested ten first-order crystal nuclei and 49 zero-order crystal nuclei.

First-order crystal nucleus: the low-level energy material in the current world, which contains a trace of the power of heaven and earth.

Exchangeable energy value: 5 points

"Keep half, and you can absorb the rest."

Cheng Mu found a piece of cloth and wrapped 5 first-order crystal nuclei and 20 zero-order crystal nuclei.

After learning from Qin'er that crystal cores are the current world's common currency, he must keep some on his body for backup.

"Thank you, master."

Qin'er was very happy, and absorbed all the remaining crystal nuclei in one gulp.

In an instant, Cheng Mu's energy value in the mall reached 54 points.

Without hesitation, he spent another 1 point of energy in exchange for the spear he was best at using.

Tungsten gold spear: the sharpest spear in the world, bar none.

What Qin'er said at the beginning to collect 1 point of energy means meaning, and that means meaning.

As long as there are things in this world, Cheng Mu only needs to spend a little energy to exchange them.

If it was just normal survival, the remaining 53 points of energy could keep Cheng Mu alive for a long time.

Don't worry about eating and drinking, and don't worry about weapons and equipment.

Under the control of Qin'er, these powers of heaven and earth can be transformed into everything in the current world!

"By the way, can I summon Earth Star's subordinates?"

Now that he has the energy, he can't wait to summon the fierce generals under his command.

It's a bit slow for him to kill zombies alone, so many people are powerful!

Summon the army under his command, and push it all the way.


Hearing Cheng Mu's inquiry, Qin'er put the portraits of Li Cunxiao, Xiang Yu, Ran Min and others on the first page of the mall.

Its exchange price has reached a terrifying energy value of one thousand points.

Not only that, Qin'er also explained: "If you call the generals to come, it's just a ray of the generals' soul."

"And when the generals arrive, their strength will be equal to that of your master!"

Cheng Mu's plan to summon the generals to kill all the zombies with one blow failed.

He hadn't even fully stood on his heels yet, so how could he summon his subordinates so quickly?

"Okay, the rest of the energy will be stored first."

Cheng Mu gave up the idea of ​​taking shortcuts.

Since summoning his subordinates required 1,000 energy points, he would accumulate them slowly.

Anyway, with the weapon in hand, he doesn't need anything right now.

Then, after tidying up, he walked towards the direction where Wang Qiang and the others fled at first.

Now that he is rich and powerful, it's time to get in touch with people in this world.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】


Wangshan Town.

The bustling Wangshan Town is very lively and full of the atmosphere of the market.

As a newly established village and town, because of its proximity to the barren land, there is an endless stream of scavengers resting here.

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When Cheng Mu came here, it was almost afternoon.

Along the way, he encountered some wandering zombies and scattered scavengers.

As Qin'er said at the beginning, people in the last days have long been accustomed to his non-mainstream attire.

On the contrary, there were a few unsightly scavengers on the road who wanted to plot against him, but they all died under his gun without any accident.

In the last days, human nature is estimated to have long since disappeared.

So when he learned that he came to the world of biohazard, Cheng Mu became vigilant.

He is wary of the zombies on the wasteland, and he is also wary of a person he meets!

"Entry fee, 1 gray crystal!"

Outside Wangshan Town, Cheng Mu's guards did not question his identity at all.

He just stretched out his pitch-black palm, begging for 1 gray crystal to enter the city.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the temporary wall made of loess, Cheng Mu smiled dumbly.

However, he didn't force his way, but went to the countryside and handed over a piece of gray crystal.

Gray crystal, zero-order crystal nucleus!


Seeing Cheng Mu's awkwardness and cooperation, the guards guarding the city said again: "Those who bring sharp weapons into the city will have to pay an extra insurance fee of 1 gray crystal!"

Those who guard the city do not have much income, so it is commonplace to oppress those who enter the city.

"it is good."

But Cheng Mu agreed again.

He won't cause trouble until he fully integrates into this world!

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

After getting another gray crystal, the guards guarding the city did not stop it.

Some things cannot be repeated over and over again.

Ten years after the virus broke out, no one who can survive is too stupid!


"Rye bread, just out of the oven!"

"The fine iron machete carefully crafted by this blacksmith shop, it doesn't cost money if you can't kill zombies!"

"The pistol that was just smuggled out of Kunshan City, pre-order it quickly!"

"Hiring, recruiting, Kunshan City Farm is recruiting, one black steamed bun for one meal!"

"I beg you, my lord, please give me a stutter!"

"Handsome guy, do you want a foot massage? Is there a little girl... what? Don't like women? Men have them too!"

Stepping into Wangshan Town, the noisy sound made Cheng Mu feel like returning to the world.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the people on the street were yellow and thin and dressed in tatters, he almost thought it was a bustling world.

Ten years after the virus broke out, the surviving humans also broke out with a strong survival force.

Although this is still a wasteland, human society has begun to return to the right track little by little.

Different eras have different ways of living, but what Cheng Mu sees now is the way of life in the world of Resident Evil ten years after the outbreak of the virus.

There is hope, but there is also despair.

Cheng Mu walked and watched all the way.

There are many people like him, most of them are scavengers of wasteland.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

Mixed in the crowd, no one cared about his identity.

Soon, he walked the entire street, turned a corner and came to another street.

This street is more prosperous than the one just now, and most of the people walking on the street are evolutionists.

Some held long swords, while others carried broadswords. There are not a few people even with guns.

Along the street are all kinds of shops, restaurants, weapon shops, hotels, restaurants, etc., which are dizzying.

When passing by a tavern, Cheng Mu walked in.

There is no entry fee here, and there is still no ID check.

"This way, my lord, please!"

Seeing Cheng Mu walk in, a bunny girl immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

She saw the extraordinary tungsten spear on Cheng Mu's back, so she had a smile on her face.

The voluptuous and plump body also kept rubbing against Cheng Mu's body.

It's just that the smell of the inferior perfume on her body made Cheng Mu's nose choke.

"What do you want to drink, my lord?"

After being seated, the bunny girl began to ask questions.

She put one hand on Cheng Mu's thigh, stroking it up and down gently.

"You decide."

Cheng Mu smiled, but did not stop the bunny girl from moving. Instead, he told the bunny: "Order yourself!"

Just do as the Romans do.

And he already knew the prices in Wangshan Town.

A piece of black bread and a piece of gray crystal. UU Reading A large knife with a sharp edge and a piece of white crystal.

The exchange ratio of white crystals and gray crystals is one to one hundred.

Cheng Mu now has five white crystals in his hand, so he can still afford two glasses of wine.

"Really? Thank you, my lord!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu is so rich, the bunny girl happily hurried to get the wine.

"My lord, this glass of wine is called God of War, and Yue'er's glass is called Rose."

"My lord, please try it first, it's delicious!"

Soon, the bunny girl named Yue'er pushed both glasses of wine in front of Cheng Mu.

"it is good."

Cheng Mu picked up the wine named God of War and took a small sip.

The wine is very strong, and it burns into the throat like fire.

"How do you feel, my lord?"

Seeing Cheng Mu drink it, Yue'er said expectantly: "This is the best wine in the tavern."

"Some adults say that drinking it can increase your strength by 10%!"

Since Cheng Mu asked her to decide, she would naturally choose the best one for Cheng Mu.

"not bad."

Cheng Mu nodded. What Yue'er said about being strong this month is true, but the improvement in strength is false!

But it's not bad to be able to drink such strong alcohol in this wasteland.

He is not a drinker, but he can drink.

"By the way, let me ask you something."

After drinking a glass of strong wine, Cheng Mu began to ask.

Although he initially investigated Wangshan Town, he knew that most of them were just superficial.

In terms of being well-informed, the bunny girl in the tavern must be called well-informed.

"Ask, my lord."

Most of Yue'er's body was lying on Cheng Mu's body, her whole face flushed, "No matter what the adults want to know, Yue'er will know everything!"

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