Chapter 214 Final Crossing the River


Cheng Mu used the haste talisman on the giant boat.

In an instant, the speed of the giant boat soared.

The players who stroked the week suddenly felt very relaxed and stroked faster.

“This is?”

The snake girl looked at the talisman in Cheng Mu’s hand in disbelief, and asked suspiciously: “This is the unique paper talisman of your Hua/Xia Civilization?”

“It can be attached to a person’s forehead to make him jump.”

Obviously, before the catastrophe, Chinese culture had already reached her country.

Cheng Mu hated the cold: “That’s a zombie! A ghost! Not a human!”

Also stick a paper sign jump and jump.

If you don’t put a spell, you would have flown long ago.


The snake girl nodded and said that it was so, and Cheng Mu liked it more and more.


At this time, another demon crocodile jumped up.

The snake girl drew her bow and shot to death with one arrow.

The demon crocodile that is not in the water is much easier to kill than it was at the beginning.

Hundreds of warrior players rushed over and surrounded the devil crocodile tightly.

The Fa masters behind began to exert their strength, working together to kill the demon crocodile.

Cheng Mu was also unambiguous. Although the Toxic Kiss could not kill the crocodile in seconds, it was still possible to break the defense.

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful killing of the crocodile. You get 5 points.”

A demon crocodile, five points.

In addition to the magic crocodile killed by Mulan and Zhang Wanlong, Cheng Mu’s speed in gaining points is actually not slow.

It is also true that there are too many devil crocodiles in the river.

A minute later, Cheng Mu used a strong talisman and a haste talisman again.

The Snake Girl was unwilling to be left behind and called twenty wild men to sacrifice directly.

In an instant, the speed of the giant boat was ascension a bit.

Finally, after Cheng Mu used up five strong talisman, the giant boat traveled for a while.

They finally reached the other side.

The appearance of the altar can already be clearly seen, and it has become taller than when viewed from a distance.

“Haha! It’s finally here!”

Stepping on the ground, Zhang Wanlong finally felt relieved.

Who would know that the famous Tianxiong army boss is actually a land duck.

Not only Zhang Wanlong alone, if the entire Tianxiong Army fell into the river, it would definitely sink to the bottom like a weighing mound.

The armor on them is too heavy.

“Old Wan, you almost persuaded you!”

Compared with Zhang Wanlong, Liu Yidao was much calmer.

Zhang Wanlong: “I’ll persuade you? But I can capture the existence of a giant crocodile in the water!”

“Then why don’t you go down?”

“You can go, it’s not necessary.”

“You broke down with the lord.”

Cheng Mu: “…”

What’s wrong with me, Zhang Wanlong is pretending to be forced.

He complained.

But as the lord, the most important thing is to be calm.

Since the subordinates are pretending to be forceful, they must pretend to be bigger as the lord.

The snake girl walked over, looking at Cheng Mu with a spring face and said, “Muda, don’t you lose in cooperating with me? She still has a lot of work, all of which are very good and powerful.”

It can be summed up in two words: live well.


Cheng Mu has been admonishing himself to calm down: “Thanks for your hard work.”

He finally made a little progress with Hua Mulan, and of course this kind of woman who coveted his beauty has to be put behind.

Hua Mulan didn’t draw a knife.

She was very satisfied with Cheng Mu’s attitude.

Of course, there is no reason to draw the sword, because the snake girl is still useful.

The giant boat has returned to sail.

In addition to Cheng Mu, the snake girl returned with his savages again.

Sacrifice all the way.


Hua Mulan came over and asked, “Does the lord like such a woman?”


Cheng Mu was startled, and then he smiled: “Just look at it, just take a look.”

For now, isn’t it just a look.

Even if Snake Girl really invited him to talk about hundreds of millions of business, he wouldn’t dare to do it.

The Mayan Empire is very evil.


Hua Mulan regretted that she didn’t hear the answer she wanted.

It seems that the lord still likes this kind of woman.

She thought in her heart and said with emotion: “The lord is so scumbag.”


Cheng Mu’s face blushed. When will Hua Mulan be so fashionable.

He immediately looked at the loyalty and intimacy value.

Well, there is no change.

Loyalty is full, intimacy is 83.

‘Try harder, the outdoor guard with a knife can become an indoor personal guard, hehe! ’

Cheng Mu thought to himself.

“You see, the lord must be making a bad idea.”

“I agree, it must be bad.”

Zhang Wanlong and Liu Yidao got together, speculating boldly after seeing Cheng Mu’s smirk.

Different from other master-servant relationships.

Cheng Mu is usually approachable and more like friends with his subordinates.

This intimate relationship made him feel very comfortable.

At this moment, the players who have crossed the river are taking a break.

Some people couldn’t wait to go to the altar, but at this time they also learned to obey the orders.

Cheng Mu’s order was: “Retire and stand by!”

After these few days of fighting and running-in, the remaining players have learned to obey orders.

To put it simply, military training is very effective.

However, it is necessary to work hard to ban every action.

Practice a lot.

Cheng Mu opened the points ranking.

own points, 9600 points, only 400 points to break 10,000.

Snake girl is still second with 7500 points.

After paying a heavy price, the old god successfully crossed the river area.

The points also came to 7000 points.

The fourth has been replaced, the sword bearer, 6200 points.

In other words, he killed thousands of monsters alone.

“This person is a bit scary!”

Cheng Mu frowned.

Single brush?

The monsters in Minor World are not easy to kill.

If the sword bearer is single-spinning the Black Rock Demon, one person works hard to swipe two thousand Black Rock Demon.

It’s still possible.

After all, the player who is so powerful is definitely not the only one himself.

But if the sword bearer kills all the way to the altar, it would be very scary.

When Cheng Mu met, he could only give a thumbs up: “Awesome!”

“This sword bearer is an individual talent, very powerful.”

He is not stingy with his own compliments.

The strong, of course, prefer the strong.

Soon after, the huge boat docked again.

Only without the formation of Hua Mulan and others, the snake girl sacrificed more savages when crossing the river this time.

Once and again, there were no one hundred savages.


Cheng Mu enthusiastically greeted him.

This snake girl is really interesting.

He would rather sacrifice his soldiers to protect his guild’s player.

Although it is a transaction, it is still full of sincerity.

“It’s enough for Mu University to remember others’ goodwill.”

The snake girl didn’t feel distressed at all.

Of course Cheng Mu felt that her disagreement was fake.

If the savages can be caught at will, it is impossible for the snake girl to bring only a few thousand savages.

He replied: “Ok, we are friends now.”

For now, the two have a happy cooperation.

“Yeah, in fact, they can have more in-depth exchanges with Mu University!”

In an instant, the snake girl turned into that bitch again.

If people who knew her before saw it, they would be shocked: This is a snake girl?

That murderous, cruel snake girl?

Cheng Mu also knew that the snake girl was just pretending to be a bitch.


After the sacrifice of fifty savages, the boat set sail again.

This time, it is the last batch of players.

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