Chapter 429: The Kingdom of Apocalypse Surrounded by Aura

In fact, at this time, it is also necessary for Mr. Qi to express his position.

Rescue the people in Yizhou south of the river, this is his ultra vires move.

But Cheng Mu did not pursue it.

And he went to build the northern Yizhou, which has become a dead place. In fact, this did not have Cheng Mu’s order, and it could be regarded as Qi Lao’s ultra vires.

In the case of other emperors, Qi Lao’s ultra vires had already been chopped off his head countless times.

But Cheng Mu can bear it.

He was waiting, waiting for Mr. Qi to give him an attitude.

The jade seal of the Apocalypse Kingdom is inherited from the jade seal of the State of China.

The soul of the guardian must also be passed down intact.

The more important point is.

Old Qi is already a strong man of half-step ghosts and gods, as long as he has always been loyal to him.

Under the bonus of his Mingjun talent.

Qi Laoneng immediately stepped into the realm of ghosts and gods.

One more ghost and god realm powerhouse, Cheng Mu feels more confident in his heart.

When Hua Mulan went to invite Qi Lao, he was looking at the country’s grain output.

After the founding of the country.

The various BUFFs previously owned by the Apocalypse City have also been synchronized to the Apocalypse Kingdom at this time.

The Kingdom of Ming Jun! The Kingdom of the Lord!

The country of culture! The country of medical care! The country of industry! The kingdom of martial arts!

The kingdom of faeries! The country of kendo!

Coupled with the attribute BUFF of the Qilin suit.

King * Qilin’s power, King * Qilin’s blood, King * Qilin’s wrath

Auspicious Qilin attribute BUFF.

Good weather, good five grains, peaceful people’s livelihood, son of Qilin.

The BUFF of the Kingdom of Apocalypse is superimposed one layer after another.

It’s just resource output.

Mingjun talent effect: 200% bonus to the production of various resources in the territory.

Auspicious Qilin asylum effect: five grains abundance (For the countries protected by Auspicious Qilin, all types of property assets increase by 100%.)

Jia Sixie, the title of agronomist: Grain production increased by 20%, aquatic production increased by 20%, and livestock production increased by 20%…….

Senior Shennong Statue: Increase the output of all resources in the territory by 100%.


Nearly 500% of the output bonus, this is Cheng Mugan’s confidence in recruiting millions of soldiers.

After the change, the grain output of the entire Earth Star can reach 500 jin per mu. The yield per mu in large grain-producing states like Sizhou and Yongzhou should be around 600 jin.

600 kg is 300 kg, which can be converted into 3 units of grain.

After a five-fold increase, Qiguo’s current farming yield would reach 15 units per mu that day.

According to the 200 million mu of cultivated land currently counted by Apocalypse, the annual grain output can reach 3 billion units.

In addition, if the southern states plant two seasons a year, Qiguo’s grain output will reach about 5 billion units that day.

Is there a lot? It does look like a lot.

After all, there is an annual output of 5 billion!

However, if it is allocated to the nearly 50 million population of the Apocalypse Kingdom.

Even if it is based on the daily consumption of 0.01 units of food per person, 500,000 units of food will be consumed on that day.

It will also need nearly 200 million grains a year.

These are just food consumption of ordinary people.

There is also an army of one million, 60,000 units of food per day, and more than 20 million units of food a year.

The landlord’s house may have a little margin in the back.

However, Cheng Mu is now in the most perfect state.

The land of Kyushu in Apocalypse has just restored order at present.

The original cultivated area of ​​200 million acres, at this time, it is very good to be able to resume production at two to three thousand acres.

Experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and experienced the national war.

Coupled with the man-made disasters in Yizhou, Apocalypse’s 200 million acres of arable land is really just the most perfect statistical data.

Wait until the people’s livelihood and economy of the whole country are restored.

As the population develops, the army continues to expand its enrollment.

The calculated 5 billion units of grain is no longer a huge astronomical figure.

The pen is the most perfect state.

However, the actual operation is not perfect.


After receiving the news from Hua Mulan, Mr. Qi hesitated.

In the end, he chose to return.

Although he had already imagined this a long time ago, whether he would return to Cheng Mu one day.

But now when he needs to express his stance, Qi Lao still has some difficulties in passing his heart.

Lin Lao is dead, Zhang Lao is dead.

After they are resurrected, everything can start again.

But his general Qi is old this day.

Back to Apocalypse City, Cheng Mu had been waiting for a long time.

“Old Qi!”

Seeing the arrival of Qi Lao, even though Cheng Mu had become the emperor, he still gave him enough courtesy.

“You have been working hard recently.”

Although Qi Lao’s disaster relief behavior these days is an ultra vires move, the ultimate goal is still for the people under his command.

Mr. Qi returned his salute: “Your Majesty is serious, this is what I should do.”

Now that I have come, I have to face it after all.

“Let’s go! Let’s greet the return of Lao Lin and Lao Zhang.”

With that said, Cheng Mu took the lead to walk towards the Hall of Heroes.

Hall of Valor.

The Hall of Valor at this time has become the Sacred Land for sword practitioners.

The sword bearer has already regarded this place as his home.

His daily life is to practice swords and compare swords.

After Cheng Mu received a deep blow here, he decided to work hard.

He wants everyone to see how powerful he is, the number one kendo genius in the ages!

At this time, Cheng Mu ordered: “First please leave everyone present.”

Before the resurrection, His Highness the Hero had better not have other onlookers.

It’s okay to watch from a distance.

But seeing the sword bearer about to leave, Cheng Mu suddenly stopped him: “The sword bearer, why are you going!”

He remembers Yu Xi’s words deeply, and he tunes/teaches this straight steel man well.

“Practicing swords.”

The sword bearer has restored his former look.

It seems that the training in Sizhou the previous days has given him great gains.

“Then go!”

Cheng Mu just greeted him.

In order not to get Yu Xi to blame her, he didn’t tune/teach her love Big Brother.

Of course, he also wanted to see the temples of the gods Xingyue said.

But suddenly, the sword bearer walked over by himself.

“I want to join the army!”

He was straight to the point, and without hesitation, he said his own request.

“join the army?”

Cheng Mu asked suspiciously: “Why do you have this idea?”

“Battlefield, people who will die!”

Is it not good to be a peerless sword fairy quietly, pretending to be a girl?

In the Ten Thousand Army, the strength of the individual will be weakened and it is not worth mentioning.

Of course, unless it is a peak powerhouse.

“I want to learn the real Sword Technique!”

The tone of the sword bearer was extremely firm.

Whether it’s the Nine Swords of the Dragon Abyss, the Sword Technique of Five Mountains Prison, or Li Bai’s Sword Technique.

Gorgeous, this is a vocabulary that he can never get rid of in these Sword Techniques.


Cheng Mu nodded, and he immediately understood the sword holder’s thoughts.

The current sword holder’s comprehension of Sword Technique has reached a very high Realm.

He doesn’t need too many gorgeous moves, even if they are powerful.

What he wants is the easiest way to shoot a sword, and then kill with one blow!

To be honest, Cheng Mu felt a trace of admiration in his heart when he heard him say this.

The sword of the sword bearer should have almost returned to the original Realm.

Young in grade, but comparable to the Great Master of Kendo.

“Sure enough, he is the number one kendo genius in the ages!”

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