Chapter 428: Waiting for Qi Lao to express his attitude

Strong bow (special arms)

Attribute: Strength value of 35 points.

Unit special effects: The arrows of the strong bow will heat the enemy and cause burning damage to the target.

Training recruitment price: 10 gold

Jinfan soldiers (special arms)

The base force value is 33 points, and you can learn advanced water warfare and advanced plundering skills.

(Advanced water warfare: When Jinfan fights on the water, its combat power is 30% ascension.)

(Advanced looting: Jinfan is a born thief, 20% of the combat effectiveness in looting operations, and 50% of the war gains of Ascension.)

Training recruitment price: 35 gold

Wei Wuzu (special arms)

Attribute: Strength value of 38 points. Class skills: heavy equipment, Wei Wu soul, jade broken!

Heavy equipment: Wearing heavy equipment, Wei Wu’s damage to himself is reduced by 50%, and his movement speed is reduced by 30%.

Wei Wu Soul: Wei Wu Zuo will get the Wei Wu Soul BUFF when fighting, and his attributes increase by 50%.

Jade Fragment: Wei Wuzu is determined to die every time he fights, and his strength is 50% when he is at a disadvantage. But after the battle, Wei Wuzu only had a half chance of surviving!

Training recruitment price: 50 gold

Iron Buddha (special arms)

Attribute: 40 points of force. Skills: heavy equipment, trampling, floating tusk.

Reloading: The iron floating tutu is wearing reloading, and its damage is reduced by 50%.

Trample: When the Iron Buddha is charging, it will crush all targets. Obtain sunder effect: 50%!

Float: In the combat state, every time an enemy Tiefutu kills an enemy, the combat power will be ascension one percent. There is no skill limit for this skill!

Training recruitment price: 100 gold.

Lie Gong, Jin Fan, Wei Wu, Futu.

Add the white horse and sky rider.

Cheng Mu still owns six special arms.

Lie Gong formed the Tianyu Army, and Jinfan formed the Tianlong Army.

Wei Wuzu formed the Tianxiong Army, and Tiefutu was Cheng Mu’s personal guard.

As for the white horses, they are the professional sentry under Cheng Mu’s command.

The number is small, about a thousand. Their task is to pass the news with the army and send all kinds of information to Cheng Mu’s hands as quickly as possible.

And Cheng Mu said that a special intelligence agency would be set up.

The two do not actually conflict.

Assassins are used to inquire about intelligence, and the white horse whistle ride is used to transmit intelligence.

In terms of speed, ten shadow thorns may not be able to catch up with a white horse Yicong.

Tianqi is known as the fastest heavy rider to run and the most defensive rider.

However, in front of Baima Yicong, they didn’t even have the qualifications to eat ashes.

This is the so-called specialization.

Tiefutu’s defense is actually still above the Heavenly Cavalry.

But when he thought of the recruitment price of 100 gold per person, Cheng Mu suddenly realized that he was poor.

Two hundred thousand days of riding has cost more than ten million gold.

Three hundred thousand fierce bows, plus equipment cost four to five million gold.

The recruitment price of 300,000 Tianxiong troops must reach 15 million gold, not even equipment.

Two hundred thousand dragon army, the recruitment price will be seven million. In addition to equipment and ships, the cost has reached nearly tens of millions of gold.

These four armies have cost Cheng Mu nearly 50 million gold.

Coupled with daily material consumption and monthly military payment, this is a huge expenditure.

So now that Tianqi is the main force of the charge, Cheng Mu recruited 1,000 Tiefutu as guards.

Tiefutu has the strongest strength, with an initial force value of 40 points.

This also proves that they eat the most.

If one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand are recruited, the supply of materials may be really difficult to keep up.

The farming plain between Tianqi City and Wangjiang City was abandoned.

Has become an expansion zone of Apocalypse City.

So now the food in Apocalypse City must be transported from other states.

No process Mu also intends to adopt the method before the Emperor of the Apocalypse.

All these one million troops are stationed around Apocalypse City? That is unrealistic.

Sizhou supports the Tianqi Army, and Yongzhou supports the Tianxiong Army.

The Heavenly Dragon Army can be pulled to Yangzhou, anyway, the waterway is so developed now.

As for the Sky Feather Army, they can be scattered in various cities in Qingzhou.

This can share the pressure of Apocalypse City to the utmost extent.

After all, there are now millions of people in Apocalypse City. It is really difficult to feed these millions of soldiers.

Cheng Mu had the final say.

According to his current rate of recruitment, I want to recruit all the millions of soldiers.

Time, at least three months.

The barracks are only so big, it is impossible for two to three million people to get in in a swarm.

Moreover, there are not so many young people in Apocalypse City.

Therefore, it will take some time for young people from other states to come over.

“As long as the recruitment is completed before the start of the national war, that’s enough!”

For Cheng Mu, there are exactly four months before the start of the national war.

After the recruitment of millions of troops under his command was completed, the time was just right.

There should also be special military camps elsewhere in the country. At that time, it should also be possible to share some pressure on the special military camp in Apocalypse City.

The order to expand and recruit troops has been issued.

The specific operation needs to be performed by Guan Hai and others.

Still the same sentence, he Cheng Mu only makes head decisions.

Specific implementation words.

Tianxiong Army, Zhang Wanlong went to recruit. Tianyu Army, Huang Zhong is in charge.

The Celestial Cavalry is special, so it must be recruited by Hai, and then led by Zhao Yun.

In the same way, Zhao Yun first recruited Bai Ma Yi from, and then rationally distributed it to various places and armies!

Zhang Shun should be the least anxious.

After all, the new navy training base has not been repaired, and the ship that can carry 200,000 soldiers has not been repaired.

Take your time.

There are still four months left, and Cheng Mu can still spend that much time.

He thought, when things were basically arranged here, he was going to visit the dragon fish clan.

Before fighting for the national war, let’s get some killer tricks.

When his overall score for the Kingdom of Apocalypse was only 6 points, Cheng Mu was full of vigilance and cautiousness about the battle of the Qing Empire.

After all, the Qing Empire’s overall score is 93 points anyway.

The Manchu established a country by riding and shooting.

He wanted to see if the Man/Qing was better at riding and shooting, or the Sky Cavalry under his command was better!

As for the strength of the 93-point score of the Qing empire, he had to check the news.

Now the forum is open and the private chat resumes.

It is not so difficult to inquire about news from other countries.

And just after Cheng Mu made arrangements for the expansion of the army.

Li Shishi walked over happily.

“Your Majesty! Found it!”

With that said, she proudly lifted the small wooden box in her arms.

“Oh? Did you find it?”

“Haha, thank you!”

Cheng Mu immediately took the small wooden box from her arms.

Inside, there are ten soul-gathering stones and ten soul-attracting trees neatly placed.

Coupled with the same amount of materials contributed by Jubao Pavilion, the materials of Lao Zhang and Lao Lin were resurrected.


Subsequently, Cheng Mu sent an order to Hua Mulan: “Go and invite Lao Qi back and tell him that I will resurrect Lao Lin and Lao Zhang.”

Qi Lao is the first of the three elders of Heaven, Earth and Xuan, and he must be present to resurrect Lao Lin and Lao Zhang.

Hua Mulan’s invitation also represented that Cheng Mu gave Qi Lao enough etiquette and respect.

Actually to

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