Chapter 196 The Most Powerful Man

Nirvana, as the name suggests.

Hot temper, grumpy personality!

“Whoever you are, do it first!”

“Can’t beat it? Then we have to do it!”

He is holding a huge machete, just like the dragon-slaying knife in the old game.


Nieba took the lead, and rushed over with his sword.

Cheng Mu’s face turned dark: “This f*ck is a lunatic! Didn’t you see how daddy is better than you?”

How did he discover that he seems to be getting bullied more and more easily.

Everyone who saw him seemed crazy. The evil spirits rush to eat!

If Nieba knew, he would definitely say sorry. This was purely him, and he had already slipped away when he changed to someone else.

Cheng Mu was already stupefied, and said lightly: “Kill it!”

Since he dared to come, he dared to kill!

“Grass! Too much bullying!”

Yijian Qingxin was also furious, and immediately led his army to greet him.

“Daddy is about to get angry, now it’s unlucky for you to come up!”

The demon scorpion caused such a big battle damage, and his heart was still depressed.


“Better eight styles!”

The broad sword was in the hands of Nieba, and was full of murderous aura.

Sudden, sweep, chop, swipe, cut, plunder, squeeze, chop!

At this time, he was like the real overlord of the sword.

Several Jianxin Pavilion players were hacked to death in just one face.

Feeling cold in the dark night, he said angrily: “You are looking for death!”

People who dare to kill him in the White Tiger group are unforgivable.


Swords collide.

The harsh impact sounded, but Nieba did not take a step back.

“His, a lot of strength!”

Feeling the huge tremor from the sword body, I was shocked when I felt the fish in the dark night.

Among so many players, Nieba is the strongest Wandering Xia player he has ever encountered!


Nieba’s complexion was slightly arced, and once again he raised his knife and slashed down.

“Lietian Slash!”

Carrying a huge sword with great power, it was severely cut down by fishing in the dark.


This time, fishing in the dark was shaken back several steps.

Although he blocked this strike, a -5 shock damage still floated on his head.

“What the hell!”

Fish in the dark was shocked.

I used to be the highest player in Anqing City anyway, and claimed to be the highest player in Jianxin City.

Now, it’s actually a disadvantage.

Without a word, Nieba rushed forward again with a knife.


At this moment, Yijian smashed with his sword intently.

Under the heavy blow, Nierba finally retreated several steps.

He looked at the fish in the dark and asked, “Fishing, are you okay?”


Dark night gritted his teeth and said: “Be careful, this person is a stubble!”

“Oh? Call a helper?”

Standing with a knife, Nieba looked at them with disdain and said, “Don’t be ashamed, let Cheng Mu come over!”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Yijian Qingxin’s complexion changed, and she instantly killed him.


There was another crash of gold and iron, and Yi Jian Qingxin was blocked.

“Lietian Slash!”

Nieba roared and chopped back with a knife.

His profession is Domineering, so far he has only learned Domineering Eight Styles and Lietian Slash.

So back and forth, that’s just a few tricks.


Yijian snorted coldly, and escaped this strike in a flash.


The sharp sword in his hand seized the opportunity, and this was Nirvana who was closing the sword.


Nieba’s figure turned, but it was blocked again.

He mocked: “But so!”

As the strongest player in the Qing empire, it’s okay to fight a fish in the dark and love them with a sword.

Although it cannot be described as beating a child, there is still plenty of energy.

Cheng Mu saw all this in his eyes.

In other words, he saw everything on the battlefield in his eyes.

“remarkably brave!”

Fifty thousand to ninety thousand, do you really want to fight one against two?

However, in Cheng Mu’s eyes, this was a complete failure, a death-like attack.

Although Nieba has an advantage, his player does not have such a strong strength.

Although their morale is like a rainbow under the leadership of Nierba, they face the players of Jianxin Pavilion and Jianxin who are tortured by the Devil Scorpion and urgently need to vent.

Hack everything!

Even if we can’t beat Devil Scorpion, you guys just want to bully us?

For a moment, the battlefield was chaotic.

Cheng Mu jumped into the battlefield with a gun: “Kill!”,

Although the experience value of killing a player is not much, it is better than nothing.

“It’s a pity, you won’t lose points if you kill a player!”

At this time Cheng Mu regrets.

If killing the player can get the points inherited to the target, then this Minor World will be even more messy.

But this is obviously not the intention of the system god-tier.

Players are all killing each other, who will solve these hundreds of millions of monsters.


Nieba panted heavily, his blood volume had already dropped.

And the dark night fishing and Yijian Qingxin are not good, the two teamed up and only drew with Nieba.

“You guys are too good!”

Even after being beaten by a group, Nieba is still arrogant and violent.

“Go to hell! Domineering eight styles! Lietian Slash!”

He had only one thought now, then hacked them to death.

At this time, a beautiful figure attacked and killed him.

“Split the air!”

Everyone only heard a soft drink, and the light of the knife came instantaneously.

Nieba only saw the shadow of a knife that made him unforgettable, and in the next second he turned into a white light.


Hua Mulan closed the knife, looked at the sluggish Yijian Qingxin and the dark night, and said: “You men are really weak! Or the lord is more powerful!”

After finishing speaking, he left unhurriedly.

Listening to Hua Mulan’s sarcasm, Yijian Qingxin and Dark Night Moyu almost cried.

“Auntie, you are the boss of the second-rate Realm. You will be promoted to first-class right away, and you can become a town or even a ghost in the future.”

“We are not in the stream at the moment, of course we can’t beat it!”

“Then my man is weak, is Namuda considered a man in the end?”

The two wailed for a while.

But the feeling of being despised by a girl is really uncomfortable.

The two decided in an instant that they must work hard.

After Nieba was killed for a second, the situation on the battlefield completely fell to Cheng Mu’s side.

There is a disadvantage in the number of people, whether there is anyone leading the command.

Soon, most of the fifty thousand people were killed.

The remaining half of the players ran away, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong.

“Fuck! Brother Ba has been seconded!”

“Who is this woman and why is she so powerful?”

“Brother Tyrant is the highest player in our Qing Empire, and he can’t beat a woman!”

“You are stupid, this person is Mulan!”

“Fuck, Mulan, run!”

When everyone heard that it was Mulan, she ran faster.

“Lord! Fortunately not insulting your life!”

Hua Mulan returned to life.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Cheng Mu helped her up and said, “After fighting for so long, if you are tired, take a break first!”

“I am not tired!”

Hua Mulan stood up and said, “Master, those men are so weak! They are not half as powerful as you.”

It is estimated that there is not a single player who can survive a cut under her.


Cheng Mu’s face blushed, and he said in a shame: “That is, don’t look at who I am.”

Of course this sentence is bragging.

He himself knew that he might not have been able to beat Nirvana in singles.

One is the top boss in Wandering Xia player, and the other is the absolute hegemon in the lord player.

The two have different ways of competing.

Cheng Mu’s strength is a powerful general under his command.

Of course, this does not mean that he is weak in singles.

“I am at most a bit weaker than that Nirvana.”

He thought so in his heart.

Listening to Cheng Mu’s shameless answer, Yijian Qingxin and Black Night Raised a thumbs up.

“As expected, Mu Da, the most powerful man!”

“The most powerful? What does it mean?”

“Hey, that’s of course!”

“Which way?”


“Hey, you lsp!”

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