Chapter 215: Upper Altar


The only landmark building in Minor World.

After going through several trials and hurdles, everyone finally came here.

“Muda! What a tall building!”

Yijian looked at the majestic and tall altar in admiration.

“This altar is probably as high as a hundred stories, right?”

One hundred floors, even if they were placed before the cataclysm, they belonged to very few of them.


Cheng Mu looked puzzled.

He had a bad feeling for making such a tall altar here.

“Just leave it, walk over and talk about it.”

Zhang Wanlong can’t wait.

Although they are close to the altar, they can feel the majesty of the altar.

But there is still a long way to go before actually touching the altar.

Cheng Mu nodded: “Go ahead!”

After crossing the river successfully, everyone never encountered monsters again.

The top ten of the standings has not changed for a long time.

Someone is complaining: “If you can’t harvest good things from the altar, it’s better to kill the tree snake in the jungle.”

After all, there are still points.

Under the altar, someone is already waiting.

Seeing Cheng Mu leading the team over, everyone’s expressions suddenly became horrified.

“How is it possible, how can there be so many people.”

“Impossible, don’t they lose when they cross the river?”

“According to a one-to-one crossing rate, did they have three million people crossing the river at once?”

“Three million? Which force can make up three million now? It’s impossible even for a giant guild!”

In an instant, everyone under the altar was talking about it, unbelievable.

Originally, the most populous person here is the old god, and there are about 5,000 players under his command.

The rest are either three or five hundred, or ten or twenty.

There are a lot of lonely players, and there are only a handful of players who can make up a few teams.

“It’s Cheng Mu!”

Finally, after approaching, Cheng Mu was recognized by the players.

“Cheng Mu? Why are there so many people under his command?”

“How to play this?”

“Why don’t we unite?”

In an instant, Cheng Mu’s name shocked everyone again.

The moment the old god saw Cheng Mu, he almost vomited blood.

‘Daddy spent half a million people crossing the river, why are you! ’

He wanted to question.

In addition to him, the Scorpion King, Mo Khan, and Tian Zuo Da Lang also looked distorted at this time.

One by one is completely lost, how should I fight this?

Is it really necessary to unite everyone?

Of course, this idea is really unrealistic.

After recognizing Cheng Mu, at least one-third of the players came over.

“Muda, I am the player of the Sui Empire, we belong to the same civilization!”

“Muda, I am from the Jin Empire, can I be with you?”

“Muda, and me.”

“Everyone is coming to follow Mu Da’s pace! Damn these foreigners to death!”

In an instant, all the players under the command of the Chinese civilization surrounded with excitement.

Although some people didn’t catch a cold with Cheng Mu, they came over immediately when they heard of foreigners.

As long as there are foreigners, no matter how big the infighting is, you can put it aside.

This is the Chinese civilization player.

Cheng Mu looked at the enthusiastic players under the same civilization and nodded.


Everyone who can get here is a big brother.

Since other civilized players see themselves as if they are facing an enemy, why not be stronger?

They promised to join not for self-protection, but for the better and faster unification of the entire Chinese civilization in future national wars.

It’s good to get to know some big guys.

How could Cheng Mu manage it with such a big earth star.

And when aliens invade, these high players can be helpers.

Immediately after Cheng Mu agreed, tens of thousands of people joined the team.

However, in order to command rationally, Cheng Mu still held the command power in his own hands.

No one has an opinion.

At this point, the brain-dead people are almost screened.

Everyone is strong and will not do anything mentally retarded to provoke Cheng Mu.

At the same time, the snake girl beside Cheng Mu also spoke.

“Players from the Mayan Empire come here, we and Mu Da are good friends!”

In an instant, another ten percent of the players came over.

The name of the snake girl overwhelmed the entire Mayan empire.

Many players in the Mayan Empire were very happy when they saw the snake girl and Cheng Mu actually stay together.

“The first and the second strong combination, this time we are set to win!”

“Yes, although Cheng Mu is strong, our snake girl is also strong.”

“You said, does Cheng Mu like our snake girl?”

“It’s possible. But how come I suddenly feel unhappy.”


Thanks to the real-time translation of the system, Cheng Mu can hear what the players of the Mayan Empire are discussing.

He wanted to say: I fell in love with your snake girl? Do not! It’s the snake girl who is coveting my beauty!

Of course, this kind of statement is too pretending to be easily beaten.

The so-called invisible force is the most deadly.

It can be a little low-key at the moment, and we will make waves later.

Soon, Cheng Mu’s number once again exceeded 50,000.

And there is a steady stream of players coming across the river, and there will be more people at that time.

The old god gritted his teeth, and he decided to bring in foreign aid.

However, he, who considers himself a top boss, will not easily make a move.

He wants to wait for someone to come to win him.

Soon after, Mo Khan leaned over.

The look of the old days was happy, but he still resisted and warned him to calm down.

On Cheng Mu’s side.

After many players under the Chinese civilization joined him, he also learned about the altar.

The appearance of the altar is actually a huge pyramid.

It’s just that the altar is too tall, so the base is huge.

Everyone can ascend the altar, but very few can go three steps.

Many people returned halfway because of the huge pressure on the third-level.

Although it is rumored that there are good things on the top of the altar, after countless failures, everyone gave up.

Some players who use too much force will also be backlashed by the altar.

“Tens of thousands of steps, and now I can’t even pass the third-level, it’s very evil.”

Cheng Mu hugged his doubts and walked under the altar.

It is worth mentioning that the four directions of the altar have already occupied one by the players of Chinese civilization at this time.

Players from other civilizations ran far away directly after seeing it.

Before Cheng Mu came, hundreds of PK incidents had occurred.

They sum it up in one sentence, the Chinese civilization player has a grumpy temper, and if you want to collect the fruits of victory, it is best not to provoke it at the moment.


Seeing Cheng Mu about to go to the altar, Hua Mulan exhorted: “Be careful, this altar is very evil.”

“Evil door?”

Cheng Mu murmured, still taking the first step.

There is no pressure on the first step.

He stood on the first step for a while, and after noticing Own’s body for a while, he didn’t notice anything abnormal.

Subsequently, he took the second step.

The old god sneered in the distance at this moment:

“What about the number of you? No one can take the third step!”

Mo Khan stood beside him and nodded in agreement: “Of course, this is restricted by the god-tier system.”

“At present, no one can reach the third step!”

They themselves have already tried dozens of times.

Many people think that Cheng Mu is wasting time.

Even the players under the Chinese Civilization are thinking: “Muda will come back after trying it.”

The first step is easy, the second step is pressure, and the third step is the moat.


Cheng Mu stood on the second step, puzzled.

He didn’t feel any pressure, just as usual climbing stairs!


Although puzzled, Cheng Mu didn’t stop.

He is going to take the third step.

The other players in the distance had already waited and watched at this time, showing a gloating look.

“Haha, there is a good show to watch!”

“Everyone is the same, I don’t know what Cheng Mu is going to do.”

“Looking at the big guys on the list, we have a result, that’s right and cool!”

“You said if Cheng Mu used stupid force to break through, how far would he be shot?”

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