The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 803: The divine cavalry raids, the divine cavalry descends from the sky!


"Rush! Rush in!"

"The first person to rush into the capital will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

"Haha, the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune has come!"


Yelu Abaoji smashed the city with one blow, which completely aroused the enthusiasm of the soldiers of the Liao Empire.

Behind the giant rhinoceros knight, endless soldiers rushed towards the gate of the city like a tide.

In an instant, the huge South City Gate was surrounded by soldiers of the Liao Empire.

Soldiers of the Liao Empire rushed in desperately. They knew that the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune was inside.

As for the knights on the back of the giant rhinoceros, many of them also jumped off at this moment.

The giant rhinoceros is too tall to get in.

Naturally, fearing that they would not get a share of the pie, they directly abandoned their mounts.

As long as he can be promoted to a noble position, who is willing to be a giant rhinoceros knight here?

Rumble! Rumble!

The sound of galloping, the sound of swords, the sound of fighting, the sound of mourning... All kinds of sounds are intertwined and fused into a unique movement of Shangjing.

"Haha, I was the first to rush in!"

With the soldiers of the Liao Empire rushing to the front, he rushed in as if entering no one's land.

But before his laughter fell, tens of thousands of murderous white heavy infantry appeared in front of him.

White pole heavy infantry, also known as white ear guards.

This was originally Liu Bei's personal soldier, the most powerful soldier in the Shu Han.

On weekdays, Baier's personal guards are heavy infantry armed with huge shields and long knives. However, when defending the city today, they were newly equipped with three-meter-long white poles.

Therefore, the heavy shield on the white rod can also be called the white rod heavy infantry.

"There is... there is buried...."

Seeing the murderous heavy infantry with white poles, this man has not finished saying ambush before he has been stabbed into a hedgehog by countless long poles.

And in the rear, although some soldiers of the Liao Empire also noticed the abnormality. But the soldiers rushing in at the gate of the city forced them to rush forward.

Ever since, more and more people collided with the white pole, and a thick layer of corpses was instantly piled up.


As more and more soldiers poured into the city, Yelu Abaoji in the rear immediately noticed the abnormality.

Logically speaking, with so many people rushing in, the flag on the city wall should have changed hands.

But why, that giant crossbow is still showing its might?

"Is there an ambush inside?"

It was the only possibility he could think of.

"Go on, send some more people up!"

There is an ambush.

Yelu Abaoji didn't believe it, the city gate had already been opened, how could the soldiers under his command not be able to rush in?

In terms of numbers, the soldiers of the Liao Empire have an absolute numerical advantage!

At the same time, the other three city gates of Shangjing City were also broken open one by one.

When good news came frequently, a smile appeared on Yelu Abaoji's face.

He has already screamed excitedly: "Rush in, all rush in!"

All the gates on all sides of Shangjing City have been broken, where else can you, Liu Bei, go?

But at this moment, there was a deafening galloping sound coming from a distance.

The loud noise told everyone on the battlefield that this was a cavalry.

"Oh? Just come back at this time?"

Hearing this sound, Yelu Abaoji knew that it was another cavalry under Liu Bei's command.

But what is the use of Ma Chao coming back now?

The city gates on all sides have been broken, and Shangjing will soon be captured. There are only one hundred thousand cavalry, is it possible that there will be waves?

"Destroy them!"

But just to be on the safe side, in order to wipe out the enemy.

Yelu Abaoji sent the remaining tens of thousands of giant rhino cavalry over.

When the 200,000 green dragon cavalry can't shake the giant rhinoceros knight, what can your 100,000 cavalry be?

"Ha ha."

All the soldiers around him have been sent out, and Liu Bei in the city is already fighting like a trapped beast.

In this battle, after all, he, Yelu Abaoji, is wise and martial, commanding well!

He couldn't wait to take back the upper capital.


But at this moment, the giant rhinoceros knight sent out to intercept Ma Chao felt something unusual.

Are these 100,000 cavalry crazy?

A mere 100,000 people dare to charge directly into the giant rhino's army formation? Could it be that these people are going to fight to the death?

Seeing Ma Chao's 100,000 cavalry getting closer, the Liao cavalry on the back of the giant rhino showed a cruel smile.

An ant may shake a big tree, it's ridiculous!

Rumble! Rumble!

The huge galloping sound is in front of you, and the two cavalry will collide with each other in the next second.

However, a second later, tens of thousands of giant rhinoceros knights looked confused.

Especially the giant rhinoceros knight at the front, he found that the enemy cavalry who was close at hand had disappeared.

When they came back to their senses, one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry had appeared behind them!

"What's going on? What's going on?"

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Can these 100,000 Xiliang cavalry really fly?

No, flying is not so fast!

In one second, one hundred thousand cavalry appeared in front of Yelu Abaoji.

Where is this cavalry? This is a hundred thousand magic soldiers!


At this moment, Yelu Abaoji was also stunned.

He looked at the Xiliang iron cavalry close at hand, and then at the unscathed giant rhino cavalry behind him.

He also didn't understand why the enemy's 100,000 cavalry appeared here.

However, Ma Chao did not give him any more time to doubt.

"go to hell!"

This eighteen-year-old boy jumped in front of Yelu Abaoji, one man and one horse.

call out!

The spear in his hand was like a dragon, piercing Yelu Abaoji's heart.

"court death!"

Although Yelu Abaoji was surprised, he was not afraid.

He was able to destroy the gate of Shangjing City with one blow, which was enough to show his strength.

One of the mighty five kings of the Liao Empire, Yelu Abaoji's strength has also stepped into the realm of God.

when! This is the collision of long spears and long spears, and the huge power makes people frightened.

But in the next second, Yelu Abaoji's angry expression turned into horror again.

He found that his strength was actually weaker than this sixteen-year-old boy.

Where did this monster come from?

The sixteen-year-old boy can not only lead an army like a magic soldier, but also knock himself back with a single blow.

He seemed to see Yue Fei's demeanor on Ma Chao's body!


After gaining the upper hand with one blow, Ma Chao pursued the victory.

The long spear in his hand was like a world-shattering dragon, Yelu Abaoji couldn't breathe under the pressure.

At the same time, 100,000 Xiliang cavalry rushed over.

Their target was the few thousand personal guards around Yelu Abaoji.

As long as Yelu Abaoji is killed here, the Xiliang iron cavalry will be famous all over the world.

Divine Cavalry Raid: The Xiliang cavalry led by Ma Chao can increase their power through the speed and distance of the attack. When the raid reaches a certain distance, the Xiliang cavalry can trigger the effect of the divine cavalry descending from the sky. (God Ride from Heaven: Appears in front of the target in an instant regardless of space distance.)

The Divine Rider is the exclusive skill of Ma Chao and Xiliang Iron Cavalry, and it is also the reason why Ma Chao can appear in front of Yelu Abaoji in an instant.

With the divine cavalry descending from the sky, Ma Chao and Xiliang Iron Cavalry are destined to leave a great reputation in the world!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

In the deep sky, seeing Yelu Abaoji suddenly in danger, the expressions of Xiao Dilu and others who were fighting Guan Yu changed in shock.

They also don't know why an army of 100,000 people suddenly appeared beside their king.

But what they have to do now is to rush to rescue Yelu Abaoji immediately!

"Oh? Want to leave?"

Want to leave now? Then you have to ask Guan Yu if he agrees.

After beating him for so long, how could Guan Yu make them happy?

"Kneel down to this general!"

With a roar, he unleashed all his strength.

In an instant, a huge Guan Dao lay in front of everyone. The fierce power emanating from Guan Dao made even Xiao Dilu, who was in the back of Shenmen, feel chills in his heart!

At the critical moment, all four of them displayed their strongest moves.


In an instant, four extremely powerful moves bombarded Guan Dao.

The great power once again turned day into night.


Guan Yu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Even if he can display his strength at the altar level, he will face the full blow of the four powerhouses.

Even if he is possessed by the Martial God, he still feels uncomfortable!

But with just one blow, he bought Ma Chao a second.


"One ride is worth a thousand! Golden Ge flurry!"

While roaring, a golden war horse appeared on the battlefield.

On the golden horse, the majestic Jin Machao held a golden spear and stabbed at Yelu Abaoji with one blow.

In an instant, the world changed dramatically, and everything was silent!

Yelu Abaoji only felt a long gun appearing in his forehead, and he wanted to raise the gun to block it.

But only a click was heard.

The spear in his hand was broken.

The gigantic Jin Machao pierced his forehead with boundless power.

In a trance, Yelu Abaoji could only feel the boundless darkness coming.

By the time he wanted to struggle, his body had already been thrown upside down.

The corpse fell to the ground in the distance, as if smashing the hearts of all Liao soldiers!

"His Majesty!"

In the Xiao Dilu, who had only rushed half way, saw this scene and his eyes were tearing apart.

His hands were shaking, and lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

In an instant, his whole body exploded.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The thief will die!"

In a state of rage, Xiao Dilu fell into madness.

At this time, he rushed towards Ma Chao like a ghost. He wanted to avenge his king, and he wanted everyone present to be buried with him!


With one blow, Ma Chao flew upside down in an instant.

The blow just now had consumed all his strength.

Facing the crazy Xiao Dilu, how could he resist at this moment?

However, Xiao Dilu did not give up.

"Go to hell!"

He rushed up again, and slashed down on the weak Ma Chao with the long knife in his hand.


Everyone only heard a crisp clicking sound, and the long knife cut across Ma Chao's body.

After killing Yelu Abaoji with all his strength, Ma Chao also died under Xiao Dilu's knife.

Go to the capital, above the city wall.

Seeing Ma Chao's death in battle, Liu Bei was shocked.

This Xiao Dilu is very strong! If he can recruit subordinates, he has already had such a hope in his heart.

On the other hand, Pang Tong was expressionless.

"Die, you all have to die!"

After killing Ma Chao, Xiao Dilu didn't pay any attention to the Xiliang cavalry rushing over.

He turned around and rushed towards the capital.

Even if he died, he would drag everyone to be buried with Yelu Abaoji! Going to the capital belongs to Yelu Abaoji, and no one can take it away!

However, just as he turned around...


A spear suddenly pierced his chest. Xiao Dilu looked down at his chest in astonishment, and then fell down unwillingly.

How is this going?

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