Chapter 255: Old Li’s Vision

The three sit down.

Meng Xiaoxiao and Haoxuan have been playing Quanmu, as if they wanted to see Cheng Mu out.

At this time, Li Lao said: “I’m here this time and hope to cooperate with you.”


Cheng Mu hurriedly waved his hand: “Old Li, you just call me Xiaocheng.”

Tangtang Li Lao actually called himself Mu Da, he was afraid of losing his life.

At this time, Haoxuan coldly snorted again: “It’s pretty self-knowing.”

At this moment, Cheng Mu’s mood was not beautiful again.

This man named Haoxuan seemed to Cheng Mu to be a crab he encountered on the side of the road.

You can’t care about crabs, right?

But this Haoxuan is very annoying.

So Cheng Mu looked at Lao Li, and if Lao Li didn’t move, he would kick the crab out.

But Zhang Lao also understood Cheng Mu’s meaning in an instant.

He said to Haoxuan: “You go out first.”

It is indeed very impolite to speak arrogant words on other people’s turf.

“Old Li!”

Haoxuan also wanted to argue aloud.

Lao Li emphasized again: “Go out!”

In an instant, the aura of a superior emanated.

Even Cheng Mu can feel it, this breath is much deeper than the aura of own emperor. Only by living in a high position all the year round can we cultivate such a momentum.

Realizing that Old Li was sulky, Haoxuan opened his mouth, and finally walked out in a desperate manner.

But in the bottom of my heart, he already hated Cheng Mu.

“I am Old Li’s personal guard! What are you!”

Before he came here, he Haoxuan was a big red man next to Old Li. There are many things that Lao Li, who is fast approaching old age, does not know.

Do you let an old man play a game? Isn’t this embarrassing?

Therefore, after the disaster, most of the elderly, women and children changed their jobs to life professions and continued to live their lives.

But here, in order to talk to Cheng Mu, Old Li scolded him unexpectedly.

This made Haoxuan, how could he swallow this breath.

Although Mr. Li has no combat effectiveness, his reputation can still lead a large number of players to follow.

For a moment, he felt that his status as a big red man had been challenged.

Challenge from Cheng Mu.

At this time, Cheng Mu had calmed down.

After all, this is not before the catastrophe, and this China is not the other China.

Mr. Li is just an ordinary old man. Cheng Mu respected him most.

He asked: “I don’t know what kind of cooperation you call Mr. Li? What kind of cooperation method is it?”

“Little, come on.”

Old Li pushed Meng Xiaoxiao out and said, “This is our little genius Meng Xiaoxiao.”


Meng Xiaoxiao looked at Cheng Mu with blushing face, her eyes gleaming.

Cheng Mu nodded: “Thank you.”

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao, he seemed to have returned to the lush years when he was sixteen or seventeen.

And now, he is eighteen years old.

“It should be.”

Meng Xiaoxiao excitedly said the content of cooperation.

Lao Li also had millions of players at this time.

However, these players are quite special and are composed of the guards of the country before the catastrophe.

Although their profession is Wandering Xia, they are even more loyal than some NPC soldiers in obeying orders.


Cheng Mu’s interest came in an instant.

He hurriedly confirmed again and asked: “How many people are there?”

If there can be a player army composed of the guardians of the country, then his five million player army will shorten the time it takes to build a goal by more than half.

The role of a real soldier is too strong.

“one million.”

Meng Xiaoxiao said: “At present, there are one million people in China.”

Cheng Mu: “Puff! One million?”

He was shocked directly, okay?

“A player army composed of a million national guards, you are the hidden bosses!”

Wandering Xia player is strong, but its weakness is that it is not highly disciplined.

But now Li has one million soldiers who are not only strong, but also capable of absolute obedience.

It’s really scary.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the guards of one million nations are much stronger than the three million ordinary soldiers under the emperor’s command.

At this stage, players of level 40 and 50 beating NPC soldiers of level 20 and 30 are completely abusive!


Meng Xiaoxiao explained: “We have the United Front Work Department specifically to restrain soldiers, so it is normal for you to not get news.”

In the first time after the disaster, most of the original national guards joined the Kingdom of China.

But after Mr. Li had been running around for so long, he restrained the soldiers together.

Cheng Mu finally got serious and formal: “Well. How did you cooperate?”

The guardian of one million nations, Mr. Li can enter the arena as a fifth party force.

But since he came to find himself, he must have made a decision.


Meng Xiaoxiao said: “We are willing to merge with you, and this million soldiers are for you to send.”


Cheng Mu asked.

There is no wasted lunch under the circumstance of supplying one million soldiers for nothing.

Meng Xiaoxiao took a deep breath: “We are willing to serve you as our master, but the request is to form a cabinet!”


Cheng Mu was puzzled: “The cabinet system, the current Ming Empire has implemented this system.”

The power of the cabinet looks great, but in the end it will still be restricted by the imperial power.

“Yeah. But our cabinet is different from other countries.”

Meng Xiaoxiao explained: “Our cabinet is made up of seven people. You are the first minister.”

“Take your rights as the main factor, and the remaining six people will make reference. At the same time, you have the right to veto that you think.”

“Of course, with the exception of you, the candidates for the remaining six members of the cabinet require the vote of the people.”

After speaking, she calmed down and waited for Cheng Mu’s reply.

At this time, Cheng Mu also knew what Lao Li meant.

In fact, this model is similar to the administrative model of various countries before the catastrophe.

However, the cabinet here can be emperor.

And once he abdicated, the rest of the matter would not be known.

This proposal does seem to be democratic, harmonious, and humane.

However, Cheng Mu shook his head: “Lao Li, the times are different.”

“This world already has a surname, so I can’t accept your proposal.”

The Earth Star Cataclysm changed into the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong again.

Now the fist is the first rule.

It was a bit too early for Mr. Li to put forward this cooperative opinion.

The enemies in the distance are still watching. Cheng Mu wouldn’t consider this until all the enemies were wiped out.

The council’s political power?

No, what he wants is absolute imperial power!


Although Meng Xiaoxiao knew that Cheng Mu would refuse, she couldn’t call Cheng Mu to drive these million soldiers in vain.

At present, the cabinet proposal is the most suitable for them.

In terms of prestige.

Except for Cheng Mu, the other six members can be selected from their side.

In this way, the second emperor of the Qi Empire will most likely return to democracy.

This is Lao Li’s ambition.

The emperor, Cao Cao, and Liu Yu belonged to outsiders, and only Cheng Mu was the true citizen of China.

This is also the reason why he is willing to come to Cheng Mu.

The defenders of a million nations are indeed very strong, but they lack top combat power. And under Cheng Mu’s command, there are already three townspeople.

“Once we cooperate, it will definitely be even more powerful.”

At this time, Old Li spoke:

“I know that the future belongs to you young people. I just want to see the glory of China again before I die!”

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