Chapter 197: The Life-Saving Faye

“Ho ho!”

Nirvana is resurrected.

Although he was killed by Hua Mulan, he was still laughing. Although he failed, he was actually happier than winning.

“Ho ho! When the national war starts, ho ho!”

On Cheng Mu’s side.

The war has basically been resolved, and everyone is sitting on the ground and panting.

Although Cheng Mu was victorious, the losses in the battle became more and more severe.

In this battle, fifty thousand enemies.

However, although they wiped out more than 30,000 people, there were also nearly 20,000 casualties.

In addition to the losses in the initial war, Cheng Mu now has less than 70,000 players in Jianxin Pavilion and Jianxin.

In less than a day, the battle lost nearly a third.

“Muda, I am afraid that if this continues… it will be difficult to get to the altar!”

Yijian Qingxin became even more worried.

More than 30,000 players who died in the battle were completely at a loss this time.

A few points and more than a dozen points for each talent can’t make up for the loss of this battle.

“Hey! Let’s train soldiers in advance!”

Cheng Muchang sighed and said, “Wait until the national war comes, and wait until the foreign races invade. The battle will be worse than it is now!”

Those killed in battle are all professional combat players.

Dead, it can be said that they asked for it.

Greed for rewards.

But if a foreign race strikes, then everyone can’t stay out of it.

After the start of the Earth-Star Abnormal Change, except for the majority of adult men who changed their jobs to combat occupations. The rest of the elderly, children, and most of the female players are changed Life professions.

The battle between players may put the Life professional player out of the picture, but alien invasion is impossible.


Yijian laughed at himself with a smile: “There is no undead in a war, I am harsh.”

Many players have not yet changed their mindsets, thinking that this is just a game.

Although it has the attributes of a game, it is a life and death struggle for survival.

Wait until everyone’s resurrection times are used up.

The living live, the lost die.


Cheng Mu patted him on the shoulder and said, “Go hard, we are still in the novice village!”

“The real big boss is staring at us from a distance!”

This will be a life and death war!

The perspective is zoomed out.

In fact, the situation that Cheng Mu encountered is already the current state of Minor World.

The origin of the Great Han Tianwei is the most fringe flame region.

The temperature here is very high, and magma is rolling on the ground from time to time.

But all this still couldn’t stop the fiery heart of Han Tianwei.

“Huh! Huh~”

He gasped for breath, his whole body was bitten by sweat and it was very uncomfortable.

Although the 200,000 players behind him felt uncomfortable, they still gritted their teeth.

It’s only high temperature, can bear it.

But as I walked, the magma in the surrounding rock pits began to surge violently.

“En? There is something!”

Dahan Tianwei was surprised that there were creatures in the magma.

Then, in the trembling eyes of everyone, a series of fiery red figures crawled out of the magma.

Balrog (Special Monster Level 38)

“My Cao! Run!”

Dahan Tianwei’s back instantly chilled and his teeth trembled.

Special monsters at level 38 have higher levels than most players.


As soon as the Balrogs got ashore, they immediately rushed towards the players.

Seeing this, everyone immediately defended and blocked it.

But the attack of the Balrog actually carried burning damage. This is a special monster!

“Grass! Can’t stop it!”

Thirty The strength of the eighth-level special monster is even higher than the player of the same level!

at the same time.

“Boom! Boom!”

As more and more Balrog climbed up, the magma pit became more irritable and unstable.

“Run! Run! It’s going to explode!”

Dahan Tianwei was shocked and looked terrified.

If these magma riots…

Looking at Yandi still out of sight, Dahan Tianwei didn’t dare to think about what would happen next.

However, good luck did not stand on his side.


With bursts of huge explosions, the magma pit completely rioted.

Countless magma, fireballs, and smoke poured out, instantly rushing to the player on the ground.

“Mom, help!”

“Run, you guys run daddy faster, don’t let daddy!”

“Daddy doesn’t want to run faster? Why don’t you fly over.”

“Daddy wants to fly too ah ah ah ah~”


Before the words fell silent, the group of people were blown out.

The casualties were heavy.

It’s messed up, it’s all messed up.

Two hundred thousand players, completely messy. The six gods have no masters, and each escapes for their lives.

“God thief! You deceived so much!”

At this time, Da Khan Tianwei could only curse while running.

Fireballs and magma invaded in the sky, and Balrogs stood in the way on the ground.

Under the riots of the earth, no one can escape.

This kind of situation happened in every place and every corner of Minor World.

In the place where the rocks grew, the emperor and the dictator were smashed by stone men a few meters high, throwing away their helmets and abandoning their armor.

In the dense forest, the snake girl felt for the first time poisonous snakes and beasts that were more terrifying than the Amazon jungle.

And in the river.

For the first time, the old god felt the fear from the behemoth.

A giant crocodile more than ten to twenty meters high raged and killed the passing players on the vast river.

Slaughter, slaughter everywhere.

Not long after Cheng Mu led the team, the magic scorpion struck again.

It’s just that the players have increased their vigilance this time, and hundreds of magic scorpions have not caused them too many casualties.

Zhang Wanlong, who had spoken a lot, was also dull at this time.

After the continuous battle, coupled with the burning sun’s roast, everyone was dry.


“Master! Let’s take a break!”

Zhang Wanlong couldn’t hold on anymore.

The main reason is that the armor on his body is too heavy, and walking on the sand requires two or three times the usual physical strength.


Cheng Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered a rest.

Hua Mulan handed the kettle up, and he drank a few sips.


After drinking, Cheng Mu felt unprecedented comfort.

Then he looked at Mulan, who had generally dry lips, and the scene suddenly became a little embarrassing.

He drank the water and finished it.


Cheng Mu’s face blushed, and he suddenly remembered that this kettle was made by Mulan.

‘Is this an indirect kiss? ’

He felt a little shameless, and actually hit his subordinate’s idea.

‘its not right! ’

He changed his mind to think: “Isn’t this idea a long time ago, hehe.”

Hua Mulan’s face was reddened.

But now it seems that I don’t know whether it is a blush or a blush.

Looking at the empty kettle, she looked away with difficulty.

Cheng Mu stood up.

When he saw all the players stumbling, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

If this situation continues, everyone will really die here.

“It turns out that the biggest enemy in the desert is not the magic scorpion, but dryness!”

Cheng Mu was also somewhat regretful and helpless.

Helplessly, who knew that this situation would be encountered.

Players usually fight monsters and eat only when they are hungry and thirsty.

Although many players have spare water, there is too little water.

Some players have already drunk the little red medicine and the little blue bottle, but to no avail!

Lack of water.

Cheng Mu turned his gaze, and suddenly he saw the Fa masters.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind.

“I’m stupid! You guys are stupid too!”

“Water system mage, let go of skills!”

“Ice Master, make ice cubes!”

Desert, drought, dry heat, lack of water. But there is Faye!

Hearing Cheng Mu’s words, everyone suddenly realized it, and they all started to understand.

“Yes, I’m a water mage, will I be short of water?”

“Come on, Lord will make you some ice cubes for you to hold and chew!”

“Thanks Faye, thank you ice cube!”

“Haha, I finally came alive!”

“Grass, who, you are a fire mage! Hurry up and squeeze your fireball!”

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