Chapter 248 Is it because I am too charming

Yunzhou. Xiushan County. Xiushan City.

As the southernmost county town of China, Liu Yu formally occupied it this morning.

“This place will be the place where my Liu Yu will fight again in Longxing!”

At 30 years old, he is in his prime.

In the previous life, he died of illness on the way to conquer the Northern Wei Dynasty.

“In this life, I want to fulfill the unfinished vision of the previous life!”

Although the Southern Dynasty and the Song Dynasty can be said to be the most powerful country in the Southern Dynasty, the powerful Northern Wei Dynasty was hit on the ground.

But in the end, his long-cherished wish failed because of his death.

“My emperor is wise!”

Wang Zhongde, the general under his command, praised it.

Although they only occupied one county at this time, Liu Yu already called himself emperor.

Wang Zhongde is Liu Yu’s general, and it can also be said that he is the founding father of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Guarding the border at the age of sixty, the number of people in the Northern Wei Dynasty did not dare to commit crimes for ten years.

He is one of Liu Yu’s subordinates under Cheng Mu’s guess.

Of course, Liu Yu’s talents are not the only one.

Zhan Tianxia looked at the magnificent gate of Xiushan City with emotion in his heart.

He was still thinking yesterday, when he can become the lord of Xiushan City. Take control of a county.

But now, Xiushan County changed owners overnight.

Following Cheng Mu’s arrangement, he came to Liu Yu.

“The person who reports his identity!”

The guard stopped him.

Zhan Tianxia informed and registered his own identity.

“Three thousand people?”

The guard gave him a surprised look, and said in disbelief: “You have three thousand soldiers under your command?”

“Well, I hope you won’t dislike it.”

These three thousand people are the stepping stone to war against the world.

“Please come in quickly, and I will report to your Majesty immediately!”

The guard was extremely excited, and his attitude towards the world was really a big turn.

In this way, Zhan Tianxia was personally interviewed by Liu Yu.

Tiandu, within the palace!

“I am angry! I am angry!”

The emperor has been violent for nearly half an hour.

“Where did this Liu Yu come from?!”

Although Yunzhou is like the sky from here to the north and south.

But Liu Yu’s rebellion at this time was just slapping him in the face!

“Don’t forget Cao Cao, don’t forget Cheng Mufan, what are you Liu Yu!”

The emperor was furious, and immediately added: “You three, nothing counts!”

“The widow wants to smash you one by one, smashing the corpse into ten thousand pieces! The Yi Nine Clan!”

It seems that only cursing can vent his resentment.

Lin Chengzi had been standing outside the temple for a long time.

The rage against the emperor, or the rebellion of Cao Cao Cheng Mu and others.

His heart is extremely flat.

Finally, the roar in the hall diminished, and the emperor was tired from venting.

Lin Chengzi walked in.

“Ai Qing, Ai Qing!”

Seeing Lin Chengzi coming in, the emperor hurriedly shouted: “Now Liu Yu of Yunzhou has also rebelled. What should I do!”

A few days ago, he was still worried about Cheng Mu’s alliance with Cao Cao.

Now, what should they do if the three parties are united?

“Your majesty’s dragon body is important, please stay calm.”

Lin Chengzi helped him and said, “We now have more than three million soldiers, and there are millions of Wandering Xia to help.”

“Even if they join forces with three parties, we are sure of winning.”

The war hasn’t started yet, and the leaders are in chaos? How does this work.

Although he sent his daughter Lin Yazhu to contact Cheng Mu, he did not conflict with his allegiance to the emperor.

Some people are like this, and the creed of life is to find their jobs in their place.

When Lin Chengzi was under the emperor, he would wholeheartedly assist the emperor. If one day comes back to Cheng Mu, he will help Cheng Mu with peace of mind.

This is how people are.

Those who can serve others are all worthy of triumph.

“Then we will send troops now! Send troops to destroy them.”

The emperor was very anxious, and hurriedly asked, “Which one is most suitable for us to destroy first? Cheng Mu is the nearest to us.”

The emperor’s hatred of Cheng Mu is definitely the deepest among the three parties.

“I’m so good to you, I will give you a reward, and you want to betray me.”

This is the truest thought in his mind.

Lin Chengzi thought about it and said, “The lord is wise, we can conquer Cao Cao after rebelling against Cheng Mu, and finally Liu Yu.”

“If their tripartite forces unite together, we will catch it all in one fell swoop.”

“With Qi always here, we will surely win!”

His words are not wrong.

According to the hard power, China’s forces can still beat the three parties.

Cheng Mu now has 5,000 people, Cao Cao’s custody can collect up to 100,000, and Liu Yu’s custody is only tens of thousands.

In the face of China, which has an absolute advantage of 3 million troops, the three of them are indeed at a disadvantage.

However, the biggest problem at the moment is not the number of ordinary soldiers.

Upon hearing Lin Chengzi talk about Lao Qi, the emperor immediately shook his head: “Lao Qi wants to sit in the capital of heaven!”

Qi Lao is his strongest bodyguard, how could he be put on the frontline battlefield.

Now Liu Yu is also in, and he said at the beginning that the Yujia’s personal conquest will also be bathed.

“Then wait a few days for Chief Hao and General Zhu!”

Lin Chengzi said, “The Chief Hao Tianyang and General Zhu Qiming have already started Closed Door Training.”

“If one of them can succeed in Closed Door Training, then we will add another townsman!”

“Good good!”

The emperor finally Longyan rejoiced: “Let the anti-thief go back and forth for a few more days.”

Without ten days and a half months, Cheng Mu and the others would not be able to beat Tiandu.

So the emperor can afford to wait.

‘Waiting for my Hao Aiqing and Zhu Aiqing to be promoted to Zhenguo, that is your death date! ’

The emperor was once again full of hope for the future.

On Cheng Mu’s side.

After conspiring with Zhan Tianxia, ​​he was immersed again.

Zhang Shun has been out for a long time.

His task this time is to find the river that the water bandit said last time.

I heard that the river runs through the entire Shenzhou State, and the source seems to come from the Jin Empire.

It’s just that the terrain on the west side of the Shenzhou Kingdom is dangerous, even if the national war starts, the Jin Empire will also attack it.

Of course, there is no way to overcome it.

“If you go down the river from the waterway, you can reach the capital!”

Cheng Mu said: “In this way, we can deal a fatal blow to the emperor.”

“At this stage, only we have a navy.”

After so long, the fishing boats he has seen most under the Heavenly Dragon Army.

The formed navy has never been discovered.

Water bandit pirates, that is not a regular army.

What surprised Cheng Mu was that the pirates in the mouth of the captives of Shuishe Village did not appear last time.

Zheng Yisao’s forces have entered Kunming Lake and then disappeared?

There was no news at all, he guessed that it could only be related to the Dragonfish clan.

At this time, news came from Yijian Qingxin.

“Muda, we Jianxin City people can’t hold it anymore, how long will we go to war!”

Since Cheng Mu confirmed his admission, more than 300,000 players have joined him.

Half of them have already arrived at Jianxin City.

Now Jianxin City was packed with more than 200,000 players, and it was completely crowded.

At this time, Cheng Mu also needs to come forward.


Cheng Mu nodded and asked, “Anqing City, how is the situation now?”

Jianxin Pavilion has a branch in Anqing City, so Yijianqing’s news there is more detailed than he wants to know.

“The attitude of the prefect Zhang Ruo is very strange.”

Yi Jian said in love: “The situation in Anqing City at this time is no different from the beginning, and there is no change.”

“Oh? What’s the matter, shouldn’t Zhang Ruo recruit troops to defend the city?”

Cheng Mu was puzzled.

Everyone knows that his first goal is definitely Anqing City.

But now, Zhang Ruo, the prefect of Anqing city, is a little confused and ambiguous.

He thought: “Is it because I am too attractive to convince others?”

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