The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 815: Xie Xuan, half-step forgetting the river

"who are you?"

The man's name is Hou Junji, and he was originally one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

After being killed for treason in the previous life, this time he did not submit to Li Shimin's command.

He wanted to hide here for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to be discovered by Lei Dun and Xie Xuan in the end.

It is precisely because he has been hiding for too long that he no longer knows what is happening outside.

He doesn't know the Apocalypse Empire.

"Hehe, who are we?"

Seeing the astonished Hou Junji, Xie Xuan showed a cold killing intent on his face.

He replied: "You just need to know that I am the one who killed you!"

Lei Dun's revenge, he will avenge it.


Faced with Xie Xuan's icy killing intent, Hou Junji immediately turned cold. He looked at the endless army in front of him, and there was no trace of fear in his heart.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough."

Even the incomparably powerful Great Tang Empire can't kill him now, what kind of thing is your Apocalypse Kingdom?

The countries he has never heard of are all rubbish!

"Go to hell!"

While roaring, Hou Junji chose to strike first. He shot one by one, and rushed towards Xie Xuan.

The huge attack power once again aroused yellow sand all over the sky.


The long sword collided with the long spear, sparks scattered, and the hot temperature burned the sand and dust on the ground into crystals.

After staying in the desert for so long, Hou Junji's attack also carried a trace of scorching power.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

In the blink of an eye, the long sword and spear collided hundreds of times.

The huge wind formed by the fight between the two strongest men began to wreak havoc on the earth.

Facing the immediate crisis, Chen Liansheng, commander of the Qingzhou Army, seized the opportunity. He roared: "Rush in! Rush in!"

Now they can't intervene in the battle between Xie Xuan and Hou Junji. The best way is for the soldiers to enter the oasis to rest first.

If Xie Xuan loses, the souls of the three armies can come to the rescue.

When Hou Junji rushed out alone, it also represented the possibility of him fighting alone.

"You dare?!"

Seeing that Chen Liansheng wanted to lead his army into the oasis, Hou Junji in mid-air suddenly became impatient.

He had sworn that anyone who stepped into the oasis would die.

One outsider can disturb the oasis, let alone the more than three million soldiers.

When more than three million soldiers rushed into the oasis, no matter how big the oasis was, it would be flattened!


After a roar, Hou Junji flew down directly.

He gave up on Xie Xuan behind him, and his whole body fell to the ground like a cannonball.

The huge power once again stopped Chen Liansheng from advancing with his army.

"Flame Dragon!"

Then, there was another roar from him.


The spear in his hand turned into a flaming dragon, and the extremely high temperature made the surrounding air crackle.


But at this moment, Xie Xuan struck with a sword.

The long sword passed by Hou Junji's left waist, leaving a deep bloodstain on his waist.

Without weapons, Hou Junji's combat power was reduced by 30%.

"It looks like your secret is hidden in this oasis!"

After a successful blow, Xie Xuan's cold eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Since I like it so much, I will destroy it!"

He is not a villain, but he is also a person who has revenge.

If Hou Junji dared to kill Lei Dun, he would bear the wrath of the Tianqi Empire!


Faced with Xie Xuan's threat, Hou Junji ran away immediately. Although he doesn't have special weapons, he still has a pair of healthy hands.

"Go to hell!"

In a fit of rage, he clenched his hands into fists and fought hand-to-hand.

The raging fire condensed on his fists, and this scorching flame could actually withstand Xie Xuan's sharp sword.

At the same time, the Yanlong transformed from the spear also roared.

At this time, the hundreds of feet of Yanlong seemed to be the guardian of the oasis, blocking all the paths of Chen Liansheng's progress.


Holding a long saber, Chen Liansheng charged straight at Yanlong.

And behind him, Nieba was also ready to move.

Isn't Yan Long, who is half a step of the strength of the Divine Sect Realm, just the experience value of being able to move in their eyes?


Chen Liansheng slashed down with a knife, and the huge power directly split a hole in Yanlong's back.


Under the pain, Yanlong spit out flames.

Its target was not Chen Liansheng, but the millions of soldiers below.

It has always followed Hou Junji's orders. As long as these ants are burned to death, it is impossible for a few people to disturb the oasis.



At the critical moment, Nieba slashed with a knife.

The huge power and influence smashed the dragon's breath and flames in an instant.

The saber light scattered on Yanlong's head, instantly leaving a deep scar on the dragon's head.


Being hurt again, the severe pain drove Yan Long to twist his body.

It wanted to resist, but it couldn't resist the joint attack of Chen Liansheng and Nieba.

Below, millions of soldiers have marched beyond the oasis.


At this time, Hou Junji roared again.

At this time, he was covered in paint, and his whole body seemed to be covered in blood.

Although the scattered blood was dried, the bloodstains on his body could not be completely dried.

In terms of strength, his strength in the back realm of Shenmen is comparable to that of Xie Xuan.

But his heart is on the oasis, and he doesn't even have a weapon at this time. Naturally, facing Xie Xuan's attack at this moment, he could only struggle to resist it.


After forcibly taking Xie Xuan's blow, Hou Junji punched him down.

In an instant, both Chen Liansheng and Nieba flew upside down.

The huge power also shocked and killed thousands of soldiers walking in front. In order to protect this oasis, he is desperate!

"Since you want to go in, I will kill all these soldiers!"

While roaring, he recalled the Yanlong spear again.

With the spear up, his strength is back. Although he was injured, Hou Junji was still a strong man in the background of Shenmen!

Rumble! Rumble!

After a roar, he rushed towards the army with a spear in his hand.

He can't kill these three million people, but he can definitely kill these armies!

When he can't take care of all the enemies, he can only go all out! Only by threatening the lives of these soldiers can Xie Xuan stop his pace.


But at this moment, a huge army soul appeared on the battlefield.

Faced with Hou Junji's rogue style of play, each army has its own countermeasures.

The enemy in the back of Shenmen can be dealt with with a blood-colored tyrant knife.


The Scarlet Overlord Saber appeared, and suddenly there was a storm, thunder and lightning.

While the thunder was raging, the Bloody Overlord Saber slashed straight at Hou Junji.

Immediately, Hou Junji could only feel the power of the whole world pressing on him.

Facing the knife that split the sky and split the earth, he wanted to struggle, but at this moment his actions had become extremely difficult.


Xie Xuan flew over with another sword, and this time the fierce sword energy pierced Hou Junji's heart.

"Just one person dared to kill my general of the Apocalypse Empire. It seems that Li Shimin still doesn't have a long memory!"

In Xie Xuan's eyes, Hou Junji is Li Shimin's running dog!


Feeling the fatal blow, Hou Junji exerted all his strength.


In the blink of an eye, he turned sideways with difficulty.

The long sword swept across his side, taking away one of his arms.

Immediately, blood gushed out, and the blood flowed profusely.

Under the coercion of Ba Dao, Hou Junji is now a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, after losing his arm, he didn't resist anymore, he just looked at Xie Xuan in disbelief and asked, "Aren't you sent by Li Shimin to kill me?"

He has always regarded Xie Xuan as an army under Li Shimin's command.

This Apocalypse Kingdom may be a subsidiary state of the Tang Empire.

Naturally, facing Lei Dun yesterday and Xie Xuan today, he was not polite.

"Huh? Li Shimin? What qualifications does he have?"

Hearing Hou Junji's incredible words, Xie Xuan sneered and said, "My army is here to kill Li Shimin."

He knew that Hou Junji might have made a mistake, and he had identified the wrong enemy.

But so what?

Lei Dun was dead, so even if Hou Junji had a sworn feud with Li Shimin, he would have to die here.

All the while, the two sides have never been friends.


Xie Xuan's words made Hou Junji fall into the abyss completely. He didn't want to help Li Shimin kill the enemy, but he didn't want to end up doing something he hated.

" did you come here?"

He roared out of emotional breakdown.

He and Li Shimin are sworn enemies! How can he help Li Shimin defend against the enemy? Even if you touch a single hair of these soldiers, that's not allowed!

"Let's go."

Seeing the crazy Hou Junji, Xie Xuan didn't want to waste any more time.

To him, Hou Junji is the enemy. If it is an enemy, then kill it!

call out!

The long sword in his hand emitted a dazzling golden light.

At the last second before Hou Junji died, he left his last words; "If you can please...please bury me with her.... "

The reason why others are not allowed to step into the oasis is because he does not want his beloved to be disturbed.

At this time, on the small island in the oasis, the love of his life was buried.

"Do not!"

However, Xie Xuan still rejected him mercilessly.

Since turning into a ghost fairy, Xie Xuan's heart has become more and more cold.

"I will level this oasis and bury it all under the yellow sand!"

Lei Dun's death, even if Hou Junji's body was broken into thousands of pieces, would not be enough to atone for his sin.

To put it simply, Hou Junji strangled a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods from the Tianqi Empire.

Such guilt is beyond redemption!


Without Xie Xuan's consent, Hou Junji died with regret.

The sharp sword pierced his heart, and his eyes were wide open until he died.


Hou Junji's body fell into the yellow sand and was torn to pieces like rags by the soldiers of the Sand tribe.

At the same time, a huge energy poured into Xie Xuan's body.

Under the accumulation of accumulation, under the reward of the huge experience value after killing Hou Junji.

His strength began to soar.


The originally scorching sky was shrouded in black clouds again, and countless purple sky thunders began to roar.

Xie Xuan could only feel a huge energy in his body rushing him to the peak of the Ghost Gate Realm, and was about to break through the threshold of the Forgotten River Realm.

But at this moment, click.

The robbery clouds all over the sky shattered for some reason, and the boundless terrifying aura in the thunderclouds also dissipated.

Even in the desert, this world does not allow the presence of strong people in the altar realm.

Shinto, altar.

Ghost way, Wangchuan.

The way of ghosts and gods will be a little different at the beginning, but in the end, the three thousand ways will be unified.

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