Chapter 253: Excited Fang Xiao

“Huh, then think of other ways.”

Cheng Mu sighed in his heart.

This trick of the system really caught the players off guard.

It seems that the number of resurrections is locked, which is not a good thing.

It’s not that it can be resurrected countless times without consuming the number of resurrections, but the right to resurrection is deprived of it after Death in the war.

If you want to resurrect, maybe you can only wait for the end of the war.

The specific Cheng Mu has not been killed, but soon everyone will know what this locked resurrection number is.

Now private chats are locked, medicines are locked, characters are realised, and resurrection is locked.

Before the war came close, everything became difficult.

He didn’t dare to imagine what kind of purgatory on earth would look like in battle.

Although he had seen Purgatory on Earth before, they were all NPCs.

But now, the players can’t escape.

“It hurts so much, I want to regulate the pain! Where can I regulate the pain?”

There are players resenting.

It can be tolerated if there is no pain after the injury.

Otherwise, once you are seriously injured, you will die from the pain.

But no matter how they find it, they can’t find options to adjust their pain.

Everything has been simulated, everyone is a living person.


At this time, Cheng Mu stood up to appease the people: “The system god-tier is fair, and the same is true for our enemies.”

“Only by being cruel to ourselves and cruel to the enemy can we survive!”

“The new era has arrived. This is our training in advance.”

“When the national war starts, then we will be the strongest existence!”

After the baptism of war, everyone will grow up.

And Cheng Mu’s idea is.

When the national war started half a year later, at that time his player had already been tempered by the war.

And the players of other countries are just battlefield novices.

This is a huge advantage!

“Muda is right, even if we die in battle, we will be resurrected.”

“It’s just that the resurrection time may be longer.”

“What’s a little pain, a man bleeds, sweats and doesn’t shed tears!”

“This is the real career of Jin Ge and Iron Horse, I really like it!”

“Everyone, join me, conquer the world!”

People’s emotions are actually the easiest to be mobilized.

Except for a small number of people who panic and surprise, most of the others are extremely passionate.

Such a real war, this is the blood of every man.

Finally Cheng Muling said: “Anqing City is just ahead! Conquer it!”

In an instant, the 300,000 army set off again vigorously.

And those players who originally used chat to get information are just looking black at this time.

The private chat is locked and the forum cannot be accessed.

Where did Cheng Mu go? Has Anqing City been occupied? What about the emperor’s actions?

Are Cao Cao and Liu Yu united?

In an instant, all the players in China became blind. In the past, you could know the world without going out, but now you can only open and close the forum over and over again.

For the rest of the country, its and civilized players are also dumbfounded at this time.

“What’s the matter, why can’t the forum of China not be posted.”

“Fuck me, garbage system. After deducting my money, it also prompted me to be unable to log in to the Shenzhou forum.”

“Fart, my friends from Shenzhou Elementary School don’t reply to my news anymore.”

“What happened? Could it be that the players from China are all dead?”

“You are stupid! Cheng Mu and Zhan Tianxia are still on the ranking list. How could he die.”

“Something must have happened.”

This is something that all its players are sure of.

The state of China has changed, and news has been blocked.

For a time, all the bigwigs from all over the world were silent collectively. Everyone was thinking hard about what happened.

Tianshu was still chatting with Little Brother Tianquan for a second, but there was no new reply in the next second.

At that time, he was so scared that he thought that own Little Brother Tianquan had been killed again.

However, when he learned that the entire Shenzhou country could not be contacted, he became even more worried.

He knows the level of his Little Brother Tianquan. Most of the time, he is helping to make suggestions and directing Tianquan to do things.

But now that he can’t get in touch, he can only pray for Tianquan to ask for more blessings.

The old gods also want to know what happened in China.

“Perhaps as long as you mess up the country, you know what happened.”

He thought.

Outside Anqing city.

Three hundred thousand players stood silently.

It may be that Cheng Mu’s power is too great, so no one dared to whisper.

At this time, the front door of Anqing City was open.

Soldiers soon came to report, and there was no shadow of the county guard Zhang Ruo in the entire city.

“Gone? Give us the cupped hands of Anqing City?”

Cheng Mu was puzzled.

The attitude of the county guard Zhang Ruo was too vague and ambiguous.

You say you like Cheng Mu, why don’t you come and run. I hate Cheng Mu, why do I want cupped hands in Anqing City.

Not even a single soldier was taken away.

It was all left to Cheng Mu.

“I don’t understand.”

Cheng Mu shook his head, simply not thinking about it.

The soldiers of the Tianxiong Army had already controlled the gates and walls, and 300,000 army commanders drove straight in.

This is Cheng Mu’s second visit to Anqing City.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he saw the power of the German General and the Lieyang Cavalry. Dawn broke with a blood knife and was famous.

At that time, the county guard Zhang Ruo also appointed him personally.

But now, the times are changing too fast.

The one who stayed in the city was Fang Xiao, the counselor of Zhang Ruo, the former county guard.

Cheng Mu remembered that Fang Xiao’s military commander skills were sturdy, able to provide a shield for the city wall.

He is a talent who defends the city.

“City Lord Cheng.”

Fang Xiao has been waiting here for a long time.

Cheng Mu looked at him and hurriedly asked, “Where did Master Zhang go?”

Zhang Ruo is so interesting, I miss him very much.

Fang Xiao said regretfully: “Master Zhang, I have returned to my hometown.”

“Return to hometown?”

Cheng Mu was puzzled: “Is it the last time?”


Fang Xiao replied: “The last time the Yellow Turbans invaded, Lord Fang suffered internal injuries. The injuries were not recovered yet, as a result, many foreign races came.”

“Although we defeated the alien race under the leadership of Master Zhang in the end, Master Zhang is running out of time.”

With that said, he was a little sad.

“What a talented Master Zhang!”

Cheng Mu sighed, “I gave it twice for the sake of Anqing City.”

He immediately decided to help Zhang Ruo.

He immediately asked again: “Do you know where Master Zhang lived in seclusion?”

“I know. It’s in this county.”


Cheng Mu nodded and immediately called Gu Pei: “You and Mr. Fang will go to Master Zhang Ruo and heal him.”

“If Master Zhang is seriously injured, then take him back to Apocalypse City.”

Leaving aside Zhang Ruo’s other aspects, it’s just this noble quality that protects the people.

Cheng Mu decided to save him.

Gu Pei took his command: “No!”

And Fang Xiao knelt down to Cheng Mu with excitement, “Thank you City Lord Cheng for your help.”

“On the day of Master Zhang’s recovery, I beg me to serve you!”

Obviously, Cheng Mu’s care deeply moved him.

Cheng Mu nodded: “Okay, let’s go.”

“At that time, not only you, but Master Zhang can continue to serve the people.”

Regardless of their combat effectiveness, it is possible for the two to assist Zhuge Liang in logistics.

After Fang Xiao and Gu San left, Cheng Mu again ordered:

“Take a rest for the night, and leave for Qingzhou City tomorrow!”

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