The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 816: Battle of Qin and Han

After Hou Junji died in battle, an army of three million people flattened the entire oasis.

In the oasis, in the center of the lake, a lonely tomb stands.

At this time, Xie Xuan was neither a good person nor a bad person.

When he took away the entire lake water with a wave of his hand, the bodies of Gufen and Hou Junji were all buried under the yellow sand!


The news of Lei Dun's death in battle was received by Cheng Mu during the march.

"Hou Junji?"

Hearing this name, Cheng Mu had a feeling of strangeness and familiarity for a moment.

He vaguely remembered that he had heard this name before, but the name was not deep enough.

After trying to recall for a long time, he finally remembered who Hou Junji was.

Hou Junji, a famous general in the Tang Dynasty, planned and participated in the Xuanwumen Mutiny. Defeated the East/Turks, defeated Tuyuhun, led the army to destroy Gaochang, made outstanding achievements, and was named Chen Guogong. One of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion.

To put it simply, Hou Junji is also one of the humeral pillars of the Tang Empire.

It's a pity that in his later years, he was convicted and executed for being involved in Prince Li Chengqian's rebellion.

His reputation is naturally inferior to that of Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this person is not Datang's ambush."

Guo Jia thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of Li Shimin's motive for sending people to ambush in the desert.

So Lei Dun was killed by Hou Junji, it was most likely a coincidence.

If Li Shimin is so wise and powerful, it is impossible to send Hou Junji alone to garrison the desert!

"Well, I know what's going on."

When he thought that Hou Junji was a rebel in history, Cheng Mu immediately figured out the whole incident.

After Hou Junji arrived, in order to avoid being executed by Li Shimin again, he hid in the desert.

Unexpectedly, Lei Dun stumbled into his territory by mistake.

The fight just happened without any explanation from either side.

"Your Majesty, where is the Sand Clan?"

Lei Dun died in battle again, and Guo Jia was already worried about Lei Dun's status.

And now Cheng Mu doesn't have time to go back to revive Lei Dun, so the half a million soldiers of the Sand King Army under Xie Xuan's command will be leaderless!

If one is not handled well, there is a high possibility of turmoil in the North Sandbar.

The current sandbar is not the northern sandy area at the beginning. After Mingzhou Province was incorporated into the territory of the Apocalypse Empire, the area of ​​the sandbar at this time is equivalent to half of the province of China.

With such a huge territory and population, once there is turmoil, it will cause certain troubles to the Apocalypse Empire.

"Steady first!"

Cheng Mu had made up his mind a long time ago, and he said, "The king of the Sand Clan can only be Lei Dun."

"Even if the revived Lei Dun has ordinary qualifications, I will guarantee him to be the king for the rest of his life!"

In all the battles, Lei Dun and the Sha Wang army under his command were loyal and brave.

How could he, Cheng Mu, chill the hearts of the heroes?

"Wei Chen understands!"

Guo Jia understood what Cheng Mu meant.

In an instant, boundless joy rose in his heart. Following such a master, he, Guo Jia, will die without regret!


Dahan, Jiaozhi County.

Shi Dakai led the army to join Xiang Yu here.

Under Fan Zeng's leadership, Xiang Yu agreed to join forces with the Apocalypse Empire to attack the Han Empire.

Ever since, when the millions of troops shocked the great Han Jiaozhi County, Liu Che who was far away in Chang'an became more and more impatient!

He is not afraid of Xiang Yu and Shi Dakai.

Instead, as a neighboring country of the Han Dynasty, as the Great Qin Empire that shocked China. When Ying Zheng saw that the countries were fighting fiercely, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He disdains to attack the Apocalypse Empire together with Han, Tang and Sui. He didn't even bother to take action against Da Jin, what he wanted was Da Han's land.

This time, there is no need for a long-range and close-attack strategy.

After Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire attracted everyone's attention, the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire showed their fangs without Liu Che's defense.

Under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​the Great Wall Corps conquered the Han's Longxi County with lightning speed.

At this time, Daqin's military front was only five or six hundred kilometers away from Chang'an City, the capital of Dahan.

In this way, Liu Che only felt a sharp sword hanging above his head.

Make him sleepless at night and have trouble sleeping and eating.

In fact, there is no way to do this. Qin Shihuang is so powerful that he can't look down on those weak enemies.

Although Lu Bu Wang Mang has some strength, how could such a small country catch his eyes?

Only the mighty Han Empire can arouse his desire to fight.

"Order Han Xin and Huo Qubing to lead the army to defend the country!"

"Conscript all rangers in the country, and attack the Great Qin Empire with all your strength!"

Liu Che is not a persimmon.

Although Jia Yi and Dong Zhongshu, the two powerhouses in the altar realm, flew away, Han Xin, Zhang Lianghuo, Qubing, Li Guang and others were still able to defend the great man comprehensively.

In addition to the 200 million rangers of the Han Empire, how could Liu Che have no confidence?

What's more, when the empire first came, the Han Empire was the most powerful among many empires.

"Death to tyrants!"

These were the only words that Liu Che passed on to Ying Zheng, and it officially represented his break with Ying Zheng.

The friendliness at the beginning was all fake!


"Overlord, the timing is rare!"

After learning that the army of the Qin Empire had entered the country, Shi Dakai immediately found a fighter.

"Let's conquer Yulin County and Cangwu County, and then Lingling and Changsha will be in our pocket."

They can only be regarded as minor illnesses at best, how could they catch Liu Che's eyes?

Presumably all Liu Che's attention is now on Longxi County.

Even if this undeveloped southern region is lost, it will not damage the foundation of the Han Empire.

"haha okay!"

Xiang Yu agreed with Shi Dakai.

It's just that when deciding how to fight, he has his own opinions.

"This general leads an army northward to Yizhou and captures the land of Bashu."

"Then Lingling and Changsha County will be handed over to you, General Shi!"

Even at this time, Xiang Yu still has a trace of obsession in his heart.

That is, after he was kicked out of the Qin Empire, he must fight back to regain his dignity.

Whether it is Yizhou or Bashu, as long as he is still here, then he will have the opportunity to attack the Qin Empire again.

He must defend the name of Overlord!


Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Shi Dakai glanced at Fan Zeng hesitantly.

The meaning in his eyes is very clear: what does your master mean? Are you going to change your mind about the cooperation?

Can't the armies of both sides join together and advance together?

Could it be that you, Xiang Yu, are going to meet Ying Zheng's fate again? When your Majesty is afraid of the strength of the Great Qin Empire, why can't you think about it so hard, Xiang Yu?

"Cough cough."

Fan Zeng coughed twice, he naturally understood Xiang Yu's thoughts.

But this time, he actually stood by Xiang Yu's side: "Yu'er already understands what he means, please General Shi to make a decision early."

When he said this, he actually had a trace of selfishness.

If, what he thought was if. If Yingzheng and Liu Che lose both sides in the fight, then Xiang Yu can take the opportunity to attack the Qin Empire.

As long as there is such a possibility, he will not give up. At least in his mind, the Great Han Empire was not much weaker than the Great Qin Empire. When two tigers fight, one will be injured.

What he wants to do is a hunter who kills both tigers!

What's more, he and Cheng Mu signed an agreement to attack the Han Empire together. Sending troops to Yizhou to conquer Bashu is fulfilling the agreement!

"it is good!"

Shi Dakai understood instantly.

But he didn't say anything more. Indeed, Xiang Yu is fulfilling his agreement.

"In that case, this general wishes the Overlord every success!"

It's just a first-class bandit.

After his own strength has grown, in Shi Dakai's mind, what is the difference between Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and a bandit?

If it weren't for the kindness of His Majesty, Xiang Yu would have died in Ying Zheng's hands at this time!

At this time, you still want to seek revenge from Ying Zheng? Just looking for a dead end!


The army set off.

Xiang Yu led the elite of Western Chu under his command to go to Yizhou County.

And Shi Dakai, Ye Xuan, Chen Mingxu and others led the army straight to the Yulin County of the Han Dynasty.


At this time, in Longxi County of the Han Dynasty.

Meng Tian looked at the endless soldiers of the Han Empire, a trace of mockery suddenly appeared on his face.

"That's it?"

It's not that he is arrogant, but because the enemy that appeared in front of him is too weak.

As the strongest army in the Great Qin Empire, what does it mean for Liu Che to send some chickens and dogs here?

"Could it be that after Wei Qing's death in battle, you big man can't do it anymore?"

Although Huo Qubing is strong, but in Meng Tian's eyes, Huo Qubing is just a yellow-haired boy who doesn't even have full hair.

That is, Han Xin, who can let him take another look.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the extremely arrogant Meng Tian in the army formation in the distance, Han Xin also had a slight sneer on his face.

Indeed, his army is now as weak as a mouse.

But, don't you Meng Tian look at who is the commander of the tens of millions of troops?

It was the first time for him, Han Xin, to command such a large army since he came down for so long.

Five million elite rangers, five million elite men.

Thousands of troops, this is Han Xin's gift for Meng Tian!

"Push them down!"

Han Xin was not polite to the army.

Under his command, UU Reading's tens of millions of troops are full of murderous intent. The overwhelming number and power made Meng Tian, ​​who was already extremely arrogant, feel a little palpitation again.

"what happened?"

He doesn't quite understand. Obviously, these people just now were a group of ants that he could crush to death by raising his hand, but now why does he feel the aura that shakes the world from these ants?

"Hehe, brother, don't worry."

"Kill them all!"

Meng Yi stood behind Meng Tian with a look of disdain.

Only ten million people. Even if these ants have the power to shake the world, they are still a group of ants after all.

What's more, at this time, there is not only the Great Wall Army behind them.

In order to have fun, Wang Jian, the famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty, came here with Qin Zhirui at the behest of Yingzheng.

As one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period, Wang Jian's strength is much higher than that of Meng Tian.

If it weren't for Qin Zhirui not fighting against the Great Wall Legion, the title of the strongest legion of the Great Qin Empire might not have fallen to the Great Wall Legion!

"Hehe, of course it is."

Meng Tian nodded.

In fact, according to Ying Zheng's intention, either they would not fight, or they would kill the Han Empire with one blow.

Behind him are not only the sharp soldiers of Qin led by Wang Jian, but also the martial arts of Qi collected by Qin Shihuang after he unified the six kingdoms, and the soldiers of the Great Wei.

Although the martial arts of Qi and the soldiers of Wei are not as good as those of Qin Zhirui, these two armies are also trump cards in the special arms.

When pulling them all to the battlefield of the Han Empire, they actually gave Liu Che face.

Although Liu Che and Ying Zheng were still hunting in the mountains more than half a year ago. But between countries, how can there be permanent friendship?

Ying Zheng looked up to Liu Che and chose the Great Han Empire as the first battle of the Great Qin Empire.

This can be regarded as giving Liu Che the greatest respect.

Two fierce tigers, after all, only one can survive!

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