Chapter 249: Lords follow me to fight the world

Cheng Mu told Yijian Qingxin the news of the establishment of an intelligence agency.

Let him pay attention to the talented and astute assassin player in the guild.

Before recruiting suitable assassins, Cheng Mu plans to reuse the members of the guild first.

Although the players’ minds will become very fast, although there will be spies from other forces in the guild.

But Cheng Mu cannot deny that most players support own.

Although there are half-hearted players, they are still in the minority.

“I give you so much preferential treatment, and if you betray me, it is really a moral issue.”

Cheng Mu thought that the benefits he gave to his subordinates were already the top and the highest quality.

With such a huge benefit advantage, as long as it is not a fool, it will not be messed up.

Furthermore, even if there are such a small group of people who fear the world will not be chaotic, what about it.

“What I set up is an intelligence agency, and I don’t give my life to them.”

This is actually a kind of growth.

The stronger the person, the less afraid of conspiracy and trickery.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain.

At this moment, the entire Earthstar players are focusing on China.

Tianshu sent a message to Tianquan: “How are your preparations?”

“I heard that there are already four townsmen under the emperor. There is no suspense in this battle, right?”

In the four-town country, the strength of the emperor is Ascension.

However, Tian Quan shook his head: “This emperor has a problem with his head! More than three million troops are stationed around Tiandu.”

“It actually surrounds the sky, and there is no intention to open it.”

he is very angry.

He gathered tens of thousands of players again, planning to join the emperor’s subordinates as a young general Dangdang. Maybe it can take off again.

As a result, when he went to sign up, the other party just asked him to go back and wait for the notice.

Tianquan was furious: “Daddy has fifty thousand Wandering Xia player. Would you like me to go back and wait for notification?”

If you add other players that join the emperor’s forces, the number of Wandering Xia players on the emperor’s side will exceed one million.

Tian Shu thought about it: “If the emperor’s attitude has been this way, then you can switch to Cao Cao.”

Everyone in the world now knows that the emperor of the Shenzhou Kingdom is a softie.

“I’m furious!”

Tian Quan said: “If the other party is not Cheng Mu, I would like to change to an emperor.”

In fact, everyone knows that if this continues.

With the current emperor’s rule, the Kingdom of Shenzhou will definitely be the first to be invaded by the time the state war will open.

If someone else becomes the emperor, Tianquan feels better in his heart.

But now the person who has the most hope to become the emperor is Cheng Mu, how can this make him swallow such a breath.

In fact, there are a lot of players thinking about Tianshu.

Yongzhou City, Pirates’ Flower Association.

Black Rose has already taken the lead.

She joined the forces of Cao Cao. Thanks to Yongzhou being invaded by the Yellow Turbans, he has not recovered.

The emperor’s rule of Yongzhou is only obvious.

In the chaos of all parties, Black Rose successfully developed its own Thieves Garden Guild to 100,000 people.

Under the combination of the inside, the outside and the outside, he won the city of Yongzhou in one fell swoop.

As a result, the Yongzhou City players who were still hesitating to join, can only join the Pirate Flower Pavilion at this time.

“Send a letter to Cao Cao, telling him that I am willing to fight Cheng Mu with him on both sides!”

Black Rose, who in name already owns the land of a state, finally regained its courage again.

Although Yongzhou is not rich in Sizhou, it is a land of a state after all.

There are millions of players in the entire state, and NPCs are several times the number of players.

Of course, because Black Rose’s reputation is not high enough, she can’t control Yongzhou like Cao Cao.

But as long as there are people under his command, that’s enough.

The Qin thugs burst into tears.

After Wu Qi was beheaded by Zhao Yun, he fell into the abyss, the kind that was never recovered.

But now Cao Cao and Liu Yu have become Cheng Mu’s competitors, he sees hope.

“Finally, you can finally get revenge!”

The Qin mob roared: “I want to kill you ten times!”

Without Wei Wu’s pawn, he now has only hundreds of ordinary soldiers under his command.

But after all, he has hope.

In fact, there are more people watching.

There are tens of millions of players in China, and no one can stay out of it.

After the Quartet forces entered the arena, everyone was very much looking forward to whether there would be a fifth party. The more power, the more choices you have.

The forum is still hot.

A discerning person weighs the pros and cons of this event.

Someone shouted: “Everyone choose a force to join! The national war will start in less than half a year.”

“If we cannot unite as one at that time, our Shenzhou State will be the first to be destroyed!”

The barbarians in the south are not a concern, but the Qing empire is watching.

The Sha tribe in the north was interrupted by Cheng Mu, but the Ming Empire was in full swing at this time.

Because the Ming and Qing empires did not have such powerful variables as Cheng Mu, plus the emperor’s mighty talents.

In terms of national cohesion, the player cohesion of these empires is much higher than that of China.

So far, most players in China are still considering which force they want to join.

Therefore, everyone feels very reasonable for those posts on the forum that call for shouting.

End the war as soon as possible, integrate the country, and wait for the national war.

However, once everyone closes the forum, they will think again: “Which power is better to join?”

Jianxin City.

Cheng Mu’s appearance immediately caused cheers.

“Muda, we are here to support you!”

“Kill the emperor! Kill Cao Cao! Kill Liu Yu! Shenzhou country is our Shenzhou player!”

“This time, I must hug Mu Da your thigh tightly!”

“Muda, let’s go! First occupy Anqing County! Then go to Qingzhou City!”

“My sword is already hungry and thirsty!”

Two to three hundred thousand people shouted loudly, with high enthusiasm.

Cheng Mu was very pleased to see so many support for own player.

These two or three hundred thousand players are nothing, and the players on the entire planet will also be his subjects in the future.

The system is already reminding him to set up a point redemption mall.

As a force participating in this war, Cheng Mu needs to come out with prizes and props. Otherwise, people work hard to help complete the task and get points, so they can’t be for nothing.

It’s like it was during alien invasion and the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The prizes that Cheng Mu’s camp points can redeem all need to be set by him.

“Everyone! Thank you for your support!”

He ignored the system prompts for the time being, but jumped up to the city wall.

Said loudly: “The Kingdom of China belongs to our players of China.”

“Now that the NPC is in power, it’s time to take our things back.”

“Moreover, the start of the national war is imminent. We must be united to guard our own country!”

“Let us China’s iron cavalry crush every inch of the enemy’s mountains and rivers!”

As he said, he drew out the long sword at his waist: “The monarchs follow me and fight the world!”

As he said, a decisive momentum impacted down and enveloped everyone.

Suddenly everyone in the city was infected by Cheng Mu’s words and aura, passionate.

“Battle the world! Fight the world! Fight the world!”

Everyone echoed loudly, and morale reached its highest peak.


Zhuge Liang nodded aside.

He looked at Cheng Mu with relief: ‘The lord finally has a breath of kingship. ’

The long sword at the waist was specially prepared for this mobilization. The intent to infect every player was also emitted by him.

In terms of forced frame, of course the sword has the highest forced frame. Of course, a sword alone is not enough, the most important thing is momentum.

The mountain cried out like a tsunami, which lasted for dozens of minutes.

Even Cheng Mu himself was immersed in it.

He has never experienced such a magnificent aura, at this moment he is the uncrowned king!

The sword rises again, and all will come together.

Cheng Mu holds the sword in the north stab:

“The kings follow me! Fight the world!”

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