The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 820: Slow down the war situation, consolidate the victory

"Pass my order, stop marching!"

The bad news had arrived, and Cheng Mu had no intention of moving on.

The most urgent task now is to find out how long the extraterrestrial demons will come.

As for the desert magic scorpions that Xie Xuan met, they were just the vanguard of the demons.

In other words, at this moment, not only the Protectorate of the Western Regions of the Tang Empire has demons, but any country on Earth may have demons.

In this case, the goal of the war changed instantly.

Before that it could be called a civil war. And now, it's time for everyone to defend against foreign enemies together.

Not long after, pieces of information flew into Cheng Mu's hands like snowflakes.

Great Han, Great Qin, Great Song, Great Tang... Even Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire has the shadow of demons.

The battle situation on Earth and Star became extremely chaotic at this moment.

Some people want to defend against the enemy together, while others want to take the opportunity to use troops against neighboring countries.

As a result, in the entire Chinese civilization, the emperors of each empire had their own ideas.

"Your Majesty, are we going to withdraw our troops?"

Guo Jia looked at the urgent letter and hurriedly asked.

At this time, several demon armies appeared in the Apocalypse Empire.

Although Di Renjie led the local guards to strangle them, their speed of killing the demons was not as fast as that of the demons from outside the territory.

If you don't lead the army back to help, there may be turmoil in the country.

"Yes, but you can't fully refund."

Cheng Mu thought about joining forces with other countries to resist the demons outside the territory, but how could he be willing to hand over the land he just acquired to Li Shimin?

So, he made up his mind.

Order Xie Xuan and Wei Xiaobao to continue marching, and they must capture Anxi City and Andong City.

He can temporarily give up the core territory of Datang, but he will decide on the three major guards under the command of Datang!

I have spent a lot of time on my own, and I have to take something back with me!

"My minister obeys!"

Guo Jia nodded, it seemed that he also agreed with Cheng Mu's meaning.

Di Ri's sub-barbarian army retreated, and Lei Dun, the king of the Sha tribe, was also killed.

If they can't get something that satisfies their majesty, then they will fail in this battle.

Although they had the result of killing Li Jing and Li Ji, how could killing be counted as gain?

"Your Majesty, the general requests to go back first!"

Li Cunxiao was very excited.

He heard that among the descending demons there are half-step altar-level powerhouses, isn't this tailor-made for him?

He also understood Cheng Mu's personality.

The use of troops against the Tang Empire will be postponed for a while.

When I haven't had enough time to kill, the demons outside the territory are the best enemies!


Cheng Mu nodded in agreement. At present, my country is indeed empty and needs a large army to return.

Since Zuo Ci's ascension, there are actually not many powerful people in Qi Empire today.

Zhuge Liang is counted as one, and Lou Shide, who is newly surrendered, is counted as one. In addition to Xiangrui Qilin and Mr. Li, the combat effectiveness of the strong men stationed in the country is not top-notch.

However, in order to stabilize the results of the battle, Cheng Mu still left behind a large army.

Apocalypse Legion.

He stationed Guan Hai and the Apocalypse Legion here.

"I have issued an order, and Wang Tiehammer and Ou Yezi will set off today."

"When the teleportation array is successfully built, you will return by the teleportation array!"

There is no precedent for Cheng Mu to spit out something he ate.

He wants to rebuild Anbei City here, which is only a few hundred miles away from the core land of Datang.

Guan Hai and the Tianqi Legion were left behind, naturally in order to prevent Li Shimin's sneak attack and counterattack without paying attention to martial arts.

As long as the teleportation array is successfully established at that time, this place will truly become the territory of the Apocalypse Empire.

At the same time, Cheng Mu also conveyed the same order to Xie Xuan and Wei Xiaobao.

After capturing Anxi City and Andong City, they stationed in the city and waited for the teleportation array to be established.

After the construction of these three teleportation arrays is completed, once the problem of the extraterritorial demons is resolved, the army of the Tianqi Empire will be able to divide into three groups and push down horizontally.

At this moment, Cheng Mu felt the benefits brought by the arrival of the demons.

With the teleportation formation, he no longer has to worry about the logistics and supply of the army!

"The humble minister takes orders!"

Guan Hai is well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

He did not refuse, and took on such an important task without hesitation.

Li Cunxiao has Li Cunxiao's mission, and he has his mission to manage Hai.

As long as everyone performs their duties and follows Cheng Mu's order, everything is correct!


Anxi Protectorate.

Xie Xuan has already solved the problem of the magic scorpion.

He personally led the army and rushed to Gongyue City.

More than three million troops came under pressure, and the lord of Gongyue City abandoned the city and surrendered.

But just when Xie Xuan was determined to rest in Gongyue City for a day, a heavy news came.

At this moment, Anxi City is being besieged by demons from outside the territory.

"Reorganize the army and support Anxi City!"

After getting the news, Xie Xuan rushed out without even sitting on his butt.

Anxi City is his own, how can he let the demons from outside the territory take it away?


Anxi City.

As the largest city in the Anxi Protectorate, the lord of the city is Zhang Yichao, who is rarely famous in history.

However, although Zhang Yichao is not well-known in history, he is also a national hero. He led the army to drive away Tubo, and returned the land of the Western Regions that had been occupied for nearly a hundred years to the embrace of the Tang Dynasty.

Its historical status is also extremely high.

At this time, Zhang Yichao was standing on the city wall directing the soldiers to resist the attack of the demons.

Outside the city, densely packed three-legged demons were running rapidly, and the arrows shot by the soldiers defending the city could not hurt them at all.


A three-legged demon rushed under the city wall, with a sharp bone in his hand.

In an instant, the hard city bricks were cut like cutting tofu.

Using both hands and feet, the three-legged demon climbed up the city wall little by little.

"Fire oil! Fire oil!"

Zhang Yichao roared. Seeing the dense monsters crawling on the city wall, he ordered the soldiers to push down the kerosene.

In an instant, a raging fire ignited.

The scorching flame finally caused damage to the monster.

"Roar! Roar~"

With roars, large pieces of monsters fell down.

Fire oil was burning on them, and a strong burnt smell permeated the air.

However, how can mere kerosene resist the pace of monsters?

Seeing that the three-legged demon was blocked from attacking the city, the three-eyed monster behind opened its third eye.



The laser shot by the three-eyed monster pierced through the guards on the city wall in an instant.

Guards fell one after another, and even the thick battlements couldn't resist the lasers fired by the three-eyed monster.


Zhang Yichao turned his head to avoid the flying lasers.

Although the soldiers under his command were dying in battle all the time, he didn't take half a step back.

Facing the overwhelming monsters, he knew that he was the only barrier in the entire Western Region.

If I can't stop these monsters, then the endless monsters will rush to Chang'an City along the Silk Road!

He shoulders heavy responsibility!

Rumble! Rumble!

Under Zhang Yichao's command, the catapults on the city wall began to show their power.

A huge stone, each blow can take the lives of hundreds of monsters.

At the same time, the winch crossbow on the city wall also began to show its power.

Facing the crossbow arrows that are more than one meter long, even monsters with strong defenses have to avoid its edge.

Why are monsters so powerful? The main reason is that they have an incomparable number of other races.

Coupled with the characteristics of low intelligence and cruelty, monsters have naturally become the nightmare of many races!

Under the triple obstruction of catapults, ballistas, and kerosene, the pace of attack by the monsters outside the city was finally slowed down.

On the city wall, many soldiers were about to show a trace of joy on their faces.

But at this moment, before a smile appeared on Zhang Yichao's face.

call out!


A sharp sword flew over, and the huge power directly shattered the gate of Anxi City.

Zhang Yichao was also thrown backwards by the shock.

He wanted to save the surrounding soldiers, but under the sharp sword energy, all the city guards turned into blood mist.

"Hmph! A group of pigs!"

In the sunlight, a three-meter-tall demon man appeared on the battlefield.

He was dressed in black, with swords in his hands and bone spurs in his feet. Under the sunlight, his body actually emitted bursts of black streamer.

A terrifying breath emanated from his body. This is a sword demon with half-step altar-level strength.

If he hadn't restrained his strength.

Otherwise, he could destroy this city with one strike!


The appearance of the Sword Demon made Zhang Yichao, who had just stabilized his figure, change suddenly.

He didn't dare to imagine that what he was going to face was actually a half-step altar-level powerhouse.

"Could it be that the sky is going to kill me in the Western Regions?"

Why does Sword Demon call himself a human being a pig? That's because human flesh and blood is a nourishing food for monsters, a delicacy.

The Sword Demon kept his hand also because there are millions of delicacies in the city at this time!


The sword demon made another volley of swords.

In an instant, Zhang Yichao only felt a mountain pressing down on him.

He wanted to resist, but the gap in strength made him feel desperate.

He is only a strong man at the beginning of the Shenmen realm, and he was promoted to the Shenmen realm only after Yuan Tiangang gave a gift to the Tang Empire when he ascended.

At this time, he has not even consolidated the realm of the initial stage of Shenmen, how can he resist the sword demon who is half-stepped into the stage of God?

"Huh? Interesting, interesting."

The sword demon seemed to be teasing him, the power carried by the sword energy was only slightly enhanced.

He wanted to see Zhang Yichao, a little bit of flesh and blood burst to death!

"Don't hurt our general!"

At this time, seeing Zhang Yichao in desperation, the millions of returnees in the city roared.

In an instant, a huge military spirit appeared on the battlefield.

This is a male lion condensed by blood, its majestic might knocks the sword demon back half a step.

"Oh? This is the rumored military soul?"

Seeing the appearance of the blood-colored lion, although the Sword Demon was surprised, he was not afraid.

Although Zhang Yichao's Guiyi Army is also a special unit, its strength is only at the overlord level.

And the strength of the military soul condensed by the overlord level is only at the initial stage of the divine sect.

Under the momentum of millions of rebels who regard death as home, the strength of the blood-colored giant lion can set foot in the middle of Shenmen.

But so what?

His sword demon is a genuine half-step altar-level powerhouse.

What's more, his combat power is stronger than the half-step altar powerhouse of human beings!

"So, this demon will play with you!"

The blood-colored giant lion aroused the interest of the Sword Demon, and at the same time, he smelled a delicious smell from the giant lion.

In an instant, he fell in love with the giant lion.

"It seems that the taste of the military soul is much more delicious than the taste of pig meat!"

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