Chapter 254: Late Night Visitors

Into the night.

Cheng Mu thought about it carefully.

The launch of the national war mode is unexpected to everyone.

“The intelligence agency is still too slow!”

He sighed.

If a professional intelligence agency was formed earlier, it would not be as passive as it is now.

It’s just that everyone didn’t expect this.

He thought: “Sure enough, it’s better to be born again, you know everything about being born again.”

But compared to other players from other forces, Cheng Mu still has an advantage.

“At the speed of a white horse, sending a letter is no slower than a flying pigeon!”

White horse, the fastest cavalry at this stage. It is the most correct thing Cheng Mu has done to train Zhao Yun’s white horse righteousness to become a professional scout.

Now, no matter what happens in Qingzhou, he will know it for the first time.

Others can only wait for the news to come by themselves.

Immediately Cheng Mu ordered: “Send me the order to Zhao Yun and pay close attention to Qingzhou’s every move.”

“If you find other forces’ scouts and sentry riders, let’s kill them!”

The white horse will never just run fast.

In terms of combat effectiveness, white horses are stronger than ordinary special cavalry.

You can spy on intelligence and rush for thousands of miles.

“and also.”

He exhorted: “Let Zhao Yun separate three teams to investigate the news of Cao Cao, Liu Yu and the emperor!”

“I want to know what they do!”

“Report in time, code: nine one seven six six two zero three.”

The sentinel was puzzled: “Code? Do I need a code?”

Cheng Mu explained: “A smart person will naturally understand.”

The private chat was locked, and the internal response of Zhan Tianxia lost its function.

Fortunately, there is a white horse army. At present, none of Cao Cao’s three parties can chase the white horse.

“It’s no wonder that in ancient times, smart people could be counselors.”

Why? Because I have to guess!

Without real-time updates, the strategists can only guess what the enemy will do next.

Thinking what others think is really amazing.

Afterwards, Cheng Mu discussed with everyone what the other three forces would do next.

Zhuge Liang said: “At present, as long as we don’t leave Qingzhou, none of the three parties will do anything.”

“After we occupy Qingzhou, I suggest that the lord first occupy Yongzhou and Yangzhou.”

“Yongzhou is currently the weakest. Those who defend the city are the militia Xiangyong. Controlling Yongzhou is just a third.”

“Yangzhou is rich, and all the merchants are wealthy. To control Yangzhou means to control a golden mountain.”

“In this way, we don’t have to worry about military spending and food.”

Yangzhou borders Yongzhou, once Cheng Mu occupied Yongzhou, he could immediately send troops to Yangzhou.

So Zhuge Liang’s idea is very reasonable step by step.

Cheng Mu nodded: “Once we sit on the land of the three states, then we already control half of the country of China.”

As long as he controls the three places of Qingzhou, Yongzhou, and Yangzhou.

It means that he strangled half of Cao Cao’s throat.

If Cao Cao of Sizhou wanted to go out, he could only go north to Bingzhou or south to Yunzhou.

At that time, Cheng Mu could completely annex Sizhou and Yunzhou first.

After the re-occupation of the merged state, the Tiandu will be encircled.

At that time, the emperor had only two ways to walk, or go north into Liangzhou, Yanzhou.

Either go to sea to compete with pirates.

“Well, we will dispatch troops to Yongzhou immediately after occupying Qingzhou.”

Cheng Mu ordered: “Yijian, you arrange for some clever assassin players to enter Yongzhou first to investigate the situation.”

“We use this as a reference for the selection of personnel in the intelligence department.”

Now everyone is full of darkness, and the importance of intelligence organization has emerged. And Cheng Mu can just use this to form his own intelligence department.


Yijian went down to arrange manpower.

Regarding the formation of the intelligence department, it is still going on in secret.

Isn’t it a fool to announce who is a member of the intelligence service in a high-profile manner?

Things that should be in the dark, put him in the dark.

The meeting continues.

But at this moment, a guard came to report.

“My lord, three people dared to come during the night and said they must see you! They also said they were from your hometown!”


Cheng Mu wondered, how could he have any hometown.

The homeland is pretty much the same.

But since people are here, see you there.

Soon, the guards brought three visitors.

One woman and two men.

Among them, the woman was sixteen or seventeen years old, and Cheng Mu thought she was familiar.

One man is in his twenties and one is in his fifties. Especially the man in his fifties looks quite aura.


The woman greeted her first. The sound is very nice, like an oriole.

Cheng Mu suddenly remembered: “You are the one, Meng Xiaoxiao?”

He remembered the second dream Xiaoxiao in the top ten Wandering Xia beauty rankings released by Bai Xiaosheng.

“Muda actually knew me.”

Meng Xiaoxiao’s face blushed, but it was more of excitement and excitement.


Cheng Mu nodded.

In terms of face value, Meng Xiaoxiao is indeed inferior to Li Shishi. But she has a temperament all over her body, Xiaojiabiyu’s temperament.

Just like Mulan, although the face value is not the best, but the temperament is enough to make up for the difference in face value.

“I’ll simply call you Mu Da.”

At this time, the man in his fifties spoke.

He introduced himself: “My last name is Li.”


Cheng Mu was puzzled again, this man also looked familiar.

“Presumptuous, you are not polite to see Mr. Li?”

In the end the man in his twenties scolded angrily.

Cheng Mu was unhappy for an instant, and asked, “Who are you again?”

He thought, it seems that this old man is not small, and the people next to him are a little confident.

The man proudly said, “I am Lao Li’s personal guard, Haoxuan!”

Cheng Mu shook his head: “I haven’t heard of it.”

His mind is still in contrast, who is this old Li.

But the next second, his head rumbling.

“Are you Li Ping boss?”

Li Ping, the head of China before the Alienation Cataclysm, was kindly called Li Ping.

“Old age yes.”

He nodded, acknowledging his own identity.

Cheng Mu was horrified, and he actually attracted this giant to him.

Li Ping was actually in China, and he had never heard of it at first. But when he thought of his identity, Cheng Mu was relieved again.

“Big brother, please sit down!”

Cheng Mu immediately enthusiastically asked him to sit down.

This Haoxuan man was a bit defiant, and he also bypassed him this time without remembering the villain.

After all, this is Li Ping, this face still has.

You must know that before the catastrophe, Li Ping was the idol of all Chinese people.

At this time, Li Ping said, “I saw your secret sign coming here, so I’m bothering Haihan.”


“It’s the nine one seven six six two zero three. Only smart people can crack it.”

“Ah ha ha.”

Cheng Mu smiled awkwardly. This code was what he thought of when he got interested just now.

But since Li Ping can crack it, it’s fate.

So he asked: “I don’t know if Li Ping is visiting late at night, any instructions?”

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