The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 819: ?The sad news of the order, shocking change!

Datang, Anbei Dufu.

Cheng Mu was still marching at this time.

From Anbei City to Fengzhou, the distance of thousands of kilometers is not something that can be reached in a few days.

Cheng Mu received the news that Qin and Han fought in Longxi County yesterday.

However, he felt a little regretful when he learned that Ying Zheng had no intention of continuing to fight for the time being.

'Fight, why don't you fight? '

'I'll deal with you when you're all beaten to death. '

Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng thought differently.

Ying Zhengxiong is talented and strategic, and always likes powerful enemies.

But Cheng Mu is different. If it weren't for the fact that the emperors of all empires are a group of wily old foxes, they would all want to adopt the strategy of long-distance and short-term attack.

It's a pity that what he wants to play now is what Ying Zheng and the others play.

Naturally, Cheng Mu wouldn't go to the class to play with an ax again.

Let's push the Tang Empire horizontally first. Although some countries are weak, they can increase their strength as long as they are attacked. Why not do it?

He originally wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but it was a pity that Ying Zheng and Liu Che were too shrewd.

"Your Majesty, since Ying Zheng did not choose to raise troops again, what about our Mingzhou Province?"

At this time, Guo Jia's face showed a trace of worry.

Once Liu Che makes a move, I am afraid that he will attack the Mingzhou Province of the Tianqi Empire with all his strength.

It is estimated that only in this way can the Great Han Empire truly compete with the Great Qin Empire.

Just how powerful is the Great Qin Empire? Cheng Mu actually didn't know too well. But what he knew was that even the brave and invincible Overlord of Western Chu had been kicked out of the territory of the Great Qin Empire, so it was self-evident how powerful Ying Zheng was.

"Persevere is!"

Although Cheng Mu was afraid of going to war with Tang Han at the same time. But now that things have developed to this point, we can only face it bravely.

What's more, his own Apocalypse Empire is not a soft persimmon.

Liu Che wants to seek revenge on himself? Then try it.

Zhang Liang and Han Xin's qualifications are against the sky? Could Xiao He, the provincial governor of Mingzhou, be weaker than them?

Huo Qubing came to Peerless Tianjiao? But why not Shi Dakai, Ye Xuan and others?

Anyway, everyone is an SSR, and it is not certain who will win in a real fight!

In a simple sentence, how can a person who can leave a name in history be a mediocrity?

"By the way, send an order to Zhuge Liang to support the most elite weapons and equipment in our country to the Overlord of Western Chu."

Persistence is only a last resort. Cheng Mu remembered that Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, had a cooperative relationship with him.

As long as Xiang Yu is strong enough, he can also attract part of Liu Che's firepower.

What's more, no matter how elite the equipment is, it will become obsolete, so let Xiang Yu attract Liu Che's firepower first!

Soon, I will fight Li Shimin to the death.


Anxi Protectorate.

After solving the problem of the water source, Xie Xuan led the army to drive straight in.

Since stepping into the half-step Wangchuan Realm, he felt that his strength had already touched the ceiling that this world could bear.

Raise your hands and feet to trigger the power of heaven and earth, and a little breath can shake the enemy into dust.

Great power, this is the same mighty power as heaven and earth.

If you can enter the River of Forgetfulness?

Thinking of this, Xie Xuan once again had a deep longing in his heart.

If the strength of the Ghost Dao Realm is weaker than that of the Divine Dao Realm at the beginning, it will be different once entering the Wangchuan Realm.

Step on the altar and enter the palace.

Cross the river of forgetfulness and reach the other side.

In the last two realms, the power of ghosts and gods is the same.

Especially, now that there are so few ghost immortals, ghost immortals in the Forgotten River Realm are even stronger than those in the Divine Platform Realm in terms of combat intensity.

why? Rarely haven't seen it!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

But at this moment, when Xie Xuan was immersed in the majestic power of the half-step Forgotten River Realm, the army in front suddenly heard the sound of an enemy attack.

"Huh? Datang's ambush?"

Xie Xuan opened his eyes, and a huge spiritual consciousness enveloped him.

In the next second, he looked stunned.

"A swarm of scorpions?"

At this moment, in his consciousness, densely packed black giant scorpions blocked the marching pace of the army.

Although these giant crabs only had second-tier strength, the deadly toxin caused heavy losses to first-tier soldiers.

It turned out that Lei Dun's Sand King Army was at the forefront.

This time, tens of thousands of people died in the battle of the five hundred thousand King Sha's army.


Xie Xuan snorted coldly when he saw so many short-sighted things daring to block the way.



A majestic momentum burst out from his body, passing through layers of yellow sand and bombarding the black giant crab.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Thousands of giant scorpions in front instantly turned into blood mist, and green flesh and blood flew across.

The strong poison of corrosion fell on the yellow sand, instantly corroding the yellow sand on the ground into slag.

At this time, Xie Xuan felt the same aura as King Hei Ling.

"Demon race?"

His complexion changed suddenly. How could there be demons in the land of the Tang Empire?

"It's a magic scorpion, it's a magic scorpion!"

At this time, many rangers in Nirvana's Saber Army who had participated in the second coming of the demons recognized the identity of the demon scorpion.

They looked stunned, with disbelief on their faces.

Isn't it rumored that the demons still have several years to come? Why is there a magic scorpion here?

"Report to His Majesty quickly."

At this time, Xie Xuan understood the seriousness of the problem.

Could it be that these extraterritorial demons have been hiding in the earth and stars?


In less than an hour, Cheng Mu received a message from Xie Xuan.

Seeing a magic scorpion appearing on the earth star, he felt impatient.

"Order the Hidden Dragon Envoy to thoroughly investigate this incident, and must find out the reason for the appearance of these demon scorpions."

Now he could only think of two scenarios.

The first type is that when the demons descended for the second time, the demon scorpions that descended in the desert were not discovered, so they remained hidden in the desert.

This time Xie Xuan led his army across the desert, which happened to alarm these demon scorpions.

The second type is that this group of magic scorpions has been hiding on the planet Earth for a long time. It is possible that it is not just the magic scorpion, there are other monsters hidden in the earth star at this time.

If this is the case, then these monsters will become the deadliest bombs on Earth.

Cheng Mu has a deep understanding of the power of monsters.

He didn't want his home to be overturned by these monsters when he was fighting abroad.


Qin Ning also got the news, so this time she came to serve Cheng Mu in person.

Only as the Dragon Lord can she have the strength to thoroughly investigate this matter.

"I hope the result will not surprise me too much."

After Qin Ning resigned, Cheng Mu's heart tensed up. He doesn't want any accidents to happen to his great cause of conquering the Tang Empire!

But not long after Qin Ning left, Hei Ling walked in with a sad face.

"Cheng Mu, this king is finished."

It has already sensed the breath of the group of demon scorpions in the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion.

At the same time, it also came to tell Cheng Mu a bad news.

"It's over? What do you mean?"

Cheng Mu's eyes narrowed instantly, he looked at Hei Ling, and asked, "Did you do those scorpions?"

If so, then this is really 'good news'!

Hei Ling had been under his command for so long, but he didn't know that Hei Ling still had such abilities and methods.


However, Hei Ling shook his head and said, "This king can't go back! Some of my subjects will come in advance."

Are you saying it did something wrong? no. But say no? In fact, there are some connections with it.

"What's the meaning?"

Hei Ling's words were like playing a riddle, and Cheng Mu didn't understand immediately.

Could it be that on this earth planet, the internal response of the demon race appeared again?

"What do you mean, it's not a good thing you did?"

As soon as he said this, Hei Ling's tone was extremely sad and indignant.

"Back then, I just wanted to hide a wisp of consciousness in this black cat, so as to avoid the detection of Mr. Lin."

"But why are you there?"

"It's all right now. My king's consciousness has been separated from his body for so long, and his body has reborn his consciousness."

"What you are facing now is a new Eternal Demon King!"

It is angry, he is the king of the demon clan, and he has hundreds of millions of subjects under him.

But I don't want to, such a powerful existence of myself has now become a pet of human beings.

It's okay to be a pet, and his powerful body has also been taken away by someone at this time. For a moment, it has a feeling of lovelessness.

It's too miserable, it's black order is simply the worst demon.

"You mean, someone has taken over your body and become the new Eternal Demon King?"

Cheng Mu understood the meaning of Hei Ling, he held Hei Ling in his hand, and asked in disbelief: "Then what are you?"

Could it be that the former Eternal Demon King really turned into a cat.

"The lost dog...oh no, the lost cat..."

Hei Ling looked sad: "What's the point of being alive now? It's better to die!"

Tears welled up in its eyes, and its expression was pitiful.


Cheng Mu couldn't bear it at that But he reacted in the next second.

"speak English!"

Although Hei Ling doesn't have a body now, his consciousness is still that of the Eternal Demon King.

Eternal Demon King, how could he cry and sell miserably here?

Even without a body, as long as the consciousness exists, Hei Ling is still the eternal devil!

"Cough cough."

Finding that the emotional foreshadowing is almost done, Hei Ling explained the whole story at this time.

It is true that the consciousness was born in one's own body, and it is also true that some of the people descended.

But these demons came not to invade the planet, but to find the black order.

To put it simply, the new consciousness in Hei Ling's body discovered that he was not perfect, and was almost missing something.

Only by swallowing the black order can it become the real eternal demon king.

So taking advantage of the fact that the body still has a slight connection with Hei Ling, the new consciousness in the body casts a spell to tear the barrier of this world.

Moreover, in order to be able to descend successfully, the highest strength of these descending demons was also sealed to the half-step altar.

"Half-step altars are not scary, what is scary is the endless number."

Although the black order still has some connection with the body, it can't know how many people it will come to for a while.

100 million is just a preliminary number.

For the entire planet Earth, the arrival of demons in units of one hundred million would be an endless disaster!

" are a scourge!"

Hearing that the demons came again, Cheng Mu was immediately furious.

He kicked Hei Ling away with one kick: "Now let me wipe your **** for what you have caused?"

If the empires on the planet knew that these demons were attracted by the Black Order.

He couldn't imagine the consequences.

At that time, the Apocalypse Empire will definitely be attacked by all the empires on Earth!

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