Chapter 155 The Outrageous Jinfan Soldier

“Heaven General Qi Lao?”

Cheng Mu frowned.

Then he laughed and said, “Then wait until it comes.”

Although I don’t have a bottom in my heart, I can’t admit it.

‘According to the emperor’s urinary nature, it’s impossible for Heavenly General Qi Lao to come out so easily. ’

“All right.”

Shopkeeper Hu knew that it wouldn’t do much to persuade Cheng Mu.

After eating and drinking, he got up and said goodbye.

‘Before things are understood, I still have to come less with Houtian. ’

This time, shopkeeper Hu took a huge risk when he came here.

“Then it’s easy to leave or not to send!”

Cheng Mu felt that he was not full, nor did he send him far away.

Anyway, I have already given what I should give, so let the shopkeeper Hu figure out how to grasp it.

If you want to obtain relative benefits, of course you have to take risks.

Sending away the shopkeeper Hu, Cheng Mu called Zhuge Liang.

The two had a drink.

During the chat, Cheng Mu expressed his own doubts: “Kong Ming, is it time for us to rebel?”

Apocalypse City is very strong, so powerful that no one can ignore it.

The two townsmen, if they move Shenzhou, they will shake three points.

As long as Cheng Mu thinks, there is a chance.

Zhuge Liang looked at him solemnly and asked, “Master, do you want to rebel?”

“Yes I do!”

Cheng Mu beat the table: “I want to rush into the sky and chop off the emperor’s head!”

There is no lord player who doesn’t want to be emperor.

This is the dream of every man.

Cheng Mu swears that he is not for the three thousand harem beauties…

“That’s it.”

Zhuge Liang returned to a leisurely and calm look and said: “Since the lord wants to, why should he worry about it?”

“With me, don’t panic about everything!”

Plan tactics, everything is under control.

This is Zhuge Liang.

“Huh! That’s good!”

Cheng Mu was determined in his heart.

Lofty feelings: “The journey begins with the Kingdom of Shenzhou!”

“Send me the command of the army, and we will start to expand the army!”

The war will begin.

Early in the morning of the second day, outside the city of Apocalypse.

Thousands of soldiers are already waiting in line, waiting for Cheng Mu’s dispatch.

Tianqi, Tianyu, Tianxiong, Tianlong, Lie Gong, White Horse. This is the six legions of Apocalypse City.

At this time, Tianqi City has a population of more than 8,000 people, half of which are soldiers.

Of course, this includes the three thousand Qingyang City guards that Cheng Mu had just recruited under his command.

At this moment, they will be broken up and rushed into the six legions.

There are currently 1,000 soldiers in Apocalypse City.

Tianqi, 500.

Tianxiong: 100.

Denon: 100.

Tianyu, 100.

Lie Bow: 100.

White Horse: 100.

According to Cheng Mu’s plan, the main force of the current battle has to be expanded to at least 1,000 people.

The Apocalypse City is established, and the Tianxiong Army, which is the battlefield’s meat shield, also needs to expand its recruits.

With a hundred people, even Tianqi City could not be guarded.

One thousand Tianxiong heavy infantry, this is a must.

The dock is now building the stern ship, and the Tianlong Army is also expanding its recruiting range.

There are also five hundred people.

Liu Yidao’s Tianyu Army, as a long-range strike force on the battlefield, had to be expanded to 500 men.

Lie Gong and White Horse were not raised by a stepmother.

The scale must also be increased.

In this way, three thousand people are just right.

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang tried his best to get money during this period, otherwise the transfer training fee would not be collected.

Five hundred days ride, training price is 50 gold per person.

Cheng Mu waved his hand and the 25,000 gold was gone.

Ninety-hundred Tianxiong heavy infantry, this one is still cheap. One gold per person costs 900 gold in total.

Of course, the Hundred Wars Halberd Infantry is also among them.

Anyway, the configuration of the Tianxiong Army is half-open with a halberd and a large shield.

Now the Tianxiong Army has 500 halberd infantry and 500 heavy infantry.

Elite longbowman, 5 gold per person.

Training four hundred people, that is 2,000 gold.

Lie bow is more expensive, 10 gold each.

Four hundred strong bows, worth 4000 gold coins.

Bai Ma Yi from 20 gold, so that 8000 gold is gone.

Finally, Cheng Mu looked at the attributes and prices of Jinfan.


Basic attributes: 28 points of force, and skills that can be learned: intermediate water warfare, intermediate plunder

(Intermediate water battle: When Jinfan fights on the water, its combat effectiveness is 20%.)

(Intermediate looting: Jinfan is a born thief. He has 10% combat effectiveness in plundering operations and 30% of the war gains of Ascension.)

Attributes after training of the Tianlong Army: The basic force value is 33 points, and you can learn the skills of advanced water warfare and advanced plunder.

(Advanced water warfare: When Jinfan fights on the water, its combat power is 30% ascension.)

(Advanced looting: Jinfan is a born thief, 20% of the combat effectiveness in looting operations, and 50% of the war gains of Ascension.)

Training price: 35 gold

“Fuck, heaven-defying!”

Seeing Jinfanbing’s attributes, Cheng Mu was almost sluggish.

Although their initial strength value is not comparable to that of Tianqi and White Horse, both skills are capable of Ascension strength.

Advanced water warfare, 30%.

Advanced looting, twenty percent.

Cheng Mu turned around and used Zhang Shun’s skills a bit.

Shui Jiang (In combat, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under his command is 20%.)

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Dragon Army was 70% by Ascension.


He thought.

At the beginning, he felt that Zhang Zilong’s [Sharp Spear] increased its combat effectiveness by 50%, and it was outrageous to win.

Unexpectedly, Jinfan’s attributes were even more outrageous.

Even if this combat power bonus has limitations, it can only take effect on the water. But Cheng Mu was still very satisfied.


Four hundred people, all trained by him to become Jinfan soldiers.

35 gold for one person, and 14,000 gold is gone.

Looking at the gold coins that had bottomed out, Cheng Mu reluctantly gave up training.

In fact, the 100 sailors of the Tianlong Army who are currently in service can also train Cheng Jinfan soldiers, but they are ashamed of their pockets!

As a result, three thousand people have finished training.

Cheng Mu spent a total of 53,900 gold, and the number of soldiers under his command officially reached 4,000.

“Still poor!”

Cheng Mu shook his head, only four thousand people spent so much money.

Then, when I have an army of forty-four million or even four-four million, four hundred and four million, how much money will it cost?

He closed his eyes and counted, dumbfounded.

Starting with a few billions of gold, it is not considered the consumption of self-provided weapons, equipment, food, and other salaries.

Finally Cheng Mu sighed: “I have to come on for money!”

If you can grab the emperor now, grab it first, and do business when it’s hard to grab it.

In this way, the attitude of the shopkeeper Hu is very important.

Jubao Pavilion is currently regarded as the top chamber of commerce in the China National Platoon, and it already has a mature trade process and system.

As long as the Jubao Pavilion is pulled over, Cheng Mu won’t need to re-form the caravan.

At present, there are no people with high business talents in Apocalypse City.

Yesterday, he did not choose the only Persian golden bottle that allowed Cheng Mu to obtain business professionals.

Of course, the most important reason why Cheng Mu valued the reunion of Baoge was his channel.

This shopkeeper Hu can actually get a war horse.

If it weren’t for Jubao Pavilion, Tianqi and White Horse might not even be able to find horses if they want to expand their army.

And now Cheng Mu has encountered this problem.

If the cooperation with Jubao Pavilion is cancelled, the source of stable horses will be cut off.

It is impossible to expand the cavalry.

At present, only a few northern states produce war horses in China.

Binzhou, Liangzhou, and Yanzhou.

Cheng Mu had to capture at least one piece before sending it with a steady stream of horses.

“That Iron Buddha, I still haven’t organized a recruitment yet!”

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