Chapter 156 Forum opens

Recipe * Blazing Bamboo Leaf Green (Epic Grade)

With special effects: the first time you drink the raging fire bamboo leaf green, all your attributes are +2, and you can get BUFF* raging body every time you drink (the combat power is increased by 100% in five minutes!)

Drawings*Iron Buddha

Description: The only overlord of the cold weapon era, the battlefield Xeon tank. However, it is expensive to build and requires extremely high quality of soldiers and horses.

Use limit: Special grade barracks.

Drawings*Luban Statue

Description: Build a statue of Luban, the work efficiency of the subordinate territory is 20%, and get the BUFF of the “City of Industry”.

City of Industry: Ascension of the work efficiency of the craftsmen in the city, can build and develop new items faster.

These are the three drawings sent by shopkeeper Hu.

Cheng Mu estimated the price and started with 150,000 gold.

Especially the raging fire bamboo leaves green, this is a steady stream of wealth!

“It’s just that the five-minute combat effectiveness has increased by 100%. What kind of combat effectiveness is it?”

Cheng Mu didn’t know, but also very puzzled.

But this special product can’t escape.

The crops such as rice and cabbage that were planted at the beginning are about to mature, and the rice can be used for winemaking by then.

After all the crops were harvested this time, Cheng Mu decided to open up wasteland.

As long as the water of Kunming Lake is drawn over, the wasteland will become fertile soil.

With more and more people in the city, Apocalypse City will be expanded soon.

“Lord, you go down and rest first!”

Hua Mulan followed Cheng Mu loyally.

It does take a while to train three thousand soldiers at once.


While there is still time, it’s okay to go to the city to help move two bricks!

When Cheng Mu was in full swing, a system reminded all the players to jump for joy.

“Ding! Given that most players have reached level 30, the player forum is open.”

“Each player can log in to the forum in his country to communicate.”

“If you want to visit other forums, you need to pay a certain fee.”

When the three system prompts fell, Cheng Mu was stunned.

“Fuck, are you under surveillance?”

I just commented on the system god-tier yesterday and want to open the forum.

Now, it is really open.

However, Cheng Mu was very pleased when he heard that most players were still at level 30.

I am now a level fifty boss.

Then he had a very terrifying thought in his mind: “Daddy will not be monitored at night, right? This system boss, where is Sacred?”

A thought that he had never had before rolled in his mind.

Open the country to war in three years? Another world invaded ten years later?

No, these are not enemies.

This unknown existence is the real enemy of mankind.

Cheng Mu dared not think about it.

“Huh~ Let’s play the game at ease!”

If you don’t have enough strength, what if you know the truth.

He opened the forum.

The forum is a real-name system, because Cheng Mu did not change the name of the game within the time limit.

So his forum ID is the same as the game ID, both his real name.

The only forum that Cheng Mu can log in is China’s own forum.

The system only prompts for a few seconds, and someone has posted on it.

“Woo, I finally found the organization!”

“Add friends! Add friends!”

“My cute girl, find a strong husband!”

“I heard that Cheng Mu is going to rebel, is it true?”

“On how to live a copper plate for five days, wait online! Urgent!”


All kinds of posts are flooded with them.

Seeing these posts, Cheng Mu almost burst into tears.

This is what his life was like before.

Cheng Mu was not impatient at all, but looked at them one by one with relish.

Everyone’s enthusiasm is very high now, even the headline party nonsense is answered.

Cheng Mu’s current post is titled: On the truth or not of Cheng Mu’s rebellion?

As the title:

Recently, Tiandu’s friends have heard a rumor that Cheng Mu is about to rebel and the emperor wants to do something against Cheng Mu.

I believe that the children’s shoes who hear the news will definitely be very happy.

But the question is, why did Cheng Mu rebel? Is it just one control?

A single person cannot resist a country.

Anyway, I think this is false news. If Cheng Mu really rebels, then he would be a big coin.

I also broadcast Ding Ding scrambled eggs!

This post is proof! ! ! ! ! ! !


“Get sick!”

After reading the post, Cheng Mu was confused.

He looked at the poster: it’s not sauerkraut.

I do not know?

“Does this mean that there are so many popular people?”

Immediately, Cheng Mu was about to open the stickers and spray them back.

But suddenly he stopped again: “I’m a big boss now, I need to be forced by a big boss.”

So in the end he only returned two words: “Okay!”

Such a reply blasted everyone out in an instant.

“Fuck! The author Li flag was caught!”

“Cheng Mu personally ends up arresting people, terrifying!”

“Come and see, Mr. Cheng Mu has appeared.”

“Catch Mu Da alive, I am your little fan!”

In an instant, this post exploded.

If it weren’t for Cheng Mu’s setting that he could not be added, otherwise his friend application would explode at this time.

Cheng Mu did not reply again.

What he wants is to make this sauerkraut fire up, and then wait for the live broadcast of the Ding Ding scrambled eggs someday.

Don’t fry?

Someone will help.

After closing this post, Cheng Mu continued to wander around.

By coincidence, he saw a reposted post.

[Reprinted] [Continuously updated] Wandering Xia player strength ranking!

“And this thing?”

Cheng Mu immediately became interested.

The system god-tier did not set up a ranking list for Wandering Xia player. Sometimes Wandering Xia player would laugh at himself as a stepmother.

The treatment is much worse than the lord player.

Clicking on the post, the first content that Cheng Mu saw was the author.

Bai Xiaosheng, what a familiar name!

Then there is the specific strength ranking, as well as the identity profile.

List one, the emperor, the president of the Emperor’s Guild, the Great Qin Empire.

List 2: Don’t eat preserved eggs, Lone Ranger, Song Empire.

Rank three, Tianshu, leader of the Seven Kills Guild, Tang Empire.

Fourth, Plucking, the first goddess of the game industry, the Han Empire.

Rank five, Dark Lord, Lord of the Temple of Killing, kept secret.

Rank six, Moon God, Lord of the Moon Pavilion, Ming Empire.


Cheng Mu narrowed his eyes.

The emperor on the list, he has seen this name.

During the first alien invasion, he was the only Wandering Xia player in the top 100.

“It deserves to be the president of the three major guilds in the game industry.”

Cheng Mu has heard of the three major guilds in the game world: the emperor, the seven kills, and the killing of gods.

He himself and the Seven Kills, but still have a grudge against him.

“It’s just this guy who likes to eat preserved eggs, where does it come from?”

Cheng Mu had never heard of him, but he was promoted to the second place as a solo practitioner. That’s awesome!

Except for Plucking in the top ten, the rest are backed by a powerful guild.

The ability to overwhelm the super guild presidents came second, enough to see the strength of this preserved egg.

There are already many players in the top posts below.

Some people are arguing about Emperor Hou and Tianshu, and some people say that Anjun ranks first.

Some people even have the same question as Cheng Mu: Who is the preserved egg?

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