The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 804: The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty (1)

\"Hmph! My military division has to lie down for a month again!\"

With a curse, Ma Chao, who was covered in flames, slowly stood up, his eyes full of murderous intent.

At this time, there was an afterimage of a fire phoenix around his body, which was Pang Tong's Nirvana skill.

Nirvana: Pang Tong revives a target with his own life force, restoring its strength to its peak state. The cooling time of this skill is related to the strength of the revived target!

Literally, Nirvana is just an ordinary skill, and there is not much rhetoric to describe it.

But its biggest special feature is that it can revive the target unscathed. Even strength can be restored to its previous peak state!

Simply put, Ma Chao has two lives!

When the ranger's resurrection skill can't have an effect on the strongest, then Pang Tong's nirvana skill is the infinite dawn in the darkness.

As long as Pang Tong is there, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Ma Chao and others are equivalent to having a second life. In future battles, everyone can also use this to kill the enemy unexpectedly.

Moreover, the cooling time of the Nirvana skill is not long, and Ma Chao, who was in the initial state of Shenmen, only needs to be weak for a month.

One month later, Pang Tong will become Liu Beijun's strongest trump card!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

"Ah! The king is dead! The king is dead!"

"Run! Run!"

The moment Yelu Abaoji's body fell to the ground, the morale of millions of soldiers of the Liao Empire also collapsed.

Someone rushed halfway, turned around and ran.

There are also people who are deeply trapped in the capital, kneeling and howling!

In less than a quarter of an hour, millions of Liao soldiers were all defeated.

There are fleeers, running aimlessly.

It's just that when Ma Chao personally led the Xiliang iron cavalry and Guan Ping led the Qinglong heavy cavalry to attack, these deserters all hated halfway.

The cold killing intent caused countless rout soldiers to lie limp on the ground, terrified and begging for mercy!

"Haha! Don't let any one go!"

On the capital, Liu Bei laughed heartily watching the one-sided battle situation!

His order was not to kill these Liao deserters, but to gather all these soldiers.

In this battle, Yelu Abaoji was defeated and died. But his soldiers under Liu Bei also suffered heavy casualties.

Especially the loss of Pang Tong's assistance within a month was a big blow to Liu Bei.

Therefore, only by increasing the number of soldiers under his command can he have more confidence to face the upcoming endless battle.

Yelu Abaoji died. As the founder of the Liao Empire, the most prestigious existence among the five kings of the Liao Kingdom.

His death will definitely trigger the revenge of the entire Liao Empire!

I heard that Yelu Longxu, the lord of the capital, is also the overlord of a generation, and he, Liu Bei, also wants to have a few tricks with him!

Moreover, gaining a firm foothold in Shangjing is still the first step in Liu Bei's grand plan. Only by surviving the continuous waves of the Liao Kingdom's attacks is the real victory.

It was at this time, when Liu Bei wanted to gather the remnants of the Liao Kingdom.

In Datang, in Anbei Duhufu.

The army led by Cheng Mu had already arrived under the walls of the Anbei Protectorate!

This is the largest city in the north of the Tang Empire, and the only heart of the million-mile north of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as this Anbei City is captured, the million square meters of Anbei Protectorate will all fall into Cheng Mu's hands.

At that time, the entire Tang Dynasty will be trapped here to death by Cheng Mu!

It was precisely because of this that after Li Jing fled here, he did not lead his army to leave again.

On the city wall, Li Jing and Li Ji stood side by side, watching Cheng Mubing approach the city quietly!

"Two generals!"

Seeing that the two greeted him here in person, Cheng Mu walked forward slowly, and said with a smile, "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. Why don't the two generals belong to my Tianqi Empire?"

Li Jing and Li Ji's personal combat effectiveness is not strong, but they are definitely the top in the world when they lead the army to fight.

If they can be recruited, the Apocalypse Empire will add two more ace armies!

Cheng Mu actually doesn't have any hobbies.

Sometimes it is his greatest pleasure to collect virtuous officials and recruit some famous generals.

Of course, if there is an eternal beauty, then he will be happier!

"Oh! Dreaming!"

However, facing Cheng Mu's personal recruitment, Li Ji coldly refused.

He said: "If you want to seize this city, then step over my corpse!"

From the moment he decided to stay, he never thought about going back alive.

Eat the king's salary to share the worries of the king, and the general will die in battle!

"Hehe, why is this necessary?"

Facing the resolute Li Ji, Cheng Mu didn't say any more threats or inducements.

Everyone has their own pursuits and beliefs. Some people want to live well and climb to the top.

There are also people who are fearless, and only want to fight for a famous name handed down from generation to generation.

"In that case, let them be fulfilled!"

Cheng Mu's face turned cold, and he ordered the army to attack the city.

It is still thousands of miles away to go to Datang Pass, so, tonight, I will spend the night in the city!


The horn of attack sounded. In this battle, the Asian barbarian army led by Di Ri took the lead in attacking the city.

These three-headed and six-armed soldiers of the Asian barbarian army ran towards the city wall step by step, holding heavy shields and giant hammers.

Rumble! Rumble!

Every time the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army who were two or three meters tall took a step, the ground trembled.

Their ghost-like postures chilled the Tang Empire defenders in Anbei City!

"Don't panic, the winch crossbow is ready!"

On the city wall, Li Jing commanded with a calm expression. They are just some evil spirits of different races, just kill them!

Under his command, hundreds of winches and crossbows on the city wall creaked and turned.

This is a giant winch crossbow specially used for defending the city, and it requires the combined efforts of thirty warriors to pull it apart.

Its firing range has reached a terrifying three kilometers. The huge power is enough to destroy all enemies standing in front of it!


When the three-meter-long crossbow was loaded, Li Jing gave the order to shoot.



Hundreds of winch crossbows made a terrifying roar, and hundreds of crossbow bolts tore through the air and roared out.


Facing the menacing crossbow arrows, Di Ri gave the order to block.

When the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Asian barbarian army just raised their shields, huge crossbow arrows roared towards them.

next second.

Rumble! Rumble! Boom!

There were continuous explosions. In front of the winch crossbow, the thick shield of the Asian barbarian army became extremely fragile at this time.

With just one blow, hundreds of soldiers of the Asian barbarian army died in battle.

The long crossbow bolts shattered their heavy shields, pierced their bodies, and nailed them to the ground like giant trees!

The bright red blood soaked the ground, and the stench of blood had begun to fill the air.

This battle has become tragic at this moment.

However, the hundreds of casualties did not make Di Ri feel the slightest pain.

Under his leadership, the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army did not stop marching.


In the sky, endless boulders fell down.

Although many people were crushed to death, no one took a half step back.

"Giant crossbow!"

On the city wall, Li Jing's command was still going on in an orderly manner.

There are hundreds of defensive crossbows on the city wall, and in the city, thousands of catapults have already roared.

In order to defend this important city, Li Jing and the others made complete preparations.

The crossbows and catapults attack alternately, this is only their first line of defense for defending the city!

"Squeeze them! Squeeze them!"

Di Ri roared while leading his army to charge.

The soldiers of the Asian barbarian army are three-headed and six-armed. Except for the tens of thousands of people rushing to the front who are equipped with heavy shields and heavy hammers, the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army in the rear are equipped with eighteen types of weapons.

Under the command of Di Ri, the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army in the rear began the first round of suppression of the city wall.


The rain of arrows all over the sky rushed towards the city wall, and the defenders of the Tang Empire on the city wall were clanging and clanging, unable to raise their heads.

Although there were soldiers holding shields to protect the winch crossbow and crossbowmen, the densely packed arrows penetrated like poisonous snakes.

In an instant, the corpses of the defenders of the Tang Empire covered the city wall with a thick layer.


Li Jing's complexion had turned cold for some time, and he was full of killing intent.

At this time, on the city wall, there were not only warriors manipulating giant crossbows, but also rows of elite archers holding longbows!


In an instant, the arrows were like locusts.

In this chaotic battlefield, giant crossbows, boulders, longbows, flying arrows...

In just the first wave of attacks, both sides did their best.

Although Li Jing occupied the geographical advantage at this time, the fighting power of the 500,000 Asian barbarian soldiers was equivalent to 5 million ordinary soldiers.

In an instant, this is a geographical advantage versus a quantitative advantage.

Under the boundless rain of arrows from the Asian barbarian army, the Tang archers on the city wall were so overwhelmed that they couldn't lift their heads.

Even the Hercules who manipulated the winch crossbow had already been shot to death.

The north gate of Anbei has long been turned into a flesh and blood mill and Shura hell!

"Go up! Go up!"

Armed with a huge crossbow and boulders, Di Ri rushed under the city wall. He roared sharply, and in an instant, the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army built a human-shaped staircase like an arhat.

The man at the top has already climbed on the battlements, and the weapons in his hands have cleared all the surrounding enemies.


But in the next second, a raging fire suddenly ignited under the ladder.

The person at the bottom didn't hold on for a second, and turned into dry bones in the fire.

The human ladder fell down, and the fat of flesh and blood caused the fire to burn more vigorously.

In a panic, Di Ri looked up. One by one, mage rangers in robes appeared on the city wall. They waved their staffs and ignited a raging fire under the city wall.

When hundreds of thousands of flames were added together, even the golden and iron sharp weapons were melted away in this instant.


Also at this moment, Di Ri snorted coldly, the intuition of a strong man saved him from death.

I saw him stepping on the sharp blade and flying out. Pulling the longbow with a pair of arms, the two mage rangers who released their skills on the city wall instantly shot through each other!

The two corpses fell down, and were melted into ashes just after they fell to the sky above the sea of ​​fire.

"What a vicious flame!"

After retreating to a safe place, Di Ri frowned looking at the raging fire burning under the city wall.

Although the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army have first-class strength, they are still flesh and blood after all.

If you want to break through this endless sea of ​​flames, I'm afraid it's not enough for everyone to lose here.

So, after seeing the mages and rangers on the city wall whose lives were thinner than paper, Di Rihe drew his longbow again.

"Clear the field with bows and arrows!"

He knew that as long as he killed all the ranger mages who were in the way on the city wall, he would be able to rush in!

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