The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 806: The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty (3)


The giant sword struck Li Jing's body.

He spat out blood and fell down.

The sword-wielder nourished the Slaying Evil Sword in his hand with his own blood, and the majestic power surged out of the Slaying Evil Sword helped him defeat Li Jing.

When Li Jing fell from mid-air, it seemed that the end of this war had been declared.


The huge sword smashed into Anbei City like a meteor, and the huge movement made the whole city tremble. When the smoke cleared, a deep valley with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared in the central area of ​​the city.

The rocks in the ground were smashed to pieces, and all the loess at the bottom rolled up.

Most of Anbei City has been turned into ruins at this time.


At this moment, a mouthful of painstaking effort spewed from the mouth of the sword holder. He couldn't hold on any longer, and he fell from mid-air in an instant.

"Be careful!"

Guan Hai flew up and hugged the fallen sword bearer.

It was only at this time that he realized that the sword holder was in a state of exhaustion. Ninety-five percent of the life force in his body was sucked away by the Slaying Evil Sword.

This evil sword, which has just absorbed 90% of its master's life force, now emits a strange brilliance under the sunlight!

"Not dead yet, hand it over to the nanny group!"

Cheng Mu checked the status of the sword holder, and found that he was still hanging.

In this way, it will be easy to handle.

As a sword bearer born as a ranger, his vitality is very tenacious.

As long as the nurse's milk volume is large enough, the sword wielder will be a lively hero again in a few minutes!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

But at this moment, sharp screams resounded across the battlefield.

On the two wings of Cheng Mu's army, endless foreign soldiers rushed over.

Under the galloping horses, for a while, everyone in Cheng Mu couldn't realize how many people there were!

This is the cavalry of the Anbei Protectorate Mansion, a prairie native born and raised here.

At the time of Anbei City's suffering, all the tribes in the Anbei Protectorate's Mansion united together.

They came from all directions, and the endless numbers surrounded Cheng Mu's army.

"Oh? Is it finally here?"

Seeing the dense prairie cavalry appearing all around, Cheng Mu showed a long-awaited smile on his face.

Although the entire Anbei Protectorate is under the jurisdiction of the Tang Empire, there are more than a hundred grassland tribes.

With so many tribes and so many people, they will definitely not sit still.

They also seemed to be the only hope for Li Jing and the others.

"Haha! Please rest assured, Your Majesty. My Flying Tiger Army wants these miscellaneous fish and miscellaneous soldiers!"

The moment the enemy army appeared, a smile appeared on Li Cunxiao's face. He has newly formed his own army of flying tigers, and now he needs the enemy to hone his soldiers.

He doesn't need to make a move, but this brand new Flying Tiger Army, he hopes that the strength of the soldiers can all step into the top level!

"No, no, no, General Li, don't be greedy."

But Dongfang Nuo will not give up this credit for nothing, he is fighting for his Moshuang army: "There are so many enemies, how about we take charge of the enemies on the left and right flanks?"

Li Cunxiao's strength is much stronger than him, so he used a negotiating attitude.

Of course the most important thing is.

In the battle in Yuwu City, although his Moshuang army had fought several times, they did not get much credit.

Coupled with a dignified elite army, how could they refuse to fight? As long as one of them continues to fight, his Moshuang army will become stronger and stronger!

"Your Majesty, our Apocalypse Legion can't fail!"

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong also stood up at this time.

Although Guan Hai is not suitable to fight for merit as the minister of the Ministry of War, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other generals can make requests.

Even if the surrounding enemies are densely packed.

But if everyone really splits up the points, then each family will not get much.

"Hehe, you don't need to fight!"

Seeing that the generals under his command were ready to move, Cheng Mu had already made plans in his mind.

"Dongfang Nuo listens to the order, you lead the Moshuang Army to face the enemy on the left."

The enemy on the left flank not only included the prairie cavalry, but also countless rangers from the Tang Dynasty.

It would be perfect for the Moshuang army to fight the rangers of the Tang Empire.

"The last general takes orders!"

Dongfang Nuo took the order beamingly. He looked up at the white-clothed Excalibur Army, and he didn't like the sultry look at all.

Or to put it another way, the Excalibur Army led by Yijian Qingxin no longer exists.

His Moshuang army is now also competing with the new Excalibur army for the position of the first brother ranger.

He has long coveted the honor of being the strongest ranger army in the Apocalypse Empire!

"Your Majesty, what about the General's Flying Tiger Army?"

Li Cunxiao couldn't wait to see Mo Shuang's army go out.

He vowed to kill 80 million enemies that day, so let's start from today, from here.

With such a dense enemy army, he simply estimated that there must be at least five million.

Killing one person is a crime, killing ten people is a hero. What is killing a million people? That is invincible!

The army under his command can also be tempered in one battle!

"Li Cunxiao listens to the order!"

Cheng Mu did not disappoint him, Ling said: "You lead the Flying Tiger Legion to defeat the enemy on the right!"

What Dongfang Nuo said at the beginning is very reasonable. Although there are many enemies, they still need rain and dew.

Let the massacre begin from here!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Cunxiao stood up murderously. When he saw the enemy rushing from the right wing, it was like looking at a million lambs!

He is not familiar with the power of heaven and earth, and he has never been caught in a crisis of luck.

As long as it is an enemy, kill it!

"Your Majesty, the Tianxiong Army requests to fight!"

Seeing that the enemies on the left and right wings were all divided up, Zhang Wanlong, the commander of the Tianxiong Army of the Apocalypse Legion, immediately became excited.

He is not as calm as Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong.

The big knife in his hand has not seen blood for a long time.

In the battle of Yuwu City that day, Zhao Yun's Tianqi army fought happily with the strength of their horses.

Huang Zhong's Tianyu Legion also got a piece of the pie by virtue of their ultra-long range.

And it was his heavy-armored Tianxiong army who couldn't run, who really didn't even drink the soup.

He, Zhang Wanlong, is not happy!

"Apocalypse Legion, attack the city!"

In the end, Cheng Mu still did not disappoint Zhang Wanlong and others. He lightly spit out the word siege, where do the minions around him need the Apocalypse Legion to take action?

Now that millions of Excalibur soldiers are exhausted, the Tianqi Legion is the last hammer to break through Anbei City.

Although Li Jing was seriously injured and left the stage, his life and death were unknown.

But he has heard that when Li Jing's Shenwu Army and Li Ji's Shenlong Army are united, they will emit super fighting power that exceeds their own strength!

Cheng Mu, I'm looking forward to it!

"The last general takes orders!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The sudden surprise made Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and Zhang Wanlong overjoyed. They thought they would not be able to eat the meat of the siege, but they didn't want such a big cake to fall on their heads in the end.

The credit for conquering Anbei City is much greater than defeating the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers.

Although the rangers of the Excalibur Army around were unwilling, what could they do?

The sword bearer used too much force, although he defeated Li Jing. But millions of Excalibur soldiers were injured and retired with him!

This is a lucky moment for the Apocalypse Legion!


Guan Hai, the commander-in-chief, did not go into battle, and Zhao Yun took over the position of deputy commander-in-chief.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the Tianqi Army, Tianxiong Army, and Tianyu Army went out to attack the city.


When the army was still one kilometer away from the city wall, the Tianyu army led by Huang Zhong had already launched the first attack.

Arrows roared all over the sky, and Li Ji had just sent people to climb the city wall before he was cleared again.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

Li Ji took over the command from Li Jing.

Under his roar, the archers on the wall began to fight back.

But soon they discovered the anomaly. Although they have a geographical advantage, their arrows cannot attack the Tianyu army in the distance.

Countless arrows landed hundreds of meters in front of the Tianyu Army, clanging on the Tianxiong Army.

But still, no results yet.

"Such a range...."

Li Ji frowned at the super range of the Tianyu Army.

If this archer cannot be dealt with, there will be no living people standing on the city wall.

But at this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

He tilted his head.



Between lightning and flint, an arrow passed by his ear, and the huge power directly blasted the rear tower into debris.

Pieces of wood flew wildly, and the flames blazed.

If it wasn't for Li Jixin's premonition, it would be his head that exploded at this moment.

"Hmph!" It was also at this moment that he locked his killing intent on Huang Zhong who was opposite him.

He originally thought that the Apocalypse Empire was only powerful by the arrogances, but he didn't expect this 30-40-year-old archer to have such strength.

He, Li Ji, is a half-step altar-level powerhouse. Although he was injured, his strength has been But what kind of **** are you, Huang Zhong? The mere strength of half a step of God's Gate Realm can threaten the life of a half-step God's Stage Realm powerhouse, so if you are allowed to enter the God's Gate, what will happen?

Ever since, after confirming the murderous intent.

Li Ji asked the guards to bring the longbow, when the blue longbow was drawn. Above his head, a huge thundercloud vortex appeared.

Rumble! Rumble!

Between lightning and thunder, an arrow composed entirely of thunder roared out.

The thunder arrow turned into a thunder dragon in mid-air, flying sand and gravel while roaring, the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

This is an arrow shot by Li Ji while suppressing his own injuries, and it contains a full-strength blow from the back of the gods!

"Ants on the border of the country, die!"

While roaring, he had already sentenced Huang Zhong to death!


But at this moment, a black cat flew over.

Hei Ling took a sip.


Its mouth swelled extremely large, and it swallowed the thunder dragon in one gulp.

"Well, it's delicious."

After swallowing the thunder dragon, Hei Ling couldn't help but slapped his mouth. The pure thunder energy makes it endlessly rewarding.

In terms of strength, Hei Ling is indeed only half-step in the altar realm.

But who made it the Eternal Demon King? Even if it suddenly erupts with a strength far beyond the altar realm, it should not be surprising!

According to Hei Ling's statement before, a strong person in the altar realm is also an ant in front of him.

"It''s that magic cat?"

Seeing that Hei Ling swallowed his own attack in one bite, Li Ji's face became embarrassing.

Although he knew that he would die here.

But he didn't want to die so quickly!

If he fails to persevere for a day, then what's the point of him not retreating?

Could it be that it was really only for the fame of that life?

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