The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 813: Oasis monster fish

After resting for three days, Cheng Mu led his army out again.

This time, his goal is Fengzhou of Datang.

Although there is a distance of three thousand miles to Toyosu. But as long as you successfully arrive in Fengzhou, you can truly step into the territory of Datang.

Anbei Protectorate? It's just a gathering place for ethnic minorities under the rule of the Tang Empire!

At the same time, when Cheng Mu led the army to set out, the West Road army led by Xie Xuan encountered an extremely difficult predicament at this time.

The desert, the endless desert.

Since stepping into Anxi Dufu Mansion, the endless grassland has disappeared.

Instead, there is a long yellow sand.

At this time, there is only the figure of Huangsha in the whole world.

"This place is really drier than the sand field!"

Xie Xuan, riding a fine horse, looked at the endless yellow sand and sighed.

In the northern sand field of the Apocalypse Empire, there are shadows of iron trees in the yellow sand all over the sky.

As long as you dig along the root system of the iron tree, you can dig out a little water.

But here, in the Anxi Protectorate of Datang. The army has been marching for five days, but there is still no water source or oasis.

Xie Xuan's Beifu ghost soldiers don't need to drink water, so they are not affected.

The Sand King Army led by Lei Dun is naturally drought-tolerant, and they can still hold on.

But the soldiers of Chen Liansheng's Qingzhou Army and Nieba's Badao Army are not good enough.

Millions of soldiers of the Qingzhou Army were recruited from the aborigines. They were second-rate and peak-strength, but they couldn't escape three meals a day and whole grains.

Food and water are essential!

The same is true for Nirvana's Overlord Sword Army. Although the rangers are powerful, they can't escape eating and drinking.

Although Xie Xuan had prepared before this, the four armies all carried a large amount of fresh water.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the power of this desert.

If the water source problem cannot be solved, then the Qingzhou Army and the Badao Army will all be lost in this desert.

"General Xie, I, son of the Sand Clan, is a born King of Yellow Sand."

"In the days to come, I, the son of the Sha tribe, will go to look for water sources!"

While Xie Xuan was feeling emotional, Lei Dun, the king of the Sand Clan, made a proposal.

Although the Beifu soldiers are immortal, they can resolve all problems encountered in the desert.

But in terms of professionalism, the soldiers of the Sand tribe had to be more professional.

"Well, it's hard work for the Tsar."

Xie Xuan thought about it, and finally agreed.

It wasn't that he didn't think about sending the soldiers of the Sand tribe at the beginning, but because the newly formed soldiers of the Sand tribe were not strong enough.

After the entire army of the Ming Empire was annihilated in the First World War, the strength of the newly recruited soldiers of the Sand tribe was only second-rate.

With the strength of the second-rate realm, such an army can be regarded as the weakest among the many armies in the Apocalypse Empire.

To put it simply, Xie Xuan wanted to preserve the strength of the Leidun Sand Clan.

If the Sand King's army is still completely wiped out in this battle, even the Sand Clan, which is as strong as the empire, will be hit like a catastrophe.

When all the young men of a tribe die in battle, that is the day when the tribe will perish!

"be careful."

Thinking of this, Xie Xuan couldn't help but add another sentence.

If my Beifu soldiers can be brought back safe and sound, then the other soldiers should also be brought back safe and sound!

"Haha, General Xie, don't worry!"

Finally found the opportunity to take the lead in making meritorious deeds, how could Lei Dun admit it?

He laughed out loud, and personally led dozens of Sand Clan elites to explore far away.

Sand soldiers are the kings in the yellow sand? Then his Thunder Shield is the king of kings!


Lei Dun moved forward all the way, fully enlightened.

Under his inspection of the sky full of yellow sand, everything hidden in the ground can be seen at a glance.

Loess...loess...still loess.

Lei Dun traveled hundreds of kilometers, but he still didn't find anything other than loess and rocks in his consciousness.

Slowly, he became irritable.

Under the scorching sun, he felt that his temperature was soaring rapidly.

But at this moment, a cool breeze came slowly.

As Lei Dun fixed his eyes, a black streak suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

In an instant, he was overjoyed.

"Green space! It's green space!"

He cheered happily. In the full yellow sand, in the distant sky, the color of the oasis is black!

Immediately, he led dozens of personal guards and galloped towards the oasis.

Half a quarter of an hour later, under the full force of the attack, the appearance of the oasis became more and more verdant.

Looking at the emerald green trees, Lei Dun could no longer suppress the smile on his face.


On the day when he was only a few hundred meters away from the oasis, a terrifying aura emanated from the oasis.

A voice with cold killing intent came: "Whoever dares to approach, die!"

The sound was like a big drum in Zhonglu, it made Lei Dun's ears swell and his eyes felt dizzy.

"you are....."

He fell from mid-air, stopped and stared at the depths of the oasis in fear.

Where is this Xeon? Just one sentence made his heart tremble.

"I am? Hehe."

Hearing Lei Dun's words, the man in the oasis sneered and said, "You don't need to know my You lowly soldiers of this foreign race don't want to dirty the king's territory!"

From then on, none of the men in the oasis took a look at Lei Dun. A group of aliens, he felt that if he saw it, he would be insulting his eyes!


Hearing that the man in the oasis called himself a lowly soldier of a foreign race, Lei Dun immediately became angry.

He is the king of the Sand Clan, an existence below one man and above ten thousand people.

Even Cheng Mu, the emperor of the Apocalypse Empire, did not despise him so much. What are the rats hiding in your oasis?

In anger, he ignored the man's warning and led his soldiers into the oasis.

This is an oasis full of vitality, with green plants such as poplars, sand dates, and reeds interlaced.

In the center of the oasis, there is a huge lake.

And the man who gave the warning lived on a small island in the lake.

"Thief, die!"

After rushing into the oasis, Lei Dun rushed over when he saw the man leisurely fishing on the small island in the lake.

Although he had been resurrected once, the experience of his previous life allowed him to restore his strength to the border.

With just one stroke, he crossed hundreds of meters of the lake, full of murderous aura.

At the same time, several peerless personal guards behind Lei Dun also flew over.

Insulting them as alien lowly soldiers? They are not happy either.


But at this moment, the man let out a cold snort.

In an instant, several strange fish rushed out of the lake.

Lei Dun's reaction speed was very fast, and he avoided the attack of the monster fish by turning sideways.

But the guards behind him were not so lucky.

These peerless masters were swallowed up by the jumping monster fish in a single breath.

After the strange fish fell on the lake, where are the shadows of the sand clan's guards on the lake?

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