The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 805: The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty (2)

"It's really... a battle of trapped beasts!"

Behind, seeing the stalemate in the battle, Cheng Mu shook his head.

It's not that Di Ri's sub-barbarian army is not strong enough, but that the rangers have already grown up.

After the rangers at the first level were successfully promoted to first-class powerhouses, they became a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

In addition, some skills of rangers have superimposed effects.

Naturally, Faye became the main force to defend the city.

"Your Majesty, why don't we join the Excalibur Army?"

The moment he saw the Ranger of the Tang Dynasty appearing, the sword bearer beside him was ready to move.

He couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to show the rangers of the Tang Empire what a current sword fairy is!

"hold on!"

But Cheng Mu calmed him down temporarily.

Di Ri has not lost this battle, so he does not need reinforcements for the time being.

In addition, how can he believe that Li Jing's backhand is like this?

As the military **** of the Tang Dynasty, although Li Jing is not outstanding in personal strength. However, Cheng Mu never doubted his ability to defend the city.

Li Shimin has gone crazy.

After the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty was scattered, the role of the strongest in the Tang Empire was reduced to a minimum.

In other words, Cheng Mu, Guan Hai and others will be suppressed by the fate of the Tang Dynasty if they make a move.

This is also the only way Li Shimin can think of at the moment to restrict the apocalypse of the Apocalypse Empire.


Finally, Di Ri couldn't wait any longer.

He found that the arrows of his own soldiers could not harm the ranger mages on the city wall.

When the shields appeared on the bodies of these mages, the mere arrows lost their effect.

If you want to kill these ranger mages, there is only one way at this time.

Rush forward and hack to death!

"Asian Army Soul!"

In order to win the first battle, Di Ri directly released his ultimate move.

In an instant, a huge Asian barbarian army soul appeared in midair. Its powerful power made the entire Anbei City tremble.

Although the strongest is deeply restricted, the military spirit is fearless!


But at this moment, a golden dragon flew from the south.

This is the golden dragon of the Tang Empire, and it is also the guardian of the Tang Dynasty at this moment.

A few days ago, Li Shimin divided the National Fortune Golden Dragon of the Tang Empire into three. A piece of land scattered in the Tang Dynasty strengthens the strength of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

A portion condenses into a golden dragon protecting the country, protecting the entire Tang Dynasty.

And the last piece of national fortune, Li Shimin used it all for himself. He learned the lesson of the fall of the Ming Empire, after all, Zhu Di was too weak.

Therefore, he condenses himself with the national fortune.

The reason is that one day, I will personally fight Cheng Mu to the death!


The appearance of the golden dragon protecting the country of the Tang Dynasty immediately attracted the full attention of the Yaman army soul.

This golden dragon purely condensed by the fate of the country, no matter who sees it will salivate, it is a great nourishing thing!

Tempted in his heart, the Yaman army soul raised his hand and grabbed the golden dragon protecting the country.

It's just the next second.


With a sweep of the dragon's tail protecting the country, the right palm of the Yaman army soul was severed. The blood-colored army soul's power rolled, and a trace of the army's soul's power was devoured by the golden dragon protecting the country!

Only then did Di Ri below understand, where is the golden dragon protecting the country?

This is a dragon!

The soul of the Yaman army wanted to devour the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Nation, but why didn't the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Country want to devour the soul of the Yaman Army?

In an instant, the battle situation became even more chaotic.


Cheng Mu originally thought that Di Ri could use the souls of the Yaman army to break through the city. But when the Fortune Golden Dragon appeared, he knew that this was impossible.

Although ranger mages need to consume mental power to use their skills, who knows how many ranger mages are hidden in the entire Anbei City?

So in order to end the battle as soon as possible, the Excalibur Army must appear!

"Haha, this is the moment we've been waiting for!"

When Cheng Mu's edict came, the sword bearer laughed and rushed over.

It's also time to show them the strength of the sword fairies in white.

"Excalibur Army, break the city!"

In an instant, millions of sword soldiers came out.

This is an army all dressed in white, and many of them are as elegant as noble sons.

Under the command of the sword bearer, a million sharp swords were unsheathed together.


When the entire sky was occupied by densely packed long swords, everyone showed horrified eyes.

What kind of scene is this? Millions of swords hang in the air, under the sword, everyone is in danger!

Even if the strong ghosts and gods come, I'm afraid they can't stop the million sharp swords, right?

"This is... what the **** is this?"

At this time Li Jing was also taken aback. Why does the Apocalypse Empire have such a strange army? Could it be that Cheng Mu captured all the sword cultivators of the Tianqi Empire?

"That's... really unheard of!"

On the side, Li Ji couldn't help but marvel at this time.

With millions of sharp swords hanging in the air, he, Li Ji, had never seen such a spectacular scene in his entire life.

Looking for a million sword cultivators? This is several times more difficult than forming an army of tens of millions.

Could it be that the Apocalypse Empire has become so powerful that he can't understand it?

"Hmph! Block it even if it's unheard of!"

And at this moment, Li Jing forced himself to calm down.

It was just a million sharp swords, even if he risked his life, he would block it!


In the next second, a majestic aura emanated from his body.

He wanted to use his power to block the spiritual connection between the million sword cultivators of the Divine Sword Army and the sharp sword.

However, his power has not yet broken out of Anbei City.

In the distance, Guan Hai snorted coldly.

Stomp down.


The two majestic auras collided together, and Guan Hai pushed Li Jingzhen back several steps with his young and powerful might.

It's not that they, the strongest, don't take action, it's just that they haven't reached the critical moment and don't need them to participate in the battle.

In today's battlefield, both sides are fighting with restraint.

The soldiers under his command are the main force, used to fight for a city and a place. What if the most powerful shot? That is immortality!

Cheng Mu didn't want to exert all his power here before he actually stepped into the Tang Empire Pass.

He was fighting on Li Shimin's home field!

At this moment, during the few seconds when Li Jing retreated.


Accompanied by the sword bearer's order.

In an instant, the densely packed million swords whizzed down in the sky.

Click, click, boom, boom!

The sharp sword bombarded Anbei City like a violent storm, and the mages on the city wall were cut into pieces of meat at this moment.

The shields on them can withstand ordinary arrows.

But in front of a million sharp swords, the strength of the shield is limited after all.


On the tower, Li Jiqiang stood up with his body supported.

He turned the entire area into a forbidden zone with a sharp sword.

All the sharp swords fell and shattered on top of his head. Although he was injured, he was still a half-step altar-level powerhouse.

puff! puff!

The long sword was destroyed, and many soldiers in the Excalibur Army suffered backlash.

Sword repair is actually like this. He is very handsome when he is playing with a sword, but once his natal sword is destroyed, he will suffer backlash!

And, this is just the beginning.


While Guan Hai was competing with Li Jing, Li Ji swept the entire Anbei City with one blow.

In an instant, the sharp swords in the sky fell down one after another. They have lost contact with the Excalibur Army, and the million swords are like catkins at this time.

It fell lightly, without any threat.

Above Anbei City, here, after all, is Li Ji's home field!

"Puff ~ puff ~ puff ~"

In an instant, the millions of sword soldiers vomited blood together, and Li Ji cut off all of them from the long sword.

They wanted to grab it back, but at this moment the entire Anbei City was shrouded in boundless power.

Is it possible that the appearance of the Million Sword Army will end in such an anticlimactic manner?

At this moment, the sword-wielder suddenly soared into the air.

At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and a sharp sword intent emanated from his body.

At this moment, millions of long swords blared together.

Even the sword in Li Ji's hand couldn't help singing at this moment.

It is surrendering, surrendering to the king of swordsmanship!

"Sword intent, the strongest sword intent ever seen!"

It was also at this moment that Li Ji showed horror again. He stared at the sword holder, as if he wanted to see that the sword holder was an old monster in disguise.

However, the sixteen-year-old swordsman told him with facts that he was the arrogance of heaven, the peerless arrogance of heaven!


In the next second, millions of sharp swords blared together. These sharp swords, which had lost contact with their masters, once again flew into the air.

It is Xeon's sword intent, which reconnects the connection between the sharp sword and the Excalibur Army.

"Haha! I'm back, and I can contact my Qingyingjian again!"

"The sword wielder is awesome!"

"One day, I will definitely be able to do the same!"

"Apocalypse Sword Cultivator, invincible in this world!"

In an instant, after the millions of sword cultivators regained control of their swords.

The sharp swords all over the sky, all gathered together under the horrified eyes of everyone.

After just a few breaths a huge combined sword hangs over Anbei City.

The huge power emanating from his sword is devastating!

This is the Excalibur Army, a million sharp swords, invincible in the world!

"Hehe! Sword repair! Sword repair!"

Li Jing had recovered his mobility at this time. He looked up at the huge sword hanging above his head, his face had become ferocious.

He knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

If the giant sword falls, then Anbei City will be destroyed without attack!

"Use my blood! Open the sky with one sword!"


While roaring, Li Jing charged forward with one sword at a time. At this time, his whole body turned into a peerless sharp sword.

When all the strength of the half-step altar-level power surged out, the dark sky couldn't help neighing.

In the distance, the sword bearer clenched his hands. Veins popped up on his face, and he tried his best to control the giant sword to chop down.

When Li Jing's power hit the giant sword, he only felt an incomparable force coming from him.

His hands were already trembling, and the Xie Slaying Sword in his hand could not help but neigh!

At this time, he used the strength of the Zhenguo realm to fight against Li Jing, who was half-stepped into the **** stage realm.

This is his test, and also his unique opportunity!

"Break it for me!"

While roaring, the skin of his hands began to crack, and drops of blood flowed onto the Slaying Evil Sword.

It was also at this moment that Li Jing felt the giant sword above his head change.

A huge and obscure aura emanated from the blade of the giant sword, and this aura gave him an unrivaled feeling in his heart.

"How is this going?"

He didn't understand, he had no idea what was going on. The boundless power has already made him unable to breathe!

next second.


The sword holder only felt the resistance in his hand disappear, and the Slaughtering Sword stabbed down effortlessly.

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