Chapter 243 Hot Discussion on the Forum

joint? That is impossible.

Whether Cheng Mu is arrogant or arrogant.

Whether it is Cao Cao or the emperor, they are all enemies he wants to defeat.

In fact, Cheng Mu also thought about joining the emperor and defeating Cao Cao first, and then destroying the Kingdom of Shenzhou.

But the very real problem is.

He didn’t believe in Cao Cao, nor the emperor.

No matter who he works with, Cheng Mu feels uncomfortable.

So just enter by yourself and dominate the whole country.

Since Cheng Mu chose to enter the venue, the forum of the State of China has completely exploded.

Everyone is discussing, who is the one who will kill the three parties, and who is the last person to laugh?

One of the posts deeply analyzed the strength of the tripartite, even Cheng Mu nodded in praise.

The post is titled “On How to Get the Most Benefits in This Event”.

The poster is still Bai Xiaosheng.


As we all know, every event is a great opportunity for our players to rise.

After Cheng Mu entered the venue, we all had more choices.

But who should I choose?

When you read my post, you should know your best choice.

The first is the emperor, the official power of China.

The emperor has three legions, as well as garrisons of various cities, with a strength of at least three million.

In addition, China currently has four town-states, and there are many half-step town-state powerhouses.

In terms of hard power, the emperor is the most powerful here.

It is unceremonious to say that as long as you operate well, you can slap Cao Cao and Cheng Mu.

Moreover, the emperor is rich, possesses the resources of a country, and rewards rich missions.

Choosing the official power of the emperor to join is indeed an excellent choice.

The second is Cao Cao.

Cao Cao currently sits on the land of a state.

Everyone must have heard of the richness of Sizhou.

In addition, Dianwei and Guo Jia under Cao Cao’s command had already been promoted to Zhenguo. Coupled with generals such as Zhang Liao, Xia Houyuan, Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu, Cao Cao’s strength is not low.

With Guo Jia, an extraordinary talent, Cao Cao’s development potential is huge.

Facing the emperor, there is also the power of war.

If everyone goes to defect now, maybe they can still be a founding hero.

Finally, Cheng Mu.

I have studied Cheng Mu deeply.

As the representative of the lord player, he can overwhelm everyone as the lord.

Especially in the heads-up, the first player in the anti-killing game, Emperor Dihou, smashed the conspiracy of the Seven Kills Guild against him again and again.

Cheng Mu’s talent is obvious.

In terms of development potential, his potential is even higher than Cao Cao.

But for now, only Cheng Mu is the weakest among the three forces.

Due to system limitations, his strength will not be much.

Even if there are two townspeople, Guan Hai and Zhuge Liang. No, it should be three townspeople.

He was also number one in the rankings during the second alien invasion.

With the Three Towns in hand, the high-end combat power is even stronger than Cao Cao.

Cheng Mucha was in short supply, and there were too few soldiers under his command.

I estimate that the number of soldiers under his command was only about 5,000 at this time. Once the townsmen of the three parties joined the battle.

Those five thousand soldiers, to be honest, couldn’t stop a blow from the townspeople.

Even if the emperor’s half-steps came over, they could still destroy these five thousand people.

Therefore, the best choice for Cheng Mu is to join forces with Cao Cao to support the war!

Develop yourself with the help of Cao Cao’s power, and then fight back.

Join the emperor’s camp? That is impossible. If Cheng Mu wanted to help the emperor, he would not enter the venue.

Therefore, those players who want to join Cheng Mu’s subordinates should think carefully.


After reading hundreds of words, Cheng Mu had only one feeling after reading it.

This Bai Xiaosheng is worthy of the name.

Whether it’s the description of the emperor’s camp, or the description of Cao Cao, or guessing about own.

What Bai Xiaosheng said was eight to ninety percent correct.

The only thing wrong is that he wants to unite with Cao Cao?

Cheng Mu said, “You can unite, but it’s not necessary!”

There are not many soldiers under his command, but everyone is like a dragon.

One enemy and one hundred are not a problem.

What about the three million troops under the emperor? In the face of the Tianxiong Army, the defense could not be broken.

No matter how strong Cao Cao’s Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers were, they were still vulnerable to a single blow in front of Tianqi led by Guan Hai.

Although he has less than 5,000 soldiers under his command, it can be worth four to five million troops!

Behind the post, a group of people replies excitedly.

“Thank you greatly! I get it!”

“Sure enough, Bai Xiaosheng knows everything!”

“Cheng Mu has only five thousand people? Do you dare to rebel? Courage is commendable!”

“Shenzhou country currently has only four towns, and Cheng Mu has three townspeople under his command. It’s really scary!”

“I have decided. I will be a messenger of justice! Defeat Cheng Mu and Cao Cao!”

“Stupid! What if the townsmen under the emperor do not participate in the war?”

“Yeah, I think Cao Cao’s side is the most suitable. With Guo Jia and Dianwei in the two towns, you can do something big!”

“If Cheng Mu joins Cao Cao, then I will join Cheng Mu! After all, of the three parties, only Cheng Mu is the player.”

Everyone expressed their opinions and talked a lot.

Since Bai Xiaosheng’s post came out, the number of players who joined Cheng Mu began to decrease.

Perhaps it was persuaded by Bai Xiaosheng that Cheng Mu was the weakest.

Cheng Mu smiled and did not reply.

Anyway, everyone only sees that there are few people in own, but they don’t see that they are all kings.

However, there are already Jianxin Pavilion players spraying up against other players on the forum.

After all, Hei Chengmu is not a minority.

Coupled with the melon-eating crowd fanning the flames, the contradiction seems to have become more intense.

Immediately, Cheng Mu issued a guild announcement.

“It is forbidden to dispute with others on the forum!”

“Brothers, language is weak, only fists can eternal truth!”

This is the reason why he doesn’t arbitrarily argue with them.

No matter how much I said, there is still no real fist.

Too many beeps will affect his reputation.

For example, there was a certain celebrity Little Fresh Meat before, but he didn’t do anything. However, it is notorious for being manipulated by own fans with honey and juice.

Taking advantage of the fact that he is still a bit popular now.

Therefore, Cheng Mu must restrain the people under his hands and don’t mess around.

Let the people who eat melons argue about matters on the forum.

at the same time.

Tianquan, who had disappeared for a long time, posted again.

This time he learned to be clever, and did not directly say that he would attack Cheng Mu. And in the post, it recruited people and guarded China together.

However, Tianquan’s reputation is not good in China.

Some opponents have already cursed under the post.

After all, in the previous few sneak attacks on Cheng Mu, many players were fooled by him to hang up.

Of course this is not the point.

When the old god heard the news, he was abnormally not as happy as other players.

Instead, I felt a huge sense of crisis.

“Cheng Mu, are you going to unify the country? No, I have to hurry!”

His New Deal plan encountered some resistance, so until now he has not unified the Roman Empire.

He wants to become the first emperor in the player.

When Dahan Tianwei heard the news, he sneered: “Cheng Mu, you are looking for death!”

Obviously, he read Bai Xiaosheng’s post.

“The strength is so bad, how dare you rebel?”

He was sure that Cheng Mu would be the first to be cleared.

The snake girl smiled slightly: “Mu Big Brother, are you preparing your dowry so impatiently?”

“People will work hard!”

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