Chapter One Hundred and Eighty

“Chong Chong Chong!”

“Hurry up! The fucking fire is burning on my ass!”

“Water Master, damn it, hurry up and put out the fire!”

“Whose pet mount hasn’t been hung yet, put it behind to block the cavalry!”

When people see hope, they are easiest to get confused.

Everyone wants to rush into the city quickly.

At the end of the team, Hua Mulan is really a kid with a single blow as she rises up.

“Split the air!”

Hua Mulan rebuked, and a split air slasher rushed forward.

The player who had just burned his ass in the fire was stunned without falling out.

“Crack, click!”

After two stabs, the dead bodies were scattered.

“Fuck! So arrogant!”

Some players are angry.

It’s fine to be chased and killed by Zhao Yun, but now he is still chased and chopped by a girl.

A squad of one hundred people approached.

“Everyone first activate this girl!”

Obviously, they still don’t know that this is Mulan.

“Such a beautiful girl, is it a pity that the seconds are off?”

Some people can’t bear it.

Companion scolded: “You silly pen, if you don’t kill her, she will hack you to death!”

“No! I just want to run faster than you guys!”

“You! Fuck!”

Although in the dispute, there are still hundreds of skills flying towards Hua Mulan.

“Small bugs!”

Hua Mulan snorted coldly.

But when she just wanted to dodge, her feet were suddenly entangled with a few vines.

This is the skill of wood mage, entanglement.

Immediately afterwards, various restricted skills followed.

Earth claws, swamps, weakness, bondage, freeze…

The cooperation of this team is extremely tacit.

Seeing that the enemy’s skills are close at hand, the critical moment.

Hua Mulan said angrily: “Death blooms!”

In an instant, a series of impenetrable sword air winds formed around her body.

“Ding jingle bells!”

Arrows of various skills slammed into the wind, making waves of iron and stone clashing.

“Fuck! This skill is awesome!”

“Immunity to all attacks? How could there be so many powerful people under Cheng Mu’s command.”

“Huh! I don’t believe it, I can’t break this turtle shell!”

Someone snorted coldly, and again intensified their attack without believing in evil.

Cheng Mu watched Hua Mulan’s performance from a distance, and was extremely satisfied.

This is the first stage of Death blooming, and the second stage of skills is the real big move.

Injury explosion.

“If Hua Mulan is promoted to the town of the country, can she be able to fight the army alone?”

Cheng Mu looks forward to it very much.

As for Mulan, the damage suffered by Death Bloom finally reached its full value.

Looking at the enemies who were still struggling to throw their skills, Hua Mulan looked stunned: “Kneel down to this girl!”


The explosion sounded, and at the same time a huge shock wave rolled out.

The player who was still struggling to throw skills just now flew backwards instantly.

There are countless sharp knife auras in the air wave.

These players were cut to pieces before they landed.

White light is everywhere.

“Day! What skill is this?”

Everyone trembled as they watched a huge mushroom cloud seven or eight meters high that suddenly formed on the battlefield.

After the smoke and dust.

Within a radius of 20 meters around Hua Mulan, there was no living thing.

“Sister Mulan, it’s really a woman who doesn’t let her eyebrows be shaved!”

Zhao Yun rushed over on horseback.

Seeing the terrible situation on the ground, I admired very much in my heart.

With this strike, Hua Mulan eliminated at least four or five hundred players.

Many were caught in the fish pond while fleeing for their lives.


Hua Mulan took a breath and said, “Next, it will be handed over to General Zilong!”

A Death bloom also consumed 90% of her stamina.

“Received! Leave it to me!”

Zhao Yun picked up the reins and rode away.

The wolf enters the flock.

“Crush them!”

Zhao Yun took the lead, followed by Tianqi and White Horse.

There is a player who wants to resist, but under the horse’s hoof.


The shield warriors had no chance to counterattack with the giant shield in front of Tianqi and White Horse.

Shock, trample.

Without the protection of the fighters, the Crispy Faji could not form an effective resistance at all.

There are two situations on the battlefield at this time.

The first is under Jianxin Castle, where the Jianxin Pavilion player is struggling to support it.

And at the very end of the battlefield, the six legions of Apocalypse City are like urging demons, harvesting the lives of their enemies little by little.

Cheng Mu frowned.

Said: “This time Jianxin Pavilion, the loss is a bit big!”

Although the players in Jianxin Pavilion are generally stronger than ordinary players, they have an advantage in the number of players facing each other.

They fought very hard in this battle.

Yijianqin’s blood volume is like a roller coaster, and every time he shocks the nurses behind him in a cold sweat.

Several times, Yi Jianqin was dead blood.

“Lord! I’m going to kill a wave!”

Guan Hai stood up and expressed his willingness to help.

Although his energy and physical strength only recovered a half, it was more than enough to crush these players.

Cheng Mu shook his head: “No need.”

Because he suddenly found a funny thing.

Skeletons, there are skeletons everywhere.

The DJ kid was already dancing with excitement.

“Get rich, get rich!”

Usually there are so many corpses for him to cheat.

Unknowingly, in the absence of no one’s attention. By his side, more than a thousand skeletons have gathered.

As the number of skeletons increased, the movement of DJ Imp finally attracted Cheng Mu’s attention.

“Who is this? It’s not our guild, right?”

On the head of DJ Imp, there is no guild name that tops Jianxin Pavilion.

Tens of thousands of people are fighting in a melee, if they don’t identify themselves, they are very likely to be killed by mistake!

“It seems to be called a DJ kid, Qingzhou player!”

Zhuge Liang replied: “He was the protagonist in the script a few days ago.”


Cheng Mu’s eyes lit up, this is a talent!

Look at the profession, this is a corpse player.

But it’s awesome to play with corpses!

“Up, up, up!”

The DJ imp wielded his staff, and more than a thousand skeletons threw their teeth and claws towards the enemy.

At the same time, various skills in his hand also smashed out.

corrosion! Corpse poison! Bite! Fraud!

Once there is a player Death, although the corpse turns into white light and disappears, a skeleton will crawl out of the spot.

However, these skeletons are relatively fragile, and their strength is only about twenty ranks.

Elite player, one or two can be hacked to death.

But after all, it still can’t hold many dead bodies! There are so many!

There are skeletons in Death all the time, and the DJ kid behind the formation is sweating profusely and continues to cheat the corpse.

“This kid, you can!”

Yijian looked at so many skeletons joining the battlefield, feeling a little shocked.

With so many skeletons, it looks scary.

However, the current situation is still not optimistic enough.

More than a thousand skeletons cannot influence this situation.

It depends on how long the Jianxin players can hold on.

Hu Guangguo is also growing stronger now.

The level of victory under his command has risen, and his strength is strong.

Although they will be targeted by the enemy, the nanny on Jianxin Pavilion is not a vegetarian.

Guan Sheng, with a big sword in the crowd, was like no one, and Hu Guangguo led the own Black Tortoise regiment only to follow.

Zhang Shun was in front at this time, and the god-tier said, “Brother, wait for Big Brother to come and join you!”

Although the two are loyal to different masters, the friendship of Liangshan heroes has not changed.

Moreover, Hu Guangguo also belongs to Cheng Mu’s subordinates, and Guan Sheng and Zhang Shun can also be said to be Cheng Mu’s subordinates.


The bandits in the five-hundred-day dragon army battlefield, wherever they are killed, they can be snatched away.

Cheng Mu watched the battle from behind, feeling confident.

“The victory is divided!”

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