Chapter 127: See Cao Cao

“Tianqi! Charge!”

From the beginning, Guan Hai put the strength of Tianqi to the top.


The Five Hundred Heavenly Cavalry is like a rainbow, and the blade is directed at Dian Wei.

“act recklessly!”

Dian Wei sneered.

The one hundred cavalry under his command is neither a tiger nor a leopard, but belongs to his own special arms.

Evil ride!

Like the Heavenly Cavalry, the Evil Cavalry is Dianwei’s exclusive unit.

Only he can recruit.

Dian Wei seemed to have seen the result, and saw the enemy being scattered by himself and running away.


When the two armies were in contact, the evil knight exuded a terrifying aura.

It makes people feel palpitating and fearful.

This is a characteristic of the evil cavalry, which can reduce the morale of the enemy.

It can even make the enemy frightened and flee without a fight.

However, what Dianwei met was Tianqi.

With the blessing of Guan Hai’s charge skills, Tianqi’s morale could not be reduced at all.

Even if the morale was lowered by one or two points, Tianqi was still as powerful as a rainbow.


The evil rider collided with the sky rider.

Guan Haichong is at the forefront, and his goal is Dian Wei.


Dian Wei roared, and the sledgehammer in his hand smashed towards Guan Hai.

After that, only a bang was heard, and Dianwei flew out directly in the next second.

His sledgehammer fell to the ground, smashing the ground through a hole.

Then there were bursts of crackling fighting sounds, and the battlefield was instantly chaotic.


Dian Wei spouted a mouthful of blood.

Then he was horrified to find that his own evil knights were cut down.

The strength of the evil cavalry should be between 30-35 points, which already belongs to the special arms of the special arms.

However, facing Tianqi, they still lost.

Moreover, it was almost a crushing situation, and the evil knights were all cut down and under their horses.

Dian Wei’s expression was unbelievable, and he kept muttering: “Impossible, it’s impossible!”

He couldn’t believe that he was beaten to the ground the first time he met and was seriously injured.

I couldn’t believe the evil rider I was so proud of. The evil rider that slammed the tiger and leopard riders was like a three-year-old baby at this time.

Those who were beaten could not fight back.

This war started very quickly, and it ended in an instant.

After the charge, only Cheng Mu’s Tianqi stood on the horse.

The corpses were stacked on the ground, and most of the horses were killed and injured.

Cheng Mu walked over, looked at Dian Wei who was still lying on the ground and said, “Get up, we won’t kill you!”

If you can, of course it is most appropriate to recruit him.

What a pity to kill.

Guan Hai has already told him Dianwei’s strength, and Dianwei is currently the first-class strength.

The force value is around 85, and there is room for ascending.

If it can be recruited, then Cheng Mu’s subordinate can add another SSR.

“Where are you, Sacred?!”

Dian Wei gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground, his eyes full of solemnity at this moment.

Cheng Mu smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid, I am an old friend of your lord!”

He has missed Cao Cao a lot since the last time he left Qingyang City.

Of course, the one I miss most is Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao.

“Old friend?”

Dian Wei didn’t believe that the corpses in this place were all done by old friends.

These one hundred evil riders were recruited at a high cost, and now he feels distressed that they are all damaged here.

“Okay,” Cheng Mu said as he walked in front of him, “Go and meet my old friend General Cao first!”

Passing by Sizhou, it would be impossible without visiting Cao Cao.

Zhao Yun under Gongsun Zan has already been recruited. If the time is right, he can do something against Cao Cao.


Dian Wei did not speak, but just snorted, and then gave Cheng Mu the way.

Now his life is in Cheng Mu’s hands, and he certainly doesn’t want to die if he can survive.

Cao Jun met along the way began to increase.

A leopard rider discovered that Dianwei was captured, and hurried to report to Cao Cao.

So before Cheng Mu and the others arrived in Xinyecheng, Cao Cao had come out to meet them all the way.

“General Cheng!”

“General Cao!”

The two met and greeted each other.

“If I haven’t seen General Cao for a few days, General Cao has become stronger!”

Cheng Mu looked at the large group of people behind Cao Cao, and had to admire Cao Cao’s ability to develop secretly.

Cao Cao, who originally had only three thousand tigers and leopards, has now expanded the number of tigers and leopards to five thousand.

Behind, there are tens of thousands of infantrymen.

Infantry, Cao Cao didn’t have it before.

It looks like he was recruited again after he came to Sizhou.

Cao Cao looked at the imposing five-hundred sky riders behind Cheng Mu, and complimented:

“General Cheng’s strength should not be underestimated!”

A hundred evil knights can be eliminated with 500 people unscathed, and even if he has the advantage in numbers, Cao Cao will not underestimate the Tianqi behind Cheng Mu.

A hundred evil riders, that is one enemy and one hundred.

That can only prove one thing, Cheng Mu’s Tianqi is stronger than Dianwei’s evil.

Not to mention the existence of Guanhai.

“To each other!”

Cheng Mu smiled and said, “When we meet on the battlefield in the future, we have to appreciate the strength of General Cao.”

The two of them didn’t have any hidden corners.

Anyway, they are behind, there must be a battle between the two.

Cheng Mu didn’t come here this time to give a ruthless statement. He really wanted to see where Cao Cao’s strength developed.

“Good to say!”

Cao Cao nodded and invited, “Drink tea inside!”

Now the two have no direct conflict of interest, and each develops its own way.

In fact, this is also the first official meeting between Cheng Mu and Cao Cao.

Dianwei has been taken to heal, and Cao Cao is grateful again: “Thank General Cheng for not killing him.”

If Dianwei died, it would be a big loss for him.

In Xinyecheng.

Cheng Mu saw a scene of abandonment.

As the county town of Xinye County, Sizhou, Xinye City has suffered wars.

But after Cao Cao arrived here, he immediately began to revive.

An important figure is involved here, farming master Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun didn’t fight very well, and he lost an eye on the battlefield.

But he farms very well!

Especially in terms of restoring people’s livelihood, this is his specialty.

Xiahou Dun contributed a lot to Xinye County’s ability to recover so quickly.

In addition, there are tigers and leopard riders who often patrol and guard against the mobs who are fleeing.

Therefore, compared to other places, Xinye County in Sizhou is stable and peaceful.

This is also the reason why the old farmer dared to drive Cheng Mu alone, because he had the support of Cao Cao behind him.

Know so much.

Cheng Mu also had to admire that this Guo Jia was really a talent.

Many decrees were put forward by him, and then Cao Cao adopted them and implemented them.

If this situation continues, Cao Cao will soon occupy the entire Sizhou.

Then the wolf will become a tiger.

Of course, this is not a reason for Cheng Mu to be afraid.

He looked at Cao Cao and said, “General Cao’s talents are abundant, I am very envious!”

“General Cheng need not be envious.”

Cao Cao looked at Guan Hai behind him and said, “In terms of strength, this General Guan Hai is far ahead of us all.”

Since learning that Zhao Yun had also joined Cheng Mu’s subordinates, Cao Cao had guarded against this move.

Beware of Cheng Mu digging in his hands.

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