The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 817: Defying Han Xin


Han Xin commanded tens of thousands of troops to attack.

His idea of ​​commanding the battle is actually very simple, that is to open up the soul of the army and bulldoze everything.

Ten armies, ten blood-colored army souls.

The moment the ten blood-colored army souls appeared, the power of the entire heaven and earth froze.

And the strength of these tens of millions of soldiers soared several times at this moment.

Ace to prince.

Under the ten-fold blessing of the ten blood-colored army souls, these weak soldiers of the Han Empire were immediately promoted from ace-level arms to princely-level arms.

You know, these people were cannon fodder before!

Under normal circumstances, these cannon fodder will not be sent to the battlefield until the time of the country's demise.

But at this time in Han Xin's hands, his favorite thing to use is cannon fodder.

When the cannon fodder becomes an elite, that is enough to prove his strength.

At the same time, he also knows the truth of Tian Ji's horse racing. Your Meng Tian's Great Wall Army is the strongest army in the Great Qin Empire? Then I will use the weakest soldier to deal with it.

Even if these tens of millions of people were all killed in battle, he would not feel sorry for the slightest bit.

Ever since, all the problems were thrown to Meng Tian's side.

"This is... outrageous!"

After thinking for a long time, Meng Tian could only describe Han Xin with the word outrageous.

He has also heard it before: Han Xin orders troops, the more the better.

But he didn't expect that this much is actually like this.

Generally speaking, the combination of the military souls of the two armies is already a super powerful military soul.

But in the hands of Han Xin, the ten armies enjoy ten times the bonus of the ten heavy army souls.

The final effect is amazing!

"Give the order to General Wang Jian, to defend against the enemy together! To defend against the enemy together!"

If it is ten million ants who are not popular, then Meng Tian has the confidence to push back with a million soldiers.

But there are tens of thousands of prince-level soldiers, and even more of them have reached the peak of prince-level soldiers.

Even the soldiers of the Great Wall Legion, who are super god-level arms, have no absolute advantage at this time.

On the chaotic battlefield, the gap between the strength of the prince-level second-tier realm and the super-god-tier first-tier realm is actually not as big as imagined.

If the number of enemies is not large, then he is confident that the soldiers under his command can fight one against five, or even more.

But what he has to face at this time is an army of tens of millions!


The personal guard took the order and hurried down to deliver the order.

At the same time, the vanguard of Han Xin's tens of millions of troops has rushed under the city.

Among the tens of millions, this Longxi county city is like a lonely boat in the vast ocean. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed.

"Kill! Kill!"

Meng Tian did not choose to defend the city and fight.

He inspired the military soul of the Great Wall Legion, which is a stalwart blood-colored Great Wall.

Under the protection of the Scarlet Great Wall, the soldiers of the Great Wall Legion were exempted from the coercion of all powerful men.

Even in the face of the joint attack of the ten army souls under Han Xin's command, the Scarlet Great Wall is as solid as gold.

"Pierce through!"

Meng Yi led the Great Wall cavalry and rushed into the enemy's formation.



Under the impact of the heavy cavalry, countless soldiers of the Han Empire were torn to pieces. Their flesh and blood mixed in the soil, dyeing the whole land red.

At the same time, the bow and arrow phalanx of the Great Wall Corps also began to show their power.

Under the rain of arrows all over the sky, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Han Empire died in battle.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a long river of blood was already flowing on the huge battlefield.

However, the death of hundreds of thousands of people did not move Han Xin in the slightest.

On the contrary, a smile appeared on his face when he saw the Great Wall cavalry showing off their might.

The next second, under his expectation.

The Great Wall cavalry that was on the rampage actually slowed down under the barrier of the flesh and blood shield wall.

When the indomitable power of the impact dissipated, the 200,000 Great Wall cavalry instantly became flat boats in the sea of ​​people.

"Kill out! Kill out!"

Meng Yi roared, and he realized that he actually underestimated the resilience of this soldier.

Facing his unstoppable iron cavalry, none of these soldiers of the Han Empire retreated even though they knew they would die.

Even, they rushed towards the cavalry without fear of death.

"How can there be such a brave soldier in the world?"

He had never seen it before, couldn't understand it, and even felt a trace of fear in his heart.

Are these people really so fearless for rushing forward knowing that they must die?


Although Han Xin didn't answer directly, he told him the facts.

Ten army souls, this is not simply a tenfold increase in strength, but also a tenfold increase in morale.

Under the blessing of the ten army souls, these soldiers of the Han Empire didn't even know what fear was.

At this time, they only have one belief in their hearts, that is to kill all the enemies here. Even if it is to pay all of my own life, I will not hesitate!

Slowly, the 200,000 Great Wall cavalry began to suffer casualties.

Although each of them has first-class strength, everyone is a super god-level soldier.

But the principle that ants kill elephants more often is also applicable on the battlefield.

A quarter of an hour later, tens of thousands of Great Wall cavalry had died in battle.

Meng Yi's heart couldn't help beating thumping. The invincible army under his command is about to be wiped out here?

"Support the cavalry! Support the cavalry!"

Seeing that Meng Yi was in deep trouble, Meng Tian hurriedly ordered the archers to support him.

There are 300,000 elite archers on the Great Wall, and everyone is a sharpshooter who kills two birds with one stone.



The endless arrows fell, instantly clearing out an area with a radius of several kilometers.

Under the intensive care of the arrows, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty who besieged the Jingqi on the Great Wall suffered severe casualties.

But at this moment, the soldiers of the Great Han Dynasty who rushed from all directions surrounded the Great Wall Corps.

Arrow skills were flying all over the sky, and even the Great Wall archers in the formation became uncomfortable at this time.

Although the Great Wall heavy infantry kept the enemy out, the arrows and skills had a casting distance.

Coupled with the advantage in numbers and the ranger's skill advantage, the originally indestructible Great Wall heavy infantry also began to suffer casualties.

On the battlefield at this time, although the Great Wall Legion has maintained a battle loss of one to three or even one to five.

But Meng Tian knew that if he didn't try to break the situation, then all his millions of troops would be lost here.

The most powerful legion of the Great Qin Empire was wiped out by the miscellaneous soldiers of the Great Han Empire? It would be a great shame to spread the word!


In desperation, Meng Tian could only choose to march.

He has already discovered why these ants in the Han Empire are so powerful? Mainly because of Han Xin's leadership.

As long as Han Xin is killed here, these little soldiers will collapse without attacking.

So now that the Great Wall heavy infantry still has the advantage of advancing, he chose to advance.


Rumble! Rumble!

Half a million Great Wall heavy infantry surrounded the city in a huge circle and began to advance towards Han Xin's central army position.

Due to the disparity in strength, the surrounding soldiers of the Han Empire could only block with their lives.

It's just that no amount of life can at most delay the speed of Meng Tian's advancement. If you want to completely solve the Great Wall Legion, you must break through the defense of the Great Wall heavy infantry.

Although the knight-errants have a chance.

But in this chaotic battlefield, sometimes Fa Ye is the one who dies the fastest.

"Qubing, leave it to you!"

Seeing Meng Tian who is making every step of the way, Han Xin has the chance to win.

In such a chaotic battlefield, Huo Qubing's opportunity came.

Since Wei Qing's death in battle, Huo Qubing practiced his skills hard. Today, his strength has once again stepped into the realm of God.

Such talent is shocking in the world!


Huo Qubing took the order and personally led the hussars to make a surprise attack.

In an instant, traces of thunder suddenly flickered in the frozen sky.

While the thunder was raging, the body of a hundred thousand hussars was like lightning.

Before Meng Tian could react.


Lightning passed through layers of soldiers and bombarded the defense line of the Great Wall's heavy infantry.

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, and stumps flew around.

With just one surprise attack, Huo Qubing tore through Meng Tian's defense.

Compared with Ma Chao's Godrider, Huo Qubing's thunderbolt raid was faster and more powerful.

Caught off guard, Meng Tian was already in deep trouble.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

Seeing the enemies all around him, Meng Tian roared and rushed over.

He is not a commander who has no strength to restrain a chicken. As a strong man in the back of Shenmen, how could he be afraid of Huo Qubing's surprise attack?


With a slash, Huo Qubing flew backwards.

Huo Qubing didn't bring out his full potential, so in terms of strength, he couldn't compare to Meng Tian, ​​who was from the back of Shenmen.

"Oh! Come again!"

Although he was blown away with one blow, Huo Qubing was not The spear in his hand appeared in front of Meng Tian in an instant like a wandering dragon.

There is a time when youth still has an advantage, that is the unyielding fighting will and endless fighting enthusiasm!

Rumble! Rumble!

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought dozens of times. Although Huo Qubing had always been at a disadvantage, Meng Tian couldn't do anything to seal the world with one strike.

With the blessing of heaven-defying aptitude, Huo Qubing's combat experience is still soaring.

If he waited for him to understand Meng Tian's moves thoroughly, even if Meng Tian had the advantage in strength, it would be difficult for him to win the battle again.

At the same time, the fight between the hussars and the Great Wall heavy infantry continued.

These unparalleled defensive Great Wall heavy infantry actually lost some advantages in front of a hundred thousand hussars.

Although the scimitars of the hussars could not split the shields and heavy armor of the heavy infantrymen on the Great Wall, the impact carried by them was powerful enough to kill them.

Sometimes it is not necessary to use a sword to kill an enemy, internal injuries can also kill a person!

"Grind them to death!"

Finding that the soldiers under his command were at a disadvantage in single combat, Meng Tian, ​​who was fighting, gave orders aloud.

Cavalry versus infantry naturally has an advantage in arms. But Huo Qubing's hussars were only a hundred thousand.

Even if the 500,000 Great Wall heavy infantry under his command killed 200,000 people, it would still be enough to swallow up the 100,000 hussars.

Everyone is first-class strength, and they are all super god-level arms.

Sometimes the advantage of numbers can make up the gap between arms.

Today, in the battle ocean of more than 10 million soldiers. Huo Qubing's hussars can come in, but it's not certain whether they can go out!


At this time, a large army came from the left wing.

Wang Jian was full of murderous spirit, and the sharp soldiers of Qin under his command seemed to enter the land of no one.

In an instant, he entered the battlefield!

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