Chapter 152 Intermediate Dockyard

“I don’t know where Sun Quan is now?”

Thinking of Gan Ning, Cheng Mu thought of Sun Quan.

Cao Cao’s phrase “bearing children should be like Sun Zhongmou” directly affirmed his talents.

Sun Quan also has a large number of talents.

Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, Tai Shici…

Of course there are Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao Xiao Qiao…

Maybe the little bully Sun Ce and his father Sun Jian are both resurrected.

Cheng Mu thought.

In addition to the historical facts who are on the job and recruited by other players, there are also many civilian generals in the wild.

Even the empires of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Han Dynasty and the Great Song Dynasty, the fish that slipped through the net were still in the wild.

Otherwise, how could the players have played in various countries in their peak state.

Some talents are always needed.

Another point is that these countries where the system came, chose their strongest moments.

For example, the Han Empire is the reign of Han Martial God Liu Che.

But the Wang Mang of the New Deal, the light Martial God Liu Xiu, who is known as the son of the plane, might be in the wild or turned into a wandering power.

Maybe they will fight back someday, and it is not necessarily true that Liu Che will fight for the throne.

Putting aside so many distracting thoughts, Cheng Mu checked the final reward.

Choose one of four special treasures.

Persian Golden Bottle: A special treasure produced in Persia, rich in special aura. You can increase your own ten political attributes, five resourceful attributes, and have a chance to acquire skills * business talents!

Golden Seal of the Yue King: The jade seal of Zhao Yingqi, the third-generation king of the Southern Yue Kingdom, can increase his commander value by ten points, his strength value by five points, and has a chance to acquire the skill *rende.

Nanyang Jinyu: A gem made of special jade, which can increase its strategy value by ten points and has a chance to acquire the skill *Jade Shard.

Pottery and golden horse warriors: The horse warriors made of gold, stone and ceramics can increase their commander value by twelve points and have a chance to acquire skills *swiftly.

Four treasures that Cheng Mu hadn’t seen.

He didn’t believe in evil, and then he carefully checked the artifacts and treasures he was going to give away after he established the country.

Yitian Sword, Zhanlu, Qinghong Sword, Moxie…

“Well, this is normal!”

Cheng Mu nodded in satisfaction.

He knew that his own strength was not enough, and now he is only upgrading to a first-level town.

Of course, the rewards are not so generous.

However, the attributes attached to these unknown treasures are also extremely powerful at this stage.

Not only additional attributes, but also skills.

Business talent, benevolence, jade broken, super fast.

Looking at the name of the skill, Cheng Mu was half satisfied.

“Which one to choose?”

He is thinking about choosing what he needs urgently.

Business talents and benevolence are both internal affairs skills, one can increase income for the city, and the other can stabilize the people’s hearts.

Jade broken and super speed are fighting skills.

“Jade broken, it’s a bit scary!”

Cheng Mu shook his head, but abandoned Nanyang Yu.

The talents under his command are all precious, and he still doesn’t like the skill of Jade Fragment.

“Fast speed!”

Facing business talents and benevolence, Cheng Mu feels that the most useful thing at the moment is the speed.

Business talent?

I’ve rebelled and started a shit business, so I just grabbed it.

Rende? The skill effect is completely covered by Mingjun, okay?

He murmured: “Then let Zhao Yun run the fastest!”

The white horse Yicong under Zhao Yun’s speed has now surpassed Tianqi.

As the fastest cavalry in the Apocalypse City, the Kingdom of Shenzhou, and even all civilizations, Cheng Mu decided to make Baima Yicong faster.

Zhao Yun and his white horse Yicong will dominate the planet with speed.

“Ding! Congratulations on your special treasure, the pottery and golden horse figurines.”

When the system prompt fell, Cheng Mu also saw the introduction of the super fast skill.

Speed: After the skill is activated, the movement speed of itself and its troops is 50%, and the skill lasts for 15 minutes.


Cheng Mu was satisfied.

According to Bai Ma Yi from the current speed, increase the speed by 50%.

Then he couldn’t think of any cavalry that could catch up with them.

Even if it is a special unit that is known for speed, it is estimated that only the taillights of Baima Yicong can be seen.

“The system god-tier, when will there be a forum or picture book function?”

Cheng Mu suddenly spoke to the sky.

He was not convulsed, but he was sure he was being watched all the time.

Otherwise, why is his mission always updated?

The others are looking for the villager NPC to receive the task, but Cheng Mu is better, and the system god-tier directly issued the task to him.

To establish a forum, of course, I want to understand the development status of various countries and civilizations.

Cheng Mu didn’t believe it, he was the only one who was lucky.

It’s just that something embarrassing happened, and the system god-tier ignored him at all.

A crow flies by: “Qua, qua, qua…”

He is full of black lines.

Well, this can be regarded as the joy of calming down after receiving the reward.

After a simple self-comfort, Cheng Mu still has things to do.

The dock has been able to break through, and new warships will be built at that time.

Then transfer the officers of the Tianlong Army to Jinfan, then he can take the officers and set out to find the dragon fish clan.

The managers of the dock are Yang Sihai and Wu Yu.

The current professions of the two have also advanced.

Yang Sihai had just been promoted to an intermediate shipbuilder, and Wu Yu was only close.

“Not an S-level qualified talent.”

In just one or two months, he can turn from a fisherman to an intermediate shipbuilder, which is truly awe-inspiring.

No way, Cheng Mu’s [Ming Jun] talent is too heaven-defying.

Increasing first-level qualifications is very abnormal, but Mingjun added two levels.

Fools become common people, common people become geniuses, geniuses are comparable to ghosts and gods.

“Master, fortunately not insulting your life!”

Yang Sihai has always followed Cheng Mu’s instructions and worked tirelessly to build fishing boats and red horse boats every day.

At present, Tianqi City has ten small fishing boats and six Chima boats.

There is no way, the low-level dock can only build small fishing boats and the lowest-level warship, the red horse boat.

But now, the dock is about to break through.

Intermediate dock: This is a relatively spacious dock, of course, it also has shipbuilding functions.

Currently available boats: small fishing boats, red horse boats, medium-sized fishing boats, passenger boats, and Ping Chong.

Medium-sized fishing boat (can carry 5-10 people, has a 20% bonus effect on fishing, has a certain degree of defense, and can initially resist wind and waves.)

Passenger ship (up to 20 people, strong hull, comfortable to ride, hull can withstand small and medium-sized wind and waves.)

Ping Chong (The Ping Chong hull is long and narrow, and the speed of travel is fast. The ship has two upper and lower cabins and is surrounded by guard plates. It is an offensive warship with protection performance second only to that of a high-rise ship.)

“Yes, yes, great!”

Cheng Mu looked at the three new buildable ships and immediately praised them for three consecutive times.

Medium-sized fishing boats can further improve the fishing efficiency of Big Fish Village, which is related to Cheng Mu’s income.

If you are on a passenger ship, you can bring some gifts when you visit the dragon fish clan.

Moreover, in the future, people can travel by water and merchants can use the waterway.

Of course, what delighted Cheng Mu the most was the squadron.

Although the Chima Boat is fast, its protection capabilities are too poor, and it can only be used as a scout ship to engage in reconnaissance.

But Chong Chong is different.

It travels fast, not only an assault ship, but also a very strong defense.

At least for the time being, Hu Chong should be the main force in the battle on the water in Apocalypse City.

Lou boat?

It can’t be built, at least it is a high-end dock.

And those special ships also need construction drawings.

Yu Huang, Wuya, Haifu, Fu ship, Zheng He treasure ship…

Cheng Mu still has a long way to go if he wants to build a strong navy.

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