Chapter 150 Mulan

“Ding! Congratulations on extracting a historical figure: Hua Mulan.”

When the system prompt fell, Cheng Mu’s eyes were wide.

Then a beautiful figure appeared in his sight.

Although Hua Mulan is dressed up, she still can’t restrain the curvaceous curves.

Still with a hint of heroic breath.

“Chen Hua Mulan, pay homage to the lord!”

The eighteen-year-old Hua Mulan is indeed dazzling.

“Mulan, please get up soon!”

Cheng Mu hurriedly helped her up, the more excited her heart was, the harder she could calm down.

I remember when he was tortured when he was in Mulan poems in junior high school.

When he heard Hua Mulan, he would think of that sentence: ‘Haw and haw…’

But since it has been recruited, let’s go with the wind if you look back.

Cheng Mu took Hua Mulan and began to introduce her to the preliminary situation of Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu doesn’t need to see it, this is definitely another SSR boss.

Hua Mulan

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: None

Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)

Grade 1

Qualification: SSR (Ghost Level Qualification)

Commander: 2

Force: 2

Strategy: 2

Politics: 1

Skills: Women do not bear eyebrows (When Mulan fights against male enemies, his combat effectiveness is 20%.)

Splitting Air Slash (Mulan assaults forward, causing 150% damage to the enemy and stunning the target.)

Death bloom (Mulan forms a blade around her body. Not only can the blade be immune to all attacks, but when the charge is completed, the blade will bloom, causing a lot of damage to surrounding targets!)

“I’m Cao, this is outrageous!”

Seeing Hua Mulan’s first skill [Doesn’t Shake Eyebrows], Cheng Mu burst in an instant.

Ascension 20% of combat power when fighting against male enemies?

Is it going to be turned into an otaku nemesis?

Originally, SSR’s Mulan was very strong, but it was effective against male enemies.

“It’s my sister Hua!”

Cheng Mu admired.

When Hua Mulan reaches level 100, it is estimated that few people will be her opponents.

The second skill rushes and stuns, and the third skill is invincible and clears the field.


“I wonder if Zilong and Mulan are better?”

As a heads-up general, Zhao Zilong’s [Seven Ins and Seven Outs] can cause explosive damage to the enemy.

In addition, [Gentian] ignores the suppression of the strength gap, [Silver Gun] increases combat effectiveness by 50%.

It’s hard to say which one is strong or weak.

Of course, it is impossible for Cheng Mu to let the two really fight right now.

Zhao Yun is now at the top level and will soon be promoted to Zhenguo.

If Hua Mulan wants to catch up, she has to work hard to upgrade.

But here comes the problem.

Hua Mulan is so strong, but there is currently no suitable location arrangement.

I can’t, just set up a maiden army for her.

Now that the number of troops in Apocalypse City is enough, Cheng Mu wants to expand the army, but not the number of the army!


Cheng Mu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said, “From now on, you will be my guard with a knife!”

None of those big guys has bodyguards, and now Cheng Mu also plans to form a bodyguard team.

Although Guan Hai is strong, he also has goose bumps when a big man stands at the door every night.

Although Guan Hai also said that he had sealed his ear orifices, he didn’t hear anything.

But Cheng Mu refused.

Maybe Hua Mulan, the guard with a knife, will become a personal guard one day.

More comprehensive protection and stronger protection!

“Follow the Lord’s orders!”

Hua Mulan didn’t know that Cheng Mu had so many flowers in his heart.

“It is an honor for Mulan to be the lord’s guard with a knife!”

After introducing Hua Mulan to everyone, Cheng Mu also announced the news.

Guan Hai is quite venomous about losing his job as a janitor.

He looked at Hua Mulan and said, “Sister Mulan is like a flower like a jade, and you are willing to let her stay vigil outside every night?”

Watching for Cheng Mu, this is a habit he has always cultivated.

Now that his job is being robbed, he certainly has opinions.

“Hmph.” Cheng Mu said with a smile: “Don’t underestimate Mulan, she might hang all of you after she upgrades!”

They couldn’t see the attributes of Hua Mulan and thought she was a soft girl.

Zhang Wanlong was the first to jump out and said in disbelief, “I was the first Zhang Wanlong to disbelieve!”

“The lord dislikes our two big men, so he said so deliberately!”

He is also the staff member of the night watch.


Cheng Mu decided to open his eyes to everyone.

He instructed Guan Hai: “You seal Wanlong’s strength to the first-level, and then fight against Mulan.”

“By the way, remember to take off your gear!”

Below the same level, Cheng Mu felt that no man could beat Hua Mulan.

Zhao Yun is still waiting on a regular basis.

“Okay! Sister Mulan, don’t blame Big Brother for heavy hands!”

Zhang Wanlong took off his equipment, eager to perform well.

The most powerful woman they have ever seen is probably Li Shishi.

After all, Master Li’s [Many Kinds of Amorous Feelings] is a fixed point of dizziness.

Hua Mulan smiled slightly and saluted Cheng Mu: “The minister will not humiliate his life!”

Then he looked at Zhang Wanlong: “General Zhang, be careful!”

After that, she actually took the lead in attacking.

“Haha! Good coming!”

Zhang Wanlong patted his sturdy chest and said loudly, “Sister, hit me.”

He gave up his defense and motioned to Hua Mulan to punch him first.


A cold light flashed in Hua Mulan’s eyes.

As a heroine, Zhang Wanlong’s repeated contempt also made her feel unhappy.

Even if she just came, Hua Mulan couldn’t give up.


Zhang Wanlong had already laughed.

Although his level was blocked by Guanhai and became level 1, his skills were still effective.

Twenty percent reduction in injuries, he felt that in front of Mulan, his own chest was an iron wall.


Next second.


Zhang Wanlong was like a broken puppet, hit by Hua Mulan and flew out.

“Oh, it hurts me!”

Zhang Wanlong hit the ground several times, and his whole person is now dumbfounded.

Didn’t you say that a good little hammer hammers your chest?

When did the small hammer become a hammer?

Apart from Cheng Mu, everyone around him was also shocked.

“The girl looks soft and weak, why is the strength so strong?”

At first-level, Zhang Wanlong, who was able to fly two hundred catties in one blow, was terrifying.

Guan Hai seemed to have discovered the problem, and his eyes flashed brightly.

Said: “From now on at the same level, you should give up!”

He could see that at the moment Hua Mulan attacked, Hua Mulan’s strength was at least 20% Ascension.


Cheng Mu said: “Our Mulan girl treats men, but she can explode with 120% combat effectiveness!”

“You guys have to fawn up in the future, haha!”

He was in a good mood after measuring Hua Mulan’s strength.

After listening to Cheng Mu’s words, everyone’s attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

Zhang Wanlong hurried over and promised: “Let Sister Mulan be the lord’s guard with a knife, Zhang Wanlong is the first to convince!”

“Agree, I agree with Liu Yidao a second time!”

“Then Zhang Shun is the third one.”

Zhang Shun said, “But I think Sister Mulan still can’t beat me.”


Everyone frowned and looked at him angrily.

This kid is pretending to be forced.

“Hey, it’s on the water.”

Zhang Shun immediately explained: “I am not an opponent of the Mulan girl on the land, but I am my home court on the water!”

In this sentence, he did not deceive.

“alright, alright.”

Cheng Mu blasted them all away: “Don’t be flattering, the Sixth Army will recruit people on their own. We are going to expand our army!”

He and Mulan, but there are still a lot of things they haven’t done yet.

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