Chapter 179 The Battle of the Trapped Beast

“Fuck! Wuhan University has been seconded!”

“Isn’t Cheng Mu the lord? The lord player also has this strong?”

“Long knowledge, it really is Mu Da!”

“What to do? I don’t want to die!”

Fifty thousand players, more than ten thousand people were killed at this time.

The remaining 40,000 people were staring at the sun created by Cheng Mu with horror.


After the light passed, a violent feeling of exhaustion surged into Cheng Mu’s heart.

This strike, he tried his best.

“Is this the feeling of weakness after using the ultimate move?”

At this moment, he finally realized the feeling that the big guys could only experience.

Compared to the previous weakness after using the fireball.

He almost didn’t even have the strength to stand now.

Feeling hollowed out.


Hua Mulan also rushed over for the first time and hurriedly supported his body.

As Cheng Mu’s guard with a knife, she wanted to rush to help several times.


Feeling the beautiful breath of Mulan’s body, Cheng Mu felt that his legs were softer.

Afterwards, several Tianxiong heavy infantry also surrounded him, tightly surrounding him.

Seeing Cheng Mu’s return, Guan Hai gave him a thumbs up: “The Lord is awesome!”

Sharp Spear Fall has great development potential, and it can be compared with his magic sword Zhanyue by the late stage.

Zhuge Liang also said with a smile: “The prestige of the lord, today is going to be famous in the world!”

When everyone talked about Cheng Mu before, the most discussed were the generals under Cheng Mu.

Zhuge Liang, Guan Hai, Zhao Yun, Hua Mulan…

These people are much more attractive to everyone than Cheng Mu.

“Not as good as you, not as good as you!”

Cheng Mu shook his head.

From the moment Zhuge Liang was recruited, Cheng Mu knew that own light would be divided by these historical facts.

There is no alternative.

Zhuge Liang’s name, even foreign players will be heard slightly.

Of course, Cheng Mu is almost the same now.

“The lord has a good rest, and leave it to them next!”

This time, Zhuge Liang and Guan Hai did not interfere.

The main force of the battle is Cheng Mu’s six armies.

And, those more than 10,000 Jianxin Pavilion players.

Many players in Jianxin Pavilion are newly added, and a big battle can quickly get them a sense of belonging.


Cheng Mu nodded and said: “It’s time for them to see the strength of our six army groups in Apocalypse City.”

Then he turned his head and said to Hua Mulan: “Mulan, you go too!”

“These people are all your upgrade experience!”


Hua Mulan led the battle, and she couldn’t wait.

On the battlefield.

Arrows, magic, and various skills are flying all over the sky.

Players die all the time.

Little DJ was in the crowd of Jianxin Pavilion, his eyes were already green.

“I’m going! So many corpses, so many skeletons!”

He has a special skill called “Scam Corpse”.

As long as the target’s Death does not exceed five minutes, he can pull the corpse up.

Soon, more than a hundred skeletons gathered around the DJ kid.

If it is not for the skill cooling time limit, he can still pull more.

Frontal battlefield.

Thousands of Tianxiong heavy infantry held their shield high and pressed forward at each step. Numerous attacks and skills smashed on the shield, but no water splashed.


Zhang Wanlong roared and hacked to death a soldier who rushed over.

His skills are advanced and unyielding, and he is always increasing the defensive power for the Tianxiong soldiers.

But many players on the opposite side are smart.

“The earth mage listens to my orders, swamp technique!”

Someone replaced Wu Breaking the sky, and the commander fought.

Suddenly, the land at the feet of Tianxiong’s heavy infantry turned into a swamp, and the soldiers plunged into the silt.

Action becomes slow.

“Mages of various departments, the skills have given me a terrible blow!”

The Tianxiong army was restricted, and the opponent immediately ordered the mage to throw skills.

The arrow of the archer will be blocked by the shield of the Tianxiong Army, but the wizard will not.

The various effects attached to various skills can cause trouble to the Tianxiong Army.

Faced with this situation, the two archers behind the Tianxiong Army stepped forward.

“Tianyu! Shoot!”

Liu Yidao opened his own longbow, his target was the opponent’s new commander.

“Blasting Arrow!”

Suddenly, a huge arrow formed in his hand.

In the next second, the arrow blasted out almost at the speed of breaking through the space.


A huge explosion sounded.

The formation of the opposing player was instantly blasted, and the new commander was directly evaporated.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Tianyu Army also drew their long bows and followed Liu Yidao’s pace closely.

“Shoo, hoo, hoo!”

A sharp arrow broke through the air and slid into the enemy line.

“Shield war, block it!”

“Nanny! Pay attention to increase blood!”

“Where is the summoner? Put your pet in front!”

If someone is killed in battle, a new commander will come forward.

Because everyone knows that Cheng Mu can’t let them go.

If you want to survive, you can only kill it!

Huang Zhong saw that many of the arrows of the Tianyu Army were blocked, and snorted in his heart:

“Lie Gong! Burn them to death!”

The fiery bows attacked the incidental flame, which was a proper magical damage.

“Ah! Fire attack on the other side!”

“Fuck, this rocket is a percentage of life damage!”

“Nanny! Add blood! My shield is going to be red!”

In an instant, people turned their backs on their backs.

In particular, most of the player’s pets or mounts are hairy, and these hairs become good igniting materials.

Without the sky cavalry going up, the players themselves will be messed up.

At the same time, Tianqi and White Horse also entered the battlefield.

A thousand-day rider is like a King Yama who is killing his life, crushing all the enemies in front of him.

Although Zhao Yun’s White Horse Army is more than half, facing these panicked players, it is still crushed at this moment.

Many players wanted to resist, but the celestial horse roared before the skills were rubbed out.

Zhao Yun vented all the hostility of his subordinate Bai Ma Yi from the death of the battle on these hapless players.

He killed himself in one direction.

It is simply a walking humanoid BOSS.

Zhang Shun led the Tianlong Army to pick up leaks behind the cavalry.

The Dragon Army came ashore, and its strength was far inferior to that of the water.

So picking up and killing the enemy is the most suitable for them.

In particular, most of the Tianlong Army soldiers are Jinfan soldiers, who have a natural habit of killing and touching corpses.

“Fuck! Kill it back! Kill the players behind you first!”

Everyone has discovered that none of Cheng Mu’s six legions are soft persimmons.

Even if they have an absolute advantage in numbers, they are still dishes in front of the six major legions.

At the critical moment, someone stood up.

“Destroy the Jianxin Pavilion player first, let’s go to Jianxin City!”

After entering the city, they believed that they would have an advantage.

“Fuck! These dogs!”

Yijian screamed.

The hostile player who originally fought them behind only had 10,000 people.

Now there are more than 30,000 players left to turn their guns and focus on them.

“Charge! Rush into Jianxin City!”

At the time of life and death, everyone exploded with infinite potential.

There is no need to destroy the Jianxin Pavilion player at all, just rush into the city.

Thousands of fighters charged.

Suddenly, Yi Jian fell in love with the people here on their backs.

The skills of both sides smashed each other.

Obviously, Jianxin City player has an absolute disadvantage.

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