The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1132: A quick way to increase strength

Early the next morning, Cheng Mu got up early.

Seeing the sleeping bunny girl Yue'er, he left four white crystals behind.

Two are the wine money from last night, one is the hotel's accommodation money, and the other is Yue'er's hard work.

This is not prostitution, but real hard work!

Last night, he had a long talk with Yue'er all night, and he had a preliminary understanding of this world.

The Resident Evil virus has broken out for ten years, and there are only nine cities left in the entire world.

And Wangshan Town is a small town under the command of Kunshan City, one of the nine major cities.

Because it is close to wasteland, many scavengers will come to try their luck.

Even evolutionists will regard this place as a good place to improve their strength.

It's just that because of the close proximity to the barren land, Wangshan Town will be rebuilt every once in a while.

The longest interval is three years, and the shortest is half a month.

So although Wangshan Town looks lively, no one knows how long it will be lively.

After learning that Cheng Mu had just become an evolutionary, the bunny girl Yue'er suggested that Cheng Mu go to the Evolutionary Association for certification.

As long as you are a member of the Evolutionary Association, you can accept tasks in the Evolutionary Association and earn supplies.

Of course, looking for a team there is also the most appropriate.

In the dangerous wasteland, it is much safer to have a reliable team than to fight alone.

Teams can accept tasks together and become stronger together.

I heard that in the depths of the wasteland, some zombies have evolved advanced consciousness and are building a zombie empire.

So once you meet organized zombies, you may be able to take care of each other if there are many people...

"Do I need a team?"

Walking out of the hotel, Cheng Mu smiled dumbly thinking of what the bunny girl said.

Of course he does.

But he formed the team, not joined the team.

After learning that the current nine cities in the world have not yet fully elected a real leader, Cheng Mu decided to be the leader himself.

On the one hand, he can summon the soldiers of the earth and stars, and he can also recruit the human race of this world.

He is a professional in developing forces and opening up territories!

As long as he can quickly increase his strength, Cheng Mu chooses to develop in multiple lines.


The Evolutionary Association in Wangshan Town is on the third street.

Out of curiosity, Cheng Mu came over to take a look.

There is a huge square on the third street, where the Association of Evolutionaries is located.

It was still early in the morning, but hundreds of evolutionists had already gathered in the square.

Some people are setting up stalls, while others are looking for partners to go out to pick up waste.

That's right, even an evolutionary is a scavenger by nature.

Evolved people also need to eat and earn money to live.

They scavenged on the wasteland while killing zombies.

If you are lucky, you can have a full meal and make a fortune. If you are unlucky, you can only come back to eat black steamed buns.

If it is unlucky, it may stay on the barren land forever and become a member of the zombie army.

Therefore, although evolutionaries are superior to others, their lifestyles are not much different from ordinary people.

"Brother, what level of evolution are you? Are you going to Shicheng?"

Cheng Mu had just set foot in the square when someone came over on his own initiative.

They are looking for partners to pick up waste together.

"No, I'm only on the first level."

Cheng Mu shook his head.

He heard about Shicheng from the bunny girl last night, it was a big city before the outbreak of the virus.

After the virus broke out, more than one million people were trapped inside and turned into zombies.

It has been ten years now, who knows how far the zombies in Stone City have evolved? Only those who have evolved at the third level or above are eligible to take a peek.

"Only the first level?"

Hearing that Cheng Mu said that he was only at the first level, the man walked away with a look of surprise.

He had seen Cheng Mu's extraordinary bearing, but he didn't expect Cheng Mu to be a first-level rookie!

"First order? Brother, do you want to go to Heihe Farm to dig potatoes?"

At this time, another man came over.

He is also a Tier 1 man. Because of his weak strength, he can only pick up garbage and dig some sweet potatoes to make a living.

Heihe Farm, a huge farm opened up by humans on the edge of the wasteland three years ago.

But because of the tide of corpses, it was abandoned a year ago.

Although there are no good things in Heihe Farm, it is still possible to dig some potatoes to fill your stomach.

Surplus potatoes can also be sold for money.

"Sorry, not interested."

Cheng Mu refused without thinking. I am majestic, is it possible that I will be reduced to the situation of digging potatoes?

And now he just came over to the Evolutionary Association to have a look and learn about it.

There are currently no plans to go out.

"Well, brother, you can think about it. We'll leave at one o'clock in the afternoon."

Seeing Cheng Mu's refusal, the man was not discouraged, he reluctantly let go of Cheng Mu and went to look for other people.

five minutes later.

Passing through the crowd, Cheng Mu walked into the Evolutionary Association.

This place is like the previous bank hall, with salesmen, guides, and many evolutionists who came to handle affairs.

"Hello, what business do you want to do?"

The service of the Evolutionary Association is very considerate. As soon as Cheng Mu walked in, a beautiful guide came to greet him enthusiastically.

They are a group of ordinary people, lucky to be arranged to work in the Association of Evolvers.

So an evolutionary like Cheng Mu is their god.

"Well... just look around."

Cheng Mu heard that there is everything in the Evolutionary Association, so he came in curiously to have a look.

"Okay, if you need service, sir, please call us in time."

The beautiful guide was very polite, and stopped disturbing after hearing that Cheng Mu was just looking around.

There are many evolutionaries like Cheng Mu every day, and they won't waste time by following them all the time.

"Certification Hall, Mission Hall, Weapons Hall, Medicine Hall, Information Area?"

Cheng Mu walked aimlessly.

The Evolutionary Association is very large, with a total of five halls.

The certification hall, where evolutionists can be certified. If you become an authenticator, you can enjoy some benefits from the Evolutionary Association.

To put it simply, being certified by the Evolutionary Association is equivalent to being a member of the Evolutionary Association.

And will also have a strength medal. Hang the medal of strength on your chest, and others will know what level of evolution you are at a glance.

Of course, most people don't wear them.

Tell others what strength you have? Isn't this an act of courting death?

This is also the reason why some people took the initiative to seek Cheng Mu to form a team at the beginning. Not knowing Cheng Mu's true strength, they believed that Cheng Mu was a strong man above the third rank from his bearing!

mission hall.

The funder releases the task here, and the evolutionist can get the corresponding reward after receiving it.

Cheng Mu walked in curiously to have a look.

There are all kinds of strange missions in the mission hall, including escorting others to Kunshan City.

Some collect high-tech electronic products, and some collect herbs and potatoes.

Even the tasks of guarding the house, catching pigs and finding dogs are all there.

As long as you have a need, you can post tasks in the task hall.

Because there is no provision for the type of tasks to be released, the task hall can be described as a crowd of demons dancing wildly.

Coming out of the mission hall, Cheng Mu walked into the weapon hall again.

Here, he saw a dazzling array of weapons and equipment.

There are cold weapons with a cold light, and powerful hot weapons.

However, in terms of price, hot weapons are much more expensive than cold weapons. The price of a pistol is actually ten times that of a big knife, bullets are not included.

"What does this lord want to buy?"

Seeing Cheng Mu browsing casually, another beautiful guide came forward.

She recommended: "Look at adults or clothed clothes, do you want to know about the first-class suits produced by our Evolutionary Association?"

"The first-class suit is made of the hard skin and high-strength fiber of the fourth-order licker, which can resist the sharp claws of the fourth-order and below zombies."

As a guide, this beauty is still very professional.

Although the Shamat suit worn by Cheng Mu is very common, she still suggested Cheng Mu to change into a Grade A suit that is more in line with the status of an evolutionary.

"How much?"

Cheng Mu really wanted to change his clothes.

"Ten topaz."

The beautiful guide said: "Of course, if you are a member of our Evolution Association, then you can get a 10% discount at least!"

"Uh, I can't afford it, thank you."

Looking at the only white crystal left in his pocket, Cheng Mu took the initiative to walk away.

Things are good, but they are too expensive!

What is Topaz? That is something that can only be conceived in the heads of fourth-order zombies.

How could he afford it now.


"Qin'er, do you have these things in your mall?"

Although he couldn't afford it here, Cheng Mu knew that he could buy it at Qin'er.

As a system mall exclusively for him, he can buy everything with just one gray crystal!

"Of course, as long as you see the items with your own eyes, Master, Qin'er can copy them."

It's just a Grade A suit, as long as she has energy, she can convert it.

"That's fine!"

After receiving Qin'er's affirmative answer, Cheng Mu carefully looked at all the weapons and equipment in the weapons hall.

Whether it is a cold weapon or a hot weapon, nothing can escape his eyes.

As if he came to buy goods, today he will move all these weapons from the Evolutionary Association to his system mall!

Not only that, after looking at the weapons and equipment, he plunged into the medical area.

Here, he finally found what he wanted.

Low-level genetic medicine: After taking it, there is a 1% chance of turning on the gene sequence.

Price: one blue crystal

"So expensive?"

Cheng Mu was very surprised when he saw the price of the low-level genetic medicine.

Blue crystal is a third-order crystal nucleus.

A first-order white crystal can allow him to stay in a high-end hotel for one night, and a third-order blue crystal is 10,000 white crystals.

If it wasn't for the fact that the family had a big business and a lot of money, they wouldn't be able to afford this genetic medicine.

Bai Jing is something in the head of the first-order walking corpse, not an ordinary person who is an evolutionary, and is not an opponent of the walking corpse at all.

Moreover, this low-level genetic medicine has only a 1% chance of turning on the gene sequence.

If you are unlucky, a hundred blue crystals may not necessarily activate the gene sequence.

"Sure enough, no matter where you are, only the rich can become stronger."

Cheng Mu sighed. At the same time, a thought arose in his mind.

Let's buy genetic medicine from Qin'er at a low price of one gray crystal, and then sell it at a high price.

Even if you don't sell a blue crystal, you can still make money selling a green crystal or even a white crystal!

For a while, he found a way to quickly earn crystal nuclei.

At the same time, UU reading is also a way for him to rapidly increase his strength.

As long as you have money and things, are you afraid that you will not be able to develop power?

"Master, you are so smart!"

At this time, Qin'er also echoed her words.

All the weapons and genetic medicines that Cheng Mu saw were created by the hard work of humans in this world.

But in her eyes, it was just a pile of fusion materials. She has already analyzed the characteristics and data of these material fusions, and can reproduce exactly the same items at any time.

Now she controls a trace of world power in the current world, which can transform the energy of heaven and earth into all things.

Mere weapons and genetic medicines are in her hands, nothing to worry about.

Even after the analysis is upgraded, the items she transforms will be the best and top-notch in the world.

none of them!

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