Chapter 244 Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao

“Ding! Warning: You are deprived of your official position, your title is deprived!”

“You are deprived of the official position of General Guanhai under your command!”

Cheng Mu, who was still browsing the forum, was suddenly disturbed by these two system prompts.

The emperor is finally about to do it.


Cheng Mu shook his head.

The fourth rank Zhongmu general officer position and tiger charm, but with more than ten points of force value bonus.

Now that the emperor has deprived him of his official position, then this additional achievement is gone.

I am not discouraged without admiration: “Wait for me to establish the country, and I will knight and official position myself.”

Whether a country’s title or official position is good. The effect of its attribute bonus is only valid in the country.

After leaving the country, the official title is just a title.

The bonus attributes are gone.

What is really useful is world prestige, but it hasn’t been opened yet.

Cheng Mu estimated that it would only work after the national war started.

Close the forum.

March Fat Tiger sent a message.

“Brother Mu, I heard that you are going to rebel, awesome!”

“I really want to come and be with you!”

He expressed deep envy.


Cheng Mu replied: “The sea knows no borders. You can come by sea.”

“But I heard that pirates from all walks of life are robbing territories on the sea, and you are very likely to die there!”


It is still a restricted area for players. Although all coastal empires have naval divisions, they are currently only surrounding their own territorial waters.

March Fat Tiger smiled: “Forget it, I’m a landruck.”

Hearing Cheng Mu said that there were pirates, he immediately shook his head and refused.

He knew that the pirates were a group of heinous bad guys, and he might really be sunk by himself.

Cheng Mu comforted him: “Don’t worry, the national war will start in more than half a year! At that time, I will personally pick you up in the Ming Empire!”

The truly magnificent moment still has more than half a year.

Therefore, he must unify China in this six months and prepare for the upcoming national war.

The Apocalypse City has quickly become operational.

If needed, Cheng Mu can send troops now.

However, a very strange scene appeared.

Whether it’s Cao Cao, the emperor, or Cheng Mu himself.

The tripartite forces, at this time, there is no news at all.

Although Cao Cao was branded as a villain, he suddenly fell silent and did not move.

The emperor did the same. After venting, he did not take the initiative to send troops to encircle Cao Cao or Cheng Mu.

Therefore, Cheng Mu is not in a hurry anymore.

Whoever dares to move him first, he will hit anyone.

If all three parties suddenly froze, then he would first occupy Qingzhou.

Then, relying on Qingzhou, he could immediately send troops to the north to fight the emperor.

You can also step by step to conquer the neighboring Sizhou and Yongzhou first.

Therefore, the least panic, the least anxious is his Cheng Mu.

Every day, his strength increases by one point.

At this time, a new message came.

“Is Li Bai’s Sword Technique still there?”

The person who sent the message was the sword bearer.

“Here I am.”

Cheng Mu was puzzled, and immediately asked: “Why, come here?”

He remembered that the Qin Empire did not rely on the sea.

However, afterwards, the sword bearer did not reply.

Cheng Mu could only laugh at himself: “This young man has a lot of personality!”

When the sword bearer mentioned Li Bai, Cheng Mu once again thought of Yue Xiaohu who was taken away by Li Bai.

“I just don’t know if the Sword Immortal disciple has become a Little Sword Immortal at this time?”

Li Bai is going to the land of the ancestors, so he wants to leave a legacy.

And Li Bai also promised: return him a peerless sword fairy.

Presumably, Yue Xiaohu will be back soon.

Li Bai, Zuo Ci, Yu Ji.

Unconsciously, there were already three immortals that Cheng Mu had come into contact with.

Of course, the dragon fish clan cannot be counted. Because so far, he doesn’t even know how the Arowana clan is.

Not long.

Zhao Yun heard the news again that the emperor’s messenger had already gone home.

However, Cao Cao’s messenger was about to reach Jianxin City.

“Go and meet!”

Cheng Mu already knew that this time it was Cao Cao’s first military master to worship the wine, Guo Jia!

Personally and greet, mainly because he is greedy for Guo Jia’s body… Bah! It’s the person who is greedy for Guo Jia.

There are rumors that if Guo Jia does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms.

Cheng Mu was skeptical about this.

It’s just that the two people have different emphasis.

Zhuge Liang was a talent in governing the world, not only a strategist but also a politician and military strategist.

And Guo Jia is a pure counselor.

Different from Zhuge Liang’s stability, Guo Jia’s various wonders have emerged in an endless stream, so he was regarded as an extraordinary talent!

Of course, this is just Cheng Mu’s current own opinion and speculation.

Specifically, you only need to recruit Guo Jia to your subordinates, and you will know which one is better at a glance.

Outside the Green Wolf Valley.

This is the second time Cheng Mu has met Guo Jia.

“Guo Fengxiao!”

He said hello.

After a long time no see, Guo Jia still looks good. It seems that this time I won’t die young, right?

Guo Jia salutes: “See the lord of the process!”

He still remembered the first time he met Cheng Mu.

At that time, Cheng Mu was just a small village chief. Only after killing Sun Xia at the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion was he fortunate to be summoned by Yang Zhenfeng, the lord of Qingyang City at that time.

At that time, Cheng Mu only slightly caught his attention.

But now, the little man of the past has now become a tiger.

If you are not careful, this tiger will even eat people.

“Mr. Fengxiao has worked so hard all the way, let me lead the way for you now!”

Since he was greedy for this person, Cheng Mu gave him full courtesy.

Guo Jia nodded: “There is City Lord Lao!”

Guo Jia felt heavier when he passed the Green Wolf Valley Fortress.

It takes a lot of brain power to break such a majestic fortress.

Although he has followed Cao Cao into Sizhou for several months, he has been collecting news about Cheng Mu.

It can only be said that the more you know, the heavier the mood.

When he arrived at Apocalypse City, Guo Jia finally couldn’t help but admired: “Is this the masterpiece of Brother Zhuge? It’s worthy of the name of Wolong!”

Cheng Mu’s city was actually built to look like the city of Eight Trigrams.

With his eyesight, he was able to see the various effects of Eight Trigrams City.

If an enemy enters the city rashly and the formation is activated, no matter how many enemies are trapped inside.

“you flatter me.”

Zhuge Liang didn’t see a humble look on his face. He said faintly: “General Cao’s entry into Sizhou is your strategy. It’s a brilliant move!”

Same as Cheng Mu.

This is also the second time Zhuge Liang has met Guo Jia.

Guo Jia had long known that Zhuge Liang had been sent to Gongsun Zan by Cheng Mu at the beginning.

“Qingzhou is already in the bag of Cheng Cheng, how can my lord take love?”

Guo Jia responded.

Said Cao Cao was afraid of Cheng Mu? How can such a thing be said?

And Feng Shui took turns.

Cao Cao now has the power to fight Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu hehe smiled: “Then thank General Cao for me!”

Of course, superficial skills have to be done.

He thought, only by beating Cao Cao dignifiedly, could it be possible to subdue Guo Jia.

Of course, the difficulty must be extremely great.

“The Lord is polite.”

Guo Jia said: “I came here this time, in fact, by the order of my lord.”

“I hope to conspire with the city lord!”

Even after learning that Cheng Mu had entered the stadium, he still came.

The purpose remains unchanged.

If there is a war with Cheng Mu now, then the emperor is really taking advantage of it.

Union seems to be the wisest choice at the moment.

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