The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 812: Rest for 3 days

Not long after, a shocking news reached Cheng Mu.

The lord of the Tang Empire, Li Shimin, the eternal emperor, abdicated the throne to Prince Li Chengqian.

Although not all the power of the country fell into Li Chengqian's hands, Li Shimin's behavior aroused Cheng Mu's vigilance.

"What does it mean?"

Cheng Mu couldn't understand it.

At this critical juncture, he suddenly became Zen, so wouldn't Li Shimin worry about domestic instability?

"His Majesty."

Guo Jia thought about it for a while and said, "I heard that Li Shimin vomits blood all the time, and his spirit is like that of an old man."

"Weichen thought, there must be a reason why Li Shimin wants to protect himself."

The national destiny of a country is closely linked with the emperor. Once the fortune of the country is damaged, the emperor will be the first to suffer the backlash.

So what Guo Jia said makes sense.

If he vomited blood like this, maybe Cheng Mu hadn't reached Chang'an City, then Li Shimin would vomit blood and die!

"It's definitely more than that."

Cheng Mu shook his head after nodding, although he only had contact with Li Shimin once.

But as an emperor through the ages, it is impossible for Li Shimin to sit still and wait for death. Presumably the deaths of Li Jing and Li Ji in battle will cause Li Shimin to change his combat thinking.

Until then, they need to be careful.

Since the Empress set a ban on the Earth and Stars, since all the powerhouses in the Divine Stage Realm have disappeared, and since all the soldiers from various countries have grown up...

At this time, the strength of Cheng Mu's Tianqi Empire could no longer be completely crushed.

In the battle of Anbei City, although Cheng Mu broke the city in one day.

But the death of the soldiers under his command is also huge.

Di Ri was seriously injured, and 70% of the soldiers of the Asian barbarian army under his command died in battle. The withdrawal of the Asian barbarian army was Cheng Mu's biggest loss in this battle.

Of course, the losses in this battle were not limited to that.

On the day when the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army led by Zhang Wanlong faced Li Jing's Shenwu Jingqi, the charge of the Shenwu Jingqi still caused some damage to the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army.

The death of the soldiers of the 10,000 Tianxiong Army was Cheng Mu's second distress.

Although the soldiers of the Xiongjun Army are only half-level top-level these days, their training and coordination over such a long period of time has shown the value of these 10,000 soldiers.

Coupled with the casualties of Moshuang Army and Flying Tiger Army, Cheng Mu's victory in this battle is not so easy!

"Your Majesty, please don't worry."

Guo Jia compared the strengths of the two countries again in his mind, and he said with confidence: "No matter what kind of schemes and tricks Li Shimin possesses, we just need to move forward step by step, step by step!"

At this time, the Tang Empire had no allies.

As long as Li Shimin doesn't send someone who is at the altar level or a "sage" in the world, then the outcome of this battle is doomed.

Only when he knew the strength of the Apocalypse Empire, could Guo Jia have such absolute confidence!

"it is good!"

Cheng Mu nodded, feeling at ease. Afterwards, he ordered: "Order the soldiers to speed up the cleaning of the battlefield, and the army will move out in three days!"

The battle in Anbei City has ended, and all incoming enemies were either annihilated or captured.

So on the huge battlefield, there are countless trophies waiting to be picked up.

And three days is enough for the soldiers under his command to rest!

"My minister... cough cough... my minister takes orders!"

Guan Hai received the order with wound medicine in his hand.

Although he knocked Li Jing into the ground with one blow, he himself was injured in the battle.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Jing, who is a commander-in-chief general, was not strong in combat, then Guan Hai would still be in danger of being desperate.

Now that the top strengths are all in the half-step **** stage, the strength gap between the strongest and the strongest is actually not as big as imagined.

"Well, take a good rest these days!"

Seeing Guan Hai whose left arm was injured, Cheng Mu exhorted him.

Although Guan Hai was injured, the harvest was huge. That rich combat experience is enough for him to set foot on the real altar realm in the next few years!

Afterwards, Cheng Mu carefully listened to the detailed reports of the battle from the officers and men.

The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty.

The Apocalypse Empire invested more than 4.5 million soldiers in the Apocalypse Army, Flying Tiger Army, Moshuang Army, Excalibur Army, and Yaman Army.

Among them, nearly 20,000 soldiers died in the Tianqi Army, and more than 10,000 soldiers died in the Tianxiong Army.

Although the soldiers of the Tianqi Army and the Tianyu Army also suffered casualties, these casualties were not worth mentioning on the huge battlefield.

Flying Tiger Army.

As a new army formed by Li Cunxiao with veterans under his command, the performance of the Flying Tiger Army did not disappoint everyone.

One million soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army wiped out more than three million enemy troops just after losing 50,000 people.

The corpses were piled up into the city wall, and the foreign cavalry in the Anbei Protectorate Mansion threw away their helmets and armor, and knelt down wailing.

The Flying Tiger Legion also grew up completely in this battle.

As the highest-style Excalibur Army in the Apocalypse Empire, although not many of them died in battle.

But it was the first time Cheng Mu saw a million people being injured together.

If it weren't for the soldiers' complete preparation of healing pills, Cheng Mu really couldn't arrange the treatment of millions of people.

But in general, the Excalibur Army has achieved the greatest results with the least damage.

Li Jing was severely injured with one blow, and almost broke the city... How can Cheng Mu forget such a feat?

Moshuang Army.

The Moshuang Army and the Flying Tiger Army led by Dongfang Nuo achieved similar results.

Under the leadership of Dongfang Nuo, the million Moshuang army showed great power and killed countless enemies.

It's just that their enemy is the Ranger of the Tang Empire.

The battle between rangers and rangers is much more complicated and difficult than normal soldier battles.

Almost everyone has life-saving skills, and some people can get up from the ground to fight again after death.

Therefore, the battle damage of Moshuang's army also amounted to tens of thousands.

If it hadn't been for Chen Yang leading Tie Futu to help them out, the Moshuang Army's battle damage might be even higher than that of the Apocalypse Army.

Futu Tiewei.

As Cheng Mu's only personal guard, the Thirty Thousand Futu Iron Guards are the strongest among the many legions.

The bug-like Buddha skill made the Buddha Iron Guard a nightmare for all enemies on the battlefield every time.

Naturally, although they suffered some losses in this battle, these were insignificant.

Moreover, they created 300,000 to 400,000 kills with a number of 30,000. That is to say, in this battle, the Buddha Iron Guards, everyone is an expert with one against ten.

Coupled with the fact that the army soul Futu Pagoda forcibly overwhelmed the super powerful Xuanwu Army Soul, so the contribution of the Futu Iron Guard is also great.

After this battle, the strength of many Buddha Iron Guards has been upgraded.

In a few more battles, the strength of the 30,000 Buddha Iron Guards may reach a peerless level.

Everyone is peerless, everyone is one enemy against a If you meet an army like Li Jing's Shenwu Army again, then 30,000 people will be able to kill millions of them!

Top-notch, peerless, township, ghosts and gods...

The Futu Iron Guard under Cheng Mu's command has been advancing towards this great goal!


Listening to the reports of all the soldiers under his command, Cheng Mu was very satisfied with the result of this battle.

Defeating nearly tens of millions of enemy troops at the cost of tens of thousands of people may not be believed by some people.

But, that's the truth.

After all, in the Anbei Protectorate, among the nearly 10 million enemy troops, only Li Jing's Shenwu Army and Li Ji's Longwu Army can be put on the table.

Apart from the nearly one million first- and second-rate rangers of the Tang Empire, the rest of the enemies are a group of local chickens and dogs!

When a top-notch soldier is slaughtering chickens and dogs, is it possible that he will be pecked to death by the chicken?

Afterwards, after listening to all the reports, Cheng Mu raised the Han Chi Spear in his hand and looked at it carefully.

At this time, two-thirds of the golden dragon engraving on the body of the Han Chi gun has been completed.

The abundant power of the country's fortune has made the Hanchi spear reach the fairy-level rank.

What is a Faerie Weapon?

The so-called fairy-level weapons are psychic weapons, which give birth to self-awareness.

Only then did Cheng Mu's Hanchi Spear automatically protect it, which is the best performance of a fairy-level weapon.

And psychic is only one of the important characteristics of fairy-level weapons.

Fairies, fairies, as long as they hold a fairy-level weapon, a mortal will become comparable to a fairy.

Of course, this is somewhat exaggerated.

People cannot become immortals, but they are enough to enter ghosts and gods.

A real fairy-level weapon is enough to turn a mortal into a strong man in the divine realm.

At this time, Cheng Mu had the Han Chi spear in his hand.

Although he has not entered the half-step **** stage, he is already a strong man in the back realm of the **** gate!

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