Chapter 151 The Temple of Heaven and Jinfan

“Master, this is Mulan.”

“Mulan, this is a teacher.”

The first thing Cheng Mu had to do was to inform Master Li.

“From now on, Mulan will be my guard with a knife!”

The teacher is not only a variety of styles, but also a very reasonable woman.

“After that, I will work harder Mulan to protect my son.”

Since she joined Tianqi Village, Li Shishi has never expected any status.

Even at this moment everyone still regards him as the hostess, but she has never looked at Tsundere.

In Li Shishi’s mind: “The more women the son gets favored, the more it proves the son’s excellence.”

Hua Mulan looked at the beautiful and indispensable Master Li and said: “It is my duty to protect the son.”

In an instant, she felt a sense of frustration.

On the variety of styles, on the graceful and graceful, on the beauty as Celestial Immortals.

At least in terms of appearance, the heroic Hua Mulan is still a weak three-pointer.

Cheng Mu had discovered this a long time ago.

Li Shishi’s initial appearance should be indistinguishable from that of Hua Mulan.

A tenderness is like water, and the other is rippling with heroism. Each has autumn colors.

However, after Master Li took the hosta and jade pendant, the image and temperament of the whole person was almost the same for a day.

Exquisite Red Hosta (Legend)

Description: It is rumored to be a hairpin handed down from the fairy world. After wearing it, it has the effect of nourishing and concentrating.

Exquisite Tianxin Pei (Handed down)

Description: The craftsman in the world is made by referring to the exquisite red jade hairpin, which can drive away evil and avoid disasters and gather energy and concentration.

The hairpin jade pendant was won by Cheng Mu from Lin Yazhu.

Cheng Mu did not expect that hairpins and jade pendants were so powerful.

“Sure enough, there are still many good treasures in the hands of NPCs, so you can grab them more!”

A niece of the prime minister of China has such a treasure, what about the others?

Anyway, Cheng Mu knew that the emperor had the most money.

Looking at the two women who were talking very happily, Cheng Mu let out a sigh of relief.

As long as the red flag at home does not fall, um…

Immediately, he began the long-awaited promotion of the small town reward.

Choose one of the four miracle buildings, choose one of the four special units, and choose one of the four special treasures.

With three rewards, Mei’s Cheng Mu smiled.

The first is the miracle building.

The rewards given by the system are: Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Leshan Giant Buddha, Potala Palace, Temple of Heaven.

Dayan Pagoda: an outstanding work of Buddhist architecture.

Leshan Giant Buddha: Mysterious stone statue of Maitreya Buddha.

Potala Palace: A palace rich in religious atmosphere.

Temple of Heaven: A place of royal worship.


“What about the attributes? Is this f*ck a miracle building with only one brief introduction?”

Cheng Mu looked dumbfounded.

Shouldn’t the miraculous architecture in his mind come with all kinds of attributes?

But no matter how he looked at it, he didn’t see where the special effects were written.

“Beep the dog!”

Cheng Mu looked unhappy.

Is it true that miracle architecture is like this, and we will engage in tourism development in the future?

Finally, the system god-tier can’t stand it anymore.

“Ding! Warm reminder: The effects of miracle buildings need to be established after the country is established!”


Cheng Mu almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This system really does everything possible to make him a nation.

However, the reality is.

Apocalyptic City is really far, far away from the founding of the country.

The various attributes of the city, the size of the site area, these all restrict his founding of the country.


Run to the capital, hack the emperor to death, sit on the dragon chair, and successfully establish the country.


This is the only way that Cheng Mu can build a country at present, and Cheng Mu himself thinks it’s awesome.

“Oh, whatever.”

Since no attributes were visible, Cheng Mu chose one at random.

Eliminate it.

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Leshan Giant Buddha, and Potala Palace are obviously religious, which he doesn’t like.

So he chose the fourth one, the Temple of Heaven.

Religion, the city of Apocalypse is currently banned.

Cheng Mu didn’t build the Taiping Sect attached to the Taiping Elements.

According to Cheng Mu’s idea, even if he wants to promote religion, Taoism is the first choice.

Although Taipingism belongs to Taoism, it is crooked.

“Ding! Congratulations on your acquisition of the miracle building: Temple of Heaven.”

Temple of Heaven (Miracle Building)

Architectural function: Sacrifice (the monarch can go to the Temple of Heaven on the first day of each month to pray for good weather and prosperity for the country and the people.)

Architectural special effects: Town national fortune (The Temple of Heaven can suppress national fortune and protect the country from prosperity.)

After obtaining the Temple of Heaven, Cheng Mu finally saw the additional attributes of the Temple of Heaven.

The system god-tier is right, only the founding of the country can exert the effect of the sky tower.

The national fortune is very evil.

In some countries, the national fate has lasted for hundreds of years.

And some countries are miserable, and have been wiped out in more than ten years.

Therefore, for Cheng Mu, the thing about national fortune is: “I would rather trust it if you don’t trust it than you don’t.”

Now, under his command, there are two kinds of buildings for national transport.

Great Wall, Temple of Heaven.

Taking advantage of the large-scale construction of the inner city, Cheng Mu decided to set aside a separate area for the construction of special buildings.

“Just put it in the east of the city!”

To the east of the City Lord’s Mansion, it also contains the meaning of Purple Qi from the East.

Next is the second reward, one of four special arms.

The system god-tier rewards are selected by Ren Chengmu, the four major arms of the archer, bow and water rider.

Infantry: Wei Wuzu (Wu Qi led Wei Wuzuo in the South and North Wars, and set a marvelous feat of “72 wars, 64 victories, and the rest (regardless of victory)”.)

Archers: Falcon Army (Elite archers led by Temujin’s general Zhebie, followed Zhebie and swept the countries.)

Cavalry: Iron Harrier (the trump card in the hand of Li Yuanhao in Xixia. Well-equipped, with good horses, heavy armor, and impenetrable thorns. They are connected by hooks and ropes. They will not fall even if they die.)

Water Army: Jinfan Army (a water thieves who are more evil than pirates, do not know the law, so they have very strong combat effectiveness.)


Looking at the introduction of the four special arms, Cheng Mu’s eyes turned green.

I want it all!

“This system is too harsh, why not give it to me!”

Compared with the mysterious miraculous building, Cheng Mu prefers this kind of tangible power.

Wei Wuzu, the card face of the Wei State in the Warring States Period.

In the battle between Yin and Jin, Wu Qi defeated the Qin army ten times more with fifty thousand Wei army. Created a war miracle of 50,000 soldiers, a hundred riders, and three thousand riders, and broke the Qin’s 500,000 war miracles.

The Fierce Eagle Army, Zhebie’s team.

Zhe Bie, the brother of Guo Hanhan in “Shooting the Condor”, is also his master archer.

Rumor has it that Zhebie shot Temujin to death with an arrow.

Cheng Mu knew that this Falcon Army must be an archer with precision.

Iron Harrier, although not as famous as the Iron Float, was also a horrified Dangxiang and Northern Song dynasty in history.

Jinfan Army.

Cheng Mu knew at a glance that this was the army under General Wu Guojin, Jinfan Thief Gan Ning.

According to historical records, Gan Ning was notorious for robbing merchant ships on the river every day when he was young. However, he finally entered the country of Wu and was made a general.

Enough to see its strength.

Very tangled, and after careful consideration.

Cheng Mu finally chose Jinfan Army.

Although Wei Wudi was good, the Tianxiong Army was still a heavy infantryman.

The Falcon Army is very strong, but Huang Zhong’s Lie Bow and Liu Yidao’s Tianyu Army are also the cards of Apocalypse City.

Moreover, with Tianqi and Baima Yicong, there is no such an urgent need for the special cavalry Cheng Mu.

It also happens to be that Zhang Shun’s Tianlong Army currently does not have the designation of a special unit.

Although the strength is comparable to that of special arms, wouldn’t it be stronger when the Tianlong Army is transformed into Jinfan?

Cheng Mu decided to keep the banner of the Dragon Army unchanged.

It is good to train the soldiers into Jinfan, as long as the strength of the Jinfan army does not need this banner.

“Unless, someday I can recruit Gan Ning!”

Cheng Mu looked forward to it.

In the end, it is Zhang Shunqiang who is the white stripe in the waves, or the famous Gan Ning is better.

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