Chapter 216: The Eternal Demon King Shocked the Altar


In the eyes of everyone, Cheng Mu stepped onto the third step.

No discomfort.


Everyone collapsed.

“What’s the matter, how can he go up?”

“Am I wrong, Cheng Mu is standing on the third step?”

“My God, he was not shot.”

In the crowd, wailing bursts.

The face of the old day sank, and he said angrily: “He Cheng Mu is just lucky, he definitely can’t go up the fourth step.”

“Yes, it might be stuck.”

Even though Cheng Mu had already reached the third step at this time, they still wouldn’t be convinced.

“As the number one on the list, isn’t it normal for Cheng Mu to be one more step up?”

Someone asked the companions around him.

But obviously, he didn’t have confidence in what he said.

At this time, Cheng Mu himself was also dumbfounded.

“Didn’t it mean that no one can go up to the third step? Why did I go up?”

“What about the pressure? I don’t feel the pressure!”

The third step of the altar is still as usual.

Nothing unusual.

“That must be the restriction lifted.”

Zhang Wanlong is as strong as a cow: “Let me try it too.”

With that, he jumped up directly.

I want to directly transcend the process in one fell swoop.

“do not.”

Hua Mulan was thinking of making a voice prompt.

Only heard a bang, Zhang Wanlong seemed to hit an iron wall.

The whole person was bounced out, his nose and face swollen.

“what happened?”

Zhang Wanlong’s head was dizzy, and he didn’t know where the problem was.

There were players around and rushed up with a fluke in their hearts.

But as soon as they stepped onto the second step of the altar, they couldn’t go up to the third step.

“What the hell?”

The DJ kid wanted to summon his own skeleton to try, but the skeleton couldn’t even go up the first step.

It fell apart directly.

And his actions instantly enlightened everyone.

Some people take pets to explore the road, while others try to ride them on mounts.

As a result, all failed.

“Is it my cause?”

Cheng Mu also realized at this time that there should be a special reason for him.

He reached the fourth step, still effortlessly.

Everyone was at a loss.

“What the hell is going on? How can he go up alone!”

The old god did not believe in evil, he wanted to go to the altar from another direction.

However, reality slapped him severely, and he still couldn’t make it to the third step.


Even if he is calm and cultivated, he can’t calm down.

There are many players like the old gods.

These players who thought they were bigwigs fell into deep suspicion after failing again.

Why can’t I go up by myself?

After a failed attempt, the snake girl waved to Cheng Mu under the altar: “Muda, you must come on!”

dissolute? She dare not.

After losing the value of use, she didn’t think Hua Mulan would kill herself if she wandered again.

This is a woman with wisdom and city government.


Then Cheng Mu exhorted: “Wait for me to come back!”

This sentence, he said to everyone.

He was very relieved that Mulan was there. To die? I guess no one would dare to come.

What’s on the altar? In fact, he is also very curious.

At this moment, others also gave up.

Everyone just watched Cheng Mu’s performance quietly.

The fifth step is to step out.

In the eyes of the people under the altar, Cheng Mu took fifty steps.

“Huh? What’s the matter? Why did Mu Da suddenly come to such a high position?”

“Is this flashing or teleporting?”

“I think it’s shrinking!”

Cheng Mu also slightly heard their amazement at this time.

He looked down, and instantly he was not calm.

“Why did I get here?”

He inspected it visually, it was dozens of steps.


Cheng Mu did not believe in evil and took the sixth step.

In an instant, the scenery in front of him changed.

In everyone’s astonished eyes, his figure had reached the middle of the altar.

Cheng Mu felt the howling cold wind, he was a little worried: “Will you be killed if you fall down?”

“Go up first!”

The icy chill made him reluctant to stay here.

The seventh step stepped out.

Cheng Mu only felt black before his eyes.

In the next second, he appeared directly on the top of the altar.

“What? Going up here?”

“What the hell, seven steps! Cheng Mu only took seven steps to get to the top of the altar!”

“It’s over, how come I have a bad feeling!”

Under the altar, people were completely dull.

This altar has tens of thousands of steps, and everyone can’t even go up to the third step.

“You Cheng Mu only took seven steps to get to the top of the altar. How can you play this?”

However, Cheng Mu at this time was also dumbfounded.

“I came up?”

He glanced down anxiously, then immediately retracted his trembling body: “No way, no way, too high!”

At this height, he was sure that he would be absolutely cool when he fell.

Next, it’s time to explore the altar.

“I hope I don’t get any moths.”

Cheng Mu thought, observing the altar.

In fact, this altar is very simple and flat.

In the middle, there is a round stone.

Cheng Mu stared at the round stone, his eyes were taken aback.

“Black Ling?!”

He couldn’t believe it.

On the top and middle of the altar, there was a cat lying on its stomach.

This cat is the long-lost big black cat *Black Ling.


After hearing the movement, Black Ling turned around.

But when it saw that it was Cheng Mu, it suddenly felt that the cat was born with no love.

“How can you come up? Didn’t this king set up Restrictions?”

Black Ling had counted everything, but he had missed a Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu also immediately understood at this time.

I was able to come up entirely because of Black Ling.

Restrictions for pets are of no use to the owner!

After seeing only Black Ling on the altar, Cheng Mu finally relaxed.

But there are still some regrets.

“That’s it?”

Seeing Cheng Mu approaching, Black Ling immediately threatened: “Bah! Don’t come over!”

It seems that it is restricted at this time.


Cheng Mu is the master.

As long as Black Ling hasn’t escaped back to another world, everything will be much easier.

“Let you run!”

With that said, he walked over and wanted to screw up Black Ling.

This cat is too disobedient.

But before Cheng Mu approached, a black light broke through the sky barrier and fell straight down.

And the goal of the black beam of light was the black order on the altar.

“what happened?”

Cheng Mu was shocked: “Could it be that Black Ling succeeded?”

He wanted to go there again, but was overwhelmed by the great power carried by the black beam of light.

Not only Cheng Mu, but the creatures around the altar, or the entire Minor World trembled.

Fear and surrender.

At the same time, all players in Minor World sounded system prompts in their ears.

“Ding! Warning! The true soul of the Eternal Demon is coming!”

“If the eternal demon successfully descends, then another world invasion will be opened in advance, and the earth star will soon be destroyed!”

“Everyone, please work hard to prevent the eternal demon from coming! The hope of the earth star lies on you!”

The huge system reminded everyone that the sound was tingling.

However, countless players are complaining: “I still hope, I hope f*ck! I am restricted, how can I go up!”

Some players are anxious and want to board the altar quickly.

But the result is exactly the same as before.

They roared: “Now only Cheng Mu is on it, let Cheng Mu kill it alone!”

Some people broke the jar.

“This is the eternal devil, Cheng Mu can do it?”

“Give up, wait for death! Let Cheng Mu save the entire planet and dream!”

“Haha, die together! Rely on Cheng Mu? Why not let daddy go up!”

“You die! Then maybe the game restarts, and daddy will be the most powerful one!”

“Bah! Junk game!”

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