Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

Shopkeeper Hu couldn’t calm down after taking a bite of fish.

The treasures of heaven and earth are all indispensable existences.

Only the fishermen under Cheng Mu’s command can currently catch fish of various attributes in Kunming Lake.

Especially in the case of the red water gourd, fishes from other areas of Kunming Lake have come over.

“Brother Cheng, you are such a great surprise!”

Shopkeeper Hu originally thought that Kunming whitebait was the constant wealth in Cheng Mu’s hands.

And now that the new attribute fish came out, he knew that he could not lose his ally, Cheng Mu anyway.

Now the caravans of Jubao Pavilion have spread throughout most of China.

Shopkeeper Hu wanted to work harder, spreading the store name of Jubaoge in every corner of China.

“Yeah. What you eat is silver ribbon.”

Cheng Mu was also hungry, and told him while eating.

“Silver belt has a stronger attribute effect bonus than whitebait, and the soup is more delicious.”

At the level of boiled fish soup, Kunming silver belt is used to sling whitebait and black tail.

Although it was not the first time Cheng Mu had eaten the silver belt, even if he didn’t increase all his attributes.

But after a bite of the fish soup, there is still a warm and comfortable feeling.

He could even feel a weak gas surging in his body.

Cheng Mu didn’t know what this gas was.

He knows that eating more is beneficial.

Shopkeeper Hu nodded thoughtfully, and said, “I wonder how many tails of this silver belt can be harvested every day?”

After taking a bite of fish soup, he felt that he was ten years younger.

Going to Yihongyuan at night, I have strength.

“not much.”

Cheng Mu regretfully told him: “At present, the silver belt, we only supply the people of Apocalypse City for the time being.”

Good things, of course, are eaten first by their own people.

“Puff! People?!”

Shopkeeper Hu was almost choked. He asked incredulously, “People of Apocalypse City, eat this?”

Sin, this is a treasure of heaven and earth that is extremely cherished!

“has a problem?”

Cheng Mu looked like he took it for granted: “Be nice to the people under your command, is there any problem?”

“No, of course no problem.”

Shopkeeper Hu couldn’t refute it.

If it’s not good for own people, how can it get popular support.

‘I’m already a real dragon! ’

He was very admired in his heart.

After not seeing him for a while, he found that Cheng Mu was increasingly developing towards that position.

At this time Cheng Mu also told him: “Brother Hu, don’t worry, as an ally, of course I won’t miss your share!”

“Nah, that…”

Shopkeeper Hu still said unwillingly: “When the silver belt can be sold, you must notify me in time!”

As long as he obtains the sales agency right of the silver belt, he has the confidence to let Jubaoge go further.

But then, shopkeeper Hu thought of the rumors from Tiandu.

The emperor has retrieved the Flame Army and is preparing to take action against Cheng Mu.

Although the emperor has not officially labeled Cheng Mu as an anti-thief, everyone knows that this will happen sooner or later.

He didn’t respect the emperor, or he was killed on the way to rebellion.

Either wait and be killed at home.

Even the shopkeeper Hu didn’t think Cheng Mu had a chance at this time.

This is not the difference between the strength of the townspeople, but the difference between the number of troops and the number of townspeople.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious Hu shopkeeper became.

In the end, he asked cautiously: “I don’t know if Brother Cheng knows…”

“Know what?”

Cheng Mu didn’t raise his brows.

“Rumors from heaven.”

This sentence was said by the shopkeeper Hu courageously.


Cheng Mu frowned, and said angrily: “Whoever eats and has nothing to do dares to spread this rumor, this is completely slandering me!”


Hu Guangguo was overjoyed for a while.


Cheng Mu nodded: “This is not a rumor.”


Shopkeeper Hu was almost choked to death by Cheng Mu’s five words.

“Not a rumor?”

He looked pale at the moment, and said tremblingly: “This…this is irrational behavior!”

Rebellion now, isn’t it looking for death?

Since there is a real dragon, why not wait until the strength is stronger.


Almost, Cheng Mu didn’t intend to continue to scare the shopkeeper Hu.

He thought: Fortunately, shopkeeper Hu did not have a heart attack, otherwise he would have lain down and entered the hospital at this moment.

Immediately he asked the shopkeeper Hu formally: “The situation in China is actually better than me.”

Jubaoge’s business has been done in half of China, and he believes that shopkeeper Hu knows better than himself on some news.

Shopkeeper Hu nodded:

“Well, the situation in China is not optimistic.”

“But.” He changed his words: “Now the imperial court still has more than three million troops and the three townsmen of Tiandixuan, at least there is no other force in the country that can compete with them.”

He didn’t say Apocalypse City, which meant that he also felt that Cheng Mu had no chance of winning in the rebellion now.


Cheng Mu did not refute Hu’s point of view.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that all parts of China have been corrupted.

Although he helped solve the crisis in the North, the peace in the North will not last long.

The Sands are inherently stronger than humans, and they will come back.

Shopkeeper Hu also knows, but he dare to speak too.

If there is a spy here, the words are passed to the emperor’s ears, it will be over.

Not to mention the chaos of the southern barbarians, Sizhou Cao Cao, and Yongzhou.

After pondering for a long time, shopkeeper Hu finally asked: “Have you decided?”

This is straight to the point.

“Let’s see, see how the emperor reacts.”

Cheng Mu is also waiting.

In fact, he is invincible.

I still remember that when he just joined China, the system god-tier reminded him.

“Ding! Congratulations on joining the Kingdom of China. You have been granted a one-year development protection period, and no national power can attack you.”

As long as Cheng Mu doesn’t take the initiative to rebel, the god-tier system will definitely find a way to prevent the emperor from taking action.

If he rebelled, the emperor could send troops unscrupulously.

Of course, this protection order is not yet valid, and only the system god-tier knows it.

“Or, Brother Cheng, you go to Tianxiang to meet your Majesty in person?”

“The prime minister, Lin Chengzi, was my brother-in-law. I will ask him to help you say something nice to the emperor.”

To keep the Kunming silver belt, the shopkeeper Hu also broke his heart.

Now that there is a rebellion, there is really little hope!

Mu Cheng shook his head: “I’m afraid I will be hacked to death as soon as I go.”

Everyone is saying that General Qi Lao is the strongest, and he is the last patron saint of China.

Even if he took Guan Hai over, he had no bottom in his heart.

In case of being ambushed.

Although he can be resurrected when he is dead, other subordinates can also be resurrected through the Hall of Valor when they die.

But after the resurrection, the attributes have become the initial state, and the gains outweigh the losses.

“how come.”

Shopkeeper Hu slapped the ticket and said, “If Brother Cheng is not at ease, I can show you the way.”

“While the emperor’s edict has not yet come down, there is still time to remedy it.”

“If you don’t go to Tiandu again, then the most Houtian general Qi Lao may come in person!”

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