Chapter 178 The Great Spear Falling to the Sun


The broken star spear came out, Wu Pocangqiong hurriedly lifted his knife to block it.

The red ring knife in his hand is also an epic weapon.

Without a hit, Cheng Mu shot another backhand.

Wu Pocangqiang’s reaction speed was also very fast, and the Chihuan Blade once again blocked the Star Breaking Spear.

He sneered: “The first player, Cheng Mu, is this?”

In the two fights, he noticed that both were evenly matched.


Cheng Mu’s expression remained unchanged, and the Star Breaker shot down: “Bang!”

Evenly matched with Wu Pocangqiong? Isn’t it a Losing face?

“Daddy is the lord player!”

The method of adding points to all attributes made Cheng Mu’s personal force mediocre.

However, even if it is mediocre, he can still come and go with Wu Pocangqiang.

Wu Breaking the Sky, who can lead one hundred thousand players, is a mediocre talent.

“Tata Tata!”

Wu Pocangqiong was shaken back several steps, and a 200 damage value floated on his head.

His blood volume has been reduced by one tenth.

However, after standing still, Wu Pocangqiong continued taunting: “That’s it?”

Since it’s an endless game, what can I do if I tear my face.

“Die! Charge!”

He roared and rushed towards Cheng Mu.

Charge: Active skill. After the skill is released, it will assault forward for a certain distance, and can cause 150% damage of the current attack to the target of the charge, and it has a chance to trigger the stun effect.

Seeing Wu Pocangqiang rushing towards him like a bull.

Cheng Mu flashed subconsciously.

However, Wu Pocangqiong also immediately changed the direction of the charge and slammed into Cheng Mu.


Cheng Mu was knocked back several steps.

Damage was floating on his head, and his health dropped by one-tenth.

It’s just that Wu Pocangqiang’s bad luck, the dizziness he was expecting did not appear.

Evenly matched.

“That’s it?”

Cheng Mu stood firmly and looked at Wu Pocangqiang mockingly.

Wu Po Cangqiong can be regarded as one of Qingzhou’s top players, and he can fight Wandering Xia as a lord.

Cheng Mu is fairly satisfied with own strength.

Under normal circumstances, which lord will go head-to-head with Wandering Xia.


Wu Pocangqiang gave a cold snort and raised his long knife again: “Brothers, kill!”

As the two played against each other, other people on the battlefield joined the battlefield.

Fifty thousand to fifteen thousand, Wu Pocangqiong felt that he was full of hope.

“Guan Hai and Zhuge Liang’s ultimatum have been used, I see how you will resist my 50,000 people next!”

Another townsman under Cheng Mu’s command, everyone guessed Zhuge Liang.

“Brothers, hacked to death Cheng Mu and promoted third-level!”

He roared and took the knife again.

“Haha! Looking for death!”

Cheng Mu sneered.

He stopped everyone who wanted to come to help: “You go to solve other people, he is mine!”

Since Wu Pocangqiong wanted to single out, then he gave this opportunity.

The sun falling marksmanship has been stuck in the realm for a long time.


It was another fight.

“Pull the cloud and see the sun! Broken!”

With a long spear in hand, Cheng Mu wanted to break Wupaoqi’s defense with one blow.


Wu Pocangqiang couldn’t dodge, and was stabbed in the shoulder.


Another one-tenth of the blood volume disappeared.

However, for Wandering Xia player, this amount of blood is nothing at all.

Wu Pocangqiong took out a blood bottle from his backpack and drank it.

“Fuck, really not wanting face!”

Cheng Mu’s face turned dark, how could he be like this?

Knocking the blood bottle, it’s too rascal.

“Haha, if you have the ability, you can also knock!”

Wu Pocangqiong mocked: “Yes, you lord player can’t use the small blood bottle of Wandering Xia player!”

Except for some special small blood bottles and small blue bottles, most of the blood bottles and blue bottles are privileged benefits of Wandering Xia player.

“Ha ha!”

Cheng Mu didn’t want to beep with him, and killed him again.

“The rising sun! Thorns!”

Wandering Xia player uses blood bottles and also has a cooling time.


Wu Pocangqiang’s blood volume recovered to 90%, and the Chihuan Sword faced the Star Breaking Spear at the same time.

“Kacha!” With a sound, the two fought again with dozens of moves.

Under you come and me, Cheng Mu’s bloodline is gradually lowering.

“Haha, I will be the one who gets Cheng Mu’s first blood!”

Although his own blood volume dropped quickly, Wu Pocangqiong couldn’t help getting excited.

He still has 40% of his blood, while Cheng Mu only has about 15%.


Cheng Mu dodged his hack, turned around and took out a Medicine Pill from his backpack.

Magical Resilience Pill (Legendary)

The magical Medicine Pill that can revitalize the dying.

‘Guru. ’

The magical effect returned the pill to his throat, and Cheng Mu suddenly felt full of power.

All the fatigue was wiped out, and even the blood volume returned to full in an instant.

“Fuck! What kind of medicine are you!”

Wu Pocangqiong was taken aback.

The drug that can restore 100% of the blood in an instant is a priceless baby in the player group.

Such a Medicine Pill is one more life.

“you guess!”

Cheng Mu didn’t answer, and he was energetic again to kill Wu Po Qiankun.

This is a good match-up opponent.


Wu Pocangqiong immediately resisted.

Now the identities of the two changed instantly, and he became the one to be beaten.

His small blood bottle still has one minute of cooling time.

“The rising sun! Thorns!”

“The sun is shining! Sweep!”

“The blazing sun is in the air! Pick!”

“The light is brilliant! Royal!”

“Pull the cloud and see the sun! Broken!”

“The day is thinning! Go home!”

The star-breaking gun was in hand, and the first six styles of the sun-falling spear were changed back and forth in Cheng Mu’s hands.

Wu Pocangqiang has completely turned into a beating situation.

Cheng Mu fought more and more smoothly, and finally hit the back of the sun.

“Ding! Congratulations on your ability to fall into the sun and be promoted to Realm!”

In an instant, Cheng Mu felt sad. Tears are in your eyes!

After half a year, his sun-falling marksmanship finally reached the third Realm.

Be well-rounded.

This also means that he finally has a big move.

“Huh! Huh!~”

Wu Pocangqiong gasped heavily, his blood volume had dropped to five percent.

As long as he touches again, he will hang up.

crucial moment.

He shouted into the crowd: “Nanny! Give milk quickly!”

The surrounding players heard his shout, and the surviving nurses swiped a few times and filled his blood in an instant.


The joy that Cheng Mu had just harvested suddenly vanished.

He looked at Wu Pocangqiang and said, “Young man, you don’t speak martial ethics!”

Even if you knock the blood bottle single-handedly, you still drink milk now?

Wu Pocangqiong’s old face blushed: “Huh, the winner is king on the battlefield, and the loser is the bandit!”

“Your mouse tail juice!”

In the face of wealth and life, what is the face.

“Come again!”

This time, he was confident.

Cheng Mu looked at him quietly, the spear in his hand getting hotter.

“Gunsling! Falling into the sun!”

I saw him leaping high, like a dragon ascending to heaven.

The broken star gun in his hand immediately radiated a hot light, and it was extremely powerful.

“Fuck! What skill is this?”

Wu Pocangqiang’s complexion changed drastically.

No one has ever said that Cheng Mu will still have this skill.

This f*ck is a big move!


In a panic, he hurriedly wanted to block Cheng Mu’s shot.

However, the scorching sun in mid-air became more and more brilliant, and there seemed to be an extra sun in the sky.


The broken star gun carries a hot breath, and the scorching sun on the tip of the gun emits terrifying temperature.

Wu Pocangqiong could not see Cheng Mu’s figure clearly. In his eyes, there is only the hot sun.


The red ring knife in his hand was reddened and dissolved when he first touched it.

Wu Pocangqiong didn’t even make a scream, and was instantly beaten by seconds.

The white light rose up, but it was no better than the sun admiring the tip of the gun.

Thousands of people are horrified!

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